My friend is about to come off a 7-year prison sentence. What kinos from that time does he absolutely NEED to see...

My friend is about to come off a 7-year prison sentence. What kinos from that time does he absolutely NEED to see? He already watched Mad Max and Interstellar while in jail.

Pic related. DKR is the last movie he saw before his arrest. So you can skip that one.

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Jails getting too soft


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>DKR is the last movie he saw before his arrest.
Was getting caught part of his plan?

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>Green Mile
>Escape from Alcatraz
>Skull Island

if i drop the soap would i die?

Lotta loyalty for someone he hasn't seen in 7 years!

It would be extremely pleasurable

For Poo.


>DKR is the last movie he saw before his arrest.
How awful

What did he do?

They get to watch movies in prison? When I got grounded I couldn't even watch movies and rapist and killers get to?


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they probably have a shitty tv with cable on it and fx or some channel played those movies

Why don’t you just kill your criminal “””””friend””””” for the betterment of society instead?

Involuntary manslaughter. Some drunk dude called him a faggot, so my friend flipped him onto his head. The guy lingered a few days and died

What a fucking nigger. You're both faggots and he should get far more than 7 years.

>so my friend flipped him onto his head.
can you explain what happened without using whitetrash/nigger speak? try to concentrate really really hard.
