How about a breakfast with substance??
Do Japanese really eat this garbage?
>eating breakfast
Do Americans really get upset by reasonable portions
you do know normal breakfast is coffee and cigarettes
>circular cut of meat
>bread is square
Looks like a nice breakfast, ham on buttered toast with a couple tomatoes and some lettuce. Maybe it's prosciutto but that seems pretty ritzy for breakfast.
No, I usually just choke down a couple cups of coffee in lieu of food anyways
>How about a breakfast with substance??
2000 calories of fried cheese isn't substance, burger
For some reason I read this and now it is really getting to me.
Someone answer them please. WHY??!
>Ate a 5 sausage links, 3 scrambled eggs, and a half cup of spinach between 2 pieces of wheat bread for breakfast
>6 ounce chicken breast and a half cup of rice for lunch
>An apple, a granola bar, and a Hershey's Special Dark for a pre-workout meal
>2 hot dogs with chilli and slaw, a Double Whopper, and a 10 piece chicken nugget for dinner
Kinos for this feel
What are ya gonna eat it on? Some kinda, what? Round bread?
What I want to know is why do they make small amounts of like 8 things?
2 things are good, 3 thing are great 4 things is getting too much...but they bot like 3 bento boxes of different things and they make it all before school.
Sounds like you ruined your diet. You should try one meal a day.
Did you even workout or was shoveling all that shit down your fatass throat "exercise"
I'm not dieting though, I'm eating like shit and chasing strength gains for an ssfat body
Jap food is onions incarnate.
Oi, you got a loicense for that post?
>dirty bulking
gross desu
I played basketball for 3 hours and half-assed a lift over an hour and a half. I maintained on 3000 calories, I have to eat like an absolute pig to gain anything
You gained my respect, pig!
Enjoy the heart attack
>Half of a ham sandwich that someone stopped making halfway through
get it together slopes
redpill me on the Japanese and their love of onions
I sleep in and go in late to work. Looking forward to lunch is the only thing that gets me up anymore.
based intermittent fasting posters
where do you think ham comes from, square pigs?
Literally what is the point of breakfast if you aren't doing harsh manual labor right after? I can understand pro athletes, ditch diggers, or farmboys eating it but past that fuck no. Lunch is the only meal you need. Dinner if you prefer to wait right before resting.
Ooohhhh, duh!
>t. 5'6 manlet twink with a 1600 calorie TDEE
I'm 6' foot 204 pounds and average 1500 cal a day. Currently cutting. Breakfast is not needed, even when bulking.