Reactions in 4 hours

Predict them

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>an instant classic"
>"surpasses the original by far"

burgers will jizz over negros cast, the reso of the world won't give a shit and will talk about animation of something
overall pointless trash remake with shitload of CGI

He's going to say the N word

>hurrr durr I came in with no expectations but it was the best movie I've ever seen I definitely didn't expect this wtf I love the mouse he doesn't have a gun to my head.

I also expect a lot of Beyonce worship for being queen nig nog.

don't these live action remakes tend to get mediocre reviews?? I mean really what score can you give a SHOT FOR SHOT remake of the original cartoon?
is it just as good as the original seeing as a lot of it is 1 for 1 copy but with lifeless cgi?? if the original is good...then the remake would logically have to be just as good

peak zoomer humour here

>Do you know what year it is sire?

It's going to be shit

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Internet “”””””””critics”””””””” (mostly “influencer” bloggers) will lose their shit over it just like they do with every Disney movie.
Actual critics will probably hate it. They usually dislike these remakes.

However when the audience response is more mixed, these same critics will blame any and all criticisms on “Russian troll bots” or some shit.

Disney has this approach perfected by now

Why didn't they make simba black?


Based Disney does it again

You retards really should've learned by now that BASED. DISNEY. ALWAYS. WINS.

why is it legal for captcha to be the slow fading one with fire hydrants, and then you pick all of them, and the last one gets a new fire hydrant 5 times and you just give up I'm living in hell, I've been here since 2005 please send me help why do I even bother posting

I can easily picture Oliver's head on a bird's boy and him pecking at a person's face like a disgusting bird of prey with the nose being his peak but his face expressionless the entire time. It just fits.

If you are getting the slow load captcha it means you're posting too much.

>all black cast
>disney movie
yeah i'm thinking it'll be hailed as the second coming despite being an obviously soulless cash grab

Glowing, obviously. Because they're tasteless retards and because Disney.

If only there was a way to bypass the captcha

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You guys are such whiney pissants.

I'm gonna go see this and be excited cause I like cats.

Please use a tripcode. Your identity is crucial to this conversation, because nobody wants to see your posts whatsoever.

Jungle Book got really good reviews, but the rest have had mediocre reactions.

a wild lion will shoot up the theater

>Just got out of the theater for #LionKing. All I can say is... Wow, Disney has recaptured the magic of the original and even more so.


slay queen reaction because negroids doing everybody

Because the original Jungle Book has an objectively awful script and there's nowhere to go but up in a remake

What if they will praise visual layer but criticize unaudiable nog-talk dialouge?

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Would never ever happen. Not only does it have James Earl Jones back, but everyone other big name yass slay woke kang and qween (and Eric Andre for some reason).

60-70% on RT, reviews will call the casting the best part of it

Yeah but what if normal audience won't be able to understand nog-talk?
>yaa simbah, das all yar, ur a kang
*shitty rap plays*

>The cast is much more racially accurate. It's the replacement that the original movie needs.

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That would actually be hilarious.

Disappointment covered up by generic shit like “It’s a fun good time but falls short of the original. But the original is a masterpiece so that’s hard to do.” I fucking hate The Lion King anyway so I can’t wait to see all the negative fan reactions.

Glad to see the nigga from the Paranoid Android music video is getting work.

>Do a shot for shot remake
>Keep the original voices
How would you feel?

Just as pointless

It's still a waste of money.

Current Zazu

Billy from the Street is the worst part
Drab colors compared to the original
Loses that emotional spark due to it being photorealistic lions

That's my guess


Nala is the real hero
Simba is the dimwitted male
The matriarchs rise up against Scar who is basically Trump
Hyenas represent the alt right

Just buy a gold pass for $20 bro, you don't have $20 on you?!

An all BLACKED cast with the exception of 3 beta non-Lion comic relief characters.

You know they are all going to be 100% positive

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Overwhelming positivity from the blue checkmark brigade and "critics" but real people will just say its meh.

The cast of this is a who's who of pretentious woke liberals with punchable faces

Iger, the man who decided to put Star Wara on a conveyor belt, is so creative, remaking every animated classic in mostly mediocre and bland souless conveyor belt moviemaking.

The lion king was a kids cartoon, it worked for kids. You project onto simba and its cool. The spinoff with timon and pumba was cool too. But if any of these moomers go see this and come out not absolutely shattered that theyre no longer children and cannot quite connect the way they used to, i call bullshit. Its not even that an adult cannot enjoy a cartoon, hell i still watch old ass bugs bunny and tom and jerry and get some laughs out of it, its that lion king is such a stupid ass story, that all this worship is reddit tier infantilism

Nah, they'll definitely throw in some "yasss" moments for Nala, but they won't fuck up Simba too bad, since it would be a discredit to "black excellence."

Classic Yea Forums manbaby responses.

This dude knows what's up

I dont really understand why they went this route. Clearly its an attempt to say black people good, but why make those characters voiced by whites then? Timon and Pumba are vastly more popular than any of the lions except for maybe Scar. Zazu isnt quite so popular but I would find it extremely to difficult to believe there is any human alive that came away from the lion king liking him less than, say, Nala or the one Beyonce is playing.
Speaking of Beyonce, who else cant wait for her absolute mauling of Circle of Life that critics will call stunning and brave?

And yet another Yea Forums manbaby response. Beyonce can produce music better than this entire board combined.

Pretty much this. I've hated beyonce ever since Destiny's Child. She always demanded to be the star of the group and if one of the other girls tried to rise up she would kick the bitch out of the group.

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Beyonce doesnt have one good song in her entire catalog


Why did they do this?

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Says the manbaby who spends 16 hours a day on Yea Forums complaining about the success of others. Try having sex.

Oh i didnt realize Beyonce was the one who produced the song circle of life.
Crazy because I was under the impression the song was already produced and completed in 1994 and that the beyonce version is just a cover with her doing the singing.
Damn I guess this song that has existed for a quarter century was just one big mass hallucination people have been having. Good for Beyonce for single handedly producing this brand new song that im sure will have lots of soul and will not in any way be a soulless cash grab.

Watch the original again. Simba already was retarded and Nala and the other females defeated scar

Beyonce hasn’t produced shit. She’s a vocalist. She just sings whatever garbage lyrics she’s handed.

Not casting at least one Hispanic to play a hyena . I'm out. This movie can go fuck itself.

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1/10 for making reply but you clearly were covering your eyes and ears for the entire finale if thats what you thought happened.

The Zion Kings

>shitload of CGI
It's literally all CGI. It's an animated film that's marketing itself as live-action and is eligible for Best Animated Feature if Disney wanted.

Lmao, all african lions are black but it is too much to ask for danish mermaid to be white

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>10/10 greatest movie ever (pls dont blacklist me disney)

you are aware that although the voice actors are indeed black, the characters (you know, the part that matters) are still in fact Lions and not black people.
Kind of like how Samurai Jack is still a japanese Samurai because thats what the god damn fucking character is even though his voice actor is black.

The real gold for Disney here is they can earn woke points for all the black actors, but have the entire thing dubbed in other countries so places like China will still watch.

I hate pretty much every Disney movie but as long as they go through on their promise of killing Netflix I can tolerate it for the time being.

This. They can have an "all black cast" without having to put any actual black people on screen while still having super marketable white names for the worldwide audience.

slow fading fucking captchas suck ass almost as hard as "IP range abuse" or whatever the fuck that shit is.

Kurt Cobain has a billion views on Teen Spirit. Beyonce has jack shit. You should listen to some seether nirvana covers.

tomatoe potato

>Not Rowan Atkinson
Not interested.

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True, HOWEVER unlike based James Earl Jones most of the cast have STRONG blacksents when they speak. Every time a soulless lion opens it's CGI mouth you will be reminded that he was voiced by a black person. It will take you out of the movie and remind you that this is just a shitty live action cash grab PC remake.

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Beyonce is trash, but so are you. Shit taste my dude.

This fucking guy.
This fucking guy right here gets it.

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Donald Glover and Ejiofor, absolutley do not. Beyonce I guess does but her character isnt really important, unless I have it mixed up and shes playing Nala. I dont fucking know. Either way the vast majority of lines go to Simba and Scar, and then when Timon and Pumba come in they kind of steal the show.
Only the Hyenas will have obvious black accents and disney will come across as accidentally racist for having only the hyenas talk like niggers.

Wow, you had to have been the darkest turd in that cesspool you called home. I cant believe you hadnt eaten your fuckin fingers yet and can type at all, considering they look just like small wieners to you microcephalic zika babies.

Disney actually hasn't called it live-action, but everyone else is.

Seether fan is seething.
Did your stepdad give you a nice gift for your 14th birthday the other day?

Disney's latest series of live action movies have taught me that it is possible to be passionately despondent.

>A powerful update to a beloved classic, The Lion King brings the story to life with a cast that gives new dimensions to the characters you know and love, and infuses them with a timely sense of rebellion and dignity that the Trump era desperately needs

>Beyonce I guess does but her character isnt really important, unless I have it mixed up and shes playing Nala. I dont fucking know
Beyonce is playing Nala, and yes it will be irritating. They used her voice for the trailer, and my ears bleed.

Oh wow the reactions are out already?

this is disgustingly correct

>Changing Ed's name to some African shit

>A powerful update
How very (((((BRAVE)))))
Let me just guess what the comments are saying down at the bottom of the article...

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Fuck off

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I wasn’t going to watch it anyways so I don’t care.

>entire movie is voice acted
>not a single actual voice actor was cast (unless you count James Earl Jones)
Bravo Disney. Then again, stunt casting celebrity actors with no VA experience in VA roles has been in vogue since Aladdin came out and everyone subsequently ignored why Robin Williams actually worked. And people wonder why animation as an art is dying.

>This is the Lion King we NEED right now

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What’s funny is that big name actors don’t sell movies anymore. They could get these great voice actors and sell the movie based on the property and how good the trailers are. No one is seeing this movie just for Donald Glover and Beyoncé. No one.

Donald Glover isn't even relevant anymore. He peaked with Redbone and This is America. That's the problem when you cast people who are fotm billboard toppers for huge projects that take years.

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>stellar voice cast
always a sign the movie is terrible

>Zuzu went on a 30 minute rant about Trump towards the end

>100 % totally not a cash in

aren't some location and background shots real?

>I mean. Come on, Scar. It's CURRENT YEAR.
>I am asking my fellow lions to MAKE SCAR SCAT AGAIN. #MAKESCARSCATAGAIN
>Scar has ties with Hyenas. Would any fellow lions want a Hyena for a pride leader? I certainly wouldn't

We’ll find out in 15 minutes