But, she knows her father. He's IN the movie. How can she be black?

But, she knows her father. He's IN the movie. How can she be black?

Attached: ariel black.jpg (1000x541, 65K)

Other urls found in this thread:


stop paying attention, leave it to flop like nutcracker shit
i'm pretty sure this casting will not apeal little girls all around the world anyway

Lots of black people know their father, shitlord. You don't need to see someone every month or at every single birthday to know them. The morons here get worse every day.

Yeah sure they do Jamal, is he back from the smoke shop yet?

>Lots of black people know their father, shitlord. You don't need to see someone every month or at every single birthday to know them.
Nigger COPE lol

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Fuck you, bash the fash, nazi trash. Hope your weak ass shows your face at a protest sometime.



Incel. She'll never love you.

Black men only leave if it’s a son.
If it’s a daughter there are a few years where she isn’t forming memories so he can do whatever he wants with her.

This makes me sick to my tummy.

Attached: inna-drofa-367.jpg (1373x1277, 206K)

Nice projection, pedo. Look up stats on pedophile ethnicities one day, dumbass.

trips of truth have spoken.

King Triton probably won't even be black LOL
Her sisters will be some multicultural clique

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> imagine trying to take an interest in current events, only to be brainwashed into racism and idiocy by cartoons and memes

I feel sorry for these people. You're too stupid, you never had a chance in the world.

Do merfolk do external or internal fertilization?

External, no sex in Disney

How come they couldn't make Mulan black? Or Aladdin Asian?

Attached: wth.gif (200x293, 1.75M)

Racism is literally the opposite of brainwashing, it's looking at reality.

That Ariel isn't black, she looks Mexican.

That explains her wet back!

>Mulan black

Attached: mulan.jpg (577x753, 255K)

Your "reality" isn't backed by data, statistics, science, common sense, etc. Those are kind of a prerequisite.

It's just a bunch of weak, underachieving scrap men who can't get laid, get mad, and blame an entire race. It isn't funny or edgy or "kino", it's just dull, and a touch pathetic.

But you know, you do you.

kek, should shop her into a pic of the Rio Grande.

Because according to disney and the hordes of twitter niggers, whites aren't allowed to have culturally significant characters.

because Mulan is a chinese human and Aladdin is middle eastern human?

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>because Mulan is a chinese human and Aladdin is middle eastern human?
Ariel literally becomes a white human. So is there a difference?

>So is there a difference?
she's not a human... she's a mermaid/sea mammal.
whatever she "becomes" through sorcery is irrelevant.

Attached: 28936716778.gif (440x248, 637K)

>whatever she "becomes" through sorcery in this fantasy tale full of sorcery is irrelevant.

Attached: 1558204687082.jpg (1024x923, 162K)

This unironically convinced me to vote for Trump. I hate him, but SJWs are insufferable, and have to be opposed.


Because the Chinese and the Arabs would lose their shit. And rightly so. Disney knows the whites are too cucked to resist and can be shit on with impunity.

>Do not cross
And it was neko Ritsu

That white people project their pedophilia onto other races, when the stats show that sex crimes are an exclusive white pass time?

Yeah, I agree, "ironic".

What if the sorcery made her white w red hair?

>I finna be where da honkeys be at

>Ay Mistah LBJ witch, when you gonna bus my ass ova to the white man's land?

t. angry white boy


It's not a crime if it's legal. Retard.

>Your "reality" isn't backed by data, statistics, science, common sense, etc. Those are kind of a prerequisite.

Attached: 1543038181554.gif (320x352, 837K)

A meme for morons. Try reading a book after your next toothless klansman convention.

Okay. White people's propensity to rape and molest isn't legal though. I guess those IQ memes were just memes, here another fragile white moron, coasting through life on his skin color when he's obviously too stupid to make it in the world everyone else lives in.

Outdated & skewed numbers. You know what? Fuck the race bait, just say it: You hate black people and the fact they exist bothers you. You'd be respected more.

No, but Mexico's propensity is.

I'll have you know my cousin loves me quite a good deal, she told me so right after our last lynching!

Niggers have hair like steel wool crossed with greasy pubes. They also literally smell musky as fuck. 99% of them are fat as shit or dumb as hell.

Im voting for trumo too
Fuck sjw
Fuck black lives matter
Fuck feminism
Fuck uppity blacks

Now, Buford, stop that there talking about Amy Jo!

Christ the right is sad

Hispanics don't commit sex crimes, generally. Rape, molestation, and serial killing are white culture.

I guess you can toss "make cowardly racist posts on Yea Forums that you're too weak to say IRL" in there too maybe.

>Your "reality" isn't backed by data, statistics, science
Nigger that's how you get retards spamming off topic videos showing that not to be the case.
Unless that's your intention, in which case fuck off, this "Television & Film" not "Deconstruction of Liberal World Views".

Black people have never built anything.
If slavery didnt exist, your ancestors would be eating mud and you wouldlive in the jungle

Attached: 3880E158-DFC2-4A03-997F-A354E126CB12.jpg (737x866, 97K)

>leave it to flop like nutcracker shit
legit did not know this was ever a movie, wow

And your mother would be sucking WHITE dicks behind the dumpster while your dad records it. Imagine the horror user.


Get new material, mayoboy.

Trips of truth, good on ya Clem


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You'll never bed a woman, and people are repulsed by you, so I doubt you'll get much chance to be repulsed by hair.

And they don't smell, that's stupid. Not everyone needs to bathe every day, that's an invention of white culture that you foist onto everyone else without thinking or caring, because you're too stupid to consider the ideas of other cultures. The world abounds in people that perfectly happy to smell human, and not like a spill at bath and body works.

And we all know fat, toothless red hat racists like you aren't known for their hygiene anyways. Most of you smell like a beer soaked onion, or dirty underwear. Glass houses, Cletus.

Yeah! This is Yea Forums, where we bitch about Jews!!

Since ariel is black now, will she have an abortion?
Will ariel be addicted to ocean cocaine?
Will ariel have aids?

I mean, this is true to the black ecperience

>lol it was weak user and i barely care but i'll only give a one word reply
destroyed faggot LOL

Yeah like every white character is a fat heroin addict that shoots up schools and cries on twitter with anime avatars.

Careful shaniqua. Your mom might hear you and bring her pimp to stomp you

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Next hollywood is going to shove a black hitler down our throats. We will have to take it or they will call us racists because we cant accapt a black furor.

Will ariel have an IQ of 75% like most american blacks?

The argument I hear is "their ethnicities are intrinsic to their characterization" since Mulan is a chinese legend, and Aladdin is middle eastern - and Ariel is different because mermaids are mythical creatures - to which I respond, what if they cast a white guy as Anansi or the Monkey King.

why can't the right meme bros?

fucking lol get a load of this big brain

Unda da sea
Di$ney paid me
Cracka's be frownin'
Help me I'm drownin'

No, you make jokes about it, you don't go into it expecting "oh, THIS comment on a shitty mongolian crochet forum's Yea Forums board convinced me about the kikes", it's just jokes and anyone who says otherwise is retarded, the same goes for /pol/.
This is coming from someone who wishes that Lincoln lived so he could enact his deportation plan.

Black people built most of the ancient world, and a good deal of the modern world. All white Europeans do is steal it afterwards. Every continent, from North America to Asia, owes a night unpayable debt - culturally, and practically - to black folks.

Meanwhile, all white people can do, when they aren't stealing the contribution of others, is cry and make shit up behind a screen. Pathetic. The age of the parasite won't last forever, I hope you and your culture figure out how to be worth a shit to somebody before then.

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> white people think I is a percentage

Wow, what a "master race" you've got there...

Nigger female hair doesn't agree with water. I wonder how many pajeets is Disney going to outsource to just for her CGI hair alone.

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>this wall of text
Why cant niggers handle the bants? Low IQ?

This can't be serious... Nigger proves they "know" their father by saying how absent and uninvolved he is. Amazing.

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>Will Ariel have an IQ of 75 like most americans?
Fixed that for you

>See this is banter, so he shouldn't feel a certain way even though the actual bigots feel they should undermine and dehumanize other races! NIGGGGGGGGGGGGGER!!!!

If black people are such genius scientists then why is africa a shithole. Riddle me that Batman. Why is every black neighborhood in America a diseased ghetto hell hole.
If you guys are such rocket scientists, why cant you even graduate high school?

Why don't racist whites have basic literacy? They're literally too stupid to read a paragraph, lol.

Fragile white 4channers are like talking to a gorilla with sign language or something, it's unreal. No wonder white demos are failing around the world, even AFTER centuries of stealing the labor, creativity, and scientific achievements of others, blacks most especially.

I'm not trying to skip into the trap and become "just like you", but Yea Forums makes it hard sometimes. I have to keep telling myself that you aren't ALL white people, just ~40% of them. There are good ones, somewhere.

>Eurotrash opinions

Maybe they'll make him an African ocean god instead of a Greek ocean god.

All trump winning was make more liberal while donald sucks off Jews and corporations. You're both absolutely braindead like all Republicans

based seething nigger subhuman

All of these things are more popular than ever. Have you even seen a tv show in the last 3 years? Thanks for fucking us over because of your Yea Forums brainwashing you mongoloid

Blacks have higher percentages of pedophiles than whites desu. They don't do the whole candyvan act that much, they usually fuck their own children.

Again, because what would be a sex crime in the US is legal in Mexico. You're really not good at this logic thing. I expect nothing less from someone who thinks racists are brainwashed LOL.

Imagine caring about this. Imagine actually getting upset about a cartoons hair to the point of literal obsession

Most of Yea Forums is teenagers. You are a black man arguing with with kids. Congratulations, you played yourself.

Unironically because of white European thieves. For centuries, when white people showed up in your national "neighborhood", property value went way the fuck down, metaphorically speaking. Cities like Nairobi are flourishing, but it takes longer than a few decades to clean up the damage of CENTURIES of white people.

The real question is, how much shittier would Europe be if they had to rely on white people, rather than stealing production, arts, and science from others, especially in Africa. That would be a REAL shit hole. That's why they invite migrants in now, to try to maintain the stolen white society and stolen white culture, without needing to rely on a white population that is largely lazy, unread, and creatively bankrupt.

But you know, go ahead and meme and "red pill" and all that garbage, "master race". You look pathetic, and your people are falling fast on the world stage without theft to thrive on.

Based Disney making incels absolutely hysterical

lemmie guess, YOU WUZ KANGZ N SHIIIIEEET, right?

I don't know how the whites put up with you. If you wretches were in any other land the natives would put you in your place.

Because da evil whyte man be keepin us down! We're so smart and outnumber whites 3-to1 yet somehow fail at every effort to shake their oppressive strangehold.

You both need to do some research, independent of memes and Yea Forums, because you've both been led to believe some pretty stupid shit. Where's your data or source on any of this?

You won't find one, because it's made up, but you get all your "knowledge" from Yea Forums infographics. Rapists, molesters, and serial killers are almost EXCLUSIVELY white. Sexual deviance is at the core of most white culture, if you ever cared enough to look at something critically for a change.

Despite making up 13% of the population, blacks commit over half of all crimes, including rapes and murder.
A sad, disgusting culture and race, to be quite honest.

Democrats want literal open borders
They want free health care for illegals
Trans kids being strippers
Hormone blockers on toddlers
Raise taxes
War with north korea
War with iran

Yeah....i think trump wins

It is proven by research that black people have lower IQ than anyone else.

And those people you are talking about arent just white, they were Jews. Jews control the banking system. Wall stteet, congress and they control hollywood

>wall of text
go the fuck back to twitter fragile ass cumskin tranny

Lies aren't facts, even if you see them repeated 10,000 times on Yea Forums by other sad little white boys with poor prospects and little understanding of the world. Try to educate yourself for a change, instead of being the kind of moron that believes memes and made up infographics.

White racists are so gullible, I almost can't fault them. I don't mean this disparagingly towards the disabled, but it's like trying to get mad at someone with a learning disability, and you just can't. They never had a chance in this world, poor things. It isn't malice, they just legit don't know any better.

None of what you said is true. Trump might win but it will be due to low IQ low info voters like yourself that parrot facebook memes like some kind of brain addled boomerkin.


I have a hard STEM degree. You are objectively wrong. You can start out reading The Bellcurve. Racism is 100% based in reality. Why else would """racist white people""" openly admit East Asians and Jews are smarter than Whites?

You can say obsessing over this shit is cringeworthy and that it won't make your life any better. That's probably true. But to say that it isn't reality is objectively wrong.

I actually wish it wasn't real and we would live a world where nurture beats nature. Sadly the science is very clear on this on every front. Nurture does have some effect but it's completely neglegible compared to genetic factors. This is sad. I'm all for being empathetic and friendly to people if other races. but as a scientist, I'd rather live in a world where people at least know the truth before they decide how to deal with that information.

Africans are less smart and more violent on average.
East Asians are smarter and less violent on average.

These differences are caused by their genes, not their culture. Throughout evolution their geographical location formed their genes and culture arose as a consequence of those genes, not the other way around.

I wish it wasn't so but it is.

Proven by "research", lol, where? Where's your data?

When you have an IQ that's a little higher than the gutter white racists live in, that sort of obvious "I don't actually know what the fuck I'm talking about" weasel language doesn't work, fyi for the future.

White racists are so sad, they base their whole world on made up memes and bullshit from OTHER white racists who are just as ignorant. A human centipede of poor education and hygiene.

blacks dont swim.

Attached: 1562384560057.jpg (500x667, 50K)

Once again I am reminded that the greatest crime of the white man was not that he enslaved the black man, but that he set the black man free.

That's not even correct either. Aladdin was an Asian story

Because whites bad


The bell curve is racist tripe, written by two white racists, with the explicit intention of lying to discredit black intelligence. It has been decried as unscientific in every corner. That isn't a source, that is a Yea Forums infographic meme that someone bound and published.

Attached: Screenshot (5276).png (1325x689, 391K)

Kinda sorta. The original story is indeed set in China, but it is an Arabic story. They mostly use the name of China to invoke a sense of a faraway and exotic land. But the fictional China described in the story may as well be an Arab land; the characters are Muslim and follow Arab social mores.

Im only replying for the other people reading because this is clearly a retarded deranged tumblr antifa shill

Corey booker and beto went to campaign for US president IN MEXICO
Google it. They to mexico recently

Everyone at the dem debate was asked if they would give free health care to illegals and they all said yes.

Democrat candidates were angry at trump for meeting with kim jong un and called it unpatriotic.
They all wanted trump to go to war with iran over the drone iran destroyed

Democrats called the border immoral and beto and corey booker said they would take the border down.
Joe biden said he would want to receive illegals and give them free health care

>Cities like Nairobi are flourishing

If white people were still able to steal the labors, creativity, and intelligence of black folks so freely - perhaps their nations wouldn't be slipping from their grasp, and perhaps their rotting cultures wouldn't be losing to black experience and black creation in the marketplace of ideas.

If there had been no slavery, maybe white culture would have been forced to stand on it's own meager merits for once, and maybe would have been made equal to the greater cultures of history for it. We'll never know.

boring uninteresting color tones!

Bernie Sanders, bernie samders, kamala Harris and Pocahontas elizabeth warren all said they will raise taxes when campaigning

Mozart, Bach, Beethoven,
All white.

What amazing world changing artists does Africa has?

Except you need to prove that definitively through genotypical and phenotypical analysis and experimentation, not through misleading statistics like that ridiculous Africans at 60 IQ shit. 60 IQ isnt enough to fucking learn a language. CLEARLY there is something else contributing.

Its also a complete misunderstanding of evolution.

Beyond that, your ilk are undeniably horrible people that support a dead genocidal ideology and would murder millions if they had the tools to. You align yourself with their cause because you don't actually care about the wellbeing of people. You're just evil

Victorian depictions of the story set him in/as Asian. The stories in 1,000 tales are a huge amalgamation of stories stretching from MENA to East Asia and India. Asian Aladdin would have historical roots and wouldn't be an arbitrary change

Look at a white city like Detroit or NYC, or even a post working town like Gary Indiana sometime, and then the beauty of Nairobi at night, or any of a dozens other thriving African economic centers. There's nothing to "lol" about, unless you're amused by the decline of your own Euro-centric culture.

Everything successful in the "white world" was built a long time ago, by someone else. Now, that's all crumbling, lazy and incapable whites can't carry it forward, and "someone else" is building up their OWN cities now.

"lol", Cletus

The pioneer of genetic research and highest authority on the science confirmed the White-Black IQ disparity as well. Face it Jamal, no form of psuedoscience will change the objective truth that the black race is the dumbest of all.

>You're just evil

Moral anti-realist


Have you seriously never heard a native African? They have no language, just a series of grunts and shrieks. You know retard, no matter how fluffy you try to make your writing sound, your content lacks substance. Just a bunch of insults.

Chinafag here. If Sub-saharan blacks are just as intelligent as every other race, why is it that historically the blacks never developed a written language? Why have they never articulated any complex philosophies or principles of rulership? Why have the blacks only built three structures of above one story tall of stone in an entire continent, when multi-story stone structures were widespread and plentiful in all other lands?

Why is it that in the modern era all black-majority regions/lands are filled with poverty and failure? inb4 'muh colonialism,' many other lands were subject to the same colonialism but are well on the way in development today.

Where are the fruits of their supposedly equal intelligence? inb4 'the whites stole them all,' if you were of the same intelligence as the whites, how is it that they tricked you to steal from you, and why is it that you couldn't recover the things which they stole?


Beethoven was black, and white Europeans with essentially no culture of their own have been stealing it from others, chiefly nearby Africa, for a LOOOONG time. It's so prevalent, that virtually any white "artist" you can name will be found to have been influenced by the better developed cultural output of blacks - or, even more often and even less surprising, that he stole it altogether. White "culture" is one of theft, one that encourages violence, sexual deviance, etc, and it's been that way for centuries.

Much trash as white racists talk here, white people really ought to look in a mirror and start cleaning their own filthy house.

>If white people were still able to steal the labors, creativity, and intelligence of black folks so freely
If blacks were so intelligent, how did whites steal these things so freely? Your entire narrative makes no sense. If they could trick you like that it seems to indicate that they were smarter than you.

If blacks are so smart, then why are they niggers/

Are you guys legitimately retarded? No black person talks like that.

>I just donated $2000 to my future wife on twitch

>Except you need to prove that definitively through genotypical and phenotypical analysis and experimentation
Shitlibs like you have never had to go to such extreme lengths to claim their ideological beliefs are true.

Where was the genotypical and phenotypical analysis and experimentation used to justify the claim that blacks should be treated as our equals?

Did this nigga seriously claim that Nairobi > NYC?

The wish-granting djinn is a fixture of Arabic folklore though. I'm Chinese and I can tell you, there's nothing like such an entity in Chinese folklore. Nor do we have any local variants on the story, which seems to indicate it doesn't have any historical roots in China, at least.

Are all those mermaids besides Ariel daughters of King Triton?

External. Merpeople have penises and vaginas under their tails.

I'm not trying to sound racist - but historically, blacks have always been more productive, more creative, and GENERALLY more intelligent, with a very outsized proportion of human scientific advancement coming from blacks.

But one aspect of a more "advanced" culture is less aggression, and that isn't always an advantage. Europeans have always been warlike and violent, and you can see how history went.

Africans build wonders, created works of beauty, and unlocked creation's mysteries, but that isn't much help when a culture of people who focus a lot of time on killing people, or figuring out how to kill more efficiently, show up.

I'm sure even softbrained Yea Forums racists can understand the concept of the intelligent and industrious artist not necessarily being able to out fight a violent barbarian. Historically, that's what white culture is, violence, and using violence to take from the people and cultures that don't place such a focus on acting like thieves and animals.


Niggers not knowing their fathers has gotten so bad, that when niggers engage in casual sex, no one knows who's related to who anymore, so the unintentional cases of incest has skyrocketed in the black coonmunity.

Africa isn't what you see in white film, nothing but sand storms and civil war. Nairobi is a beautiful city, one of many dozens in Africa, with many more on the way.

NYC, like most "Western" (i.e. white) cities is best described as "decay". It's a city built and made great by other cultures, but now it smells like piss, everything rots, crime everywhere, etc. A lot of that can be attributed to those "other cultures" increasingly staying home, leaving white culture as a thief with no mark, i.e. they can't carry the greatness forward.

Try to learn more about other cultures and parts of the world.

>white city like Detroit
Now I know you're just bullshitting with bait, gtfo of here nigger.

Thas rite we wuz kangz and shiet

Made up bullshit. Interestingly, incest is a crime, meaning its stats are tracked.

Like all sexual deviancy, you see virtually none of it in black and other cultures, but an EXTREME proclivity for it in white culture.

White European culture is basically just "steak from others, behave like a violent animal, and rape". I'd say white community leaders should start speaking out, but things are so decayed in white Western nations, America especially, that's there IS NO white community.

>steak from others

how long til the little mermaid gets nick furyed to the point where she was never white to begin with she was always black

Aladdin is Asian. Aladdin is set in China which is in Asia. Even if Aladdin was set in Arabia, it would STILL mean that Aladdin is Asian because Arabia is in Asia, you dipshit.

Those who can't think, or justify mindless racism, "meme".

I know it isn't ALL white people, but it's a lot. Serious cultural decline, with no floor in sight. I guess when your culture can't thrive on theft anymore, and has to stand on it's own merits, people like this bubble to the surface.

In the past, this fool would have lived a cushy life on the back of the labor and creativity of another culture.

*steal, sorry

Should be contextually obvious, though.

>I'm not trying to sound racist
Don't worry, I'm well-aware that 'racist' has no meaning and was only ever a thought-tool invented by whites to get power over other whites.

>historically, blacks have always been more productive, more creative, and GENERALLY more intelligent, with a very outsized proportion of human scientific advancement coming from blacks.
You can make all the claims you want but I don't see any historical records to back that up. Where are the products, the creations, and the scientific advancements? Do you have any examples, or is it just vague bluster?

>But one aspect of a more "advanced" culture is less aggression, and that isn't always an advantage.
This isn't even factually true, and there are multiple examples of more advanced cultures being more aggressive across all races. For instance, The Aztecs were far more advanced than their surrounding polities but made war on them constantly in order to obtain slaves. The Abbasid Caliphate at the height of the Islamic Golden Age during which they were the most scientifically advanced society in the world was also highly militaristic and expressionistic. My own nation in our Imperial era was more advanced than surrounding nations but made war on them to obtain tribute and resources.

>Africans build wonders, created works of beauty, and unlocked creation's mysteries
Where are their wonders and works of beauty? Show them to me, if they exist. And as for that last part, I don't even know what that's supposed to mean. You might as well be a Scientologist saying things like that.

>but that isn't much help when a culture of people who focus a lot of time on killing people, or figuring out how to kill more efficiently, show up.
This is the one point in anything which you said I do agree on. For this reason one must always keep an eye toward self-defense. Everything else is just a vague narrative claim with no examples to back it up.

I accept your apology

Let's see how you react when black characters get recast WHITE in the future.

It's Danish in origin and its actually acceptable for Ariel to stay white

I don't understand their logic here

didn't know you got internet in Opposite Land

See answer to similar question from another ignorant racist here:
The short of it is, the African cultures historically focused their efforts to productive labors, arts, and discovery. Europeans focused, more than any other, on rape, pillage, and theft - not only of crops, materials, lands, and people, but even of idea, and culture itself.

The unfortunate reality is, a violent and barbaric culture can "conquer" and steal from other cultures, even with those cultures are objectively more advanced in every respect.

Who exactly do you think you're fooling nigger?

erm, *expansionistic

>Made up bullshit. Interestingly, incest is a crime, meaning its stats are tracked.
When it is reported that is, which niggers don't do because "snitches get stitches."

>Like all sexual deviancy, you see virtually none of it in black and other cultures, but an EXTREME proclivity for it in white culture.
Really? Because Precious is based on a true story. So you have fat, retarded nigger bitches getting raped by their fathers (that is when they are around), and giving birth to their incest, rape babies.

Attached: 1515907891300.jpg (400x571, 79K)

based disney for comitting racism in reverse :^)

>The short of it is, the African cultures historically focused their efforts to productive labors, arts, and discovery.
I'll ask a third time, where are the African cultures' products, arts, and discoveries? Show them to me. It's just empty bluster otherwise.

fuck disney, it's ran by SJW leftist fat white women shoving diversity agenda down everyone's throat just because. IP destroying toilet company.

there are billboard ads for blacks in the US south that say "She's your daughter, not your date" because that shit is so prevalent

Let them play along with the nig bait

Kang Triton

Attached: 51DDE30A-A146-44F3-82E8-33BB285C8894.jpg (480x638, 24K)

>You don't need to see someone every month or at every single birthday to know them.

Attached: annkB6ZG_700w_0.jpg (700x700, 63K)

Quality posts, user, have some (You)s. The rest of you, get your shit together and stop replying to bait. I swear to god, summer Yea Forums is the worst. If you replied to any of these posts, go back to Rebbit where you belong.

Attached: son-this-is-bait-34901044.png (500x523, 26K)

Nonsensical. You can find bad pictures and articles for NYC, too. The fact is, Nairobi is a beautiful and economically vibrant African city, on the rise. NYC, Chicago, Detroit, London, Berlin, these are decaying cities, built by the labor and creation of others, and on a terminal decline.


Lived in the south my entire life, never seen a single billboard like that. I'm calling bullshit


There have been legitimate lefty sjw coming in here in the past few days

niggers usually stick around for their daughters

to inevitably fuck them

No user, you cannot find a slum in NYC with 2 million people crammed into it.
NYC is a shithole, but it is a shithole that is better than Nairobi.

you spelled Moana wrong

I can't make you well read or well traveled with a Yea Forums post, so this is a tall order if you aren't willing to put in some work googling this kind of thing.

Consider that, as a presumably white racist, a majority of "your" culture was produced by blacks. Your cities, your My Rushmores, three gorges dam - continent to continent, the productive and artful output of black cultures are on display, and often misattributed.

A simple "African culture" or "ancient African cultures" would carry you further, though.

have either of you read The Bell Curve? Your posts suggest you heard about it on YouTube/Vox and then made assertions based on existing world views. Have sex, dilate, then kys

>The Tallahassee Democrat
>Makes no mention of race in the billboard, just some mulatto duaghter
>Is a big enough deal that one billboard is a news story
I ain't really convinced that they're deliberately targeting nigs here, seems just to be a general southern stereotype for incest.

>Some guy who literally is arguing Beethoven was black is totally legitimate dudes I swear
user, you're either retarded or a newfag.

>NYC, Chicago, Detroit, London, Berlin, these are decaying cities, built by the labor and creation of others, and on a terminal decline.

Those cities are more non-White now then they have ever been.

>they got complete obliterated by literally everyone else because they were TOO smart
i bet you believe Einstein flunked out too, retard

>mulatto daughter
>not targeting nigs

I love how the actress posted this & pretends she looks that good in real life, her eyes are completely fucked for real

Meaningless language. You can place two million black citizens in a paradise, and white racists would still call it a "slum".

On any street, in any major city of the West, you'll smell urine, see homelessness and mental illness, and fear crime. That's degeneracy and decay, not the signs of a still thriving, healthy, or even functional culture.

Racist white people think all of Africa is "black hawk down", but fail to recognize the increasing hellscape of their own homes



Fuck off you seething subhuman nigger, you and your people never achieved anything throughout the entire sweep of human history.

Attached: white.png (821x660, 865K)

Meh seen trailer trash white dudes with nig women and vice versa. Ain't common, but it isn't rare. Also the ad pretty much implies the dad's a pedo preying on his daughter not him not even knowing who his daughter is like

>more vagaries
this is bait, or you're too dumb to argue
Ethiopian Empire, faggot

That's correct, cities like London & NYC were built by white people, now they are being flooded with non whites, they are going to hell

Niggers die, God the white man laughs.

Attached: aryanlanguages.png (1280x635, 253K)

>You can place two million black citizens in a paradise, and white racists would still call it a "slum".

They literally live in mud houses with no running water user.

want a picture of my dick in your sister's pussy so you can feel better?

>Consider that, as a presumably white racist
No, sorry, it's still me, the Chinafag.

>three gorges dam
Oh... I see. You're one of those blacks who live in a perpetual childish fantasy due to the whites coddling you as some kind of grotesque, ersatz children.

People like you... you know, as much as I don't look forward to the global chaos that the inevitable collapse of white Western civilization would bring, I nonetheless do find quite amusing the prospect of Western blacks in such a post-collapse state experiencing the tender mercy of the Arabs, or the Indians, or even my own people.

It's like watching a child whose mother tells it to not walk on the snow, but it walks on the snow anyway and slips and falls.

I've given you a credible source, more credible than the reason you believe he was white, which we both know boils down to "uh, because...uh".

Beethoven was, in all likelihood, a great black musician. Black culture is so prevalent in European and European-derived cultures, that even when this racist 4channer tried to list the whitest artists he could imagine...he STILL inadvertently listed a black man, and two thieves of black men.

Or, you can not read sources, believe "memes", and continue as an ignorant child who believes every opposing viewpoint or opinion is inauthentic, because of course NOBODY could possibly disagree with the unsourced nonsense you "just know", right?

This has to be trolling, or are hoteps into Yea Forums these days?

>Beethoven was, in all likelihood, a great black musician.


>Be a nigger
>Steal the bikes and cultures of other people
>Get mad when people rightly stereotype niggers as thieves

Attached: you.jpg (500x542, 85K)

the 4channel rebranding attracted a lot of shitlibs who were scared of pol

>This has to be trolling, or are hoteps into Yea Forums these days?
Poe's Law. No meaningful way to tell the difference. Might as well treat it as legit. It advances the Culture War either way.

Daily reminder that Hilter was a black man.

Attached: blackhitler.png (640x960, 607K)

I have a lot of respect for China, and Chinese culture, which has been contributing to the world for a long time.

But come on, do some research - you're kidding yourself if you think China, or even just Asia more broadly, hasn't benefited from the labor of black cultures, or sampled their cultural output, perhaps even MORESO in the modern day.

It certainly isn't on the scale of the European cultures, which are largely centered around theft, appropriation, etc. But I think we can both agree that black labor and creativity has been a boon to the rest of the world, including Asia.

And if we can't agree on that, again, do some reading. Yea Forums memes and exported white media do NOT reflect reality, AT ALL. Educate yourself on something besides memes and Yea Forums graphs.

I'm quite serious. Whether you're a troll or legit doesn't matter. Your effect in racinating whites and evoking in them a contempt of blacks is the same. All of us have a role to play.

Sometimes I wish I had the inclination to play that role myself, but alas I'm too much of a Truthfag to find amusement in that sort of thing.

The Yea Forums fragile white racist playbook apparently: if someone disagrees with you, just say they're trolling! Then you don't have to listen to what they're saying, understand it, and begin to think critically about how your views on race and culture have been warped and don't reflect reality.

This is the bubble. Even when presented with authentic, credible sources - "someone disagrees with my false, racist nonsense? Impossible!"

If you can't even engage with reality, you can't learn anything.

He's fucking with you retard.

>I have a lot of respect for China, and Chinese culture, which has been contributing to the world for a long time.
I thank you for that. But you'll have to forgive me if I can't respect someone who speaks in pure narrative vagaries without being able to provide a single example to back it up.

>you're kidding yourself if you think China, or even just Asia more broadly, hasn't benefited from the labor of black cultures, or sampled their cultural output, perhaps even MORESO in the modern day.
Such sampling in the modern day occurs but I hardly see it as a benefit. If you're referring to such things as rap or hip-hop the messages of worshiping criminality and degeneracy which often comes bundled with the music is not a benefit, but a detriment.

>But I think we can both agree that black labor and creativity has been a boon to the rest of the world, including Asia.
I don't agree with this.

>And if we can't agree on that, again, do some reading. Yea Forums memes and exported white media do NOT reflect reality, AT ALL. Educate yourself on something besides memes and Yea Forums graphs.
Yeah yeah yeah, I know, muh reality, muh echo chambers. Save it for the cucked whites.

I've given you an authentic, credible source discussing the now commonly accepted knowledge that Beethoven was a black man.

Your only response is gutter racism, memes, and essentially pretending that sources don't exist.

This is, in my experience, the key difference in black and white culture. White privilege, and so many years of unearned or stolen prosperity, has given rise to people that live the kind of cushy lives that create a deep rooted disrespect for cold hard reality. When you have privilege, when you're white in America or Europe, you have such a safety net that you can literally withdraw from the world when you don't like it.

The harsher circumstances forced on people of color, and blacks in America especially, doesn't allow for that. There's a respect for facts and how things are, because there has to be.

Just an observation. Again, not trying to sound racist, I know it isn't ALL white people, but it seems to be a good sized amount.

They could just not go to pol before, same as now


Except people did bitch about Nutcracker

Tis true! If it flops, it'll flop regardless of our bitching. And if it succeeds, it'll succeed regardless of our bitching. Down to the normies either way. So we may as well have our fun, and bitch!

Everything he said was true tho

it'd only niggerboys that don't know their fathers, niggers know their daughters

Dubs and Manon becomes my girlfriend this summer.

I did and, uh... they did not help you.

You don't begin with facts, numbers, or sources... because you don't have them, you're talking out of your asses. Fragile white racists use the same three tactics over, and over, and over. It becomes transparent after a while.

Whites are the undisputed champion of rape, molestation, and other forms of sexual violence. Those are the facts. White culture glorifies rape and violence, and with an obvious result.

>Cast nigger as Ariel
Stunning and brave.Who cares if she's black? It doesn't affect the story. You're just racist.
>Cast Melissa McCarthy as Ursula

It's always okay to thoughtlessly race swap the hero...but the villain is white. Always.

I don't understand. They're casting a fat white bitch to play a fat white lady. What are they whining about now?

Are Mouse Shills worse than Incels at this point?

God damnit I just realized Triton will be BLACKED too.

We are the alpha race. Take that nigger


Attached: Riddick.png (551x538, 552K)

That's not true though. For better or for worse the blacks are the alpha race. in both contexts; they were the first, and they have the most testosterone and the most aggression.

In our current state it is better to fight for the position of the omega race, as in, that race which will last and continue to last, after all the other races collapse into dust.

The west declines, and an African century takes shape. You'll live to see America's Suez Crisis, and to see the African prosperity - with West African prosperity in particular being the world's envy.

But go ahead, be a cowardly racist hiding behind a screen. You'll do anything to avoid reality, or critical thought. White racists are pathetic.

kek nice,i like how you cuck yourself

Why do over 70% of black men abandon their little niglets?

Attached: 1557202567710.png (750x1334, 1.18M)

They don't, you just believe fake statistics without a second of research or critical thinking, anytime somebody puts them on a meme or Yea Forums infographic first.

This is clearly bait but for anyone who believes it, I have a single word reply: Ethiopia

It was never colonised. It didn't have raw materials removed. It also has a lower gdp than most of the countries that were colonised. So how come? Why isn't it a thriving metropolis if black people could build a real life Wakanda if they were just left alone?

Do you think European barbarism raping their neighbors, restricting trade, and forcing Ethiopia to live under constant threat maybe had an impact?

Is that possible?

I'll play along.

Your neighbours were apparently subjugated... and you didn't try and build defences? No weapons? You, the altruistic race, didn't try and free your brothers from bondage?

Nah, hundreds of miles away bad shit is going down so we'll live in mud huts.

fuck /pol/

Attached: 1562317943330.png (907x8240, 1.3M)

Where is this from? What sub?

>Are all those mermaids besides Ariel daughters of King Triton?
yes they represent the 7 seas

There might be some trolls in here,

But it looks like theres also legitimate sjw liberals in here.

Thanks for your reply.

>current year
>still alive

No citations at all. What a surprise.

Taxes should be raised cunt. Bring it back to the 90% on the top holders of wealth like it should be, you cocksucking fairy.

Live action King Triton is still gonna be white. He’s gonna be a cuck raising his wife’s daughter. Truly a depiction of a 21st century family.

>not casting a biracial actress with a white father so we could've made oil driller jokes

Fucking Disney

Attached: defenseless country with oil thumbie.png (900x719, 438K)

I legitimately hope that all white women in hollywood are replaced by black women.


Beethoven is white

Attached: 1554454450508.jpg (1000x1000, 286K)

I laughed
/pol/, I mean, Yea Forums is retarded