Saw both ET and flight of the navigator as a kid

>saw both ET and flight of the navigator as a kid
>don't really like ET anymore
>still love flight of the navigator
Anyone else know this feel?

Attached: Flight-o-the-Navigator.jpg (1400x700, 116K)

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Hell yeah I do. It's been forever but I always loved this way more than ET growing up.


Attached: Max-(Flight-of-the-Navigator).png (589x541, 407K)

It's a good movie about a boy and an alien. The alien is not a humanoid or biological, ita not a companion to dress up.

And what happens to the kid is much heavier than ET.

I love thianmovie so much when i see the actor even now, whatever it is, im down.

kid was annoying

How has this movie not been remade with a young trans child encountering the alien that is here on earth to teach us acceptance?

It's because ET didn't have badass transforming CGI spacecraft and a time storm travel sequence.

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>In September 2017, Lionsgate and The Jim Henson Company announced that a reboot of Flight of the Navigator is in pre-production with Joe Henderson from TV's Lucifer writing the script.

The Explorers with River Phoenix.

>not watching cloak and dagger
flight of navigator was ok, but cloak and dagger is kino

this kid grew up into a meth head and tried to rob a bank and was arrested. arent childhood stars grown up lives funny

They're going to cast a black girl as the lead, right?


>Joe Henderson from TV's Lucifer
A tranny of course will be the lead.

We need to go the next step on the diversity ladder towards satan.

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ET is one of those movies everyone went to see as a kid. A huge phenomenon. But it's actually a mediocre movie. It's rather boring.

Many people never watched it again, those that did found the nostalgia goggles came off fast. Thata why the re-release of it flopped hard.

Flight of the Navigator, on the other hand, was seen by most people on home video, and it replayed repeated viewings. It's easily the best of those 1980s kids sci-fi movies that were a big thing then.

no point in a remake. Unless you want to see a meme zoomer 2000s kid traveling to 2019.

yeah, ET doesn't hold up very well. Poltergeist is actually better and that was filmed like across the street

Will literally never be remade

Its also a great pleb filter due to the incredibly slow first act. The ending build up is also pretty bad but the road trip, 2/3rds of the kino, is fucking great.

Flight of the Navigator was the first use of environmental mapping in a film, I believe. Still looks fantastic.

I forgot how cool the special effects were. Like the T-1000 but 5 years earlier and a space ship.

ET is boring af

ET is kino as a comedy. Also he helped push the trans movement.

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Saw this in theaters, opening night and the place was empty as fuck with just my father and myself.