What does Yea Forums think of the walking dead?

What does Yea Forums think of the walking dead?

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It's like watching r/gif/ gore/wrecked threads.

it’s the worst show i’ve ever seen and i’ve never even seen it

I've only seen the pilot and it was absolutely phenomenal. I mean it was jawdroppingly good. So much so that I decided to hold off on watching the rest of the series until it finishes so I binge it all at once. I'm even buying the entire series in Blu-ray for the occasion. As long as the special effects, screenwriting, cinematography, direction, and acting remain so absolutely world-class as in the pilot I'll be happy.

it peaked with the war against the saviors. after that it's been going steeply downhill

They've lost me, the producers have lost me. How many times can they recycle the same plot? This is no longer humanity vs zombies, this is humans vs humans with a unnecessary dose of violence and twisted psyche, all for the sake of maintaining ratings and milking the cash cow. The writers creativity have been depleted for a few seasons now, there has been no direction, no gradual learning, no story development. All the physical moving around is just the illusion of story to mask the fact that there isn't a story being told at all. The show isn't going anywhere. I have stopped watching, and I feel liberated from this burden of a show. TWD has slowly decomposed into a gross, unintelligent TV show. Who keeps making gas, electricity... but then there's no radio communication... What happened to the military, the government, smart people, common sense... I understand the appeal for certain demographics, but I, for once, demand more from entertainment than this garbage, good bye!!!

I use to be big fan of this show. I really liked seasons 1-6 but last good episode I have seen was s07e01 since then it is more and more boooooring...All season eight so far (I'm on s08e08) is just terrible. It's barely watchable to be honest. The Walking Dead have so much potential...it is very sad to witness what they done to it and how it is being murdered now.

should have ended with season 5.

Let me start by saying that I was once a huge Walking Dead fan. So much so that me and a couple of friends have visited tons of the filming locations. We got crazy with it but it was really fun because it was filmed close to home. The series started off very strong and developed the characters very well. You were drawn to truly care about the characters and what would happen to each one. Now, I feel as if characters are cardboard cutouts; ex: Daryl, what the heck, it's like he doesn't even exist anymore. There's no development anymore. Now, with Carl gone and Rick dead but not dead, wait, wait, he flies off into the sunset and forgets about his daughter??? So, poorly written. That goes completely against who Rick is as a person. To me that last scene with Rick flying off defeats every episode that was spent to develop who Rick is a person. It's a very dismal thing when the art of cinema and storytelling is forsaken for the sake of money and good ratings. All good things must come to an end and nothing gold can stay. It's ashame that the writers and producers can't see that. RIP Walking Dead.


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Season 1 really good lots of zombies and action packed episodes. after that it got slowly worse season 2 was the worst thing ever being stuck on that farm. the rest of the season slightly good enough to keep watching but barely just barely. now season 7 started with a bang episode 1 ended quite boring again and it feels like season 2 all over again just boring episodes and will most likely stop watching until i hear it picks up again. the last episodes I've finished in roughly 15 minutes per episode scrolling through it. DESU the bold and beautiful is more action packed at the moment than this series... i do have to give it to the production team the zombies when they do appear in an episode they look amazing! but not good enough to make up for the slow episodes with just talking and boring stuff.. i want to see them scavenge get in to trouble with zombies get out of gnarly situations. stuff you can talk about the next day with your colleagues instead of did you see it? yeah what a boring episode. jup.

I'd like to slap every person who says they like this show. They wander around the forest and never have any kind of goal to achieve. You have British actors faking American accents, horrible dialogue, and ridiculous groaning "zombies' who somehow show up out of the blue 500 strong without anyone hearing them coming. You have your token Chinese guy, black girl with dreads, hillbilly with dyed orange hair, middle aged woman, moronic child, and oh another Brit actor with a fake American accent with a stupid hat thinking he's still a legit Sheriff. It is the worst written show of all time. Here's an idea...look for a mansion or luxury boat or anything other than some run down barn in the country or a deserted prison. I think they were camping at one point lol. All of a sudden like Ninjas the zombies show up wobbling and groaning away trying to bite the survivors. It's just awful. I don't like one single character on the show. At one point despite being in this so called zombie apocalypse the Chinese guy is trying to get into the British girl with the bad southern accents pants and even asks her to marry him. OMG the popularity of this show makes me realize how stupid the majority of people in the world are. This is how you spend your time seriously? Waiting for this piece of garbage to show up on TV every year? LOL. I'll watch anything but this show. It's just painful

It died with Shane FACT

This show started out wonderfully in 2010, for a mature audience, then turned into a PC theme park.

The same themes over and over again, became frustrating and predictable. The climatic dealing with Negan was the most anticlimatic moment in all of television history. It was all about how to keep pc fans happy. It cheapened the actors and the writting of a once epic show.

The excessive emphasis and demand for romantic relationships, and over diversification turned the show into a narrative for social themes. When the show first came out, it was very clear what it was about. Somewhere, it turned into a feel good for later joined fans, ensuring the social justice/pc groups were not only appeased, but wrote it for them. It's shameful and sad.

Was it the greatest rise and fall in television history? Three years ago it was the biggest show in the world and everyone was fucking hyped for Negan, now barely anyone talks about it.

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Can someone tell me what are the decent seasons to watch? I saw the first 2 when they aired and stopped watching since.

He is korean not chinese.

It's absolute fucking horseshit. Then somehow it's spinoff got pretty fucking good so they sent Gimple to turn that into horseshit too.

God I hate TWD.

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>This show started out wonderfully in 2010, for a mature audience

If by that you mean the pilot then sure. After that it turned into a generic pile of dung.

I have been watching this show since day one, and let me tell you, The Walking Dead is utter garbage and a waste of anyone's time who is halfway intelligent. Over the course of the series, the writing greatly declines. But what really blows my mind are the desperate attempts the writers make for cheap and manipulative shock value that only humans with a sub-70 IQ would find mildly entertaining. I have never encountered such horrible and uninteresting end-of-show cliffhangers (after an episode entirely about nothing), and pathetic before-commerical-break scenes.

*I would not consider this a spoiler because you would have to be an idiot to find this entertaining or believable. But if you are worried, stop reading now*: I stopped watching at Season 6, Episode 6, when Daryl (a bad-ass who has killed hundreds of zombies with ease including just his bare hands) had to scramble through his bag to retrieve his crossbow when a pitiful zombie approached him at a blazing speed of .05 miles per hour from several meters away. The music started getting so intense, like we the viewers are actually suppose to believe that our great hero, Daryl, is going to die under these circumstances. If the writers expected any of the viewers to have a brain, they either would have omitted that pathetic scene, or had Daryl just pick up a stick that was laying beside him and kill the zombie with ease. The zombie was so incredibly slow, he could have just stood up and walked away. This show has become laughable, and the producers are milking this thing as much as they can and as long as people somehow keep tuning into this garbage.

All the good and interesting characters that we followed for quit some time are gone or have less and less screen-time. What's left!? The least interesting characters taking over the show (are they really try to make us like or develop any empathy for Negan the mass-killer!? ), also we watch more or less the same "plot" again and again.

This show is dead. I guess the only reason why most people watch this show is the hope that somehow the show may recover, but I guess that's false hope. Just look at Fear of the Walking Dead, almost overything of that "installment" was terrible and pointless and without any direction right from the start - more or less a money grabber, the same with TWD since at least 2 seasons, because obviously the production team has run out of any good ideas.

I hope Scott Gimple gets raped to death, him and his whole familiy.

The Walking Dead at its absolute worst was still better than the last three seasons of Game of Thrones.

They need to finish the show by breaking nuking themselves.

Very bad writing. In fact it's so bad that I can't help feeling perplexed at how in god's name the writers of this show got to be writers in the first place, let alone on such a big franchise. The characters are parodies of themselves, making decisions no one in their right mind would make, be it in a zombie apocalypse or otherwise.

These characters don't communicate with each other, don't laugh, don't reflect, don't reason, don't foresee obvious consequences etc. They are a group of selfish whining people, made even more unlikeable by the very dumb decisions the writers force upon them. They sulk, they daydream, they act as teenagers, even the adults. There is no tension in this show. You don't care whether the characters die or not.

The most interesting facet of this series was to show in detail the dawn of the apocalypse, and instead you get a family drama in the suburbs for an entire first season (later, for 5 episodes and counting, on a boat), which is itself badly written.

This show is cringe-worthy to watch, the writing is THAT bad, and I can't help wondering who the writers are and how they got to write for this show. These writers have no grasp on the psychology of men. It's quite pathetic.

user I hate to break it to you but...

Ok, but what do you guys think of the comic's ending?

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Started to stop anticipating that this once great show really, after the fake Glen death, a couple of seasons back, would redeem itself. Started to notice that the characters who were killed off became insufferable - not in a good way - or plain boring. It's one thing to be manipulated by the writers in a good way and another to be used to gauge who to kill off and when...for ratings? What was once great horror, suspense, has become like a form of torture porn, in this case, " killing characters off " type of porn: some might like this as a thrill, others might find this tedious and boring. I suspect the show can come around and might even recreate a bit of magic from the first 3-4 seasons. Until then, meh. A shame about Negan, such a lost opportunity of a great actor. Way over the top. As others noted, the Governor was a textbook example an evil protagonist.

I simply don't get why this show is so popular. I'm now giving up in the middle of season 2. The main characters are doing such stupid things all the time, and the easy-to-outrun, easy-to-outsmart walkers are not scary at all. Maybe 12-year-olds don't see the plot holes or the the shallow 'philosophy', but I can't stand it anymore ...

Season 2 was the worst season.
No matter how hard they shit the bed now, it will still be the worst season.

what happened in the end?
did the zombies just die out or was society rebuilt or just what happened?
gimmie a quick rundown

Nah, have you rewatched it since it aired? Season 2 seemed bad in comparison to season 1 at the time but it was miles better than 5-8.

The first episode is one of the best things the medium ever produced.

After that, it's just shit that never stops getting worse.

Yes, but boring characters stuck in a boring place with boring shit going on sucks more dick imo.
The later seasons arent top tier, but atleast something is decent.
Except that one scene where he talks to Carl about the world being fucked and everyone is gonna die. Except that it led to nothing cause they shat the bed so fucking hard with Carl.

Zombies are still around but they’re in such small numbers and everyone is equipped enough to handle them that they’re not a big deal anymore.

I don't even remember what specific point I stopped watching. Some time around when they paired all the cast members into every possible combination of inter-racial relationship

I stopped watching because i got frustrated every time they repeated the same exact mistakes

-we get leverage in the war/battle
-instead of capitalizing on it and finishing them off we let them live because we're gud bois
-every one of us goes their way doing stupid shit, getting caught
-bad guys are on top again

The first season is the best season. Unfortunately, after the first season, Frank Darabont left the show. And seemingly the further the show removes itself from Frank Darabont's influences, the worse the show gets.

Spoiler alert: The emotional, or feel-good climax of the entire series is the 3rd episode. After that, it just keeps getting worse and worse. Every episode is further down the spiral into the Abyss.

Why are you still watching it? Are you a masochist?

Watch from season 1 till mid season 4 when the governer dies. Then your good.

>The most interesting facet of this series was to show in detail the dawn of the apocalypse, and instead you get a family drama in the suburbs for an entire first season (later, for 5 episodes and counting, on a boat), which is itself badly written.

I might have repressed that memory...

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