Characters sit down to meal

Nobody eats or eats very
little why do actors do this
pic unrelated

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>pic unrelated
nice try

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It isn't because of the actors. It's to keep continuity between shots.


Classic trope

>start eating
>"cut! let's do that again"
>eat again
>"cut! new angle, start again!"
>eat again
>"cut! does anyone know if held that fork like this in the shot before? okay just gimme another one!"
>more eating
>do this everytime a scene like this comes up
>get fat
>get no roles because fat
>stop acting because fulltime fatty now

Where does this classic meme come from anyway? Is it making fun of Dano? Because he's always in kino and I've never seen him give a bad performance.

The Sopranos is 6 seasons of sitting down to eat meals.

He is a classic actor and a classic man its juts that simple

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>eats 51 hard boild eggs in one sitting
how can phonies even compete?

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the meme used to be that peolpe said he wrote shit and then went >classic paul dano as in "of course he would write that its so typical of him" but alas everything goes to shit after a while.


>Both men got on each other’s wick – Sinatra called Brando “Mumbles”, and Brando said of Sinatra: “Frank’s the kind of guy, when he dies, he’s going to go to heaven and give God a bad time for making him bald.” Brando would get his moment to take out his frustration on Frank; during a scene where Sinatra’s character had to eat a cheesecake, Brando kept intentionally fluffing the last line, forcing Sinatra to eat more and more cake. After the ninth aborted take, Sinatra exploded: “These f***ing New York actors! How much cheesecake do you think I can eat?”

This, I think I was in the original thread like 6-7 years ago. Someone was posting as an "anonymous B-ish list actor" and giving clues about their indy career and everyone guessed Paul Dano and he denied it and someone said

>claiming not to be Paul Dano
Classic Paul Dano

and a meme was born.

>Brando was extremely competitive, and in 1968 he appeared at a private party celebrating Oscar nominations in which Paul Newman was in attendance with his wife Joanne Woodward. Brando approached Newman and began a conversation that eventually became very heated, resulting in Brando shouting and Newman walking away. Later that evening Brando stood on a table and challenged Newman to an egg eating contest, like the one Newman was depicted doing in Cool Hand Luke, however Newman ignored the challenge.

>Brando, undeterred, had somebody from his entourage bring him dozens of hard boiled eggs, and started the competition without Newman. While eating, he would loudly keep count as he consumed the eggs saying things like "21 Newman! 21 eggs already! I'm better than you Newman!", while mocking and insulting Newman the whole time, and calling him a "phony".

>Eventually, Brando consumed 51 eggs before being removed from the party, 1 more than Newman's character did in Cool Hand Luke. As he was being escorted out, he reportedly said "51 eggs Newman! I beat you! You couldn't eat 51 eggs because you're a phony, Newman. I'm better than you, and always will be Newman! Don't ever forget that!"

and now it's dead

[spolier classic /spoiler]

Does continuity really matter? Experiments proved that men cannot notice so many obvious continuity errors so why bother

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>implying actors don't just spit those foods back onto their plates once a shot is over
Really. You never see them swallow. They only move their mouths.

>so why bother
nerds, the internet and social media

The characters are too busy talking to actually eat.

>ywn be adoringly gazed at by hot women
>why even exist