>“Casting a black actor in a role rooted in white culture — that’s just a corporation trying to earn money by being politically correct,” wrote one user on Weibo. “Real respect means giving black culture more representation on screen and allowing the black community to tell its own stories.”
“Casting a black actor in a role rooted in white culture — that’s just a corporation trying to earn money by...
>white culture
Give them 13% representation
Unironically do any African groups have their own version of mermaids in their mythology?
Black people don't create anything.
Niggers call themselves kings and queens despite having almost no kings in African countries.
Do they have mythology?
Yes, but it's fucked up for Hollywood. I have a book with african stories.
Blacks have their own princess tales and folk lore. Truth is Hollywood jews really don't care about them. They don't see people but money bags
Also, Anansi the spider. One of my favorites as a kid that all races loved and enjoyed. But again, they don't actually care about black culture. Just tokenism.
Imagine the black rage if in the remake of songs of the south a white man is cast as uncle remus
Also Hatian mythology
Asians once again proving themselves as honorary whites.
Thats the sad thing. Black people SHOULD have proper representation. They aren’t connected to their own roots and they resent other cultures for it.
I've been saying this forever. Imagine being black and being paraded into obviously white stories based on white mythology as an act of charity because you can't make your own, how humiliating
Africans and Caribbeans have interesting mythology and folklore.
Hollywood and video games have adapted Baron Samedi a few times. I always thought he was cool.
Um, no sweetie, though I shouldn't expect some racist incel to know about Ancient Egypt.
They SHOULD make their own movies then. Why don’t all the black stars get together and make their own production company.
Ahh yes the scholars of /pol/
>any culture whatsoever
>its another incel thread
this, wypipo don't have culture
Literally every place has had kings or a king equivalent
>fresh voices from today's china
BASED just take us over already
It's sad that happas are so fucked up, otherwise eurasians would conquer the stars
the jews own all the theaters and won't show their movies.
Native Caribbeans aren't black retard.
These Nigger Caribbeans came after 1500 thanks to the trips to the new world
Mixies are all fucked in America. At least if you're 1/8 black or higher you can pretend to be a nigga and ingratiate yourself with that culture. Hapas will never feel white or asian enough, it probably drives a lot of them crazy.
The sooner you realize this has nothing to do with getting money and more about culture war, as Jewish banks will gives as much loans to Jewish producers for making culture that puts blacks into pedestal and destroys whitey culture
I mean you can read about this stuff from 100 years past, and even today the most ludicrous Jews come just straight out with their goals. You think it's coincidence that every single white country is seeing never-before seen nigger invasion?
>muh honorary whites
Most Asians in US vote for anti-white policies, you yellow-fever fag
>There were no kings in Africa
There were hundreds of kings retard user.