Endgame sold 30% more tickets than Avatar

Endgame sold 30% more tickets than Avatar

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this + 3d tickets usually cost more, so there's no need to adjust for inflation


Are these inflated numbers?

>lead a movement to buy tickets in an effort to beat a decade old movie
>still don't get as much money with more theaters and oodles of chinkbux
>h-heh w-we still sold more

>literal who poo in the loo
Nice source faggatron

Why should I watch endgame when the previous one had an ending that cannot be toppled?

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I don't think so, Charlie. Even a regular ticket costs more than a 3D ticket back then. No way it would still be behind if that was true.

>take that! this multi-billion studio made more than this other multi-billion studio! u mad bro?

He's tracking the calculations though, moron

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Avatar's numbers are skewed by the weak dollar when it came out.

Correct, the weak dollar inflated it

>can't beat Avatar even with a re-release

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Never had a theatrical release, Avatard kiddie. It's a theater expansion. And we already won.

Sit down.
Be humble.

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Long since debunked lol

so how likely is endgame going to beat avatar now?

needs a miracle or another re-release
t. Scott Mendelson

What has been debunked?

$15.5M away
it had no chance before the (((rerelease)))

mendelson knows even less than the average shitposter

>50% worldwide drop
What happened to the Spider-Man boost and India miraculous release?

clearly not
he never said Endgame would get an additional 5M once the actual weekend numbers came in yesterday. While in reality it dropped 400k.
But the Marvelfag shitposter did.

Nah, you lost. Your last chance too. Stay mad about it.

>b... but she won the popular vote.
This is how retarded you people sound.

Because the worldwide film market was like 1/4 of what it currently is back in 2009.

Avatar making as much as it did is an absolute miracle. If Avatar was released today with the same level of hype it had back then, it might have made $4 billion.

Whatever it takes

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imagine being such a low IQ retard that you give a shit about movie ticket sales...

We did it reddit we won

So to the anons who watched this tripe: was it truly the conclusion?

lmao no its fucking not
they wouldnt let such a meh anticlimactic movie be the end of it
either it ended with endgame, or it's still not over

Hes even dumber than you are

It was the hype and word of mouth, people where just buying tickets and going to "see" the visual effects. I remember my grand parents went to watch it too. They don't watch English movies at all.
Avatar had a wide appeal.
Endgame is a kids movie, and if you didn't watch any of the build up movies you are lost in the story.

That's why basedboi's are having to watch it 3-4 times to get the numbers.

It has gotten an enormous Spider-Man boost retard

I don't have a horse in this race but it is an interesting point, why do people rank films by gross rather than ticket sales? Is it just harder an estimate?

That's how a rational person knows the numbers are skewed.

Foreign BO is tabulated from the money earned, not the ticket. Same as any currency conversion. Ticket prices overseas didn't decrease.

So say a ticket for a movie in chinkland is 100y. That 100y is then transferred to USD. If it were 1:1, it would be 100USD. If the dollar was a 50% of a yen, it would 50USD. If the dollar was at 200%, it would be 200USD.

The US's shit economy in 2009/10 is why it's so large, as this chart shows, though I get the impression people think it says the opposite.

Supposedly, In the next 2-3 weeks the record will be broken

This board has turned to such Reddit tier trash arguing about ticket prices for capeshit.

I miss abatap

>If it were 1:1, it would be 100USD. If the dollar was a 50% of a yen, it would 200USD. If the dollar was at 200%, it would be 50USD.

Fixed. Goddamn it.

>Is it just harder an estimate
yes there's no clear data on ticket sales, that's why they rely on some poo poster in a box office forum who is also a Marvel fanboy
ticket sales would indeed seem like a fair a way to consider box office success but you also have to look at other factors
what capeshiters don't tell you is that basically all those ticket sales come from countries that were mostly underdeveloped at the time Avatar released
China is the most impressive: 60 000 screens in 2019, 5000 in 2009 for Avatar
and many other markets have grown substantially
Avatar beats Endgame easily in basically all the other big markets such as Germany, France, Japan, Australia, Russia, Italy, Spain etc.
basically all countries that were already mature when Avatar released
while Endgame wins in poor underdeveloped countries like India , Philippines, Brazil etc.
Avatar was just the bigger movie and it's not even up for debate

not to mention a ticket costs around $5 in China

Look at the level of cope here.

the chart shows that while it is correct that the number in dollars from the overseas box office decreased (overall, but not in all countries, China still increased for instance), coupled with the domestic grossing adjusted for inflation, Avatar made over 2.8b if completely adjusted to today's economy
Because there's also the inflation in those countries, many of which had much bigger inflation rates, so the decrease in today's dollars is not that big

who's coping?
reminder that Endgame is still #2 and will never pass Avatar

>for reasons I can't explain, trust me, my feelings are more important than facts

>sold more tickets
>couldn't beat Avatar
>got released a second time
>still couldn't beat Avatar

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