Wtf was his problem

Wtf was his problem

Attached: nightcrawler2.jpg (1366x768, 189K)

he read a bunch of self-help books and browsed reddit. It does that to you.

Hes way more of a stereotypical Yea Forums poster than some reddit normie

Jordan Peterson + NoFap. Happens to a lot of young men in this day and age. Sad stuff.

metaphor for how cutthroat new indie businesses have to be to get ahead

He had faced the discrimination many gamers face daily and decided to rise up.

>no friends
>no family to help and guide you to find a job
>take the courage and try to apply for an honest job position and try to make a honest living
>immediately get treated like a criminal and told to fuck off when applying for a job
>quickly realise that society DOES NOT CARE about you, so why should you care about someone else?
>quickly realise that society doesn't reward, respect or appreciate honesty, hard work, morality and ethics
>become a cut-throating capitalist that doesn't everything to economically survive in this extremely competitive society

its pretty easy to understand why he acted like this

high functioning autism

with capitalist dreams made of memes

>treated like a criminal
Are you a fucking retard and skipped the first 5 minutes of the movie? He's a thief and all that shit was obviously stolen. He even assaulted a security guard for his watch

his honest living was selling stolen goods and he was told to fuck off because the person he applied to was the person he was selling the stolen goods to

Im not saying that he wasn't a criminal. But he tried to escape this criminal life and work for free for that guy he tried to sell the metals to.

He implied to the guy that the metals were stolen, you retard. He was outed as a criminal immediately

man gets tired of being the nigger so he becomes the jew

Many such cases!

nah, too motivated

Narcissistic sociopath

now, but this movie came out in 2014. That's when the majority of these people emigrated from reddit to here.

No, stop self-inserting

he's a textbook sociopath


t. Lou Bloom

Did all his motivation came from nofap or was he also on cocaine/modafinil all the time?

Ok man, then tell me what else should he have done?

>*reads Atlas Shrugged once*

I remember he yelling at the newscaster lady with a bunch of shit and ending with "I'd like you to look at me when we make love" or some shit and that threw me for a loop.
And then in the end she was actual into it and a willing participant in his behavior
Really made me think. Good flick. Would buy the DVD

Attached: Laughter Stops.png (600x431, 331K)

Women are naturally submissive display power and dominance and you'll get them wet that comes naturally when youre a chad but in the case of the nightcrawler his autism makes him come out creepy so the woman was half turned on by his display of power and half turned down by his creepiness

Was Lou an autistic chad? Or an autist masquerading as a chad?

Gotten a legitimate profession instead of selling stolen shit

He was neither he was an agressive smart autist
A chad doesnt look agressive to women, look at hopper from stranger things he played the stereotypical chad there

The latter

Director confirmed that he’s somewhere on the autism spectrum

hopper is a chunky alcoholic with severe emotional problems. billy was the chad

>movie clearly depicts a heartless sociopath
>somehow the sociopath is the victim of society's cruelty
You probably voted for Trump

I watched this movie with my (now ex) gf and she could not tell that his character was a sociopath even though he shows very clearly all of the signs and behaviors of one. Why is it so difficult for girls to detect sociopathic behavior even when there's a caricature of one right in front of them?

Read this

The best scene was when he and the older news woman were in the Mexican Restaraunt and he blurted out that he liked how she smelled. The look on her face changed from amused suspicion to burgeoning worry within an instant.

The guy was absolutely meant to be at least a bit autistic.

That mirror scene still gives me the willies

>a bit
Killing a dude might not be a bit

Your ancestors did much worse for you to even be here to bitch like a woman

>Your ancestors
Nigger you're autistic as fuck lmao