66% on RT

>66% on RT
>55% on Metacritic

Just what the fuck were the critics thinking?

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It's shit tho, and extremely boring.
And that's not surprising since that was the most boring era in Japan

its kino

It’s literally just raw fish on rice

Baka kitanai amerikajin

I really like how the last samurai is a white guy.

Because its another bland white saviour yellow fever power fantasy.

Theres literally nothing wrong with that

post the Segal copypasta

>white saviour
>tom cruise doesnt do anything and is in fact just a window in which westerners can view traditional jap society as its in the middle of massive change via western influence.

>white saviour
no its the noble savage trope, cruise saves no one nor does he teach the samurai how to fight

>white man captured by Samurai village who feed him, treat him, teach him, and train him

Uh huh

You literally haven't seen the movie

>"Let me tell you something that might be a bit dangerous. I was raised in Japan. I was schooled in martial arts. I was given the title of master. They take a movie “The Last Samurai.” They have a 5-foot-2-inch little guy, whether he was straight or gay, I don’t know. I don’t care. He had never been to Japan. He doesn’t speak Japanese. He has never held a sword. They make him the Last Samurai. We got 450,000 phone calls [laughs] from everybody in the world saying, “That role was perfect for you. How did that happen?” Most of the people I know didn’t like the film and didn’t go see it. It’s just a classic example of Hollywood and the politics."

They were high on opium.

/r/asianmasculinity absolutely seething

Giving you a (you) becuase that other guy worked so hard not to.

Critics are sóy

The last samurai is plural in the title though

Samurai is plural, and it doesn't refer to Tom Cruise's character. But yeah, the reason the rating is low is because of faggots.

>They have a 5-foot-2-inch little guy, whether he was straight or gay, I don’t know.
This always makes me laugh

>We got 450,000 phone calls [laughs] from everybody in the world

With one call a minute that'd have been constant phone calls around the clock for almost a whole year. At that point I'd just tell the callers to shut up.

You didn't see the film, did you?
Its exactly the opposite, the white man comes to save the government there, but gets captured and taught a lesson in humility

>What happened to the warriors at Thermopylae?
>Dead...to the last man.

>that look of complete trust in each other as they prepare to ride to their deaths

absolutely kino

Attached: deadtothelastman.jpg (1920x1584, 538K)

Seagal had 450,000 phone operators working for him, the whole thing took one minute.

I watched it after seeing how much the critics hated on it and it was pretty good, way better than 90% and up rated movies. I think it had something to do with the white male lead.

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>year of our Lord 2000 and 19
>movie critics

Le shiggy diggy Donatello

Remake with Seagal when?

It’s a classic.

Absolute unit

Watanabe is a pretty cool guy

My old head of facultuy of Japanese liked the movie.
A guy who is half his time in Japan, is fucking 60 years old and knows and speaks better Japanese than the Japanese themselves.
If you know your shit you start to care less about the details and get content with the fact that people even show interest in the country.
Fuck all those larpers acting like it's the end of the world.

Was this film about white men colonizing asian women?

It is unironically a film women will never understand.

why do SJW's hate themselves?
why do you self-loathe so hard?

they're all self-hating jews or pozzed by jews


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this movie was made by a jew

>tfw you will never stir last night's haggis

it's not a good movie dum dum

the character is inspired by a real person albeit the nationality was changed from French to American


>His actions inspired the character of Captain Nathan Algren in the 2003 movie The Last Samurai.[3][4]

>Napoleon III sent a group of military advisors to Japan to help modernize the Shogun's army. Brunet was sent as an artillery instructor, selected in September 1866. The mission arrived in early 1867 and trained the Shogun's troops for about a year. While in Japan, he was promoted to captain (August 1867). Then in 1868 the Shogun was overthrown in the Boshin War, and Emperor Meiji was nominally restored to full power. The French military mission was then ordered to leave Japan by Imperial decree.
>However, Brunet chose to remain. He did not join his new posting in the French army, while not formally resigning, and left for the north of Japan with the remains of the Shogunate's armies in the hope of staging a counter-attack.
>Brunet took a very active role in the Boshin War. Brunet and Captain André Cazeneuve were present at the Battle of Toba–Fushimi (27–31 January 1868), near Osaka. After that Imperial victory, Brunet, Cazeneuve, and the Shogun's Admiral, Enomoto Takeaki, fled to Edo (now Tokyo) on the warship Fujisan.
>When Edo also fell to the Imperial forces, Enomoto and Brunet fled to the northern island of Hokkaidō, where they proclaimed the Ezo Republic, with Enomoto as President. Brunet helped organize the Ezo army, under hybrid Franco-Japanese leadership. Otori Keisuke was Commander-in-chief, and Brunet was second in command. Each of the four brigades were commanded by a French officer (Fortant, Marlin, Cazeneuve, and Bouffier), with Japanese officers commanding each half-brigade. The final stand of the Shogun/Ezo forces was the Battle of Hakodate. The Ezo forces, numbering 3,000, were defeated by 7,000 Imperial troops.

Attached: JulesBrunet.jpg (443x800, 128K)

I wonder what a French guy speaking Japanese would sound like

It's actually just the eastern asian trope of: prideful man suffers serious injury, wakes up in farm and learns how to be humble from the rural villagers
If you knew anything about asian culture you would know this.

did this movie hype up 300?