Yea Forums has really gone downhill. Bring back Yea Forums. Purge 4channel. The return of the comfy Simpsons threads...

Yea Forums has really gone downhill. Bring back Yea Forums. Purge 4channel. The return of the comfy Simpsons threads. Oh, and fuck capeshit.

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Is it really that big of a deal to you? You shouldn't be spending more than a couple hours on here a day anyways, otherwise it is extremely detrimental to your mental health.

waspinator agrees
waspinator no like poor quality topics

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Yes, fuck capeshit. However, for my money, it's the Sneed. (formerly Chuck's)

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>, otherwise it is extremely detrimental to your mental health.
How so? It's just a fucking image board, Dr Scaremonger

It depletes your work ethic and communication skills.

That's exactly why, you dumb faggot. Go outside and try to live a little. Fat fuck.

Yea Forums has really gone downhill. Bring back sneedposting. Purge cityslickers. The return of the comfy Sneed threads. Oh, and fuck capeshit.

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formerly comfy.


I guarantee you are on here a lot more than me. Along with being a sweaty little virgin.

Good one sweaty, have sex.

Id settle for a comfy anything thread. Really, I'd love it if there were some kind of people who were mediating the content on this board to keep it on topic.
But that's a pipe dream

sorry bro. Any on topic shit not related to capeshit/starwars/GOT/weebgarbage get raided by my ebin discord.


It's worrying when there isn't a single on topic thread until like page 5
And it's been like this for days

Excuse me, but this is 4channel. Take your shit else where.

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>tfw alive to see Yea Forums turn further into Yea Forums to the point of needing to scroll through the catalogue to find non-shit now


Get raped

They just like ad space.

Pretty sure the point of 4channel was to remove the association with the worst of Yea Forums. Surprisingly, it's not really going to make a difference if you allow rampant off-topic shitposting on your blue boards too

I was talking about capeshit.

It's fucking sad, now the only comfy parte of Yea Forums is raimiposting