Hey folks boogie2988 here coming at you live through the power of the internet

>hey folks boogie2988 here coming at you live through the power of the internet

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All obese people should be killed.

what the fuck is wrong with his teeth

haha why is he so short?

He got really bad fake teeth put in


Quick rundown on this guy post-2015? I remember he used to make staged freakout videos and video game rants, and he was ADORED by redditors. What the fuck happened to his face? What's with the ridiculous fake teeth? Why did reddit do a complete 180 on their opinion of him? Why do his body proportions make it look like someone photoshopped him with the Content Aware Scale tool?

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those teeth are so uncanny valley

his teeth look photoshopped

Here are all of his lies exposed


>spend thousands of dollars on fake teeth
>they make you look like you were filtered through faceapp every time you smile

lmao, fuck boogie

theres a video of him getting all his old mouldy teeth ripped out and new ones put it. It's pretty graphic

i hope op dies today. both the purported op (the eceleb) themslves, and the user

How do you get THAT obese. They're disgusting

rent free

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i think the teeth were sponsored by the place that did it. i'm not sure if they're implants or dentures though.
i got a tooth removed and replaced with an implant, but it took months for the bone graft to harden enough to put in the titanium screw, and to make the replacement tooth.
boogie got his shit put in over the course of a couple days. i think the reason his teeth look so weird, if they're implants, is because he's got generic teeth instead of ones based off of his real teeth.

The gums are fake too.

doubt a lot of these claims

The Boogie implants are where they take out all your real teeth and screw them in over a fake gum base. The teeth and on-show gum are fake.

that reddit post is more credible than your life you loser schmuck

i saw that, his real teeth were fucked. goo think he has fake ones now because that dude clearly never took care of them

They're implanted dentures. They have something like 6 screws, and it's a whole row of fake gums and teeth attached to it, it's basically dentures on screws.

I said quick rundown. This is like a fork bomb of trivial Youtuber drama.

Sounds like a nightmare. The worst I have are 3 root canal fillings. Brush your teeth anons.

care to try a different meme? since this doesn't make any sense. who is living 'rent free' in my head? the concept of ecelebs? the OP user?

that's crazy. jake the snake roberts was on jre talking about getting all of his teeth replaced in what sounds like a similar procedure, but boogie, his look natural

seething manlet stay mad


where the fuck are his knees?

fuck seth mcfarlane
he needs to stay behind the camera


4min in it gets gruesome

>mr. metocuck

fuckin hell... all you gotta do, at the minimum, is brush at least once a day, and you'll almost never have tooth problems. what a lazy fuck


You never see people THIS fucked anywhere on earth except america.


pay for my health insurance and my tesla

>hates Anita Sarkeesian
>bangs sugar babies
>hates fags
WTF I love boogie now

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>being this triggered

>Mr. Buymymerch


>each checkmark is an abscess
He sounds happy to say that. wtf

>Gets that fat
>Let's his teeth get to the point where they must all be excavated.

Is this mental illness? How do actual adults let either happen? A few minutes to brush and floss saves you thousands of $ in neglect.

>He's an MGTOW!!!!

Good, roasties fucking stink doggy.

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Funny video but you can't really blame these guys for taking money from idiots. It's easy money. Never sub and never donate.

Can I blame him for his content going to shit? My fucking god he got lazy.

Get AIDS and die nigger

I kind of agree. The people who consider themselves part of the "sweetie squad" and call jim daddy in the superchats they send are some of the most cringeworthy people alive, it's easy to take advantage of them. I think he's gonna quit/feels like he's gonna get banned soon so he's trying to extract as much money as possible out of his paypigs before it's too late.

>Is this mental illness?

is that a real question?

THIS he's posted like 4 mediocre videos in the past year where he basically just read threads from kiwifarms and made a few livestreams where he talks about shit other people have already covered. I think his pet project (IBS) imploding in such a cringeworthy way sucked the life out of him.

This redditor is way too obsesses with a 600 pound nigger on the internet honestly

The fucking state of that cunt

that reddit thread makes me hate him a little less. half of it is pretty based.

>"Who is going to pay for my healthcare, you fucks?!"
*a few months later*
>"Hey guys, I've bought a new Tesla!"

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>Is this mental illness?
Yes. It's called depression, dopey. This motherfuckers teeth also rotted out when he got kicked out of the band and fell into the gutter.

My teeth are fucked also.

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>People on plebbit link this unironically

Imagine being so autistic and have no fucking life to put this list together.

He's a professional victim though
I guess you guys could relate

youre a wagie you wouldnt understand when your idol is a scammer
when you have been following the advice of boogie and then he gets ezposed for the scam artist that he is people like that guy are saints and really go to show how this in this induatry you cant teuat anybosy to be genuine

I've never watched a single video of his. I know nothing about him except his /fit/ failure. But if he triggers you faggots because even a couple of the things in that list are half-true, then I'll buy him a beer.

I don't give two fucks about boogie which means I'm not going to spend 5 hours going through an autistic list some pathetic no life put together.

Just imagine, money has allowed Boogie of all people to score with women beyond your means as a well-adjusted, fit man

ok dude go back to your wage cage you pol incel

He got bullied to tears by Sarkeesian and then apologized to her

absolutely pathetic