So what was the deal with the Nox?
What did they represent?

Attached: Nox.jpg (1010x562, 363K)

Stargate, apart from the original movie, is about as brainless as sci fi gets. Literally just shut your mind off when you watch it.

Possibly the lowest IQ thing ever posted on this website


Attached: GeorgeHammondConfused.jpg (700x393, 130K)

they represented the idea that flower children who respect nature are closer to the true nature of reality than all those stupid scientists with their stupid technology, and that you shouldn't fuck with hippies because they have eerie powers.

very Jungian concept desu

Nox have superior technology

>muh noble savages

Sup Nethanael

>it's a time travel/parallel universe/cloning/simulation/resurrection episode
>kill the main characters

im watching a time travel ep right now, s2e21

League of Legends players

From this post i can tell that you are not attractive

kys reylo scum

fuck the nox

furlings are based

Attached: hooyqxq3-720.jpg (720x406, 78K)

The Nox represent the full circle of nature. They were primitive, became the most advanced race, then went back to being primitive by choice.

How were they primitive?

They retined their tech and used it sparringly, sure, but they opted to live a 'more natural' existence, where they don't rely on their tech unless they have no other option. All of their tech ended up being entirely defensive in nature as a result, so they didn't need to worry about attacks.

Dude didyou miss the giant floating city?

This is primitive for you?

>What did they represent?

same as the Furlings

No. Furlings were a running gag while nox get introduced extremely early and with a distinct ... distinction.

SGU tried to be more sci-fi but the general Stargate audience hated it.

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