Yfw you dump his ass

>yfw you dump his ass

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Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw no gf to get dumped by

>tfw dated cute girl in hs, dumped her twice and hooked up with female friends the whole time

She dates women now and makes dykeposts all day

I'll avenge all of you bros

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t. cakesniffers

>"Let's go to the mall and find some black guys!"

Women are whores and I want to hurt them.

I guarantee you could walk up to her right now and ask her to marry you and she'd immediately agree

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this only enforces bros before hos logic lucas is not a bro


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Do they have lesbian kisses

did they eat each other out later too? Dumb cunts

>hfw I pound his ass

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>there is literally an abundance of films and shows telling girls it's okay to be damaged sluts and treat men like shit

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max seemed like a bit of a brat

but max dumped her black dude

That scene was hilarious. Idk why people don’t like Mike this season, he stopped taking himself too seriously

seethe more incel

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>t. Doesnt pay attention
They were still dating you buffoon

you're right they should stand by their insensitive, churlish, or even outright abusive boyfriends/husbands

I did that's how I know she dumped him and why I said she seemed like a brat just stiring shit up


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Til death do us part

Was the purpose of Sadie Sink in season 3 to make my dick diamonds every time she appeared on screen? Every time I saw her pasty white thick thighs my boner was an 13/10.

>hey babe dont cheat on me

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>and honey that's gonna be your death if you don't let me hit you
>things that never happened

>when a girl breaks up with her boyfriend for you

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>leaving your husband for being insensitive and churlish

Max should have been in season 1
Her getting jealous over Mikes interest in Ele would make more sense than Lucas, I think

It would make sense for her to be in the group from the start: outsider, tomboy, skateboards, etc maybe make her geeky too with science fiction novels

Pretty sure the group would still maintain cohesion has a 5

>beta loser
>Honey please don't cheat on me

>I hate single moms

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Anyone read it?

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>the thing poster


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>tfw got dumped and wanna kill yourself


>bitchy ranga tries to lead innocent girl astray
>it doesn't work
this show is uplifting

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awww look u guys are watching this fag shit

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They could not find a red haired child actress in time. The gingers rarely make it through the casting couch

Seemed like they were going to kiss. Think Netflix chickened out at the last minute?

What's the problem?

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The season would have been more interesting if El had dated both Will and Max + tumblr would have loved it but I guess writers these days are just too retarded

I used to have a crush on this qt tomboy who was the spitting image of Sadie in season 2. I never went for it because I was an awkward sperg at the time. She's a roastie single mother now.

>tfw I could have saved her.

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She looks like she kisses niggers.

No you wouldn't. You're most likely a fat greasy faggot with yellow fever.

I really like Eleven's little vampire teeth.

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>bong genes

She better get braces and soon. I had teeth like hers when I was a kid and now mine are all crooked like I’ve been chewing rocks. :(

Reminder: white girls like Max never dated coloreds in the 1980s. This is historical revisionism to pressure 20teens girls to miscenegrate. If you have nieces and nephews take them aside and tell them the truth.

Don’t worry bro. I’m six months out from a bitch who had narcissistic personality disorder which for the first time has given me a sort of PTSD, (realizing all the lies and gaslighting afterword and blaming myself for not seeing them) but I’m six months out now and feeling much more like myself again.

You’ll dump some loads in another chick eventually, in time you will forget this whore. And in the future you’ll be blessed with a chance to look back and see whatever retarded shit she’s doing now and say ‘whew’ good riddance

Am I right that Max never kissed Lucas this season? Dialogue just said they were dating but nothing ever happened. Remember that story about the writers surprising Sadie on set that she had a kiss scene.

They did but it was much rarer, the white girl was typically trashy, and was very much likely to be disowned by her family once it was discovered.
If you notice their was also another mixed couple dancing at the dance at the end of season 2.

Realistically and I'm sure they probably originally intended it at one point was for Billy's dad to find out and go absolutely ape shit on Lucas, Max, Billy, and Max's mom.

No I dont remember any kissing either now that you mention it, hell I'm even iffy on any hand holding.

I think they held hands walking down the hill after they setup the radio tower


Sadly now the malls are filled with roaming hordes of africanus criminalus tribesmen.

What happened to carmelitabro? The board simply hasn't been the same.

jesus christ white people are gross

He saw the light

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>tfw you regret it five minutes later
Max was such a jealous cunt kek

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It was her first ever kiss.

I can guarantee you her parents were furious.

Honestly, I was glad this happened. I fucking can't stand Mike or how his actor's face looks. It makes you want to punch it.

They are kids m8 leave em be.

I wish they were my bullies

Dude she's a actress they all buy new teeths eventually

She has new teeth now.

This, but unironically.

What did she mean by this?

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I wish she’d kiss me


Just imagine those greasy Jews laughing as they forced a young white girl to kiss a negro again and again even though she was clearly uncomfortable with it.

>Miss Thang!!!!"

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hes trans and wants hormones

>tried to make everyone turn on Mike
>eventually proved himself to be the one who was always right and won back the girl
Can't kike the mike, our boy is just too pure to lose

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That's degenerate

Give him the medicine if you can't get him wolfhard

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>not explicitly showing Hopper dying
He jumped into the portal to escape
I can't believe they're going to try and push another season of this shit.

with billy dead, hop is the final redeeming feature. when he dies the show dies with him

I wish I was Millie

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Show your hand, poo. Just pick a fucking day, we'll wipe you off the face of the planet the day you decide to nut up and come into the light.

I still don't understand why he just stood there staring instead of running back to safety in the control room?

I finished the season this morning.
They had a good amount of filter still even after removing some episodes.
I feel like they are going to make a spin off since 2 characters died and 4 are moving away.
They could so something with the russians and the other experiments but I hope they remove the filter. Even if it is 5 episodes it will be better without filter.

sneed more chuckcel

Why does she annoy him so much? What's the beef?

>Season 4 is just Hopper running around the upside down, murdering monsters and eating bags of discarded Tostitos
Finally, some quality television

So is hopper alive or not

It's hilarious you think they wouldnt do this regardledd

Max is perfection

I like Hopper so yes

Why did Netflix post 3 squares?

People think the post credits confirm it but it could easily be someone else. I think well just have to keep an eye out for what other work Harbour is doing. If hes involved in a lot of other stuff he might not be coming back to ST

>Karen Wheelers actress is 48 years old

How computer illiterate are you? It means they posted emojis that didn't draw on that device or browser. Geez, grandpa.


but seriously, I wanna lick millie's asshole

Any porn star look a-likes? Preferably ones that get blacked

why are fangs so fucking sexy?

>both Robin threads prune
>Max/El thread healthy

Explain this.

Is the post credits scene supposed to take place before or after the events of season 3? I've read conflicting theories about that. Some people claim that was the original s1 demogorgon that wasn't actually killed by Eleven but somehow ended up in Russia which is why they were trying to get into the Upside Down, in order to capture more and weaponize them ala Aliens.

apparently most people don't like her on set

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Nobody cares about old and busted dyke

do american girls actually do this?

no bully

been wondering this myself, seeing multiple gifs like it

interesting to read, but she probably shouldn't tweet all that

based whale dropping tea

>finn, sadie, maya, and joe are my favorite cast members

Based Maya.

>ywn have dirty nasty sex with hopper in the back of his cop car
why live

I found the Max/El friendship comfy.
Even though Max was a cunt who got El to dump her bf.

he looks like he belongs in a tim burton movie

>Ywn work on the stranger things set
>Ywn “accidentally” walk into Sadie’s dressing room and lock the door

>Sadie's thighs

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Fadie confirmed

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Based thot patroller.

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>cucumber melon

What the fuck, that's what my gf wears and smells like, is he a fag or something? That shit is feminine as hell. Whenever I smell it I get half a chub because it's the smell I associate with sex. I'd probably get a boner if I smelled him and it would be gay in the most heterosexual way and I would have to make him blow me heterosexually.

The boys have more feminine legs than she does.

They're skinnier. I want Sadie's thick thighs wrapped around my face

When he threw russianator into the machine, it created some plot convenient electric field between him and the exit.

damn pretty based

>he kinda short

why not? she's just an extra and I doubt she plans to make a career of it. People do dumber shit for attention and clout on social media.

This is now the designated /bitter virgin/ thread on tv

It's called a joke, underage

Maybe she meant his cum.


looks like he's holding a dido

Maybe because she's supposedly an underage whore for execs and her parent's allow it.

Pretty sure that’s every thread you stumble into, Champ

>born March 1974

how did the mindflayer plan to take over the world when it was stopped by 8 kids with firecrackers, like literally a tank would've stopped it dead in its tracks. Why didnt it just keep flaying the entire town, then move on to the next?

>not telling the stories
What's the point of gossip and bts drama if they're just gonna dangle hints instead of give us the scoop. I wanna know how autistic mbb is because maybe she isnt really acting playing El

good luck

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>mindflayer is otherwordly brain controller
>Billy as his thrall, kicking ass with demon powers
>[dramatic synth music] REMEMBER DA SEAGULL AND DA HAT???
>mind control breaks

just 2 bros having fun

It's like they're all having the same conversation going all the way back.

She became literally everyones favorite child actress in a week (2016) and has been in the spotlight swooned over ever since, she probably gets thousands of mails every day from boys telling her they masturbate to her and how much they love her, so when Finn doesn't give her the same attention she feels she needs to conquer him.

Do you think Suzie and Dustin had anal? the ol' poophole loophole for religious nuts?

>Finn’s actually as nice as all the fan girls shilled him to be
Biggest plot twist since Billy’s redemption arc

I genuinely felt a gutrenching emptiness when he said "im sorry" dunno why, made me feel empty inside for the rest of the day.

Why couldn’t he just surf?

so season 4 is gonna be Will perving on his stepsister while she telekenesis fucks herself with a dildo and a picture of Mike hovering over her face right?


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At least you're not a hypocrite, that's the worst part

>Winona is Jewish
But where are her Khazar milkers?

Yeah, they will probably axe her starring role as a fucking extra.

Lets talk about what a shit and horrible show this was. Any movie or series with a kid as one of the main character ruins the it entirely

Wait so who all went where at the end? Joyce got Eleven?

>But where are her Khazar milkers?
are you blind?

She said in another tweet she was expecting to come back in S4
But she’s pretty naive if she think they care about an extra enough to ask her back

fucking based chadcel

These kids have better acting than most adults. There are a lot of problems with normie things but the kids aren’t one of them.

Yes despite Joyce only working as a retail cashier she managed to adopt another mouth to feed and can afford a new house.

Billy drinks La Croix? That makes me bad ass for drinking La Croix!

Obsessed, truly.

Well she also whores, or did you miss the entire first two seasons?

Chad just wanted to get out of that shithole and catch some waves.
Also can we appreciate he took his summer job seriously unlike the other teenagers?

La croix is god tier

Was I the only one that thought she was gonna die saving him from drowning?

The fuck were they even dancing to? And why is Lucas dancing like a whiteboi devoid of any rhythm? Fucking role reversals, man


>started asking ME questions
What does that mean? Like he was doing it ironically or something?

but, you actually DID chew rocks, didn't you?

>ruins your dimension
How do we stop him?

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Was the acting always this bad? The frog kid in particular is soo bad.

just that he took a genuine interest and wasn't just half-heartedly engaging with her to be "nice"

>Ywn steal a pair of Sadie’s panties to jerk off in
>Ywn give them back to her
>Ywn be given a kiss because she’s flattered

>throwing shade on Millie
>forgetting the black

Welp, this extra's never gonna work in this town again, that's for sure.

Sounds like he was trying to strike a conversation with her

Have you seen any of her movies?

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Being dismisses of nobody extras isn't really unprofessional, lol.

Memes aside Jews are over-represented in media. I better not ever hear one of them blue-check mark motherfuckers complaining about being a minority


Someone should inform her that if her face were comparable to height, she'd be a fucking manlet^2

It will always be funny no matter what the actual reasons are because of the fact they are a couple/in love on the show. So to have the complete opposite occur in real life is a treat. She should really stop trying at this point., Just accept he will only ever see you as a co-star and move on, Millie.


Where in the show even was she? I don't remember any extras that ugly

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>female author
you can safely avoid this

Jews are only 2% of the population in the USA.

Also, Judaism makes up 0.2% of the world (Christanity: 33%, Islam: 22%).

>Millie is unprofessional
Why do these roasties never give any context? I doubt that they’re scared to share they just want to be snivelling bitches. Not saying she’s definitely wrong but it’s difficult to take information like this seriously without any backstory

Literally kill yourself

Yeah Finn didn’t give a shit this season and it was glaringly obvious. Don’t know if the kid is just going through the motions but it hasn’t done his reputation any favours

Most actors get their start as extras. Also, she was very obviously hoping to come back for 4, so yeah that's not gonna happen.

It's always hilarious to me how Millennials are constantly shooting themselves on the foot because they can never keep their dumb fucking mouths shut while needing dat social media dopamine of likes. Then they blame "Boomers" because they can't get a real career outside of shopping thier buttholes out to old men (irony)

Yes, don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. Some of them just go hunt for chads after breakups but there is a not insignificant proportion who specifically go fuck basketball americans to rebound. Sick shit

Seriously. It was only season S3 and you could tell his head/care was somewhere in S10

You do know these famous kids don’t 100% run their social media accounts right?

Google says 1 march 1971, while the stranger things wiki says 1974
I went with the older because women want to be younger than what they are, but I'm not sure which is correct

also she apparently made an 80s stranger things dance video:

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I don’t know where you found it to be shit but I think he played the dumb teenager role pretty good and it was hilarious

i luv this pic of Noni cuz she looks like Joan Cusack


I think he just stopped taking the character too seriously, since his character isn’t that important any more. He was obviously having a lot of fun with the role this time.

All the actors in Stranger Things are shitty, it’s Riverdale tier trash.. Nobody on these shows will ever be nominated for an Oscar.

glorified pool-janny

How to spot an American: the post.

You now imagine huge black thick veiny meat totems plunging in perfect syncronization to make them airtight

Some of his dialogue came off really flat, you can sense disinterest on his part in a few of scenes. Sure his more humourous/improv scenes were better but as a whole his performance was worse this season.

She was pleasantly surprised that he showed enough interest to ask her questions.

He’s probably realized the writing is getting worse and worse and the best thing for him to do is to get out of it as soon as possible.

He’s like the one kid that doesn’t have to worry about getting cast in movies outside of the show.

steve best character irl too, who would've guessed

Of course

Will becomes a Chronicle-tier Esper

He can only do so much when he’s playing the role existed solely to be a clown to show how smart and powerful the female characters are

What did she mean by this?

why does she still talk like a retard?

>yfw going to see Drake

watch season 1

He’s an awkward autist, she clearly wants wolfdick and he doesn’t know how to deal with the situation. I don’t think they hate each other but their relationship is clearly a mess.

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Stop saying filter when you mean filler.

There's a non-negligible percent who do this, especially because for whatever reason black guys are more willing to buy a girl new clothes, new shoes, or cosmetics to hopefully fuck her than men of other races. And if you're a girl looking to get a guy to buy you stuff, the mall is the easiest place to find them, bc it feels less sleazy than looking for it online.

this shit has happened a disturbing number of times
even in recent decades

next time can we just make a general instead of having fourteen different threads please

Do you guys felt any chemistry comming from Max and Lucas?

>being intimidated by Winona Ryder
Also Finn sounds based, actually engaging when she showed an interest

Damn that makes him even more adorable

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how come the negro kid and the ginger girl dont kiss even though theyre dating over a year

Yeah it was pretty great

No, because all SJWs care about is looking good, Sadie deserves better because Max is too cute to be wasted on Lucas

>kinda short
she probably browses Yea Forums because he's only kinda short in the meme sense at 1.78m/5'10feet

webms like this is why I come to these threads. Please dump the rest of Millie getting cucked

Chemistry as friends, yes. Chemistry as a couple, fuck no.

The black kid thinks she’s ugly


>He kinda short

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>southern US

we deserve everything that is about to happen to us

do you think winona lets all the horny teens have a go?

shut up pedo

she literally says where and what episode you illiterate cunt

God damn Millie is ugly as shit

It's Karens. He is.

I skimmed the image. Go take your meds and relax

no, her husband won't let her. maybe young winona would but sadly not now ;__;

>Finn’s PA is his dad who has to accompany him to the bathroom

Why did they let Raimi write this episode, it's so obvious with lines like this

According to this thread, the American mall has been ruined by Basketball-Americans.

Very sad to hear.

Doesn't make sense. Another kid who was in the same exact scenario as her can speak English fine. The government studies and tests these subjects, but I'm supposed to believe they wouldn't teach them how to communicate at an elementary level?
The Duffers are just retards.

S1 Jonathan was kino. He should have just died if they were going to waste his character like this

It’s true, girls like Sadie need to be protected from them, it’s why redheads are dying out.

>Creepy peeping tom spaz is kino
I agree he should have died, Steve should have beat him to death and fucked Nancy on his corpse.

fucking zoomer

It's 100% believable that not every subject was treated the same

Maybe it's you that needs the reading abilities. I didn't say that at all, just that I missed it because I skimmed it. Relax, and go take your meds.

next season is going to be all about Eleven coping with going to highschool for the first time

Shes going to cuck mike 100%

Hopefully with a black guy

Ghetto gangster that she and Max share who makes them teen moms

Malls were bubbles that finally started popping.

It's Dusting > Lucas > Mike > Will

>"hahaha s-so hilarious, hahahaha"

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This is true, sadly Lucas annoying little sister had twice the screentime he did.

This thread is legit boring and so obviously populated by limp-dicked fat NEETS who haven't even watched the show. Post more Robin + Steve

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steal one of her cute little pads ..cum in it and put it back

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Mike and Eleven’s love for each other is the most consistent thing in the show
I doubt they’ll change that

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>implying I'm white

they better not remove the best character in the show

I want Robin to jerk me off with her tits while she tries to reassure me that she's 100% lesbian

>yfw it's the smarmy horny men that are letting them down

>Implying these kids were any of those things and El hanging around an abused child isn't the problem

she was the biggest disappointment in S3, literally for no reason other than catering to the SJWs

Cum on her face while she’s taking a nap

they give off the vibe of an old married couple
that is not how kids are when they like each other
theyre like el and mike, making out all the time

Oops, shit wrong video

Anyone have that video of Eleven being evaded by Mike at the promo and she was visibly upset?

Brah how much more (((teen angst))) is necessary when they’re obviously endgame now? At best other boys will flirt with her but she’ll still want Wheeler

The kids involved in some high school classroom antics would be alright I guess. I mean, whatever they need to do to not do the same plot with the same creatures for a 4th fucking time..

It’s already been posted

too late, they already teased the same monster is coming back

This, the Duffers may be hacks but at least the tone of Mike and Eleven’s relationship has been kept consistent throughout the series.

>chinese are about to own the us

I honestly think they didn't want to "offend" the white audience.

>apparently most people don't like her on set
nowhere in that picture does she say that people don't like her though?

Hurt yourself instead.

She’s obviously a Finn girl since she’s going to his show but regardless Finn sounds like an awesome dude. Would chill out with him and get drunk with Joe Kerry

It also enforces the hoes before bros mentality
The cycle continues

>he never had fun, lighthearted banter with his tsundere high school girlfriend

>What you think, that we would sit in the basement all day playing games for the rest of our lives?

Are they now throwing shades to the incel fanbase?

>Yea Forums
This is the second most incel board after /r9k/

Happened to me and she went ahead and shattered my heart. Took my 5 years and meds to get over her

My dick can only get so hard, user

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Will’s a homosexual. He’s getting his virginity taken next season, Call Me By Your Name style

>watch sci fi show
>all the sci shit is boring as fuck besides in season 1
This show is kind of a yikes overall.

Yeah I think that's right.

We call this the “Jenna Fischer effect”. It’s not that Millie is bad-looking for her age, but there’s incredibly good odds as teenagers they have little in common other than their respective ages and occupation. He could have any girl he wants, and is probably ready to move on with his life. In 5 years she’ll be posting tweets of her kissing Finn on-screen with some cringe comment, while he’s married with kids.

Yeah we probably wont be again now that studios know she trash talk people

>season 1
>season 2
takes the spoopyness and makes a joke out of it with the "demodogs" yaaas woman slaaaay better than the boys at games, also BLACKED, WE NEED BLACKED, why is it always the red heads that get blacked?
>season 3
this show is just another romance series huh? every main characters main arc revolves around their love interest, literally.

>The best pairing (steve+robin) won't happen


It’s psychic but not omniscient. It probably would’ve grown to be even more retardedly large considering like 40 people and some rats made it thr size it was. But it knew El was a threat, so when it found her it made its move.

Imagine them both licking your dick like an ice cream cone haha

>MBB will someday reach Jenna Fischer levels of cringe
God, I fucking hope not. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy

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I want to suck millie's little tits, but i don't really care for her Yea Forums show

I wonder how intelligent it is and if the writers have good idea of how it's mind work or not.

Nah she’s autistic but she’s not that bad. She’s certainly infatuated but she doesn’t post or speak about him out of nowhere like some creepy roastie all the time.

The girl on the right is exactly what Disney needed for Ariel, yet they give us some test-tube twin with eyes on the side of its head.

how do I be an extra on the next season? It’s not like I plan on doing anything nefarious or anything...

>next season Robin will have hot lesbian kissy time with another female character

cant wait

is Eleven gonna end up becoming an lesbianese? it seemed heavily hinted at this session

"Oh Mrs Wheeler.."

but argentina is white....



is there any truth in the rumors that millie gives blowjobs to literally every male extra on a daily basis?

>tfw you realise we’re really going to waste screen time on some boring as shit lgbtqiabcdef subplot
The absolute state of Stranger things

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Can anyone please explain to me who these fuckers are that keep blindly defending women on this board?

Jesus Christ Will. Tone it down.

Tourists from Twitter and tumblr


Don't worry. Steve is still alive, though he wasn't as great in S3 unfortunately

thank god I don't deal with white slags. Asian women ftw.

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Reminder that Suzie is responsible for the deaths of Hopper and Billy.

Hhhahahahahhhahahahahaha you owe me sides niggah that picture is a curse.

Best girl

>im so above of this retarded shit
i hope this kid grows up to be a heroin junkie rockstar

it's more likely he'll end up like Drake Bell if he doesn't take care of his money

>deaths of Hopper

>nazi jews
it all makes sense now

yeah i cant see rich kid picking up a guitar and actually writings songs, everyone heard how shitty the macoa culkin pizza band was

Anglos are like 4% of the population and the 2% jew meme is literally just pure jews

There would be a bigger percentage if that counted half's and quarter jews

>thinking they'll be that obvious with "the american"

>thinking they'll be that obvious with "the american"
will have to get some subs for all of the tartar speak for my next viewing