Can someone actually explain to me how anyone can give a shit about new entries to this series anymore?

Can someone actually explain to me how anyone can give a shit about new entries to this series anymore?

Obviously the OT are classics and the PT isn’t even that bad, but this new Disney Star Wars is so transparently soulless compared to Episodes 1-6. The entire ‘feel’ of the new movies feels like they were being overly aafe while trying to shoehorn in ‘risky’ moments that seemed unique but still conformed to the new ‘safe’ formula. Not even 1 kid these days will grow up being enthralled by Star Wars like kids of the 70s/80s did. They will all
(and rightfully so) gravitate to being MCU kids and eventually nostalgic over that instead.

Which segway’s into the next problem: Star Wars (films) are not meant to be explored via a cinematic universe like the MCU is. The ‘universe’ concept works for Marvel because that is exactly how the comics tell the stories and the fans love it. Comic movies have thousands of stories to draw on, Star Wars is literally making crap up just to fill movies in (I know the EU exists but they are ignoring that).

By virtue of episodes 1-6 centring around 7-8 characters, they have now found themselves in a position that once they moved in from them that no on the would give a shit about the new characters. They didnt go balls deep enough into the new lore either, they straddled some weird line between the old guys and the new characters that just feels so... corporate...

I’m actually the furthest from a SW fanboy that they come, but even I can recognize what made the old movies so special and be disappointed with what is happening now...

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yeah I give a shit about the newest entry into the series because there is literally nothing else coming out in the genre

hope that helps

I liked The Force Awakens. It's a dumb space adventure movie and that's always what Star Wars has been. I didn't like The Last Jedi because it relished in not being fun.

nobody gives a shit
stop posting about nu wars to get validation in your hate

fuck you 3rd worlder

The new movies are just that...movies. They feel like weird safe formulaic films that are not technically bad the same way a top 40 song is not technically bad. I enjoyed TFA a lot but I don’t remember a thing from the movie and I dont have any desire to see it again.

thats an only answer you have to being a nu wars loving retard with no life?

what a dogshit comeback god youre dumb


youll notice I didnt punctuate anything else either faggot

you can't do what you don't know.
go watch your precious star wars it's a true top kino for a retard like you

When you argue with straw-men you both win and lose.

if you have had any taste in motion pictures, you would not post about shit like nu wars.


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If you weren't a 3rd world loser you would have said you were American from the start.

earth will be a better place without nu wars fans
they are waist of oxygen

fat loser with dumb laws making life worthless? no thanks.

absolutely seething

Phantom menace and first half of clone wars was abolute garbage worst then anything disney did yet,

Women ruining yet another man-made masterpeice, what else is new in the 21st century?

The audiobooks are really good though. Well, they make the story passable. The audiobook for Revenge of the Sith is kino.


you guys really don't know anything better then star wars garbage

If you like film then you like filmmaking and actual directing. Rian Johnson made a movie that was way better than the average star wars film has ever been.

>they will all (and rightfully so) gravitate to being MCU kids and eventually nostalgic over that instead.
why? all those MCU movies are dogshit so who cares about them
the only good series are lotr, potter and star wars

Hello Disney marketing. Not even daily fake outrage threads will get hype for next product.

>Can someone actually explain to me how anyone can give a shit about new entries to this series anymore?
Easy: you like Star Wars more than you like being fake outraged and butthurt.
Not being an incel manbaby also helps.

Just play JK2, Jedi Outcast.
Forget about the films