Let me tell you something joe rogan

>let me tell you something joe rogan

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>tells based story

>*something that literally couldn't have possibly have happened in the universe*
>*fake LA positivity and asskissing*

>ive spent my whole existence as a sheltered kid behind a computer
>old street criminal from the 70s could not possible have gotten into so many crazy situations

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>I love the Joe Rogan experience and genuinely admire all the crazy characters on the show!

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wait you don't think it's bullshit? him beating up a nun? plausible to you?

of course it is. What the fuck do you think a drug addict troublemaker does all day with inadequate policing or surveillance to stop him?

Was a 70s Cuban kid with no father figure or hobbies supposed to stand on a street alley 365 days a week and never fall into some sort of scheme? That id find hard to believe.

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what like all his stories? are you just playing devil's advocate? he talks like a bullshitter

he repeats a lot of them. He's called people up to confirm em. Might sound like a bullshitter because he embellishes things here and there, which is natural for a braggadocios comedian.

But to say he's flat out lying the whole time is absurd.

>tells ridiculous fake crime story involving himself and multiple conveniently dead celebrities
>Joe Rogan: Wow really, that's crazy I can't believe I've never heard about this it's hard to believe
>Joe Rogan: Oh then I guess it must have really happened

>He's called people up to confirm

oh yeah other degenerates are very reliable

The thing with true stories is that they have that element that if you read it in a book you would go "that could never happen" but when someone like Joey tells the same story you have to believe it because he couldn't make it up.

Of course the human memory is very flawed and as time goes on your brain just makes up stuff that you start to think those are your true memories. Even very dramatic events start to slowly change and then when you talk about it with someone they have a completely different memory of it. I can't remember which neuroscientist told this story but he had actaully fabricated in his mind an event that happened to his brother and not him when they were children. It turned out he wasn't even at home when this thing happaned and heard about it only afterwards but he told the story as his own for decades. He described is a very vivid memory but it didn't even happen to him.

So who knows what is really true and what are someone elses stories. I believe Joey believes all of his stories are true. They are entertaining though.

>moving goalposts

I love how he always adresses him with his full name even though they are well established friends

I was snorting coke of this hookers tits. She put coke on my dick, it sensitizes things you know? I fucked her for hours! I remember this because the night before I was posting Joe Diaz threads on Asian clay pottery forums

even if joey diaz is a lying fuck he's actually pretty funny and his stories are kino

how was that moving goal posts? Man fuck you and your faggot lust for this fucking spic

Post face

>People keep saying he's lying
>Most of his stories are basic bitch degenerate drug addict stories that vanilla Joe Rogan thinks is Savage.
>Some of his stories are genuinely morally disgusting.
It's fucking baffling. Just from living in drug addict country I fucking know for a fact he's done things far worse than what he's admitted to and the only thing keeping some of his stories from being morally reprehensible is how he tells them.

I fucking might, odds are better than yours

>So thing ya know I’m a fuckin’ 8ball of coke down and I’m eatin’ this broads ass behind a dumpster

cant believe youre actually mad at someone for believing entertaining stories, get out more my man

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I just think he's a scumbag who is objectively a bad person. Fucking idiots would forgive someone anything as long as they were compelling

Freaks me out that he's only 5 years older than Joe

Joey Diaz isn’t outright lying he’s embellishing stories or self inserting himself into hood stories that he’s been told

>*something that literally couldn't have possibly have happened in the universe*
You really can't underestimate how crazy crime was up unto the late 90's, especially in New York city. Look into the corruption scandals of Police departments there, no matter how crooked you think a person can be, some of these people were worse.