It's the smell!

>it's the smell!

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actually go around a city and you'll see what he means. he wasn't wrong.


that was fucking racist, niggers don't smell that bad.

this scene was kino

you could really feel what he meant with that sweaty ass nigger morpheus

Yes they do.
t. black guy

Are you admitting to smelling?

Yes. But it's not like I ever leave the house anyway so what does it matter

have you ever had a black guy sit in front of you on the bus? i almost gagged one time and had to move.



larping as a nigger, pathetic

shut up nigger

In australia we don't have many africans but once I went to Dominos and the girl behind the counter was black and I cpuld smell her from the other side of the counter.

Same thing happened with the place where I worked where I could smell an older black woman from outside of an office.

Americans literally deal with this every day.

The machines are no different to orderly upper middle class white people in their opinions.

They are always late. And lazy. It would be quicker to train a monkey.

>I was there, Morpheus. I was there three versions ago when the smell of men failed

how does a machine program even have a smell sensor
this was unnecessary, mr Smith was too human

Nobody smells, everyone just has the illusion of smell.

We got to the bottom of this in based M&S. The African ladies working in the kitchen STANK of pussy. It's just their culture. They dont shower often in Africa and they their their body odour is pleasant.
The management told them to shower every day. They did. They stopped stinking.

Blacks smell like onions and doritos

the matrix was designed by H1B visa workers, also sound was tied to the FPS

Tell that to someone who cleans shitters for a living.

You have a sensor on your face that sends electrical signals to your brain for interpretation. You think a machine couldn't also interpret electrical signals?

In matrix

I don't think so. Asians find whites to smell like dairy/cheese. Indians smell of curry regardless of how much they shower. Blacks smell like body odor.

It seems to be a mixture of diet, culture, genes (e.g. sweat glands quantity), etc.

How does he smell if he's not even real

Whites eat a lot of dairy compared to asians. I smell like curry when I eat a strong vindaloo. Body odour does vary by race but can absolutely to cured by showering every day.

Those blacks that stink either just dont care to wash or dont know to do it because they are straight off the boat.

does agent smith not question why the machine overlords programmed this smell into the simulation or felt a need to allow him to smell at all?

>for the love of god Isildur, put on some deodorant!

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blacks dont shower that much because of their hair but also cause they are black I mean how would they even know they are dirty?

the cell networks do, they have been used to see through walls, and the chinese model of AI facial recognition will surely know what's on your mind better than your smartphone which tracks your ever move anyway.

But why do they smell?

Blacks are so used to their stink that they dont realize they smell

>I don't think so. Asians find whites to smell like dairy/cheese. Indians smell of curry regardless of how much they shower. Blacks smell like body odor.

>It seems to be a mixture of diet, culture, genes (e.g. sweat glands quantity), etc.
this is your mind on /pol/

They can tell who is gay with a high degree of accuracy. Lel.

ever since I saw this scene as a kid it's stuck with me and plays in my head whenever I get a whiff of something foul out in public.

Have sex (after showering)

Its inaccurate but it's not far from the truth. If you shower enough your smell will be of what you eat. If you dont shower enough you will smell like body odour. Blacks smell of body odour for socioeconomic and also cultural reasons.

Trashy black niggers just dont wash. Same as trashy any race. Africans dont wash enough for cultural reasons. They will tell you that themselves. In Africa it's not considered such a strong or unpleasant smell.

Was Smith browsing a mommy thread?

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there is such thing

Did she smell like pizza?


Do americans really do this?

its that smell of nigger sweat mixed with cocoa butter
i swear to fucking god they think cocoa butter is soap and they can wash with it. they need to start using actual soap more.

they also dont wash their hair as often as everyone else because its different too so that starts to give off a smell. i'm not kidding you would be surprised at how different the hygiene habits of niggers are.

Euro here

I've never seen a black person but my mother had spent 10 years in the US and she's told me numerous times that all black people smell like grape Fargo because all they drink is grape Fargo and various knock-offs of it, basically lots of disgusting sodas. Is that true?

True besides I think she meant Faygo, Fargo is a city.

they just stink but yeah their eating and drinking habits are just as bad as their hygiene. a diet of cheap greasy chicken and cheap sodas can't be good for the smell your unwashed body produces lol

>Euro here
>I've never seen a black person

Lucky you. Where in Europe ?

A medium polish town. I'm more than sure that I've passed some black people while in the bigger cities, just haven't been paying attention.

Oh boy, guess you're right.

>A medium polish town.

Protect it mate, otherwise you'll end up like me...

A Londoner.

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Polish huh?
Your thoughts on this little guy?

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I had to sit next to someone who smelled like he’d pissed himself while rolling in petrol last time.
It was bizarre

Imagine it!

Dont worry, itl burn one day again. its a cycle, thought it was gonna happen with grenfell