Abortion is evil

>abortion is evil
This movie (Unplanned) is pure propaganda yet people defend this.

Attached: Abortion.webm (320x180, 2.22M)

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Most documentaries/movies with an obvious message are slanted OP. It's nothing original.

>distributed by Pure Films
It's not like they're hiding it.

I'm strangely craving a raspberry smoothie

People are swayed by random shit on facebook. It's not exactly hard to manipulate people's opinions.

is it propaganda if it's true though

remember this

Attached: 1553562745567.jpg (980x842, 190K)

>99/100 films are filled with leftist propaganda
>1 film has right wing propaganda
>leftists flip out
Heaven forbid we stop killing babies

abortion is killing, the fetus have a one of a kind dna, different than the mother
it should still be legal don't get me wrong, but we should accept our actions, giving a name to the fetus and give him a proper burial

there's something wrong with Americans. the rest of the world has abortions, but they're considered necessary evil. in America you have people literally celebrating being whores and killing as many babies as possible. in that context, I would absolutely oppose abortion rights, at least until women learn self-control and closing their legs.


lol Americans actually believe this


do they really suck a whole baby into a narrow tube lmao it's just like that diver

Not trying to be edgy, but that made me laugh.It played out as a scene from the old Scary Movie. Like one of the black guys got one of the girls pregnant and the fetus made the black guys voice.

>there's something wrong with Americans.
It's called abstinence only birth control and a lack of proper healthcare/education. Smooth brain incels just chalk it up to women being whores of course because they're useless sacks of shit.

You are killing a baby, I support it because it keeps the brown population a little lower, but admit what it is

mmmmmmmmmm smoothies

Only if they're still immature, if they're not they crush the skull then sever and pull out the limbs.

Daily reminder: youtu.be/9yiGV8JHlqM

former doesn't preclude the latter

They're eating the baby, and then they're going to ear me! Oh my goooooooooood!™


And 90% of those abortions are negros and spics.

abortion is bad, its just how it is.

I hope the audio has the baby begging for help.

Women have the rights to their bodies.

>it's just a fetus dood, not a living and breathing creature, it's completely OK to kill it

Attached: 1537949668938.jpg (1072x1120, 179K)

>it's not a human being dood, I bet it doesn't even feel pain

Attached: 1532794969299.webm (202x360, 370K)

As do the unborn babies.

Abortion is evil which is why abortion clinics should be required to do the paper bag test. If your skin is lighter than the paper bag you aren't allowed in.

Attached: c21febd8a3ccba7809945fa5ee27e1d3.jpg (371x136, 9K)

Killing an innocent baby is morally justifiable, killing a spree killer child rapist is not.


lol it's not sentient. If it can't survive at all with medical help outside of the woman's womb, I say it's justified.

Why the fuck do you care

Dont you mean the blue vein test? Mexicans should be aborted.

Yes, yes we know we get it, you can't do shit about working class people yet, so at least you try to kill their children before they are born because that is all you have courage for, or at least try to castrate their kids using tranny drugs.

But it's not though

>stuff that never happened

Nah we need more blacks and less white desu

roasties are so devoted to living the roastie sex-in-the-city lifestyle that they act as if you you're violating some basic human right by not letting them kill their babies.

Imagine a world where abortions were illegal. Women would behave completely differently, they'd be forced to make decisions that benefit society rather than their base impulses. This is why they freak out so much when people try to place restrictions on abortion.

Do you also passionately advocate for the rights to life of insects and call anyone who steps on a bug a murderer?
>Women would behave completely differently, they'd be forced to make decisions that benefit society rather than their base impulses.
Or they would behave the exact same and have abortions illegally, enabling much greater risk of fatal injury during the process. Outlawing abortions doesn't survive babies, it kills women.

>Or they would behave the exact same and have abortions illegally, enabling much greater risk of fatal injury during the process. Outlawing abortions doesn't survive babies, it kills women.
what exactly is the problem with that?

>lol it's not sentient
The same applies for average leftist and given how they shriek about muh healthcare they also cannot survive out of their dad's vagina.

>Or they would behave the exact same and have abortions illegally
>also ban guns because that works

No because no one cares about the livelihood of insects. Meanwhile killing children is obviously immoral and detrimental to the survival of our own species yet selfish roasties want to justify doing it as a form of casual birth control.

go to /r/childfree, they regularly celebrate removing "parasites" and hold each other parties

No such thing as "objectively" immoral.

Only religious zealots fighting for sharia Christianity defend this movie.

I hope wearing that fedora feels good when a traditional and powerful society like Russia or China roll over your pathetic deconstructionist faggot ass and the weak nations you create.

in my head I heard a loud THUNK when the baby got sucked out lmao

You know that by your gun rationale there's no reason to ban abortions then, right?

>casual birth control
This is literally propaganda.

Whatever you say christcuck
Have fun seething over black people all day.

So why do you care about the "rights" of the woman?

There are approximately over 7 billion humans on the planet right now. Some people having abortions is not "detrimental to the survival of our own species".
Even if a gun ban wouldn't completely eradicate the possibility of a mass shooting, the fact that guns would be inherently much harder to obtain would drastically lower the probability of one.
If that needs to be explained to you, then that says enough about you to invalidate anything you say.

One is statistically proven to have a direct correlation. The other is a puritanical fantasy of involuntary celibates akin to flat earth theory.

>Have fun seething over black people all day.
There's no objective way of determining what race a person is

>the internet is synonymous with real life
Grow a brain.

Genetic tests.

All the white folks with African genes say hi.

Inseminated eggs die all the time, naturally and otherwise. Every species kills its young. There's literally no passage from the Bible you could quote that says abortion is a sin, and there are actually prescriptions for it. Society has improved since its legalization with reduced crime rates, which have seen the least gains in areas where it has been made unlawfully difficult to obtain one.

"Detrimental to the survival of our own species" my ass.