Did someone say Comfykino thread?

Only shows allowed:
>Twin Peaks
>Supernatural s1-5
>True Detective s1
>Forensic Files
>Old Twilight Zone

Discuss these shows ONLY or futurre comfykinos (a show can only be comfy after a very specific type of nostalgia kicks in, it is very rare and 3-5 years needs to pass from the original airdate at minimum).

What is the common thread among all these shows? Other than Forensic Files, the very slow charactaer development through a character driven plot, while being disguised as a show that is driven by a larger plot of hectic and outlandish events. That is why the large casts of these shows work, and why even though some of these shows has bad endings (Lost -_-), the memory of the show is not tainted by them.

Forensic Files... is just pure comfy in the most unfiltered form. Cant say much else, that show is top tier by any standards.

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There are better common threads than that, but you do have a good point. Over half the shows you listed just used the plot as an excuse to explore the characters.

It is weird to me, that even though amazing shows like Breaking Bad and The Wire certainly do dive deep into the characters and their development, that they dont have the same comfy feel as these shows. I credit it to the fact that most or OP’s shows are truly just using the plot as a way to discover the depth of their characters, while shows like Breaking Bad and The Wire actually have a very important plot (to the show) that needs to progress for the show to stand any ground as it moves foreward.

Almost NONE of the plot movement and discoveries in Lost were actually important at all in a pure plot sense. Most events served more of a purpose in further exploring characters rather than moving the plot forward. Of course, the genius of Lost is that we didnt even realize the plot was relatively unimportant while we watched it, we liked the plot too.

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Absolutely based list and reasoning. Comfykino is strange. There is no common link between a show like Lost and Forensic Files, yet they both hit the same “comfy” part of the brain when you watch them. Why is this bros?

It’s tough to pinpoint to be honets. I think nostalgia has a huge factor to play but not because of the show, but the viewer experience when watching originally. Do you remember how exhilarating watching Lost was as it aired? There was nothing quite like it at the time. EVERYONE, irl and online, was into
it. It was the first of it’s kind. It brought nerds, geeks, incels, chads, betas, staceys, weebs, etc all together to theorize. Truly amazing.

>Supernatural s1-5
zoomerina confirmed

zoomers were literally 4-7 years old when Lost and Supernatural came out.

>no smallville
shit tier list desu


good list user

I can see smallville qualifying to some. OPs list is nearly all encompassing for the shows that are undeniably comfy to anyone who has watched them, but there is a sub-comfy tier that not everyone finds comfy but most do.

I don't want to sound like the faggots in the youtube comments but I have never experienced a show like Lost. I was so involved in it and still watch clips all the time


It was the perfect combination of a weekly show that was interesting plot wise, great characters, something that everyone could enjoy, and (most importantly) the apex of the ‘wild west’ of internet culture where forums were the only place to discuss shit (and not gay reddit) and the general populatiom had just enough internet knowledge to read up all the fan theories without knowing/caring enough to shit up the forums with their normie bullshit. They just read it and thought all there forumfags were wizards. I loved it. My Dad who was 50 at the time was spending free time reading theories on that one Lost forum.

It was a very specific era where streaming wasn’t available, so there were limited shows that people could get behind, but internet connectivity was also at just the perfect point that everyone could figure out what was the show for everyone to watch and could have fun with online theorizing about the show. Neither of these 2 conditions can exist anymore:

1) no one watched cable anymore, and everyone has several streaming devices anymore. Everyone being united under everyone having the same cable shows country wide, along with having to wait a week for each episode instead of binging, created a viewing environment that was conducive to socially talking about and spreading the show effectively


2) internet culture was at just the right point for it to not be so obscure but still be so untamed that people could go wild with theories unfiltered and it was FUN. Podcasts emerged just to talk about the show, strangers would chat back and forth about shit, weird leaks happened from behind the scenes where you had 0 clue if it was true but just kind trusted it anyways, and normies were actually down with all this shit going on.

Nowadays 90% of tv discussion is extremely sanitized and moderated (looking at you reddit). Half the mods are probably in the bag for the studio. Discussion is reduced to reciting lines from the show


Nowadays 90% of tv discussion is extremely sanitized and moderated (looking at you reddit). Half the mods are probably in the bag for the studio. Discussion is reduced to reciting lines from the show or commenting faggy quips at each other. You can’t be mean any more, you don’t have the same deep theory discussion and breakdown of shows like you used to, everything is sponsored or viral marketing, and most ‘forums’ are dead. Yea Forums is the only discussion board left that I know of that is semi-popular and still follows the sequential posting format instead of the extremely gay up/downvote format where faggy quips and ‘accepted’ facts/theories are the ones you read and the crazy shit (that ended up being right sometimes) is moved to the bottom and hidden. I LOVED reading the batshit insane theories and without sequential posting, and with the introduction of corporations and dumb normies to the internet, these discussions are just dead on arrival now.

And have you noticed mainstream commenting websites (like Reddit or others) have some creepy paper-this veneer of wholesomeness that MUST abide to or else the whole thing shatters and they attack you personally like a hive of bees? That wasn’t a thing back then. You just called the user you didn’t like and idiot or a pussy and they were like “lol fuck u fag”.

Even here the general discussion is usually overly meta instead of just talking about the show like we used it.

My point is that LOST came at the time where most of the first world was on the same page with cable/internet but the perfect timing of the Wild West era of internet culture peaking allowed everyone to me immersed in the kino without all the modern bullshit.

>(looking at you reddit)
>(like Reddit or others)

You're the sheerest human garbage, user. Imagine being an adult and needing "internet gang" fantasies this badly.

>implying that the pursuit of tv/movie discussion has never lead you to Reddit at any point in time
user, Im glad you can at least pretend this shitty website serves you film/tv disussion needs, but you are either lying to us or to yourself. This board is the best mainstream discussion boars for this shit but it is still too retarded to satisfy 100% for someone who is actually into tv/film (I guess you arent into tv/film much then)

Aside from that, way to miss the point completely you faggot. The point was that internet discussion was at the absolute apex for comfiness around the time of Lost. Now it is 90% corporate infested or full of weird fags pretending to be quippy and wholesome. It sucks. I wasnt talking about uberweebs on Yea Forums, I was talking about how generally everyone went online to find theories or discuss lost at the time, and the only discussion that most people could find were om weird forums or Yea Forums or Gamefaqs or something, and everyone just lived with crude yet authentic culture these forums had. Now 90% of discussion most people can find is fake, manufactured, sanitized, or 100% inauthentic. The main perpetrator is Reddit, hence why I mentioned it, but it is not the only lne

You are a complete brainlet.

Just imagine reading that post and this was your takeaway. Completely fucking refarded.

absolute dink

pretty interesting line of thinking. I think on top of everything you said, Lost had great music which really helped build an atmosphere and it was a series that it took itself very seriously during a time of kitschy network shows which was a nice change of pace.

I am actually seething at how someone can be to brainlessly aligned with the shitty anti-reddit culture here to completely disregard a quality post like that just to appeal to other incels on this board.

You went on several tangents here... but the spirit of what you are trying to say is correct. Everyone still had cable to everyone could only watch the same shit at the same scheduled time. Plus we were in the golden era of online discussion. LOST is one of the only shows that was good at this completely unprecedented and non-replicable times in modern history. 50% of my comfy feels from Lost are just nostalgia over the experience of watching every week, making theories with my buddies, parents, and teachers, and the going online and seeing if others agreed or not. The era made the show through the viewing experience, and because of the era, the viewing experience didn’t stop once an episode finished. Fuck most of the newer online communities, nothing with ever beat 2000-2009 era internet.

>Discuss these shows ONLY

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I can still hum the walking/adventure theme.

The Island is Purgatory.

>can't start watchinng shows after they're been out for a while


Name your top 5 lost episodes

What are the best episodes of Forensic Files? I like
>any ones were they use handwriting to catch a killer
>the one with the billboard (also involves handwriting)
>"cereal killer" about a guy who is caught murdering his kid because the kid vomited up some cereal during the crime
>the one where the guy tries to stage a drowning accident but very specific plants from the lake catch him out (i described this one badly cause I don't remember it too well but it was based)
>the one where the politician kills someone in a hit and run
>"four on the floor" about a serial killer caught by tire tracks
>the one about the radio host's murdered found out by a sniffer dog
>the one where the guy tries to claim his mother/mother-in-law (idk remember specifically) fell down the stairs but a scuff mark on the wall reveals he bludgeons her
>the thai battle swords murder

Probably even more I can't remember right now, such a comfy show, need to get back into watching it again

Lost is incredible, go fuck yourself

>Through the Looking Glass
>The Shape of Things to Come

Most people would include The Constant but I think it's kind of overrated

is Buffy/Angel allowed here?

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What's the best episode of Buffy and why is it Band Candy?

the Supernatural thread is already dead so if Buffy and Angel are allowed here, I'll just move to this one

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I felt the same watching Game of Thrones. Sure its pretty good and is incredibly well made, but it just isnt "comfy" as something like a Lost.

>No Person of Interest
>No Buffy/Angel in a /comfy/ thread
>No Fringe
>No Order
>True Detective
>No SPN S6+

This thread is a pretender

Also I know this is an unpopular opinion online, but 20+ episode shows (drama or sitcom) are much 'comfier' and 'relaxing' to watch han these 10-13 episode shows that everyone loves these days.

Comfy is a feel

>Person of Interest
good taste, only missing white collar and blacklist

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How is that even remotely an unpopular opinion? Thicc 22-episode shows have always been "turn your brain off" kino and the 13-ep shows are what you watch for the plot with your attention undivided

Person of Interest is unironically the best sci-fi show of the last ten years and it's criminally under rated

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