Is she right about her no-nudity stance, or is it disrespectful to other actresses?

Is she right about her no-nudity stance, or is it disrespectful to other actresses?

>“I refused the director's request for the topless scene, I'm an actress not a pornstar. Women have to provide the titillation because penises can’t be seen on screen but breasts can,” she told The Edit magazine in January. “It’s assumed that women will get their breasts out and have to get their breasts out and I balk at that. It’s unnecessary and unfair.”

Attached: Eleanor-Tomlinson-at-BAFTA-Awards-940301.jpg (620x700, 106K)

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I mean it's fine if she doesn't want to, but publicly being a cunt about it is likely to hamper her career

She did a nude scene though, so she’s a pornstar according to her logic.


A breast is more explicit than a male pectoral but less explicit than a penis or vagina.
People need to understand this.

penises are shown on screen all the time
and lol comparing a passive secondary sex characteristic like tits to a penis
even when you see pussy in shows and movies its just a fake pubic hair patch (merkin) with no labia. i guess if you're a decent looking english girl your opinion is very important though

yeah well bitch, you chose a profession for high class escorts.

her IMDB is lookin pretty thin, noting major really coming up. maybe if she got those fat warlocks out she'd get more work

She did a naked titty scene and I jerked it so hard knowing her previous stance.

why even bother working? she's an attractive actress. she can coast of royalties and hang out at high class socialite parties from now on

so funny when they pretend they arent whores

she'll probably marry some nephew of a noble or someshit like the 1% of brit girls that are hot do

>penises are shown on screen all the time
What faggy shit are you watching?

prolly gay european movies bro lmao

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Chernobyl recently

Why is she comparing tits to penises? Men show penises in movies WAY more than women show vagina. Even when women do show vagina, it’s usually just a merkin covering it up.

So, shocker, once against some feminist cunt doesn’t realize women have it easier.

HBO has been showing dick for decades now.

It just means she has /weird nipples/.
Any actress who doesn't do nudity is just self conscious.

They were CGI, she's wearing a bra

no one will read this post but it deserves to be read

This woman sounds like a retard. Actors show their dicks all the time, on screen and on stage, and it's much harder for men to do so because nobody will be making fun of women who do nude scenes over a part of their body they can't change and that people equate with your sexual capacity. This is yet another case of a dumb foid claiming sexism in a situation where men have it much worse.


that posts means nothing tho. It's boomer burger logic.


This. Plus acting means getting paid to perform something. If you don't want to do the nudity, don't do the film/show. FFS, these people try to force their bullshit onto everyone. If I make a film and want tits in it, then the actress I hire, and who knows going in there will be tits, decides to be BRAVE then I should be able to shitcan her and sue her for sunk costs for everything filmed so far. This is like getting a job a a trash collector but refusing to pick up dirty diapers. Dirty diapers aren't the focus of you job, but they come with the fucking job.

Sorry, I mad

Right for the wrong reasons. Never show them the goods. Keep them wanting more. Supply and demand.

>Even when women do show vagina, it’s usually just a merkin covering it up
not usually, always. i've never seen labia in a show or movie unless it was some edgy horror shit or a birthing scene but ive seen cocks and balls all the time (literally a homolog of the same organ). see: the hangover.

Sounds fine but her tits are practically leaping out of that dress anyway

Google Rosario Dawson nude

Yeah, we've gone full retard where a merkin covered pussy (so no real nudity there) is abhorrent, tits are evil, but cramming as many dicks on screen is "brave."


>nobody will be making fun of women who do nude scenes over a part of their body they can't change
Said on 4channel, where people make fun of exactly that all the time

how do i ge t pusy guys

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There are exceptions but they are very few and very far between. If I have to look at dicks, I'd better be able to see fucking lips when a girl gets naked.

I'm sure even a complete retard with no ability to pick up on social cues and norms like you can understand that making fun of Terrence Howard's micropenis and making fun of Brie Larson's gross ass feet are not the same thing. Women don't have nothing major they can't fix with lifestyle changes or in worst case scenarios a surgery.

>Go to a club
>Find a fat chick who is consuming a lot of alcohol
>Bang her


Has she seen Euphoria or does that not count because it is a show and not movie? Penis's get shown so much people are almost desensitized to it.

Breasts are boring, I'd much prefer for women to show their vaginas in movies instead.

This. No merkins. Just nice smooth full frontal female nudity without crossed legs or other trickery.

1. Try to look taller than you are (boots, fix posture, haircut, etc) 2. Fix your skin and dark circles and get a nice tan through sunlight and a diet rich on carotene 3. Read the /fit/ sticky and watch Jeff Nippard videos, start lifting and aim at making your butt, neck, side delts, forearms and calves particularly big because women dig those 4. Experiment with different hairstyles and facial hair until you find something that complements your head and facial structure 5. Try to befriend a lot of people to improve your social circle and social skills 6. Learn to be funny and smile a lot, but avoid dark humor around women because most of them don't like that 7. Have hobbies that indicate you're a handyman and somewhat adventurous and willing to try new things 8. Have plans and ambition and talk about them a lot 9. Have good hygiene, smell good, find a perfume that women like 10. Dress well, but not in a weird or /fa/ type of way. Most women compliment that style in gay dudes but hate it in straight men. 11. Say good things about the women in your life 12. Through your words and actions always convey the impression of being someone who can be trusted when shit hits the fan. Communicate that you're calm and cool in difficult situations without giving the impression of being unemotional 13. Remember details about the women you meet 14. Learn to dance and cook, and play the guitar and sing if you're young 15. Have plans. Career plans, business plans, self-improvement plans, don't look like someone who is just wandering. 16. Mew 17. Ask a lot of questions without seeming invasive or creepy

You can ignore some of those if you become chad enough to find dates through tinder, but assuming you're more likely to meet women through your social circle those steps in general are good. Learn to have a good conversations and seem like a positive and supportive person in general, and they'll want to be around you. If you get a positive feedback take initiative.

I just want a redhead mommygf bros...

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>If you get a positive feedback take initiative.
This is more important than I had the chance to convey because of the char limit, but really take initiative. Women hate guys who are uncertain of things and always on the fence or playing dumb games, they like when men take charge. If you want to ask someone out don't ask them where they want to go or whatever, propose something. Keep in mind that an average attractive and young chick is getting opportunities all the time, and they don't want to wait around for a guy to make up his mind. And obviously do all that without coming off as disrespectful.

Everything else is a matter of practice. You'll learn to read different types of women and figure out what they like and don't like with time.

Breasts =/= Penises.
I wish people would stop sprouting this bullshit.

lol 's advice wasn't horrible but he said social circle. have fun burning your entire social circle and being the weird creeper by "taking the initiative" and asking out some girl that was just being polite. that's the problem with uglies and betas (among many), they think they're missing chances that never existed in the first place. next time you're at a party, bar or social gathering watch how girls behave around Chads and actual attractive guys, its a completely different dynamic. they're on his nuts the whole time, laughing at all the dumb shit he says, following him around. even a complete autist abandoned at the age of 6 and raised by turtles would be able to pick up on signals like that and ask if she wants to go back to his place for some drinks

Shame as she has top tier tits

Only brits are actors but im sure they could have arranged something in advance

Literal who

male nipples are fit to be seen on screen too, though
this is some prime hypocrisy.

Fittie from Poldark

>Women have to provide the titillation because they add literally nothing else to the silver screen

Ftfy, twat. Ancient greeks had the proper idea about '''actresses'''.

>I'm an actress not a pornstar.

You work in a visual medium where the only reason you were hired in the first place is that you're an attractive person. You've deluded yourself if you think you would've been hired with great acting chops but look like the Elephant Man.

So you're ok with whoring out your pretty face and curvy figure, but pulling out a breast is too far?

"Fair" only seems to come up when its in their favor. She is pretty but not exceptionally so, maybe a 6 until dolled up, she has got by on her female privilege her entire life while 6 male actors with 10x her skill can't find work.

Nailed it. This is female privilege in the 21st century.

So why did she finally do it? Was it for the money?

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So some garbage bbc drama.

I assume she felt it was for a worthwhile cause as opposed to gratuitous smut.

it's cgi

Good for her. There should be far more modest celebrities.
Oh. Never mind. She's just a retarded whore.

Poor Little White Boy 7

makes sense.

It wasn't CGI, she has confirmed her nudity in an interview.

>She told The Daily Mail's You magazine: 'I have always said if it was the right role I would consider doing a sex scene.
>'I felt, "What better film than one that is about women celebrating each other"?
>'It's very beautiful about female relationships, sexuality and exploring independence.'

8 max

kys, jealous roastie.

who the fuck is she

1. Dont be poor
2. Pay for it

Yes but this is Yea Forums, how are the retards on this site representative of anything.

shes right its a big taboo in American films to show dick
Europeans don't have an issue with it

>challenging me is being a cunt

Depends on the film, 90% of the time it's just sad, balding manlet directors who want to see chicks naked and aren't afraid to spend their studios money on doing that.

Women don't find penises titillating.

>"I won't do nude scenes"
>okay we'll find someone elso who will
>"...HOWEWER, if it's gratious scene where women celebrate each other and explore independence, I will show my tits, purely for feminist reasons"
lmao what a cunt

If she reads a script and the script says the tits are out then she refuses then shes in breach of contract an can be fired easily.

Based, elevating film to KINO above pornography


before this thread can continue
I need you all to watch this


a cute.

Attached: Eleanor Tomlinson-54.jpg (590x885, 75K)

Shes wrong.

As an actor, you're an artist and your medium is your own body. She doesn't have the imagination, intelligence or culture to see that nudity isn't demeaning or disrespectful.
All of the best actresses have been nude in some way, at some point, i truly doubt Streep cares if some model turned actress wont get nude.

Now, she is being disingenuous about her own role in productions. Shes eyecandy. Shes not renowned, she isnt acclaimed, she gets jobs because she looks good. She is already objectified and paid for it.

By saying she won't get naked she is either revealing herself as a hypocrite or revealing a deluded denial of reality.
From her wiki:
>Tomlinson was number 56 on the "Radio Times TV 100" list for 2018, a list said to be determined by television executives and broadcasting veterans.
And I'm not surprised she's in the bottom half.

>nudity isn't demeaning or disrespectful.
Context is everything. is needless exploitation which was probably the reason for her statements . is tastefully done.

*in America
Seriously tits are just tits

>needless exploitation

It's a film called Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging. Thong wearing is integral to the story source material

user, lets not join her delusion.

She isnt a great actress, she is primarily cast because she looks good.


that's right; thongs are secondary only to angus in the story of this film
and besides, it's pretty hard to claim these people are being exploited when they're getting paid this much and when there are lawyers and parents and contracts and things involved
it's not some backroom casting couch, it's a film set full of crew

what does mew mean?

She says she'd never do nudity to low-key shit on other actresses. Then she does nudity to boost her male fan appeal while shitting on the actresses who originally listened to and agreed with her. This is how bitches operate. Study up like I did.

Tongue gets planted to roof of mouth and breath in and out nasally rather than through the mouth. Meant to correct receding chins, lack of jawline, etc.
