It’s getting worse

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>pls gib sympathy :'(

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depression and anxiety are zoomer memes

stop watching porn and fapping. stop eating sugar and other inflammatory foods. go to bed before midnight.

half your problems are solved

yes this board is getting worse

Cut your hair you grimy spic.

Don't tell me you expected it to get better

idssss gedddiinn wrrrrsss...

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Dumbass fucking advice

It is getting better

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>t. person that can't go a month without fapping or eating bullshit food
Guess who I'd rather take advice from?

Your mom huh? Loser

Fuck you

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Fapping is actually good for you

Not using your dick makes you more impotent. Who are you trying to fool?

>no fap when you have no chance finding a woman to blow your load for you

have sex

Have fun having zero self control
Okay, once every two weeks without porn

t. suffers from low T or ED

Just woke up from a dream about my ex. She treated me coldly and with disgust. Fucking hell.

so just like real life?

What are you compensating for?

>t. projector with poor self control

I was the one that ended it. What does it mean?

t. American retard

I havent been able to find a girl thats intrested in me since my ex cheated on me 5 months ago by sending nudes to another dude. Dating sites havent worked for me at all, i dont know what im doing wrong. no matches at all. Im so lonely.

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maybe you are regretting it? idk

Just nudes? A little uncouth sure but that isn't cheating

Why would you admit to not being American in 2019?

sorry user but it seems you have made your post in the wrong board
Yea Forums is for television and film
what you're looking for is the self pity board:

Your subconscious attempting to help you to move on by creating an unappealing version of her in your mind. It's expressing what you already know to your dreaming self.

Nothing, I'm loving life right now. I'm sorry you adore jerking off and shitty food so much that you think someone must be compensating when they avoid it.

t. Pablo lmao

She also was very high maintenance and a huge bitch. still miss her though

I really don't want her back but I guess I'm lonely and my monkey brain is trying to ignore the fact that she was crazy.

Genuinely happy youre suffering right now

>Not using your dick makes you more impotent.

Imagine being this pathetic

The spamming posts bragging about being normal is the questionable part. Thinking you're better than people because you dont jizz or eat pizza is a superiority complex and on a very flimsy basis.

I also ruined my relation ship with an ex-girl friend mine was very beautiful with huge tits.