What is the most disturbing thing you have ever watched?

what is the most disturbing thing you have ever watched?

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Other urls found in this thread:


funky town cartel video

This. Fucking hell, it's simply the worst thing I've seen

Snuff on old Yea Forums

Describe it in detail please

your mom shitting you out

the helicopter video of the sewol ferry sinking and the kid throwing his body against the window trying to break it before it slips below the waves

I still haven't brought myself to watch it, I did watch another cartel video that people said was just as bad/worst but I still can't do it.

it's an extremely graphic butchering video with funky town playing in the background


is that the face one?

probably that woman having her head sawed off with a sword during that murder in Tunisia

There's also a movie about the case called the girl next door or something.

The entirety of swap.avi probably

i can't find it

When I was around 13/14 in the very early 2000s, an edgy friend showed me a video of:

It's a video of a soldier on the ground, held down, while another rams a huge knife in his throat and starts cutting, while the guy on the ground gurgles horribly.

There's a guy lying in a puddle of his own blood. The cartel guys have cut off the skin of his face and his hands. Then they drive a steel bar through his mouth and start cutting his neck with a blunt razor.
The dude, still fucking alive, tries to fight but can only turn over to the side before the cartel guys keep on slowly cutting at his neck and torso.
The worst part is that you can see the dude being completely conscious through it all

I have not seen any of the horrible gore shit from recent years. I have developed a pretty good sense for avoiding it but I know several by reputation and from the first frame. The toolbox murders transcript is the worst shit you'll ever read

probably the tarrant shootings since it was live streamed
you could see videos of that shit afterwards and it just doesn’t have the impact of knowing that this is happening NOW
still, sloppy job Mossad, next time do it somewhere you didn’t have a known massive presence, instead of Broward County and Christchurch

Oh shit I read the book about this when I worked at kmart and needed something for break so I grabbed it from the store. Pretty messed up. So you watched it? Were you a participant?

of all the shit I saw on Yea Forums back in the day the Nick Berg beheading really stuck with me. so glad we've killed hundreds of thousands of muslims since then. they can never even hope to catch our high scores

one of the worst ones you can find on the surface web for sure. Worst video i ever saw was a cartel invading a home and killing an entire family.

Movie? The abduction scene in Fire in the Sky when I was like 8 years old.

does he talk?

It's definitely up there with the worst, but even with sound it's not as bad as 3guys1hammer. Nothing has ever sent a chill down my spine quite like that. I remember seeing it on the YNC when it only had a few thousand views and I've never been able to forget it.

That was nothing what are you 14? Him shooting a bunch of invading shitskin pieces of shit was joyous if anything.

Probably that dashcam of that Vietnam vet maiming then executing a cop during a traffic stop. I was about 14 when I watched it and I still remember the screaming.

The Last Jedi

I wouldn’t, i saw that long ago and during random moments in my day I think about it. it’s bad

imagine the pain he went through, a metal rod in his mouth being moved around crushing his teeth and mangling his gums, his face skinned and his body relentlessly stabbed by savages, and he feels it all since they injected him with fucking adrenaline or something, his limbs cut off...

Cops are just some dickhead the government pays so you won't do anything about all of the niggers and jews. Fuck "officer" kyle, he got what he deserved for fucking with a tougher actual American.

how's this even possible? wouldn't he oass out from shock at some point?

This right here (please do not open the image).

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here is an edited zoomed in version
here is one with an indicator of what to look for
there exists a much higher resolution video of this either from another camera on the chopper or a 2nd chopper nearby that showed this is detail but i can't find it on mobile right now. i think a lot of the sewol videos got pulled, there was a clear version on liveleak for about a month after the accident but it was deleted along with a lot of the kids phone cameras inside. the news report clips are largely all that remains or at least i've been able to find. i remember one of kids screaming as water started to flood their cabin.

He doesn't really have the capacity for it anymore. He does scream a fair bit though. It's a thick, guttural, blood-filled scream he lets out every once in a while, I'm assuming when he literally can summon the energy to do so.

some webm of a kid in china, maybe 3-5 years old, runs across a street and gets hit by a truck, still alive he kinda crawls for a bit, boom another truck runs over his legs, now you just see his arms moving and head sort of lifting up and down, a van comes along & sees the kid on the road squirming with no legs, slows down to a stop and then decides fuck it and partially runs over the kid again. This kid is still not dead somehow with half his body gone and guts hanging out his lower half, little bit later another van comes through and you see his head lift up again before he is run over and I guess he dies there.
The chinese are fucking insects I swear

The one when a man is filming his wife after he just went machete on her. She's barely breathing and you can hear her kid crying in background. Really fucked me up. The lightning is dark but you can see traces in her face where the machete went chopping

Cant say that without providing sauce m8


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Jesus Christ why did you have to remind me?

thanks buddy

why are we letting these subhumans flood our country? where are they going to go for welfare once they make america mexico again?

The Dnepropetrovsk maniacs video (2 guys, 1 hammer). Easily the most vile and shell-shocking video available on the world wide web. Supposedly there is an unleaked video of them bludgeoning a heavily pregnant woman to death and cutting her fetus out of her stomach while she is still alive, but it's only shown to criminal justice students.

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Adrenaline shots

it’s less the actions and more the idea
people can live stream a shooting rampage now
when you think about that I think it’s really fucking scary what technology has allowed
people were cut, skinned, stabbed and maimed for centuries
I’m certain photos and movies taken of this sort of shit were as shocking when they were becoming common
you rarely see tragedies live, I mean with 9/11, it’s only live because there happened to be a second plane flown into the towers as they were covering the first one
now a guy can strap a camera to his head and live stream to potentially millions of people a tragic act as if they were there committing the crime themselves
what comes next? we’ve seen the effects of normalizing violence on humanity, it’s made us more depraved
shit like that only served to further normalize it
out there are some fucking crazy Armin Meiwes like people who have realized they could now live stream their whole process
it’s the future that creeps me out I guess

why would they show that to criminal justice students? Also can’t believe I watched that video when I was 12

funky town is pleb shit
the lioness with the crippled cub is the most disturbing video on the internet

Okay well some guy shooting a bunch of 80iq shitskin muzzies in NZ in a video that is barely a better resolution that a FPS game is a pretty shit example of that in a thread of cartel videos and those russian weirdos with the screwdriver and shit. Goatse is still more disturbing than anything Tarrant did.

There's that one video of a girl who's doing leg exercises in the gym and her knees break inwards. That shit fucked me up for days.

Ehh everyone's already posted the Cartel ones (I know they're terrible), so I guess I can post the animal ones that freak me out. This is the deer/bear one.


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Wow they killed a lot of people

animal shit will always be worse then human stuff

Imagine being this kind of a sociopath.

Warthog being eaten alive by hyenas. The scream of the Warthog is really disturbing.


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Yes, worst thing I ever saw as well. The sheer cruelty is what was unbearable to watch for me. Gore and murders are one (terrible) thing, but these godless beings don't just murder the guy, they seem to take pleasure in making him suffer the worst way possible.

Fucking horrible.

Yea Forums become anti pedo
what happened to you Yea Forums, you used to be cool

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anything involving a dog getting hurt or killed is a no-no for me

gook getting mistified by a bus
here one moment vanished the next

not true and definitely not when its another animal doing it

to each their own I guess
if you want something more typical, those animated gifs of girls being skinned and shit by lasers were always up there for me

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expected worse desu those are just standard hog noises

Never got me that bad outside of the immediate AGH FUCK reaction to face related gore. Brick through windshield video is worse for me and you dont even see anything

Yea he keeps repeating, “agua” “agua”

lol how do you die in a boat like nigga run down the hallway and swim out like nigga what

This is not hakuna matata

some of the luka magnotta killer videos are hard to watch, he stabbed a dude to death but also killed animals, fed a puppy to a large python and taped a cat to a stick and drowned it in the bathtub, i think the death addicts forum still has the cat video called bath time for apollo or something along those lines. the poor thing tries so hard to escape

uno Nacho Bell Grande™ y Baja Blast™, p-por favor

yeah audio can really fuck with you more

this one is bad yeah

the captain/crew told the kids to stay inside and not do that, some kids listened and once the ferry flipped it is very hard to navigate an upside down ship taking on water. you'd have to swim down to go up to the top of the ship and out. also fear and not knowing how to swim

>tfw I used to work on boat and every fat coonass on the aboard could get to their muster station in under a minute from a deep sleep
what a bunch of casuals

what happens in it?

google it

Some stupid vegan propaganda vid from like 2009 got me real bad. Specifically it was a guy picking up a piglet by the hind legs and slamming him on the ground over and over while it was screaming. Pigs sound way too human when they scream.

The other ones ITT don't bother me too bad, I always reconcile the cartel vids with the fact that the victim is almost always another cartel guy that would do the exact same if he had the chance.

>to each their own
Nah fuck you stop being a little faggot whining about some guy shooting subhuman foreign invasion detritus in a thread talking about methodical torture and dismemberment. You're a fucking pussy and unless you're a nigger or 70 years old you better grow a pair of balls sooner than later you retarded zoomer faggot because it's not getting any easier out here for you any time soon.

Quick rundown?

>feeling empathy for other creatures
imagine being this kind of retard

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have sex

it's a dude being flayed and turned to meat bits by a team of cartel workers with all sorts of tools

Why are you so mad?

Dreamers Heaven Level's 1 Rains Demise of Reptile

good thing we have badasses like you to cry on Yea Forums theads like a faggot

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Can you imagine if they had cameras back then for shit like this?


>zoomers are so autistic they think that something trailer trash meth addicts and niggers excel at is difficult
The world is gonna eat you alive kid

>not feeling empathy for people
>not a sociopath
manipulation is also a sociopathic trait

am I about to be on a watch list?

I stumbled into so much shit sitting in front of Limewire in a face-next-to-the-screen-in-a-dark-room-at-midnight daze, I don't even know. That Al Qaeda beheading, maybe.

Yup. I must have seen this ten years ago by now and I still remember it as the worst I've seen.

if by people you mean white or east asian, I agree. other than that it is all just animals

not going to argue with you there, buddy

no it’s just women shitting on eachother
sweetie...take the edge off have sex

what happens?

saying that animal death videos are in majority worse depictions of death than human death videos isn't saying human deaths videos aren't terrible you fucking mong

go back to reading wikipedia pages for personality disorders

How much of a pathetic fucking lazy zoomer NEET do you have to be to do this shit? Not take the three fucking seconds to remove .m from the link before you post it so anyone who isn't a third-worlder and is actually posting on a computer doesn't have their eyes burned out of their head?

baby strapped on a bath tub. Some of you may know what I'm talking about

>oh boo hoo some white guy shot a bunch of shitskins how horrifying how could this happen ;_;
>organized mutilation? Meh
>n-no you!
What are you even doing dude? Playing defense for cartel beaners, ISIS and combloc serial killers? Shut the fuck up.

lmao you sound like a pent-up cuck

It was the home video recorded by these guys of their killings:
As best I remember it, they're in the woods in the snow and have a semi-conscious man on the ground between them whose body they repeatedly beat with hammers and scramble his insides with a screwdriver.


And you sound like a normalfaggot retard who's in for a rough few decades

It was a simple question

saying that you find videos of nature more disturbing that humans killing each other is an admission of brain damage. the post I originally replied to said they find a video of a bear eating a deer more offensive than a video of a man having his face cut off by the cartel.

Or you could join the phoneposting masterrace, computercuck


unironically dont watch this if you have a weak heart, first time i saw it my heart literally sank and i was shaking for 2 minutes afterwards.

I think it's illegal to do anything about this in China or something.

The first day I was on Yea Forums in 2006 I clicked a link to a video of a guy fucking a dead body in a bathtub. Never forgot it.

He also tries to reach for the bar with his stub hand. Worst shit imaginable.

The Chinese that slowed down were inspecting him to see if he was male or female. When they saw he was male they decided not to save him.

Not even top 5 for me. Unless it involves genitals I don't find gore all that bad anymore.

The Chinese insectoids' legal system guaranteed that they will never show empathy. Good Samaritans basically take on the medical financial burden of the person they help.

watching mac users and then phoneposters think they belong on Yea Forums is the most disturbing thing I ever saw

so? how is that sociopathic in the slightest sense? he is saying he feels empathy, and he didn't say he didn't find the human agony unpleasant, and from his preference to what he considers more disturbing he is empathizing with a creature further from his own experience, which is a sign of stronger empathy, but is also putting it ahead for obvious reasons of it being something in pain that is in more confusion and lack of understanding of its situation and why it is in this suffering

kys armchair psychologist

cringing mightily at all these "I'm so hardcore that didn't bother me at all" posts

honestly this fucked me up worse than the funky town vid

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When I was a kid and Yea Forums was still cool I saw a video of a guy sticking a glass thermometer in his urethra and repeatedly slamming a door on it
I remember involuntarily saying "NO NO NO" out loud

Then once me and a friend got drunk and checked out a ball-crushing fetish site, I don't know if that stuff is genuine or not but it was tough to watch.

The mind boggles how these spic savages kept hacking the guy with blunt weapons, yet somehow kept him alive
Its as if they got it down to a tee when it comes to being able to both unload on some dude while at the same time not killing them within the first few minutes

Just imagine, 12yo you talking with your mother in the car when suddenly a brick flies through the air right into her forehead and splits her skull in two, her brains all over the windshield and he lifeless body only sitting because of the safe belt.

In no real order

1. Funky Town cartel torture
2. Mexican kid having his heart ripped out by a cartel
3. Guatemalan lady still alive after having her face split in two

Nuke Latin America


Posted From My iPhone

Captain Marvel

I hold the belief that we should either sink or completely isolate mexico, central&south americas from the rest of the world.

that pain olympics shit was almost all fake

>Nuke Latin America

this fucked me up


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ranking a bear eating a deer above human mutilation is not, I repeat not, elevating the empathy for the deer but suppressing the empathy for the human. My stance is backed by how every one of you faggots always say "meh, seeing a fellow human being tortured to death doesn't move the needle. but seeing an animal get hurt makes my blood boil >:3c"

I won't tell you to kill youself, because I have respect for human life, unlike you, but I will tell you that you and the like of you are mentally stunted.

they're obviously high as a kite you fucking retard

>that thumbnail
Oh FUCK no. Not this again.

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They gave him cocaine/adrenalin to keep him alive. Cartels do twisted shit like that just to fuck with people. My uncle fled from them and told me some sick shit they would do to their rivals.

Funny Games. I never saw the German-language original, nor will I, as I was sufficiently horrified by Haneke's remake.

Iraqi soldiers torturing 80 year old man and forcing him to admit he is an ISIS militant then humiliating him to extreme levels before executing him.

Jesus fucking christ. How on earth did that monster got parole? Fuck this earth.

as a counterpoint a lot of people feel more empathy towards animals because they are considered more innocent and helpless

if he actually was an isis militant then im not seeing the problem


what gets me tho is the guy who threw the brick. like its so impersonal and random...he probably doesn't even realize he just killed a human as he is driving away.

It was all fake.

they either have an unhealthy view of mankind or they're just projecting their self loathing onto mankind to believe an animal can be innocent or guilty. still falls into the mentally ill bucket.

>ranking a bear eating a deer above human mutilation is not, I repeat not, elevating the empathy for the deer but suppressing the empathy for the human
prove it
>"meh, seeing a fellow human being tortured to death doesn't move the needle. but seeing an animal get hurt makes my blood boil >:3c"
why do you keep speaking for me and others you know it all retard, anyway good luck with your bachelors you're gonna need it

The worst are always the chinese animal torture videos.

We get desensitized to human suffering. I think that in reality humans don't care about humans that much. We care about our kin, but violence is very much a part of the human psyche. Every single one of us has ancestors that killed people to survive. Humans inflicting violence on other humans has been the norm since the beginning.

But deliberately torturing an animal to death under the mistaken caveman idea that it will make the meat taste better? That's something wholly foreign to most humans. It's alien behavior. It's bugman behavior.

So when you see a bunch of Chinese people tie a cow down and slowly blowtorch it to death and light it on fire til its skin is falling off but it's still alive it hits you a lot harder than some random ISIS beheading video or cartel violence.

That's from one of the August Underground movies. Fake but looks very real

myself on video

i don't think anyone threw it, if you watch the video it flings off the truck that was hauling ass as far as i can tell, so yes, the driver likely didn't know but it was an accident. manslaughter i guess if the load was improperly stowed for transport

I know your type and your irrational violent responses continue to validate my assessment.

he was not, he was actually a christian lmao, they his big white beard and assumed he was an isis militant, he told them he was christian and they thought he was trying to avoid capture.

it was just improperly tied down and the driver was even going to be charged with manslaughter idk if he was though

shit I was just joking about you being an aspiring psychologist but now I'm thinking you might be one

>muh obsession with mentioning college
Not that guy but this is completely unsurprising. Bugperson.

thank you for your service

good choice but it pales to the chinese south park "canadian" face video where the lady has half a face and choking on blood and you hear in the background more people in agony and yelling while being stabbed

>recognizing the mentally ill makes you an aspiring psychologist
And noticing someone coughing makes you an aspiring physician too, right?

That's basically it bucko are you retarded?

I think you're looking far into it. Animals don't really understand anything so yeah torturing them is horrific but they also get eaten alive and horrible diseases. A human suffering isn't lessened because you, a 130lb gay barrista with an ironic mustache can imagine what it was like to be a viking. You colossal retard.

recognizing the mentally ill where there is none makes you mentally ill, maybe mentally handicapped, did you ever go to any learning therapies as a child?

>where there is none

Ok so its 3guys1hammer1screwdriver then, right?


check my 5

>sets up false dichotomy only he cares about
>runs with it clear into delusion
typical. You know most of those welfare queens go to community college like you right? Can you do me a favor and come full circle and start bitching about student loans and the education system for me? We both know you do it.

some sketchy porn video from kazaa

a little girl getting throatfucked. i was so shocked i came instantly involuntarily

>What are you even doing dude? Playing defense for cartel beaners, ISIS and combloc serial killers? Shut the fuck up.
i'm not the guy you were talking to, just making fun of you for being a fag ITT


what are you even talking about anymore dude chill out lol

During the early days of cripplechan I saw so much fucked up stuff like this

Welp time to start my career and a domestic terrorist themed gay pornstar, trips decree

i remember watching a video of a 16 year old guy raping his 7 year old sister and suffocating her to death with a pillow

Josh is a fucking pedophile incel

the trips only decreed that you're a fag

Kys zoomer

Don’t click if you want to sleep.

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wtf dude your saying I should die and trying to marginalise me as a person man ur a sociopath

3 guys 1 hammer really disturbed me but it would be some Brazilian bangers video. Guys in an alley are chasing a single person and shoot him several times in the back. He collapses about a hundred feet later and they unload a good dozen more rounds into his back and back of the head. One guy picks his head up off the ground, he's missing most of the back of his head. Other people in the group pull his eyeballs and tongue out. Man, fuck 3rd world shitholes.

Why does the internet seem to have less gore than it did a couple years back?

this poster is going around in other threads whining about how he got blown out in this thread

are you being serious

Are you stupid or just browsing /gif/ for your death fix? There's more websites dedicated to death than there was 4 years ago.

unironcally this

fuck deer

because you spend 99% of your time on r*ddit?

How are you so stupid as to think I have been saying the exact opposite of what I’ve been saying and so psychotic that you either think other people are me or make those posts yourself

Genuinely baffling user thank you for this conversation

The video where los zetas flay the son in front of his dad... I actually had a mini panic attack


It's hard to say because now when you watch something it's not as bad as more tame stuff you watched when you were younger and less desensitised.

I remember a page called "Offended" that I looked at with a few friends back in 2008 or something. It was a collection of gore pics and scat on encyclopedia dramatica (I think) and really fucked me up at the time because I'd never seen any gore before. I'm pretty sure most of it was fake but it's hard to remember. It sure seemed real at the time.

Other examples around that time that seemed fucked up were the video of the guy sticking the jar up his ass that then exploded, 2 guys 1 hammer, 2 girls 1 cup, and then endless videos I nervously watched after that of people getting shot, hacked to death, etc. It doesn't affect me much anymore (I don't try to find or watch these sorts of videos) but anytime I do watch it I feel a strange, unpleasant buzz after it, sort of a mix of adrenaline and nausea.

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Videos inside South American prison. Particularly the one where they make the guy eat his own fingers, but a lot of them are equally fucked up. Build the fucking wall already. That's why we elected you, orange faggot.


don't reply to this post

Yep, pretty sure that's it. Not clicking on it lol but I'm sure it has changed over time. The final pic used to just be George Bush. What's on there now?


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That video of a kid getting his face bitten aggressively

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i remember a post riot video where one gang rounded up another gang and murdered them, layed them out in a row and started to cut them up and take out and eyeball and shit. after reading up on how those prisons work, the guards basically lock everyone up and let the gangs run things inside due to corruption and threat of retaliation, never want to end up anywhere in SA

Fucking post a link

Is that the one with the guy whose face is skinned and his hands and feet were taken off? And then someone cuts his neck with a box cutter? If so, I only saw a short webm of it. The entire situation seems so over the top, it's hard to process. Being relatively old by internet standards, I think I've reached the point where this kind of shit gets to me. There's only so much human depravity a person can take. Past me would have looked the video up out of curiosity. I don't need this shit.

Regardless, just in terms of cruelty the cartel executions are up there. Worst ones I've seen involve vivisections. Once they beheaded a father in front of his son with a chainsaw and then proceeded to flay the son in the chest area, remove some ribs and cut out his heart - all while he was still alive. There's another one starring a fat black guy. Similar procedure, only the camera was much closer to his face. You can practically see the life fading out of his eyes. Really dark stuff. I have it saved somewhere, don't even know why.

Worst ones are probably the ISIS videos, though. For some reason the prospect of being killed by a bunch of religious lunatics for entertainment fills me with dread - not to mention my final moments would be out there for everyone to see. Besides, they actually enjoy this shit. You can tell by how creative they get with it. Watching those is like peeking into the darkest corners of the human mind. Something ancient and primal.

That video of the guy getting his dick stepped on with a high heel and he goes OH IT HURTS and the woman removes her heel and where it once was is now geyser shooting a fountain of dark red blood onto the wood floor, his dick gradually deflating

Fucking christ

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>not a single mention of Daisy's Destruction
The Philippines is a dark and evil place

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I can handle human deaths no problem, but pet deaths are too far for me.

maybe stop typing like an irrational furry and you won't get dunked on so often

What the fuck is wrong with literally everyone that isnt white

The fucking beheadings the finger eating the street shitting the human eating escalators motherfuck are white people just another fucking species

Damn the right sure is gay and cringe as fuck

are you implying that you have viewed said video user

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you’ve seen it really

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That video where two Russian skinheads behead some guys came to mind yesterday. The sound when they're being cut is kinda gross and unsettling.

This was pretty heavy. That ending.

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Was this the bitch that tortured the animals? I couldn't watch that shit.

Nobody but ex cia agents has seen the video, let alone heard the tapes. If you claim to have seen it on the internet you are full of shit.

ebin simbly ebin

see for yourself

The guy who was falsely accused of rape in Venezuela then got raped to death in prison.

It's a shitty video of him getting it in prison from a bunch of dudes with blood everywhere, it's pretty gruesome.

>they're just like us! LET THEM IN


With ISIS and cartels it seems that their primary goals with those is just to inspire fear. ISIS have stepped it up to a next level by using HD/high frame rate cameras which I just can't bring myself to watch. I don't want to see what it looks like for someone to have their head blown off with a shotgun in ultra slow-mo. It gives me consolation to know that all those murderers will go to hell and learn that their entire dumb religion was a fad.

Over 200 replies and only a handful of links.

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White people are still capable of extreme violence. The nigger lynchings were very brutal. All the torture devices of medieval Europe. The brazen bull, that one nazi doctor.

Explain? I've heard the name but I ain't looking that up

Whites are just as capable of inhuman cruelty, we just don't film it most of the time.

you can just smell the feds in the thread

that one was on /gif/ just the other day, pretty gnarly, i get femdom to an extent but that wasssss wayyyyy to much

Seething, for real though spics are way more savage than us, also ISIS is defeated now and there are even more violent and disgusting groups than them that just don't bother with cameras and rely on reputation for instilling fear and terror, mostly shias in iraq.

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>The final pic used to just be George Bush.
that's still the case. Seems to be a lot of old gay dudes doing gay shit on there. If you aren't a newfag you've probably already seen most of the stuff on this page.

look for them yourself you lazy cunt

buyers ripped private streams on the original dark web and every now and again they pop up if you know where to look.

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I'm at work

reading about that japanese nigga that got exposed to too much radiation and how he was kept alive for 70+ days enduring all the pain because his veins were too apart for morphine or anything else to be injected into him.

Good, this is a chance for you to get promoted.

where we're going we don't need eyes


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What are you talking about? I don't think the whole thing was ever released, but I think there is part of it out there.
Maybe I'm misremembering but I think it goes like this:
The little girl gets tied upside down and tortured with candle wax by a (southeast Asian?) etc etc

I guess I just mean western europeans and american whites in the last like 60 years

Its like we've created utopias compared to the hellscapes that are the real world. I mean maybe the internet has given me a false impression but i just dont see or hear about stuff like this happening on my soil aside from the occasional crazed white person killing a bunch of people. But we dont have these casual beheading from these roving mad max gangs and people dont eat their own fingers in our prisons. The people invading our countries borders get free housing and meals and the worst thing they have to complain about is the ac and a bit of mold

>With ISIS and cartels it seems that their primary goals with those is just to inspire fear.
Yeah, but that's not the entire truth. Those things happen way too frequently to be just psychological warfare. Those people are sadists. Being bloodthirsty probably helps with cartel business, and religious zeal gives ISIS members the perfect excuse to go around killing.

this guy would kidnap women and chain them up as a sex slave for him and his friends and play them a tape of all the shit he would do to them if they didn't obey as well as all the shit he was going to do to them anyway. his smug attitude pisses me off

There's a good reason for that. I'm certainly not going to watch something that could get me locked up.

It's extremely sadistic cheese pizza from what I've read in news articles.

The video where the two backpackers are raped and beheaded in Morocco by Muslims. The audio was the worst part.

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Only in kinos

You're right. I was thinking about the two dudes fucking up people in their van. I'm retarded.

thots deserved it, they were wearing indecent clothes and had the attitude of whores, i love how the norwegian bitch cried for her mom kek.

prick got away with it too. and no one knows how many women he victimised. real piece of shit

What do you mean, "got away"? He will die in prison.

Hello mahmoud, dont you have french girls to rape?

>being this new

I don't know man. American/West Euro whites seem eerily capable of being extremely fucked up. The modern serial killer was essentially born in 60s-70s North America and there are plenty of similar examples in Europe as well.

We are the best at creating societies but high GDP and high quality of life can't iron out man's wish to commit horrible acts.

That being said, yes. People aren't being beheaded in the street (just yet).

have sex

They fucked him in his ass user Doesn't that bother you?

>the interviews with the parents of Bundy's victims

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Correction: he died in prison.

>Toy-Box Killer
>never actually convicted of killing anybody
The most disturbing part about this is that it was an organized operation run by a group of people including crooked cops. This name fucking sucks and implies it was just one guy.


It's fake you summerfag, go be a redditor somewhere else.

he died of a heart attack after a year

I thank god every day i havent forced myself to watch all these videos you guys have. i couldnt take it. and at this point im still freshly sensitive i could never do it. jesus christ. if i am ever in a dangerous situation in the future where i witness something like what you are describing take place, i just pray to god adrenaline kicks in otherwise i will freeze up and die in horror.

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Nothing phases me at this point. I don't know if it's just the constant exposure to stuff on this website but I can't feel shock anymore. My dog of 15 years died a few weeks back and I didn't feel anything, the family was crying, I thought I loved it but I didn't feel any different at all.

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I'd be interested to know if Middle East murder squads take any drugs prior to doing this shit

thats funny cuz i actually live in france looool

the asian guy who helped build the torture room is sick as shit

have listened to this once all the way through and it was enough.

I guarantee watching all the gore videos in the world wouldn't help you any if you saw someone get shot for real in front of you. You'd freeze up all the same.

it’s not really forcing yourself, for me most of this shit I watched years ago as a kid and basically just couldn’t help my self the curiosity was too strong

Sure kid, keep telling yourself that, in reality if you see something even slightly gore-like you will pass out.

i am from the ME, used to live in syria up until 2015, most shabiha raid groups smoked large quantities of shitty weed before their operations.

he died after only a year in prison. that's basically getting away with it

The guy that made it is in jail, what are you on about?

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>early YouTube
>Theync pre porn
>Google images
>Yea Forums

plus dozens of people who knew, helped, and took part all got off totally free

Well, it is not actually fake, the crime happened, but it is not called "daisies destruction" and it is very very highly exaggerated.

Chinese? Isn’t that like Guatemalan? Either way if we’re talking about the same one I agree, I can still hear her gurgling on blood.

>no best gore
>Yea Forums not in top tier
shit list bud

their only mistake was believing their shit government's propaganda that the world is a safe place that is free to explore

where does best gore fall in this? i used to visit that site a lot but it seems to have less unique content as time goes on

>he thinks BestGore and Yea Forums gets the videos first
I bet you get your memes from reddit too.

Get out of here, /x/fag. Make room for the king.

Not really. Plus, he has been in jail for 2 years prior to imprisonment.

LOL summerfag, good luck finding C on Yea Forums

it'a more about organization for me, best gore has a solid tag system for finding content

Yea Forums has variety and is easy to find unique content and best gore has high quality content

To get them mad and show no mercy to criminal scum. Kinda redpilled if you ask me.

For me this will always be the GOAT
I don't enter a crowded public room without scoping out emergency exits specifically because of this one fucking video

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that 30 second video where a masked person shoves a small wooden stick up an infants nose and right after the infant shrieks the video cuts, fuck man that shit scarred me for life.

Reminder that the crew intentionally kept the kids below deck while they already knew the ship was doomed.

also Yea Forums has the best discussion for gore mainly because there's always someone who isn't looking for that kind of stuff who sees it and gets freaked out and that entertains me

Saw a video of a bunch of prisoners getting beheaded with a chainsaw in some third World shithole.

>the victim is almost always another cartel guy that would do the exact same if he had the chance.

Below LiveLeak for sure back then. It's an organized website for all your snuff needs. You're better off using the top 3 sites he posted for new and unfiltered stuff

Two guys one hammer
The whimpering and gurgling sounds broke me. I had a good cry

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explained that to another user above, pretty fucked on so many levels. one of the teachers an heroed after losing all or almost all of the class and the divers doing recovery are having lota of traumatic issues of their own.

spoiler that shit nigga

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a fire is an unbelievably scary, you literally cannot comprehend how terrifying it is to be present in a closed location with a fire inside unless you experience it yourself, a year ago an electric fire happened in my shitty apartment complex, the electricity box just blew up, i literally didn't know for about 5 minutes, i was in my room and had the door shut, i had my earbuds plugged in, not until i heard the loud crackling and screams i noticed, i opened the door to my apartment and smelled burning rubber and the very weird disgusting smell of electric fire, i attempted to use the stairs to go into the street but my apartment was level 2-, so it was a long way and the smoke already engulfed the entire building, so when i was halfway through i couldnt hold my breath and inhaled, it felt like i was drowning in the air, the taste and feeling the smoke make me shake in pure terror, i then crawled back to my apartment and put blankets on the opening under my apartment door and waited for rescue, scariest moment of my life, dont fuck with fire man...

It's literally LiveLeak but gets videos a day late. You guys got me on the organization but I'm not trying to watch the same isis videos

There was a link to it on a yt video about it that got found by Yea Forums and it was taken down quickly after.

Best Gore would easily be #1 if the servers with all the old videos didn't get nuked, it's a real fuckin shame that all that stuff from so many years is lost, death addict forum is definitely the best in terms of archives now, but it's a lot harder to easily find specific things

I ain't saying it should be number one but it's certainly up there, if only for its venerability

Dude people have screenshotted torrents of it and posted frames. That sick fuck should have heen hung with a short rope.

Is that the one where the guy takes a huge shit on the baby while it's crying

If I was given the chance I would beat that dude to death with my bare hands

>Animal on animal cruelty
How would PETA and bleeding heart hippies react to this?

existential dread

please tell me you moved out of that apartment complex my nigga

When USA was a city upon a hill. Why didn't they start saving the world around their hill, i.e. South America? Why didn't they conquer and exterminate the spics (or cartel) like the indians? USA would have more land?

what shithole are you living in that doesn’t have fire escapes thru the window


Firsthand, the execution of three civilians while I was in the Peace Corps. I was only 21 and about ten meters from them, so it was a bit shocking.
A close second was watching a woman beat her very young child (maybe 4 years old?) almost to death in public for no obvious reason.
I think this is only true because there's a lot of different animals, so your desensitization tends to be less complete for many species.

Scariest post ITT, imagine actually living in Russia or worse yet China

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>almost 300 replies
>nobody posted the webm or link
I've watched this at least 3 times before posting and it still makes me laugh at their choice of music

doesn’t sound like you were keeping the peace very well

that one was fucked for sure, personally I found the video of the danish girl getting executed very disturbing. the gore is tame, but her last words, crying for her mother fucking got me. I have a nightmare about it, I have seen some of the most vile shit on here and that is literally the only one that has ever stuck with me that much.
the one with the woman with the face chopped in half is a close runner up though

some dude on Yea Forums posted actual 3DCP
that shit fucks you up

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that was literally the first post

>tfw I live in America and don't have this problem or risk any of the other dangers in this thread
Every day I'm grateful and happy, and I'll NEVER have "depression." Anyone who does in the US is faking and needs a bullet in the head.

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Peace corps more like peace, corpse!

>spoon feeding the newfaggots

if you haven't watched this years ago you should go back to r/eddit.

proof or lies

id say the worst one ive personally seen is that video of the russian guy on some fucked up drug and he literally starts tearing his own eyeball apart. the most vivid one i remember is where he pulls out some long spaghetti like ligament from his eye, and you can see him tugging on his iris with his dirty ass fingernails. shit is fucked

This is babby-tier
Have you never seen The Station fire?
Now that's real life disaster kino


serious question and not memeing: what the fuck is wrong with you guys? im really curious, why do you guys choose to watch these videos? what does it do for you? i could never watch some of this shit for a prolonged duration and certainly not by choice, so why do you?

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killing communists, installing military regimes and securing profits of fruit companies was more important

I have the stuff. reach me at [email protected]

Woman who's face got split in half via machete then began breathing weird

can I buy some weed

blue board user unless you want jannies to delete it, also we don't needa spoonfeed. keep it classy

Same reason why people post sneed, it's amusing

I really don't know.

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seen it, not that bad.

yea, i have, drowning is scarier than burning to death to me

I don't know either.

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great thread OP. Hope everyone has a great day today

no, its absolutely not the same


find out for yourself

I've thought about death and killing a ton since I was 14 or so, along with thoughts of suicide. I can hardly actually hurt a person, can't even playfully wrestle someone, and I have a very low pain tolerance. It's not voluntary thoughts, they just pop up all the time and stay around.

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Why don't we just conquer all of Latin America and genocide the cartels? What's the UN gonna do about it, send an angry letter?

i don't watch it anymore for years now because i know what kind of damage it does to you mentally that will play out in other parts of your life, but when younger you have to look at some of it just out of curiosity. i do still love watching street fights and shit though, even some shootings now and then, but not this horrible shit. i like reading this thread though

it's really not

Because I wish to know the world and all its evils. Just because you refuse to watch this stuff doesn't mean it isn't happening. Enjoy your ignorance.


>bing images not in top tier

>a couple dudes pounding at windows zoomed in from a helicopter
>vs hundreds of people literally burning to death up close and piling up on top of each other creating a human dam and screaming in bloody agony
well damn son I guess it's really a phobia if it overrides that

learning how to not die by example of others - if i ever leave my pc - it's kinda nice knowing that all this fucked up shit happens and i'm comfy in my blanky

that’s really dumb, drowning is just scary while you try and fight it, you’re not going to feel much pain once your lungs fill up

I really wish Yea Forums had a 500 post limit
The good threads are gone too fast

>using Bing for gore and not for cute and funny pictures

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The fact that I share a planet with beings like these makes me want to kill myself, I don't want to ever cross paths with these people and I'm fucking scared.

>all the underage summerfags and edgy LARPers

fucking hell...

what people?

whatchu mean these people?

I am scared of death. We are all going to die here. You too mate. One way I cope is by watching others die.

>some pseudo intellectual bullshit
youre a joke

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Shut the fuck up retard, drowning is one of the most painful ways to die, although not more painful than burning to death.

you do realize more people died on the sewol ferry than the station fire right? and a lot were young kids. it's not about how graphic it is, it is the level of disturbing it brings to the viewer and i think it's worse than the station even if the station fire was brutal

are you really from Yea Forums or just passing through?

>gonna be 48 in two months
>back around mid 90s I worked security, me and other guy shared shifts
>he talks my ear off, guy tries way too hard to be your friend kinda deal, but I'd just be nice and we'd spend the night talking about old horror movies and stuff
>he'd bring in tapes of his old horror movies and tell me how I gotta watch them, they're so sick, blablabla
>mostly random shit like "People under the stairs", and italian zombie gore flicks, all on bootleg recorded blank vhs tapes
>I watch them and it gives us something to talk about
>one tape he gives me starts as a recorded football game, and cuts to what looks like a bad home movie of kids playing in a park
>thinking he just gave me a family video I get up to eject it
>film cuts to a little boy laying in the grass with no pants on
>...what the fuck did he give me
>kid looks obviously confused and scared
>guy recording asks him questions about his "peepee"
>oh shit that's my coworker's voice
>he fucking gave me his homemade kiddy porn
>don't know what to do.
>call my boss and tell him what's up
>give tape to my boss next day, cops are called, they ask me questions
>scared shitless they are gonna think it's mine.
>both me and boss tell cops guy is sketchy as fuck
>work next shift with boss, tells me guy was taken in
>never see guy again

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how did that vietnamese monk deal with it so well? the one who burned himself to protest the vietnam war? was he drugged or just so zen that he blocked it out?

Probably two guys one hammer or whatever it’s called. There’s probably way worse shit but that video put me off of looking up edgy gore altogether.

christ. is that you marty?

>he died of a heart attack after a year
He was definitely poisoned. He knew to much, and the organization he was a part of that paid him to create his snuff films had him assassinated in prison.

you can do anything you set your mind to

>this is the kind of person who posts about jews and niggers unironically
You're too stupid for your own good. Stick to /pol/ and spare us your cringeworthy autistic psychopathy

studying discipline for a life time and not fearing death or caring about pain, it was extraordinary and he probably regretted it, but that was some hardcore shit.


this one made me feel really awful


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sometimes I'm glad faggots like you will die scared and alone

>once your lungs fill up
Your lungs don't fill with water, your airway closes to keep the water out and you suffocate

>you can do anything

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Remember when you were younger and saw videos of people being murdered and you were actually dumb enough to think you could be some vigilante and stop it? Then as you get older you realize how rampant this shit really is and there is no hope in the world?

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...are you literally retarded?

given how painful it is whenever I've inhaled water by accident, I'm inclined to believe that drowning is probably pretty painful.

Red Bull

i day dream about god coming down and granting me omnipotence and superpowers or whatever just so that i can dedicate every waking second to eradicating everyone i know has done this shit, or the high up elite sex trafficking/cult rings.


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>vid of guy putting christmas ornament in his ass
>then puts fire cracker in ornament
>it explodes in his ass
>next 12 minutes is him pulling shards and chunks out of his pulsating, gaped and bloody asshole

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They’re going to come to your house for your family.

It's still hard for me to accept in my 30s, the fact that there's so much evil in the world, so many absolutely vile people. But at the end of the day you have to make peace with it and realize that there best and only thing you can do is to be the best person you can be in your own life. That's all any of us can do. If everybody did their part the world would be beautiful, but there will always be those who don't, and you can't control anyone but yourself, so just focus on being the best person you can.


Same but it makes me more depressed that it’ll never happen.

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I often wonder how atheists cope. For there to be no judgement at all strikes me as true horror. That people described in this thread just die and blink comfortably out of existence.

This is why there are so many super hero movies. You just insert yourself.

>this much cope
cry more

Always closed that gif in panic as soon as I realized what it was

when I was a teenager a russian friend of mine showed me a snuff film he stole from his dad. Woman tied to a chair getting beaten with a metal bat and raped. I stopped hanging with him after that. Shit fucked me up.

i remember watching the gymnastics at the summer Olympics recently, where the dude is doing some vaults and goes for a landing and his leg just snaps in half at the shit. he just looks down at it and just kind of looks up and away like "oh shit this just happened" rather than screaming. then one or two seconds later the bystanders realize and make horrified faces before it cuts

all the times I accidentally found cheese pizza vids on kazaa/limewire when I was looking for porn. Every time it happened I'd panic thinking the fbi knew and was gonna raid my house

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Post what he said

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It's a sort of fascination for me, not the Oh i want to do that too kind of thing, but more of a why the fuck do people do this to each other.

That and finding Yea Forums in it's earliest stage where nothing but gore, cp and porn got posted didn't help either. Being 13 and seeing that vid of the russian soldier getting his throat slashed fucked me up to begin with

Ironily, I could never harm someone myself so it's not all bad

There is no judgement. The whole notion of judgement seems to be devised to control people from doing whatever they want otherwise there’d be chaos, plus it allows a few elite to do whatever they want.

Atheist here. I firmly believe the shit documented in this thread is part of human nature. We're not the most dominant species because we're so nice. A sense of justice is an invention of civilization. It's comforting, but ultimately wishful thinking. People die for no reason, people kill for no reason and people suffer for no reason; and more often than not, it's other people that inflict those things. I think the trick is to accept the human being as fundamentally flawed and that at the end of the day, none of this shit matters. We're tiny meatbags on a gigantic rock that is floating through the endless, empty void to which we will all return. The thought would probably scare most people, but it's a comforting image to me since it puts things into perspective. Our vision is rather myopic. We get tangled up in so many hardships that sometimes we think there's nothing else - our personal dramas. It's nothing special and at the end of the day, even that will pass. When we will fall into our eternal slumber, none of it will matter.

exactly why i stopped watching those videos to resensitize myself. it worked

Not sure if someone posted this yet becuase i don't want to read every post to find out, but the girl in japan who was kidnapped and held for weeks, police even stopped by because of reports but never went inside, the yakuza guys that kidnapped her and killed her never even went to prison

they're psychopaths who get satisfaction off of it desu

Workout failures always make me physically cringe.

The only and true real answer is: Morbid Curiosity.

i often find that the atheists that try to be the least antagonistic and use all this flowery diction and imagery trying to put the human race into perspective as not extraordinary or meaningless usually have no actual concept of how the universe works. do you have any idea just how fine tuned the laws of our universe are? how, just to start, improbable it was for all the laws of physics and physical constants to line up in a way that even allows this reality to exist? and then, do you understand just how low the probability of the life that we are just forming is? or how low the probability of a habitat that we could even begin to live on existing is?
theres a reason that most of the grestest scientists in history were theists. you think youre so smart saying the church is silly and the easter bunny is bullshit and you make fun of intelligent design and creationists etc, but the more you actually learn the more you realize that it isnt all so improbable

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Wouldn't Jack the Ripper be the first notable one? Not that it contradicts your point

wtf is this website and why do people frequent it

read the thread stupid

how would you know unless you've seen it?

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Nowhere did I even slam religion in my post, and yet here you are acting deeply offended. You have a gigantic chip on your shoulder, senpai. Calm down.

Counter-question: what makes your interpretation of the universe more valid than a muslim's, a jew's or a buddhist's? Where does this confidence come from that your branch of faith has all the right answers while everyone else is wrong?

Oh yeah, and science and faith aren't mutually exclusive. Scientists are still people and therefore in need of some sort of spiritual guidance. After all, religion was born out of the fear of dying. It is the largest cope in the history of mankind. I don't regard those people as stupid. If anything, I regard them as weak.

nowhere in MY post did i say i was religious, i certainly never made a single allusion to any religion in particular. again you prove your understanding of everything and anything surface deep
>i dont regard them as stupid i regard them as weak
good lord

Interesting, if both views are flawed, to an extent, what would be your alternative?

nigga it's jut people posting links

Are you religious, though?

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im not religious in the sense that im a catholic or muslim, and im not interested nor was i referring to religious traditions or canon etc when i mentioned it in my post. only that something very likely may exist and that many of the top minds in history who most people would think would be the first to say there is no god, believe there is a god, AND that the world we live in is better evidence than most are aware that intelligent design may have created

It all comes down to what works for you personally. I'm not opposed to religion as a way to cope with the shit life throws at you. It is a personal decision, but not one I would make. If it helps you getting through the day, go for it. It's different when you become dogmatic or use religion to control people.