>Don’t mind me, just pirating your womb.
Kino like this?
So was it a full switcheroo? Like Mom B had babies AA and Mom A had babies BB?
Which babies would each mother feel more inclined to love? Their genetic babies or the ones they carried?
Mom A had Family B’s babies, Family A’s babies are lost in the system
ivf is an abomination
let me guess, they are black?
Neither. You should stay far away from people who adopt or have someone else's children. These people are deviants.
So basically for the price of one pregnancy, family B got double babies?
IVF is having your own children I think, but you need a lab to help you because you have a toxic womb that keeps killing them halfway through.
what kind of return policies do IVF clinics have?
this one kike doctor impregnated like 600 dutch women with the jizz of some retarded african guy around a decade ago
never trust these clinics
>this one kike doctor impregnated like 600 dutch women with the jizz of some retarded african guy around a decade ago
That is actually horrifying.
Imagine being bred by an African bull without having his BBC pound your pussy
Fucking disgrace
So mom gave birth to twins, and each baby had a different dad and mom?
mental illness
of course, sometimes they prefer to use their own sperm
>inb4 "British"
>Dr Bertold Paul Wiesner FRSE (1901–1972) was an Austrian Jewish physiologist
I was a sperm donor for years. Still weird to think that I could wake up one day in my 30s and have people show up at my door calling me dad.
it depends, since a lot of these clinics are run by not very scrupulous individuals
if you're a tall, attractive, intelligent man of european heritage, they'll probably toss your sperm out of spite
>Dr Bertold Paul Wiesner FRSE (1901–1972) was an Austrian Jewish physiologist
then why does it say british dumbass seems like he got his license in britain so that makes him a british doctor from austria with a race(or religion idk) of jewish
worse because the article said that they are an asian couple, and asians hate black people.
to have to explain to their families, friends, and coworkers that a pair of stark black baboons popped out of the wife must be humiliating for them.
Nah people pay for white sperm, that's the real moneymaker.
Is the couple going to keep the kids? They're not theirs, biologically.
no, the brats were given to their real parents.
but it feels wrong that the asian couple was forced to carry and give birth to the twins for some strangers and then have them taken away from them.
either the clinic or the twins' real family should owe them a great deal of money for such a huge inconvenience.
There was this one story, some lady in Illinois - she wanted sperm from this Danish guy who had donated previously.
Anyway, she pops the kid out, and the baby is black as fuck, curly hair and everything, which later turned out to be literally retarded. She was fucking mortified, but of course every news story that picked it up spun it as a tale of how everyone should be more accepting of mixed race children, and how racism was clearly at fault for the situation. Zero mentions of the clinic (actually had to dig to even find out the name of the doctor). Zero mentions of how that doctor was responsible for several other fertility "accidents" that resulted in similar fuckups.
Would be a good horror movie, but there's probably a good reason why every incident of this is being swept under the rug.
>worse because the article said that they are an asian couple, and asians hate black people.
well sucks for her because she gave birth to two turns out harboring hate isn't productive
I wouldn't have been going for so long if they were just throwing my sperm out. I actually just recently had to resign some waivers allowing them to send it the the UK and I haven't donated in 5+ years now so they must still have samples.
I would love to see the birth video and the reaction of the parents when they saw the babies didn't have slant eyes
>the twins' real family should owe them
The lab is at fault though- I mean they're probably a little hosed already for asking for one baby and getting three.
It's not AS bad as asking for, carrying two but getting 0.
>either the clinic or the twins' real family should owe them a great deal of money for such a huge inconvenience.
I sure hope they do get compensation.
you're probably ugly as shit then
this ghoul has tons of kids
Imagine thinking wanting to have children with a coherent identity and culture is hate.
culture isn't genetic it's taught and an identity is what you make of it if you raise kids and teach them that they have to hate themselves for the way they look you'll have problems regardless of race
>his children are perfectly split between attractive Chads and Stacies and pit wallowing hellgoblins
>Nice womb you have there, goyette. Sure would be a shame if someone... BLACKED it.
I don't think I'm ugly. Regardless, I'm not sure how much being attractive factors in to be selected as a donor. I think it has more to do with genetic background and overall health. I don't know for sure though, never asked.
>I don't think I'm ugly.
confirmed for ugly
someone in that clinic is getting a kick for spreading your subhuman DNA around
>culture isn't genetic
Do you honestly think culture just spawns in a vacuum completely at random?
its taught people come up with a way of life due to circumstances then pass it down by culture you mean things like celebrating christmas or mardi gras parades right we may have two different definitions
>muh genetic supremacy
Fuck off, /pol/. Genes only determine minor things like skin and eye color.
Intelligence and behavior is pretty much entirely cultural. Don't put the cart before the horse.