Why are the Nazis so evil?

Why are the Nazis so evil?

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They were incels

>little white dicks
it doesn’t take a genius to figure it out

Common mistake in fiction is writing villains with no redeemable qualities.

Because they choose to be.

To think this actualy happended makes my blood boil. This piece of shit shot and killed over 1 millions jewish prisinoners alone. He is burning in the deepest pits of hell. Fuck nazis all to hell

Never forget the 60 million.

this actually happened though. the guy was such a cunt the nazis put him on trial and had him committed.

the most unintentionally funny scene of all time


Germans are subhumans , evil and war is in their blood.


satanic kike poster

the six gorillion who died from masturbation machines shall never be forgotten

it's just american projection
Wir, als Deutsche und Europäer, wollten nur den Kommunismus stoppen.

Even if every monstrous evil they're said to have done is true it's ALL justified when you look at what (((the chosen))) have done since then.

perhaps he's wondering why someone would tattoo a man, before throwing him in a gas chamber

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Why were the Nazis so THICC

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>Force jews to be bankers
>Can't pay your loans on time because you're a drunk piece of hedonistic german shit
>Throw a hissy fit

The "Aryan" is pig


Kek, synagogue of Satan revealed.

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No tattoo unless you were suppised to be used for labor. And only in one camp.

60 million galons of sperm dumped into prime aryan women

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they were trying to save the world, and like the old saying goes, "you wanna make an omelet you gotta break some eggs"

>nazis were either fat fucks or skinny twink bitches

genetic superiority my ass

There needs to be a legitimate Neo-neo-Nazi movement. They need to get rid of the industrial genocide, the expansionism, the warmongering and the anti-Semitism. National Socialism could be really, really cool if we just get rid of its worst elements.

nice try

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how is he so fat if allies bombed their suppy lines?

checkm8 atheists

this but unironically

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>They need to get rid of the industrial genocide, the expansionism, the warmongering and the anti-Semitism
so, just normal white socialism...

By starting a war with all of their neighbors, allying with the Soviets and then letting them walk over them and take half of Europe into control even though they were almost defeated in 1941?

But Hitler was a vegetarian and liked soi

Seeing as they had children, that is wrong.
A lot of you would benefit from reading books than getting all your information from Yea Forums. It is both a "filter bubble" and an area of "confirmation bias". Where you only believe what you want to believe, and any outsides sources are discarded because what they demonstrate goes against your predisposed views. "The path of least effort" defines Yea Forums better than any other term.

And hell, why not? You get to blame all of your own negative experiences on someone else, and avoid taking personal responsibility for your own shitty lives, when in fact you alone are the greatest obstacle from obtaining a better life. "it's not me, it is them" Bullshit

Ezra is the qtest

No evil, no good. Really just people reacting, some smart, some not as much.
Nazis had genius level IQ's. They knew what was up.

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maybe for Americans like me. I think Europeans and other non-Americans might want something other than "white" National Socialism.

>cherrypicked fascists are still hideous

yeah nice try

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Nope. Cool that women hate guys who don’t respect them so much they literally think they gas jews

s*rbians are subhuman

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Devil jew devil jew

>Nazis had genius level IQ's
Then why did they banish the actual geniuses who then all went to America and created the bomb?

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Breaking eggs

what cherrypicking?

These are the most famous people of both ideologies

The nazis are evil because Hollywood was started by Jews and is still run by Jews,

>mutts are so dumb they call everything in the far-right "fascism"
If you stop shooting each other, you'll be able to pay attention in class

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Just so happened to only the brutish idiots were in charge.Like Erich Koch who contributed to their defeat against the Soviets. Some rare intelligent ones like Rosenberg couldn't do shit about it they were powerless. He learned the hard way that this was the ideology of brute force.

daily reminder that the smartest person(Schacht) who had served in hitler's government was anti Nazi

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Nigga got a lego block for a fucking head

they also run the media, and the US government. Google "white man's burden haaretz".

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IQ points were calculated differently back then today they would've scored a bit lower.

prove to me that the so-called jews living in the land of israel are the true descendants of Jacob

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Castro was handsome without the pube beard

What was that man's name in real life?

>if my people, upon whom my name is invoked, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from the heavens and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
What did he mean by this?

Benjamin Garrison

Palestinians are closer. They've lived there longer (real roots not mythological fantasy) and didn't mix with Europeans nearly as much.

There weren't. Every major government in the twentieth century had genocodal or near genocidal population displacements. The Soviet Union had several on top of the gulag and the purges. This retarded cult of self-stupefication before the holy altar of Jewish suffering has got to end. There's nothing good or holy about suffering, nothing special about Jewish suffering as opposed to that of others, and no strength is acquired by fantasizing about a cartoonish straw man.

>smartest is a lone wolf
Makes sense

Sneed Chuck

Your supposed argument doesn't make any sense, you have achieved nothing.

This triggers the fuck out of the kikes

Undiscussed is all the murder and suffering which came to Europe as a result of preventing Hitler from smashing Stalin.

Didn't prove anything, all I see are a bunch of ugly mofos dying for no reason.

the palestinians are ishmaleites

also there's no such thing as race mixing. you are your fathers seed. meaning if your grandfather fucked a moabite, then you would be what your father is. did you not read the book of Ruth?

hitler = based
nazis = based
j*ws = cringe
c*mmies = cringe

oh yeah? why did you not include this absolute chad then?

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I'm not an anti-Semite, but I have a somewhat anti-Semitic conspiracy theory. The data indicates to me that the Ashkenazi ethnicity is more or less done for. Do you think that Ashkenazi Jews who are in positions of power realize this and push for diversity and race-mixing among other populations because they know that that's what they themselves are doing and they want parity between their groups and others? In other words, do you think they want everybody else to become mongrels because they themselves are becoming mongrels? Let me know what you think in the comments below.

why don't you post stalin and che for a fair comparison?

>absolute chad
>looks like one of those s󠛡oyboy you see in your local coffee shop

Have sex, virgin. You Nazi incels make my blood boil

that image is shopped
>As a child, Stalin suffered from smallpox, which left scars on his face. He was self-conscious about these scars and would request that alterations be made during the processing of all his photos. It was also reported that he would have portrait artists shot for creating unflattering images of him.

>The data indicates to me that the Ashkenazi ethnicity is more or less done for.
the fuck kind of data is that? theres tons of khazar jews especially in america

not only have they managed to preserve their culture and traditions, almost perfectly, they have managed to enslave the world completely undetected

oh no, my friend, the jews arent going anywhere, but whitey is

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Excuse me, but I've had half of a handjob (therefore technically not a virgin) and I'm not a national socialist. Thank you.

>the palestinians are ishmaleites
>muh DUDE theres no such thing as black people, only hutu and tutsi
If the sandniggers of Syria-Palestinia want to have a trailer park brawl about who is the real scotsman, let them, but do NOT allow them to drag America into the fight to the tune of 7 trillion+ dollars

Poor attempt at a blackpill, jew

They mix more than anybody else contrary to stereotypes. Most of the "Jews" I know or are friends with are half Jewish at most and/or are in relationships with whites and non-whites. My richest Jewish client is married to and has kids with an Indian woman.

your are one seething libtard

>s-onions REEE
>it fotoshopped REEE


You are following history selectively if you believe they did nothing wrong. The subject goes beyond Jews, as Jews were not the only targeted demographic. Wake the fuck up, and stop with your mental gymnastics that allow you to believe Germany was not a mass-murdering entity. Then again you will always believe what you want to believe, despite any outside evidence that counters your view of events.

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these rats are not the people of israel
they are doing a bad job acting like it

>They mix more than anybody else contrary to stereotypes.
They mix only to gain an upper hand against the people they are subverting ala Sephardic jews

Nazism is now limited to neets and drug-funneling junkies. Yep died for no reason

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It makes you think

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post proofs or shut up, my main man.

You're still on here whining about this shit? You're Jewish and hate Germany. We got it. Stop crying about it.

But it is, Stalin was an ugly bastard peasant from Georgia, he wasn't some Zar son or something like that

Imagine if a white person cried this much about the Mongols, who murdered 40 million people

>you have achieved nothing
I got a (You).

Ok what is up then? Tell me their endgame. Ok I get it kill a ugly looking people. Everyone in the planet is blonde with blue eyes and for the sake of the argument, "smart". What do you do next nazis? Assume the who planet is totalitarian.

This. Or about the Bolshevik jews who led a revolution that killed over 10 million white people. Nobody cares about 6 million parasites.

I want a big fucking boiling pot monument and in big brass letters it says "white people are chosen by god and its a hate crime to say anything to the contrary"

the jews were kicked out of england by King edward the 1st. they intermarried with spaniards and meds to disguise themselves as spanish traders and sneak into england.

That wasn't their goal, but I would guess use time and resources to improve the Aryan through eugenic breeding and later through gene editing, and eventually colonize the stars? Instead of feeding billions of starving retards and having jews convince traitorous leaders to flood civilized countries with savages.

>pictures from corpses being buried
>released later
>from the winners
>from the guys who also were killing millions
>in a time where typhus was rampant
>in a world war
im more of a rational thinker myself

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He was a wonderful cook.

>comparing antiquity to 20th century moral values

Why won't you admit that you're a jew?

If the assembly line had this much failed revolutionary power imagine what 3d printing could do

So my client had children with an Indian woman so that they could infiltrate and subvert India on Israel's behalf? I'm not convinced.

So basically "it's worse when its jews getting killed"

>1400 is antiquity
what would you say is the statute of limitations on human suffering?

Does your "client" feel persecuted by Nazis?

>Nazism is now limited to neets and drug-funneling junkies

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>Germany was a mass-murdering entity.
>not even calling them nazis anymore

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based, and redpilled

>Nazism is now limited to neets and drug-funneling junkies.
I think you meant current day russia and america

What was their goal?

We haven't gotten to know each other that well.

"Read a book" has good to be the laziest attempt at an argument on this site.

Russians need some kind of professional organization to help fight against their defamation and use as a scapegoat

>Tell me their endgame.
To secure their existence, and a future for their children

>By starting a war with all of their neighbors,
The only neighbour they started war with was the USSR.

To be fair, Germans have only caused trouble since they exist, making national socialism look worse than communism is one of them

A Germanic ethnostate. Why do you ask stupid questions then tell others to read more? They wanted a large Pan-Germanic nation state free of jews. I don't understand why that bothers you.

Take a break guys, enjoy this webm for awhile before continuing with your arguments.

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>you wanna make an omelet you gotta break some eggs
true but usually you wanna do it delicately not just slam the eggs into the pan shell and all


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Well that depends. If the eggs in question are promoting all sorts of degeneracy, wrecking your economy, promoting Communism, and have been caught murdering children numerous times over a thousand years, you probably want to smash those eggs as quickly as possible.

>no fashy tomboy 1920s gf

I don't think you know what an omelet is or what the idiom means its describing how if you have ambitious plans (a delicious omelet(or political plans or whatever the nazis wanted)) you have to break some codes or standards or morals to get it (or egg shells)

ok poor choice of words on my part. antiquity as a non-historian term


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Did you ever think of what transpired in their home country that could have pissed them off enough to become Nazis?

all Im saying is you used the idiom wrong saying you'd want to smash the eggs as quickly as possible means your willing to undermine the integrity of the omelet to get to your end goal and if your omelete has shells in it your plan isn't gonna work out and if you haven't notice they're still jews in europe so hitler fucked up somewhere along the line

basedboy faggot

Not any more evil than most other empires (or attempts at creating an empire). No one foams at the mouth over the ottomans, romans, brits, french etc anymore. Nazi Germany in time will also fall to the side as a different boogeyman empire forms.

>hurr but the left are neets too!
Okay. them too i guess

youre joking right?

this 100% based high iq poster

dilate satan

Looks like I hit a nerve.

The holocaust happened and it was a tragedy.

The holocaust never happened.

6 millions were not enough.

6 millions were just the beginning.

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>Dude! Just let me destroy Europe!! Let me commit genocide!!!! WTF WHY ARE YOU FIGHTING BACK LET ME ANNEX YOUR COUNTRY *commits suicide*

Hitler was smart and cool, but he really fucked up, so yeah, he was ultimately a FAG.

This. Pure evil people don't really exist and make for boring characters

>you dont like Nazism therefore youre a lefty

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It isn't crying. It is trying to make your fags aware that what is said about what happened, happened.
Since you have no cultural linkage to genocide, you dismiss it no matter the abundant evidence that it did. You fags selectively choose what is real or wrong by your predisposition views. You are likely to think someone else is wrong rather than you. But that doesn't make you right in the least.

Oh please, all you fags do is cry about the same shit, just in a different period. You idiots are no better. Purchase a pacifier.
I'm a Jew.
As compared to getting all your knowledge from Yea Forums alone?

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Why Yea Forums attracts so many stormcucks?

>There are anons itt that still believe in the Hall of Cost

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More like why does it attract so many faggots?

Who is that?

He isn't wrong though, you faggots treat Yea Forums as if it is all for you. It isn't, so please collectively fuck-off. A website already exists for you to blame all others than yourselves for whatever shitty lives you have, that you scapegoat others rather than take the smallest degree of personal responsibility for your own failures.


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They were?

Uh oh...

Go back to your shithole r e d d i t

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that has long been the consensus opinion and not without reason. You douche-bags just have selective memory, you hold onto what you want and completely disbelieve everything else.
I've been here longer than you summer-fag.

Where do you see Speer

Well played, my dear false flagging redditard, but I doubt there is anywhere in that shitty site were you won't get banned for denying the holotale.

Looks like one of those dudes who tell you why x is problematic and needs to change in a Californian accent.

As hipster as it comes. Might attract a certain type of girl, but not a Chad.

Being gassed doesn't turn you into a skellington.

When the fuck is WW2 gonna fade from pop culture, 100 more years?

I hate I will probably see some reference to WW2 every single day for the rest of my fucking life. I wish I was exaggerating.

I'm sure you'd know. Thats where youre from after all

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What about decomposition? Oh sure, it is nothing but flowers and incense.

WW2 is the foundation of the globohomo mythos which has supplanted Christianity as the dominant morality of the West. It will never fade away. This is why all arguments eventually devolve into calling the other party Hitler, because he is the devil of this new religion.

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Being gassed doesn't cause you to lose 40lbs and become Auschwitz-mode skelly. Those people clearly died after months of starvation, which conflicts with the gassing narrative and coincidentally supports the allied bombed the supply lines/typhus outbreaks narrative.

Eat shti and die, Jew, and let me turn your Semitic Holocaust into a comedy, Jew.

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Let's turn the Jews' as the main cause behind muslim immigration into many movies lol

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Would this be kino?

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Who would you cast to play the bear and the eagle?

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They were paid off by time traveling hollywood jews to guarantee third rate movie plots for all eternity.

Jewish love of mass immigration into Western countries must be turned into movies.

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Movie nazis are super evil because the jews want to destroy the ideology


Half of those died after the camp was "liberated" by the British. It's almost as if Typhus and mass disease outbreaks are outside of the control of any governing power.

My mother survived six death camps.after her father, my own grandfather himself was personally gassed to death by Josef Mengele the angel of death when he was only 6 years old.

He hit the wall, which for a guy is pretty impressive

How many times have you made this thread OP?

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There must be a total annihilation of the Jewish parasite. Figuratively speaking, all Jews must die and Israel must be destroyed. Every single Jew must be destroyed, and this is just figuratively speaking. Movies should be made about these figures.

Hollywood nazis will attack me for my moderate position on the JQ.

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Who are these people?

My elementary and middle school music teacher was Jewish. She had very fair skin and curly red hair. She was very nice. During one Jewish holiday, probably Hanukkah, she brought in this huge scroll, probably the Torah or the Talmud, and she started to read from it. Before that she turned down the lights and might have even lit a candle, though I think that might be illegal and doubt my own memory. It bothers me to this day that I can't remember anything from that class and I want to buy that scroll right now.

>This just in, old people get confused! Historians in panic as their empirical, evidence based methodologies and historiographical disciplines are DISPROVEN by non-historians quoting senile and psychology damaged octogenarians!

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Ohh please, you are selectively remembering that which you choose to. Are you seriously stating that Jews and other POWs were treated humanely?
There is a trove of evidence saying otherwise, they didn't give a fuck so long at their work were completed.
In captivity by Nazis, who do think starved them? Switzerland?
My life is better than yours. and I laugh about it everyday. So be mad, it won't don't do you shit.
I'll follow your example, since you spout shit.
Far from the only prison camp to experience as much.

>The guy dumping Holocaust and Jewish memegraphs is a dirty redditor

Not really surprised

Have the Jews reduced you to this, OP?

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>I want to buy that scroll right now.
>Thinking they sell english translations of the Talmud
It's literally a grave sin to translate the Talmud.

didn't stop certain groups from going after their gold

Wow you're right it was real in their mind so masturbation machines, electric floors, holocausters and bears as well as soap and lampshades are obviously understandable mistakes of the mind

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It might not have been the Talmud. Is it a sin for that Jew broad to read the Talmud to a bunch of goys every year?

the holocaust is a crude political bludgeon used to mandate support for illegal zionist war

Jesus was a Jew, you retard.

>replying to this many people at once
Cringe. We're gonna take all of your dad's money again jew. I hope I get your watch before you hop in the truck.

/pol/tism is a helluva drug

Jews weren't killed in gas chambers
>Are you seriously stating that Jews and other POWs were treated humanely?
No, all I'm saying is that Jews weren't killed in gas chambers.
>b-but they were starved to death/died of typhus in camps run by the Nazis
Yes, this is accepted as the truth by holocaust deniers. All I'm saying is that jews weren't killed in gas chambers and that the gas chambers are just as fake as the electric floors, the bear/eagle cage, the masturbation machines, the pedal-powered brain basher and the holocoaster.

>google ay tone memes
>almost all search results are from reddit

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Literally me

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I doubt anyone here could themselves prove that the earth revolves around the sun. But we know this because experts who can have told us so, even if we don't fully understand it. Similarly, we know what we know about the past from the experts who study it. Historiography, although not a science, is like other academic disciplines modeled on the scientific method. And as scientists universally dismiss flat earth propenents as scientifically illiterate troglodytes, so too do historians dismiss holocaust deniers. These people have no experts of their own, only those who pretend to be but are utterly lacking in the right qualifications or experience which is why their "research" cannot withstand the scrutiny of peer review by the real experts. The best deniers have are people with art degrees like Leutcher, or people who never went to college, or those who are experts in totally irrelevent fields like what's his face and electrical engineering.

To see specific refutations of denier "truthbombs" and assorted primary documents proving the massacres are real, see these blogs:

Historical documents:

Einsatzgruppen records:

Complicity of High Command:

Or if that's not good enough for you, read a book written by holocausrt experts, just as The Destruction of the European Jews. It's 1,200 pages long, contains hundreds of citations, and /pol/ can't refute one page of it.

>I can discount what historians say because of things non-historians have said.

That's fallacious. Come on.


The idea of jews being a parasite was always bizarre me , until I was redpilled. And i read in mein kampf how they attacked germany with slav, france with blacks, and then also i saw videos of the cuckoo brook parasite, where the parasite bird literally pushes the eggs and baby birds out if the nest even while the parents are watching and then the parents feed it

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My Mother and Father are Jewish,and likely contribute more to society than you ever have. I'm a future Librarian, and my Sister is about to complete her Nurse-practitioner certification.

I'm a fourth generation combat vet, and before you spout that dumbshit about serving Israel, my family has been serving the U.S. well past a century, well before Israel.

All your shit talk is just that, shit. There is not anything you can say against my families service that will convince me otherwise.

But of course, be proud at being bystander who has done nothing more than serve yourself.

Keep spitting kike lies herschel

I came to jew-jew-jew-jew (Yeah)
I hit the floor 'cause that's my plans plans plans plans (Yeah)
I'm wearing all my favorite yar-mulkes
Give me some space for both my hands hands hands hands
Yeah yeah 'cause it goes on and on and on
And it goes on and on and on yeah
I rub my hands together in the air sometimes
Saying goyem, gotta obey
I wanna jew the goy and live my life
Saying goy, what about the holocaust
'Cause we gon' destroy the whites
We gon' go all night
We gon' light it up
Like it's kike-nomite
'Cause I told you once
Now I told you twice
We gon' light it up
Like it's kike-nomite
I came to move jew jew jew
Get out the way of me and my jews jews jews jews (Yea)
I'm in the club so I'm gonna do do do do (Yea)
Just what the fuck came here to do do do do
Yeah yeah 'cause it goes on and on and on
And it goes on and on and on yeah
I throw my hands up in the air sometimes
Saying goyem, gotta obey
I wanna celebrate and live my life
Saying goyem, whatabout the holocaust
'Cause we gon destroy the whites
We gon' go all night
We gon' light it up
Like it's kike-nomite
'Cause I told you once
Now I told you twice
We gon' light it up
Like it's kike-nomite
I'm gonna take it all I
I'm gonna be the last one standing,
Higher overall I,
I'm gonna be the last one landing 'cause I, I, I
Believe it, and I, I, I
I just want it all, I just want it all
I'm gonna rub my hands in the air, hands in the air
Put your hands in the air
I throw my hands up in the air sometimes
Saying ay-oh, gotta let go
I wanna celebrate and live my life
Saying ay-oh, baby let's go
'Cause we gon rock this club
We gon' go all night
We gon' light it up
Like it's kike-nomite
'Cause I told you once
Now I told you twice
We gon' light it up
Like it's kike-nomite

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>just trust the (((experts))) they certainly wouldn't lie to push an agenda
It is commonly accepted that 11 million civilians were killed in the holocaust. 6 million jews and 5 million non-jews. Well I have an announcement to make:
The 5 million number was made up by Simon Wiesenthal.
>The “5 million” has driven Holocaust historians to distraction ever since Wiesenthal started to peddle it in the 1970s. Wiesenthal told the Washington Post in 1979, “I have sought with Jewish leaders not to talk about 6 million Jewish dead, but rather about 11 million civilians dead, including 6 million Jews.”
>Yehuda Bauer, an Israeli Holocaust scholar who chairs the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, said he warned his friend Wiesenthal, who died in 2005, about spreading the false notion that the Holocaust claimed 11 million victims – 6 million Jews and 5 million non-Jews.
>“I said to him, ‘Simon, you are telling a lie,’” Bauer recalled in an interview Tuesday. “He said, ‘Sometimes you need to do that to get the results for things you think are essential.’”
>Bauer and other historians who knew Wiesenthal said the Nazi hunter told them that he chose the 5 million number carefully: He wanted a number large enough to attract the attention of non-Jews who might not otherwise care about Jewish suffering, but not larger than the actual number of Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust, 6 million.
If the jews were lying about the 5 million number in order to elicit sympathy from non-jews, what else were they lying about?

>my family fought in WW1 and II, they totally weren't fighting on behalf of Jewish interests

this unironically. by today's standards basically every past civilization is evil including the activities of the church. the crusades were just as evil as the holocaust.

>I vant to kill all the jews


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Israel, let alone organized Zionism barely existed at the point. You don't realize how you are, and that is good for a laugh. Spend my weekends arguing with you idiots , and it is always entertaining.