"movie" is under 2 hours long

>"movie" is under 2 hours long

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>feet are infested with fungus

Attached: don.jpg (1359x1013, 316K)

>hes under 6'0
>he doesnt have sex

>"flick" is over 2 hours long

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daily reminder Don was in the wrong here
Brie was trying to just cheer people up and Don came off as a rude asshole

1:30 is the perfect movie length

I miss 90 minute features.

any tv show anthology series that has an episode over the hour mark.

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This, Don is a faggot who can't have any fun.

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Zoomer hivemind

this can’t be real

it's the op opinion that's zoomer

Why are the most remembered old movies longer than 2 hours then?

>if statement x is true then why is statement y that isn't even close to contradicting statement x true?

>If ignore the point, then I don't have to make an argument
neck yourself zoomer

>if I pretend I have a point I won't have to actually have a point

>its the feet that im sticking my dick in

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WTF I love feminism now

Why does Yea Forums pretend she isn't attractive

It's only a vocal minority that hate her because of feminism and capeshit, and so they pretend she isn't beautiful

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god tier photography here

what the fuck

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so hot

Name ONE good horror movie over two hours long

She's gorgeous

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if don cheedle were a crunchy snack
he'd be don cheeto

don't you like fun, /tv?

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i liked her Spectacular Now phase

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Brieposters are just as bad as kpop stans.

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>Halloween 1hr31 minutes
>The Thing 1hr49 minutes
>Through a Glass Darkly 1hr31minutes
>Videodrome 1hr29minutes
>Annie Hall 1hr33minutes
>The Graduate 1hr47minutes
>An American Werewolf in London 1hr37minutes
>Dredd 1hr36 minutes
>District 9 1hr52 minutes
>Alien 1hr57 minutes

it says here you're a retard