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How come none of you faggots told me about this kino?
Tyler Perez
Xavier Sanders
I prefer the original
Jackson Martinez
Probably because you're a newfag that discovered Yea Forums this week. The board was filled with it during it's release.
Brody Smith
Based hatposter
Cameron Collins
mmmmm nootka
Wyatt Wilson
Welcome newfriend. Lurk moar
Jason Evans
Hudson Rogers
that's a big hat
Caleb Taylor
Grayson Cox
Jaxon Morgan
>be me
>wake up
>put on my black horse leather gloves
>march down the stairs in my underwear
>sister at the bottom, in the hallway, wearing a nightie with some toast in one hands
>I lock eyes with her and walk down the stairs, arms out to the sides, not holding onto the handrails
>she pulls a face and goes into the living room
>I march down and into the door, standing in the hallway like I'm carrying two pigs under my arms
>'Hmmm, powder....'
>Sister pulls a face again
>'Muuum! user's being weird again'
>No reply
>'I have a use for you, hmmm....'
>'Fuck off user'
>'Take off that dress'
>'user you're being a dickhead, fuck off'
>she gets up and barges past me
>I hear her talking to dad
>dad comes out to the hallway
>'user, your sister says you asked her to take off her nightie again, we had a talk about this'
>ignore him and go pick up dads boiled egg
>start peeling it with my gloves on
>'user, put that down, I was talking to you, that's my breakfast, look, your mother and I...'
>I eat the egg, fully, in my mouth, bits of egg fall to the floor but I keep my eyes locked with my dad until I take the final swallow
>'Look, user'
>'So, are you King or Company?'
>'What? user, look as I was saying, your mother and I...'
>quick as a flash I draw my boxer karambit and launch forward to hold it to my dads throat
>'A-user, what are you doing... put that down...'
>'I asked... hmmm... are you king....hmmm... or company?'
>'N-neither, user, put that down...'
>'I have a use for you.....'
>I remove my karambit and put it back down my boxers before stomping out of the kitchen
>I scream 'I NEED A SHIP' as I hear my sister cries fade behind me
>I will control Nootka!
Josiah Long
Fucking based! although Honey Wilder >>>> Kay Parker
Brayden Rodriguez
mmmmmmh i have a use for you
Justin Russell
HHHrMMMMMHHHHpphhh nootka
Josiah Ramirez
Thomas Miller
Why they didn't do the lesbian rape scene I do not know.
Colton Baker
>tfw no more playing 'find the ghost' fun with Yea Forums
It hurts bros.
David Moore
How did you miss me posting about the nice incest?
Joseph Baker
mmmmm nootka mmmmmmmmmm
Brayden Reed
*angry walking music intensifies*
Connor Powell
Based incest poster
Jose King
>Hardy fucks his half-sister
>Hardy wants to fuck his step-mother
Who's next on this? The next step is you find out there was a full sister that was left at Nootka.
Jose Wright
What if he discovers he has a teenage bastard daughter?
Michael Stewart
For Nootka
Parker Cook
Took me ages to realise who she was when I was watching Chernobyl
Jordan Martin
It took me an episode or two
Bentley Hall
Season two when
Mason Robinson
Holy shit this would become kino. Half-sister. Step-mother. Sister. Daughter. This leaves Cousin and Aunt. God, if I was rich I'd do this, not even as a fetish thing (my particular fetish is the rare as platinum encased gold which is Mother x Daughter and there is literally a single manga with this idea that is blood related and not porn and even porn is non-existent bar a couple). But I think it'd be great to have a story about a guy who falls in love with a host of women who are actually his relatives. In fact, I actually planned to write a story of two sisters with this idea.
Did you know there is a psychological phenomeon where if you separate siblings, especially twins, and then make them contact each other face to face but DO NOT tell them they're related there is a quite high chance they'll enter a romanic relationship. I can't remember the name, but basically two siblins looking at each other, completely unaware, will have a strange attraction to that person they cannot explain.
So basically, a film where a dude is separate from his parents from birth. His sister, his half-sister, his mother, he gains a step-mother from being adopted, has cousins, a daughter and a niece (can be his sisters) and half-niece. He is completely unaware of their relationship to him. You can even have the step-mother being like a 'family friend' and he doesn't know she's legally his guardian due to going to boarding school or something. And it's about him having attraction to all these women who are also aware he isn't their son (even the step-mother, who is unaware his father had a son etc etc or whatever). I don't quite know what the 'plot' would be or what the analogy/metaphor would be. But it'd be the ultimate fetish fuel.
Or you can just do the film version of this hentai VN result... I won't post the family tree, it's confusing and large.
Aiden Flores
Next summer, they won't start filming it until either the very end of this year or early next year