Why are all comedy movies shit nowadays?

Why are all comedy movies shit nowadays?

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can't offend anyone

>Why are all comedy movies shit nowadays?
>can't offend anyone

fpbp, PC culture has ruined comedy. go watch anything from the 80s-90s and its all the best skits/jokes would be considered literal hate speech/hate crimes these days.

Because the left can't meme.

I stopped watching anything comedy related once I heard a BBC joke told by the Jewish character in a movie.

Attached: 1562540068726.jpg (560x488, 200K)

also, social media pitch forking virtue signals(side effect of PC culture) where no matter how funny/how many people like your joke, if a handful of people REEEEEEEEE about it offending them, kills your career.

quintessential example = South Park pre and post twitter era.

Everything is that low effort "ummm errr that's weird" humor instead of "set up /punchline" humor


It's a... PFFTTthj


Wearing... PAAANTS!!!! AH HAH HAH!!!


Why is that raccoon wearing shorts?

Why the fuck would I pay money for some 'comedian' (who probably isn't funny anyway) to entertain me when I could go on the internet and let people do it for free?

It’s not just PC culture, it’s the mindset of the people that support PC culture. They are mental midgets and don’t understand humor or normal people in general. Even when they try to be offensive it’s cringe as fuck.

Yea Forums is funnier

posts by one user here tend to be funnier than jokes that took a whole writing team and marketing department to get to you

only people with the same political view get hired also a lot of people only get hired to fill a diverstiy quota


Horses in clothes are funny

Attached: funny-horse-wearing-pajamas.jpg (540x564, 53K)

>be me
>own stable
>people actually buy these and expect you to put them onto their horses
>horses shit where they live
>horses also lie down and roll where they shit
>horse pajamas are covered in shit within hours of putting them on

Because every joke today ends with a "cheeto man bad" punchline. Also because weed is normalized. Stoner culture is what made movies like Harold and Kumar funny.

Do you fuck the mares or what?

Comedy takes actual writing/performance talent. You can't just throw money and CGI garbage at something to make it funny.

fucking lol, don't they come with shit holes cut in and one big hole down there so you let their juicy hot horse mega cock roam free?

That's not a horse you idiot, that's two humans in a costume.

I only watch new comedy movies with my dad because he’s always half in the bag and just excited to see/hang out with me. His boomer enthusiasm is contagious and ill laugh at any bullshit.

"Everything is shit now," says man in current year.

Is just as bad as always have been, you are just to old and bitter to enjoy things anymore

I watched Old School the other day for the first time in years and the very first joke in the movie is Luke Wilson getting into a cab at the airport, and he starts complaining about his flight to the driver, and the driver just turns around and bluntly says "Why don't you stop being a faggot?" I laughed my ass off, but realize that time is gone. For now.

>so you let their juicy hot horse mega cock roam free
Mare puss is better

no but I caught mexicans fucking horses at a stable I worked at many years ago. I dont employ mexicans despite many of them being very competent horsemen, they seem very prone to fucking animals (as well as big fat redheads).

where do you think the shit goes though? it goes on the floor of the stall where they lay/roll

i thought horses never stopped standing

because adam mckay stopped doing them and now only makes oscar bait shit. all i fucking want is the other guys 2

You serious?

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nah they can sleep standing up or laying down

It makes sense. They don't have arms to lift themselves off the floor.

They’re not all shit. You’re just a withering nostalgiafag.

So you were under the impression that if a horse falls over they lay there forever and die?

Just more trouble than it's worth

That's not me but IDK, for some reason I always thought it was a combination of if they went down they didn't have the leg strength to get back up, and they don't sleep laying down or lay down in general because then they could be attacked by predators.

link one genuinely funny post you read today


If a race horse falls during a race, why do they usually get put down?

Why are race horses treated horribly?
It's a very cruel sport. Race horses have a much shorter life span than normal ones.


>bojack horseman getting a live action adaptation

fuck disney

If it fell once it can do so again. Gotta breed it out of them.

I appreciate the thought but unfortunately your question did not answer my question

You couldn’t name 5 good ones in the past 5 years.

Do they really need to put the thing down though. Like sell it to a zoo or a farm or a carnival.

>I need to be able to offend people so i can be funny

Racehorses specifically have been selectively bred for hundreds of years and because of that their bones can't heal like normal horses can so if they break a leg they can't race and people shoot them.

don't horses die for some reason if they lay down too long?

Excellent, thanks redditt

>A zoo horse exhibition

U fucking wot m8?

No porblem redditbro
Be sure to upvote me

If I just want to laugh I could easily just go to a YLYL thread and it would most likely be funnier than 95% of comedies released in the last 10 years.

[s]even bananaposting is funnier than most comedies at this point[/s]

People go to the zoo to see animals. Why not a horse.

they just explode.

Comedy needs to be political or have social messages to be funny

Don't we all

No it doesn't.

because feminism

Attached: ilizas on Instagram ““And then your grandpa commented ‘stunning’ from his private profile an (814x555, 189K)

Grand Budapest Hotel
Logan Lucky
The Nice Guys

Modern meme culture has jolted senses of humor for one.
It’s harder to not make people upset also

Ok Reddit xplain this:
You say it is dumb for a horse to wear cloths because they roll around in poo and the cloths get dirty. But if they weren't wearing cloths the poo would be on their hair/skin thing. So why is rolling in poo the reason it is stupid for horses to wear cloths?

The real reason is they look better without clothes

Attached: 1531609293738.jpg (726x1028, 278K)

Imagine reading that.
Imagine caring enough to share this image.
Imagine going on instagram just to complain about women.
Incels are something else.

You wanna fug that horse don't u

Nah. It just needs to have a hint of truth like
>blacks steal
>women talk too much
>indian food smells funny
to be funny. Our culture is obsessed with hiding its head in the sand and pretending nobody is different or weird.


I read that if a horse breaks its leg you have to kill it because it can't lay down

I read that you shouldn't believe everything you read

I thought you had to kill it because it wouldn't heal

I heard male horses can use their dick as a crutch if they break one of their actual legs.


all apatow improv or bad jokes and gross out humor with a limb or bile.

No, you're just a pleb