HoH: Jack
Veto: Sam
Noms: Kemi and Jessica
Previously on /bb/:
HoH: Jack
Veto: Sam
Noms: Kemi and Jessica
Previously on /bb/:
putting powers in the OP is useful for archives.
a year from now we're going to be saying bb22 sucks and checking what was going on today.
that's irrelevant because he leaked what he wrote on the release. cbs doesn't
>The Floater social strategy includes consciously joining no alliances or joining many but having no true loyalty to any of them. The Floater's goal is to stay out of the way and to be seen as a non-threat while the Leaders and the Gamers take themselves out of the game. Unlike Coasters, Floaters deliberately attempt either to play multiple sides of the house against each other or to remain in the middle of opposing alliances in order to strategically further themselves in the game
sounds like Cliff to me
only 2 losers read archives still because you're new and want to read epic threads
cliff isn't trying to play both sides he's trying to cuddle up with the alphas
>The Floater social strategy includes consciously joining no alliances
cliff is out after jessica and kemi
that 'cheating' twitter shit is not a proof. it's just one of the retards on twitter posting shit. it didn't even come from the marty guy. it's not even proof they were dating. guy looks like a fag.
is there even proof of jackson boning her or just him saying that? i didn't watch few last episodes so don't know
>does not entirely consist of
he's 'cuddling up' to the people in power, like a floater.
he sucks up to the people in power. happened last week, happened this one.
there are no 'both sides of the house' there is one pathological alliance and a bunch of morons that can't even make an alliance
take a midol hun
he hasn't had the chance to float yet. stop trying to define a person's strategy after the first eviction
charge your fucking phone you animal
>Floaters- a houseguest who hasn’t chosen a side, and has no real alliance to which they are loyal. They tend to shift sides as the power shifts in the house
definitely cliff
>responding to yourself
when has the power shifted in the house
that's literally what he said he will be doing. just fuck off
include me in le screencap!!
hope cliff goes before kat so i could laugh at all the bb redditors rooting for the shitty superfans
tommy isnt fooled by chink mist
why am i not seeing you fucking off?
because you're the worst poster
at this point, nobody is
fair enough. i want to see the six shooters together and hear them discuss bella
feeds back
anal lice is lmao
looks like kemi is actually getting evicted
I'm a human being, not some paining on a wall, moron
ah hi bridge"bro"
Very yikes. Worst post I've seen
glad to see you're still here
>tfw no longer the worst poster
I’m gonna cry
Imagine going double or nothing on a wrong prediction. Wanna play poker,bud?
this made me like jack a bit more.
it's ok bby you're fine here
any fights happened today?
almost but no
haha kat is hilarious
>bitch i know you werent talking about kiwis you said that last time
cast sucks
twist sucks
season sucks
but there is sex
>yfw CBS lets go julie, having BB21 being the final season, and love island takes over its time slot
so... he's a floater lol
there’s been some serious sperging in the thread today but not much in the house. that’s actually probably why.
Be autistic about voting instead of being retarded! Vote for week 2 here!
who is this cool dude?
yeah, im thinking ovi is back
here are my based and 100% accurate rankings for the week
wtf I was expecting based but you gave me cringe? I feel cheated...
still enough of a handicap they'd only make it to jury
looks like a dude with a mullett
damn you could land a fucking a380 on that thing
post week 1 results
a young rockwall
>Error: Duplicate file exists. here.
hey you're not me
no i am not. but i did save it!
How is holly that high? What do you guys see in her?
this was before she leeched onto jackson and we realized her true form
appreciate your help
she's playing the game better than almost everyone
she'll prob drop a bit this week
I could see bimbo going above anal and bella too
her social game in week 1 was great
Derrick and Ovi is like completely equivalent to two average players. Spencer Clawson and Becky Burgess
>Nick 12th
maybe /bb/ isn't as bad as I thought
post entertaining tommy moments
do it yourself
I think you're an annoying poster though
bb21 is boring
strategy to be popular on twitter and reddit in the first few weeks: be outside of the majority alliance and be sarcastic
strategy to be popular on /bb/ in the first few weeks: be in the majority alliance and do literally nothing
thank god it's the final season
yeah, i feel like tommy is gonna easily win this season unless he gets fucked over by a twist or christie somehow fucks up and accidentally tells someone she knows tommy irl
she made the call
you post too much
this is my second post faggot
>twitter/redditfags like the shitty players
>/bb/ likes the good ones
makes sense
what do you wish to accomplish in lying? it's anonymous
>watching stranger things season 3
>they keep saying "conspiring against me"
you do realize you can check to see how many posts someone is posting by their ip address right? dumb fuck
im a straight female with cats. will i enjoy this
if you're 40+: absolutely
Didnt make enough francese sauce yesterday gotta make more tonight. Shitty recipe was too liquid had to add a roux
how many posts have I made
>faggot at the top
>aquachad aryan bottom 4 (okay he's not a very good chad archetype but still)
/bb/ has changed...
Just listened to Analyse getting railed in the shower bros
yeah, absolutely
deliciously solidified
yeah /bb/ used to be able to count to 5 then retards like you came in during bb19
based /ck/ poster
R8 n H8
/bb/ has always been tolerant of gays
except frankie and jason roy
looks yummy. like the perfect thing to serve a quarky
In retrospect OTT was just the greek tragedy of jason roy though
Jack and Ovi are too high. Besides that, we have similar taste.
Glad I'm not the only one that was thinking that. Mike was acting exactly like bimbo for the the majority of the season.
Serve over butterflied pan fried chicken breast with a side salad
kino taste
You got one of those for me, bro?
seems to add up. solid rate
I have 4 left come on over
on my way
Sauce was 1 heaping tbsp calabrese chili put through food processor, 1 lemons juice, 3/4 cup of dry white wine 3 tbsp butter, 1.5 cups chicken stock, and some crushed garlic. Added 2 tbsp roux to thicken it and served over dredged and pan fried chicken. Very easy and delicious
Please vote!
I'll be busting down your door in a few minutes, bro.
I just heard you're bringing 8 people over and I don't have enough for that
Is there any alcohol content left from the wine in the sauce? I don't drink. inb4 straight edge faggot
the live feed twitter update account correspondents are live
no it was reduced for 10 minutes total
melissa has already started monologuing
On my way bro
melissa stooooooooooooooooooooooooop
>this hot cleaning lady walks into your hoh room
>"i heard you won hoh user and it's your birthday"
keep in mind you haven't jerked off in over two weeks. what do?
based just starting to listen can't wait to send rob another angry email targeting melissa
make her deep throat mah cock and then fart in her face.
kick her out because I'm loyal to my wife
jackson just took a shit in the shower and ovi heard it
Brent so fucking stupid hes mad at Cameron of all people for supporting the twist of battleback players not having to wait alone in sequester
anal is getting jelly of christies relationship with aquaman. apparently jack has told anal that christie looks a lot like his ex and has similar personality
>13 image prefix
far out man
is he, dare I say, /ourguy/?
look at her stupid face. got that same analice stare
Please take me here
>He doesn't shit in the shower and stomp it down the drain to save time in the morning
i think anal is realizing she is an actual whore.
Damn I meant to post this
I can never shit in the morning unless I'm sick or hungover.
I've also started keeping my own basil plant like Brisgette. Hopefully it goes well and I'll keep my own parsley and other plants in the future
>anal and aquaman telling christie they not interested in each other
what went wrong?
how do you even have a day? i literally can't do anything until i've taken a shit.
melissa is so fucking retarded I can't listen to this bullshit
eat more fiber
the rhaptards are spending way too much time talking about a retarded twist and bbcancelled
>anal backdoors christie because shes jealous
cant wait
What? I thought she didn't even like him. He's just so hot.
I do shit most days, just never in the morning. My body just never needs to. I dunno.
Oh....Oh no...What the fuck happened. she looks like a skeleton. Her tits...no. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>anal lice wins something
best joke
drink more water
im about 95% sure that melissa hasnt watched literally anything bb since the live eviction ep.
I shit 3 times a day because I'm healthy. you live alone and eat mostly prepackaged foods and you're very unhealthy
what’s the first thing you think of when you think about each room? do as many rooms as you want:
backyard: russell yelling at jeff about technotronics
hoh room: maggie and james talking, james wondering aloud why maggie is the only one he can’t read
bathroom: derrick walking in on cody taking a shit
front door: rockstar yelling at brett about her daughter’s birthday
storage room: boogie telling dan about how pissed he is after hearing there was a plan to vote frank out
I keep rewinding after her and brent talk but then I find that I didn't pay attention again. I guess I'm just programmed to ignore their incorrect voices
i actually liked chatting with this little bitch in these threads a while back, why'd you guys have to harass him so much.
>I shit 3 times a day
how much do you eat? lmao
melissa just said gr8ful wasnt gonna go after their own alliance when jack literally said he wouldve targeted nick and bella if it werent for camp minority
he left because of the 2016 election fags that made sure you couldn't be associated with posting here
6' 195lbs. probably a little too much but I cook all my meals and eat actual food so I'm very regular, I shit after breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
taran absolutely btfo melissa gotdamn
Am I imagining things, or has the dyke become way more physical and flirty with Aquaman after he won HoH? She made it a point to say how much she doesn't like guys and thought Jack was too overbearing and close to her all the time. now suddenly she is hugging and touching him all the time and gave him a bunch of cheek kisses in his HoH room before leaving last night.
the DR isnt mindraping her this week
im not sure if anal is gona let jack pound her tonight.
taran just shooting down melissa left and right tonight
did my boy aquaman just get in a love triangle between anal and christie?
1. The 80-20
2. Gay is a learned behavior
3. 2 terms, 2 genders
/ourguy/ is ON POINT tonight bros!
>He thinks the roastie is going to resist his aquadong
She's had two tastes and there is nothing in the house to do at night other than gossip since the gameplay is so dead right now. She's gonna be getting her cervix blown out every night until the end of his HoH and probably after.
>imagine hiring a girl for your podcast because the vocal minority of your fanbase wanted "diversity" only to realize she's a weak link who doesn't watch feeds and never has any good opinions and you can't get rid of her without upsetting your "fans"
heh maybe she'll harass someone at an alumni party
bog lookin good
Her whole strategy is to seduce guys while pretending to be straight, but is not attracted to them so she won't fuck up into a showmance. The rest of her game is shit and everyone else hooked up so this won't go well.
wtf meg why are you a skeltal now?
it’s never going back to the way you like it
I had such high hopes for this cast but it is just MAGA picking off the minorities season.
they have other females they could replace her with in an instant. not sure why rob hasnt done it already
is ovi buying this shit?
try harder
And that's a good thing!
melissa just throwing out dubious takes without any live feeds evidence to back them up
>i feel like kat would do this because thats how i feel
he doesn't need to buy shit, he makes enough himself
everyone buys jackson shit
"evidence" doesn't matter
you should be able to count to 5 though
brent got doxxed in the chat lkek
rhap fags are the worst
imagine picking RHAP chats as your place to troll
this ''scared to go against the house''' talk sounds pretty bad
how do you guys pronounce 'rhap'
serious answers only please
home run derby
>jackson pretending the chad alliance is the outsiders
rap but i make the r breathy
he said someone in the chat posted his address so he deleted the message
Bummer bro, that sucks. I sure am glad I don't base my enjoyment of the game on trivial identity politics. That must be a sucky bummer bro.
>anal: im so conservative about body
shes breaking down because she knows she is a whore on national tv
watch the tapes
jackson told ovi he believes the comp will be made for the person production want to win
tbf she was told by the retarded girls in the house that they wouldnt show her whoring on the feeds
yeah, he has been saying that for the past couple days.
oh boy jackson is so cancelled
pederson's retard brother
>Matt Berry
How does Sam keep doing it?
ohmygouda he diaoido it muah bruodh
i don’t remember what they were celebrating about here, can someone help
dont remember because season was shite
the entire season was based on the fan vote so a fan vote happened
Melissa's address got posted too lel
then post it
ovi is hopeless
it was quickly deleted. im sure the guy will post it again tho
met vlad once and truly loved him I got his bobblehead from when he played AA. I really hate his son based off tonight
post it or shut the fuck up
based homerun derby
really not tryin to get banned here but i did just cap my screen while taran's address was in the chat
there is no reason for you to get banned for that here. post it and I will send him a friendly present and post proofs
based retard
>my dad has been living in the US for 23 years
>I'm 20 years old
>I speak spanish in interviews
>anal: is perceive a word?
just posting an address isn't doxxing retard. just post it.
global rule 4
that's pretty much the definition you fucking moron. go fuck yourself and have some fucking respect for people's privacy. be a decent human.
I mean I've been permabanned 3 times just post it. I want to send him a care package
Bro, that is literally the definition of doxxing.
>im so conservative with my body
>walks in the shower with jack and gets pounded like a piece of meat
so aqua faggot gives anal the pipe nightly but wants to convert the dyke? strange season
1600 pennsylvania avenue
very intriguing he's on a conquest
looks like anal was forced to make a dr about the showmance
Doxxing should be a crime.
51 West 52nd Street, Manhattan, New York City, U.S.
i think the dr is trying to mindfuck the girls into hating jack lol
crinfe and bluepilled desu, I know it's easy to say Grodner rigs this shit but when it comes to comps they're planned out so far ahead of time that it's next to impossible for them to change the comp at the last minute depending on who they want to save. The only possible exception is the comp that saved Rachel and Jordan after the 2nd DE (I think) in BB13, but it's just as possible that was either a coincidence or if Grodner really was rigging it for Rachel then she planned to have that comp there weeks in advance just in case.
DR influence on the otherhand, yeah. Although I don't think anyone in this cast is smart enough/strategic enough to catch on to anything like that either way. There's no Tyler or Derek or Paul this year. Half of them still don't understand how live feeds work.
68 Jay St, Brooklyn, NY 11201
>Manhattan, New York City
first of all retard, it'd be New York, New York. and second of all that's just the CBS building
I don’t know what that means but I’m not the person you were arguing with.
honest question. you think they had the powers already set up? or a multitude of powers they could switch in and out depending on the house situation?
...and this one is just a bar, you know you can google the address and it tells you where it is, right?
they have all the powers laid out and pass them out strategically
fly on the wall HQ
but posting addresses is super scary can't do that here!
what does analyse dream about
jackson ending the whole backdooring sis rumor
so the taran address that was posted is a townhouse. its not in new york tho
in this case, maybe. If it was like BB20's power apps then it'd be impossible, but them just getting handed an envelope in the DR and the power not really having much to do with the name of the comp (the fuck does a veto pick re-roll have to do with "chaos"? or a redo of the nomination ceremony have to do with "nightmare"?)
but then again I think it's too early for production to be invested enough to risk it. The consequences if they were caught rigging it would be massive. This cast isn't worth it lol
jacks dick
>fluent in sarcasm
>have one kid and they are my world
you're so new
has nicole ever talked 1 on 1 with someone who isn't going to lose early
I'm just adding to the generic female tinder bio
What the fuck did you even mean by this?
not Yea Forums try /r9k/
1st jury member
its the best i could do
you can't talk to the cool kids without either having sex with them or being powerful queen christie
legit kemi and cliff are doing the best job for a person outside of the early giant alliance. just letting some of them know you're in the game and playing with them in secret. just make it the first 5 or so evictions and keep working everyone individually and you got a shot if you can win some late comps
jack imitating david's walk is only offensive if you think of monkeys when you see black people
i need a solid cliff nicole ovi game talk please
if you're not watching the home run derby your opinion on big brother on Yea Forums is worthless
based vlad chad
in what context loser
i stopped watching the hr derby when girls started to make my peepee hard
this is big brain logic that is not easily understood by people affected by small brain syndrome
it's not that hard to find, just google 'taran armstrong boston' and a likely address comes up on the first page.
rhap is going full twattertard again its time to stop
fat loses that only made the derby because of his dad is definitely not /bb/
god melissa is awful
post it or shut the fuck up pussy
>Mon 7:41 PM PT Nicole says Olaf and Sven were the names of Leos friends in titanic, and then that this is where they got the names for Frozen
kemi literally did nothing
bella and nick did everything
the first one that comes up when i searched that wasnt the one that was posted in the youtube chat
literally? well now you're lying and there is no denying that. she literally did something. stupid fucking nigger
At what point do the camera operators just say "fuck it" and show them going at it on the feeds? Hopefully soon.
whats ovi and nicoles showmance name?
you still don't know what a camera operator does
this is your mind on idiotic hatred and reading live feed updaters
what, sit there and watch people talk?
even christie whined about her entering in a room and saying nothing
and its gone
she really is i can't listen because of her
oh, even christie? the chick who whines about everything?
f post is so bad it can be made fun of in both sides. just a retarded post that makes no sense and nobody wants to be associated with it
based poovi kissing his own dick. had no idea he was a yogi
>me be ovi
new thread liz
Can we secure the digits for /bb/
you posted this after the fat loser lost. only a canadian could be this dumb
you don't even get the joke so you ruin it. just stop
he hit like 80 homers keep ya boil on
>not an allstar
>didn't win the home run derby
k cool you have a literal fat ass who
digits for dan
you failed us /bb/
lol fuck dont even check who got it
i tried my best
Yea Forumsgets died in 2012 where do you live
I'm sorry, I tried.
nicole gonna get dp'd in the camp room tonight
what a funny post omg so great
They should have let Ohtani have a go. The HR derby is supposed to be fun.
new thread
you post on reddit