ITT: "Villains" who did nothing wrong.
ITT: "Villains" who did nothing wrong
That poo bitch is the most insufferable person on the planet. She obviously hates herself, so why doesn't she just end her own misery?
i'd like to poo in her loo if you catch my drift
>She obviously hates herself, so why doesn't she just end her own misery?
This applies to 95% of the people on this board
sounds based. fuck """executives""" overpaid fartsniffers that literally don't do anything a computer couldn't do
>boyfriend - james blake
another reason to hate this bleep blop british fuck
god i hate british electro so much
It was a misdemeanor, he got 15 days in prison. Jameela is overreacting.
Fucking paki
>According to the police report, The Girl Next Door star allegedly choked a woman unconscious on Jan. 25 at the Tao Nightclub in Park City, Utah.
>Police claim that Hirsch admitted he was intoxicated and arguing with the woman, whom he said he had never met before that night.
>Paramount Pictures executive Daniele Bernfeld told police that Hirsch approached her at the bar looking intoxicated and asked why she looked “so tough” and said she was a “rich kid” who should not be at Sundance.
>Bernfeld says she walked away from Hirsch and sat down at a table with friends, but the 29-year-old followed her and “put her in a chokehold” from behind. Next, the actor allegedly “pulled her across the table and onto the floor,” where he began strangling her. The woman told police she might have blacked out momentarily.
>Finally, two unidentified bystanders managed to restrain Hirsch and pull him off her, according to the report.
That kid has issues.
>person does a bad thing
>person should have their life ruined forever because of one bad thing
Depends on the thing.
Strangling executives is a good thing though, most of them are sexual offenders, sadists, or pedophiles
They should. "Rehabilitation" is bullshit, anyone who breaks a law should just get a bullet to the head and I promise you crime rates will plummet.
absolutely based
the weak should fear the strong
in fairness this was a pretty fucking bad thing
>aggravated assault
Yeah, no.
and what about in the case of louie? all he did was ASK PERMISSION to jerk off in front of women.
You know Yea Forumsirgins would be make a huge fuss about it was a white woman saying this about a nigger. But since he is a white guy they are defending him. Lmao 2 faced cowards the lot of you.
>some milennial jewess is already a vp at paramount, whilst I have to grind and pray to g-d I get noticed
There is more to this story but they will not reveal it. Its part of his plea to keep it under wraps. The bitch probably said some stupid shit to him.
>Emile Hirsch: assaulted a woman
>Jameela Jamil: murdered a baby
One of these are significantly worse than then other.
Where are you working? Connections go a long way but so does hardwork. I work in it and see tons of poos making it to the top because of their hard work alone.
>Implying the woman being strangled didn't have the best orgasm of her life from it
Murder is a legal charge.
Not all killing is murder.
I know that sentence will be hard to internalize despite being only five words, but do try.
Depends on the state law. If it's legal then no she didn't murder a baby.
It was in a bar full of people, asshole.
Im surprised theres no video.
I would like to be sexually offended by a female executive
>on this board
It applies to 95% of people in the world
In all seriousness, how do you only get 15 days in prison for strangling an exec?
Legality and morality are not one and the same. Murder is used in a legal context, but it is also used in the moral killing of 'an unjust killing'.
If one were to believe abortion unjust, then of course one would refer to it as 'murder'.
how about jameela just stfu and plant her fat curry ass on my pasty white face?
>getting choked out by Speed Racer
Racer X would be proud.
Murder is determined by law. Its a charge.
Killing is the act.
Killing a baby sounds bad enough, why do you wish to abandon accuracy?
>Murder is okay when a woman does it
>I'll misrepresent the argument, then I'll win!
I hope its on purpose and you're not that dumb.
same people claim that killers should more get more job opportunities because its harder for them
even in judge dredd some people get prison
The biggest trick echos played on the people was convincing them they were white
Degenerate should be gunned down
>tfw she’s besties with Lena “the sister fister” Dunham
some people born after me are already richer than I will ever be. people born before me got to use up all the family money. I did not lose the lotto but every day I see how I did not win it
>being white
>being rich
>powerful parents/friends
If you don’t have at least 2 of those just give up.
>Choking out people is okay when whiteoids do it.
But thats not who she said is her best friend, the woman who got choked.
yes assaulting existing people is worse than things that might become people
i just wanna know why he did it, if he faced real provocation
Am I a lawyer? Are you? Are we in a courtroom? No?
Then we're talking about the fundamental personal judgement of morality, ethics or pragmatism (pick your poison) that underlies decisions to make laws.
I'm not saying it is murder, also not saying it isn't. It's certainly an act of killing.
dumbass is the woman for letting that girly manlet choke her. she probably continued to fuck him after he chocked her.
dumbass the women who stay with men who hit them. if after the first time they stay, it's their problem.
If you've had a bar mitzvah you're definitely not white
If a guy punches a pregnant woman in the stomach and the fetus dies, he'd get charged for murder. If a woman uses a doctor to kill the fetus, she's seen as "brave".
He did his time.
not that it's okay, but it's kinda hot
Didn't this happen years ago? I can understand if he's always strangling women, but he was probably drunk and dealing with an insufferable cunt. Women bring it on themselves sometimes.
>If a guy punches a pregnant woman in the stomach and the fetus dies, he'd get charged for murder
as he should be
>If a woman uses a doctor to kill the fetus, she's seen as "brave".
as she unironically should be, they're not even remotely comparable
how old are you? you just sound very old
>doesn't actually refute anything
you are beyond retarded
He's a Jew, retard
No, murder is a charge.
Again, try harder this time:
Not all killing is murder.
I AM saying it isn't. Because its not.
If that happened why wasn't he arrested for attempted second degree murder?
And Jameela literally went from a nobody to taking VA roles at HBO and getting on a hit tv show with no experience, is there not a hint of privilege there?
>unreasonably rich people are assholes
Fetus /= zygote
Terminating an embryo /= punching a pregnant woman in her womb
You cant be this disingenuous. Its not humanly possible.
Keep drinking your onions.
European Jews are just white people following a different religion.
Hirsch is a pretty based actor even if he strangles women on the side. The Autopsy of Jane Doe and Speed Racer are both great.
I'm saying that there's no point in being such a stickler for legalistic language in a non-courtroom setting where the discussion is based on whether certain actions *deserve*, not simply if they receive it in the world as is.
I refuse to define murder exclusively on the letter of the law. I don't believe abortion is murder, but I understand completely why someone would.
it's our """"privilege"""" as whites to be collectively blamed for every shitty thing a jew does
Ethno-Religion. Jews are ethnically distinct from the European countries they resided in. They're wanderers who ghettoize themselves. You seem clueless
Jealous of your fellow tribesmen rabbi?
Men don't get the choice to terminate a pregnancy yet are still forced to pay child support if she chooses to have the baby so for equality sake, punching a pregnant woman in the stomach is the same as aborting it using a doctor.
I’m sure he had his reasons
it's okay when it's Jewish hollywood executives being choked out
But, user, you could have read what happened in this very thread before chiming in like an idiot.
1. Women deserve it. Always.
2. Witnessing that would have been fucking hilarious.
3. If women are equal to men, why didn't that dumb, tall bitch help?
4. Why wasn't her "tiny" friend able to defend herself if women are really equal?
5. I cannot stand women, especially my wife.
6. I hope she gets boxed out of roles for some minor infraction of the law that she's sure to commit.
No, there's no controlled environment nor is the "procedure" performed by a licensed professional.
Yeah, I just read that and it sounds made up. Women lie about shit all the time. He could've gone off the handle and choked her out for no reason at all, but it's unlikely. And instead of being a smug prick, send me your post instead. Cool?
>they're not even remotely comparable
I hope you enjoy hell, you dumb fucking Jew.
Usually I’d say that a woman beater should get a bullet but now I don’t believe any rich women about anything and automatically take his side. This is why chivalry is dead.
>getting his strangling hand warmed up
>1. Women deserve it. Always.
>2. Witnessing that would have been fucking hilarious.
Almost as funny as your post id bet.
>3. If women are equal to men, why didn't that dumb, tall bitch help?
Did she say she was there?
>4. Why wasn't her "tiny" friend able to defend herself if women are really equal?
He did a chokehold, while she was sitting, from behind. Bitch move if you ask me, seems he was scared of her.
>5. I cannot stand women, especially my wife.
Really? Doesnt show.
>6. I hope she gets boxed out of roles for some minor infraction of the law that she's sure to commit.
Yes, her type of minority is renowned for their delinquency. Just hold your breath, any day now.
not all women say all women are equal. many rich girls know men are stronger than them.
you should stop paying attention to rich jewish actresses.
user, its the police report.
And theres nothing to contradict it, which could have easily happened with a bar full of people.
Maybe you dont want it to be the way it is, but it remains so despite the position you took before even learning.
He admitted to it though...
No, no, let me stretch this out, user.
One bit at a time.
I want her to choke on my cock :D
but would you choke her with your dick in front of a dozen witnesses at a party?