Name 1 good sexy film.
Name 1 good sexy film
Requiem for a Dream.
leon the professional
I wish I was an attractive girl. Life would be so much better
Nice pussy
mmmmmmm pusy lips
Friendly reminder that with strict HRT discipline you can be an attractive girl in under a year
>No hair
MODS!! OP is posting his mom again, and I already saw her last night.
muholland drive
i would pay 50 bucks to see a 45 mins smut directed by david lynch in theater
That's clearly a man with makeup and tits
you'll never pass
But you wouldn’t have a penis that opens up many pussys I wouldn’t ever trade that feeling for getting stuffed in an axe wound in my pelvis
>(f/20) My half-Japanese booty
oh look another mentally ill hapa....
Except that's not even a tranny. It's Beatrice Grant, the girl hired to stand around at Brexit rallies.
giv gf (male??)
Nine and a half weeks
Ninja Scroll
>One in five women and one in 71 men will be raped at some point in their lives
lmao yeah, so much better
ponder the stench
American Beauty
Don't need HRT. I'm a cis woman, just a super ugly one
Have gay sex
>that neck scowl thing hiding the adams apple
>brown butthole
That one film with Arnold.
>1 in 5 women
>actually believing that nearly 1 billion women are raped
Kinda looks like my gfs ass
>can be an e-thot for money
>can sell eggs for money
>can be a surrogate mother for money
>can divorce for money
>can match with someone on tinder for free dinner
>can be a housewife and live the NEET life
>successful men give zero fucks if you're broke and will support you anyways
>receive less or possibly even no jail time at all if you fuck up and break the law
>anyone that lays a finger on you will get destroyed by whiteknight strangers even if it's your fault
timestamp it
uhhh ok
No man can ever look as good as brexitmuffin.
No hair is the best hair
>91% of the victims of rape and sexual assault are
female, and 9% are male
God I wish I were a girl
And yet women kill themselves half as much as men. They must just be that much stronger!
I wish I was rich. Life would be so much better
dunno about you but I'd rather kill myself than get raped. At least I have a choice there. Different strokes I guess.
>ywn be an attractive woman that flirts with young boys/men to make them more confident around females
I'd repair self-esteems if I could.
You have to go back
This 1 in 5 figure is for US women, other places are probably even worse
They make more attempts but it's often done for attention or they use less violent methods that fail. Most men don't give a fuck if they're pretty or not when they're dead and just blow their heads off.
that seems pretty accurate desu
I'd rather be raped I guess because I don't believe there's an afterlife so I don't really want to piss away my one guaranteed shot at conscious thought just because someone forcefully slipped a dick up my butt
I mean, how many women are there in Africa?
more like nine and a half seconds
Women attempt suicide at a higher rate, though.
>retard that doesn't read replies to the post he's commenting about
lmao at you dumb underage fag
There is no such thing as a suicide “attempt”. Either you commit suicide or you are acting out for attention.
that stat is for "sexual assault", not rape. could be nothing more than an ass-grabbing. also, that stat is a baseless estimate
Yeah, for attention. You can guaranteed kill yourself by jumping off a fucking building or bridge.
>I really wanted to kill myself but failed
Only counts if you try and blow your head off or jump from a very large height, and miraculously survive
Or if the rope snaps or something
You seriously think it'd be better to be weaker, less intelligent, and easily killed by half the population? On top of the whole rape and bearing children thing, and then you're worthless past the age of 30.
Sounds like a hoot
Another thing men are better at.
I'm already a woman. I would much rather be pretty than ugly
These figures are almost always lies. Just use your brains.
The researchers took their data from a web based survey in TWO universities, got a response rate of 42% (I wonder why some people would be more likely to fill out a rape survey) and found an actual rape rate of 14%.
Think very carefully before you read a headline to do with rape. They always twist the numbers in absolutely nonsensical ways, claiming that most rapes are unreported to police. Only rarely is there an effort to find truth, mostly it's about shaming institutions so that they appear to do something.