Cast her

Cast her

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>this is who they got to play Master Chief

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So he's actually going to show his face? That's fucking gay

Just because they cast someone with a face doesn't mean they're showing his face in the series.

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Then why should i care what he looks like
If he's tall as fuck and has the same voice it's fine with me. Of course, i know for a damned FACT that they're going to fuck it up big time.

I don't know. I didn't post the article you retard. His height also doesn't matter because making someone seem taller on camera is the oldest trick in the book, even though having an actor that's already tall helps.

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Cortana’s face and demeanor changes every game so it barely matters who they pick as long as she’s still white

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as opposed to casting someone without a face

Which one is best, Yea Forums?

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Kristin Kreuk

Halo 4 Cortana's hips awaken something in me

this or Pom

i didn't play after reach but 2 > 4 > 1 > 3

How do you fuck Cortana? There must be a way.

Jen Taylor of course
4's body with 2's personality

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>How do you fuck Cortana?
with your dick

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The normal way, she's got a body now

sadly, also clothes

2 is still da best.
I miss when she was more purple.

For me it's 2.

I miss Halo bros

Fuck, haven't heard this in years. Also, Elites looked their most kino in Halo 2.

She’s been made less and less white in every iteration.

They’ll get a sub-Saharan to play her and point out her flattish nose in the latest game to justify it.

You can never go back again

it confuses me that 343 went from giving her the biggest tits in the series to putting clothes on her

>Less and less white
>Cortana in CE is based on Cleopatra
>Cortana in 4 is based on a white model

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Sorry gre*ks don't fall under my definition of white. Only germaniCHADS.

>becomes more and more the colour of forerunner tech as time goes on
no pottery but still neat

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Still, going from Egyptian to Greek makes her more white than before.


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They blew it with the first Remaster. Looks like Halo 3 Cortana copy pasta.

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I once fucked my girlfriend while she was in a Cortana halloween costume.

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The animation of Halo 4 Cortana giving a footjob

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I also fucked your gf while she was in a Cortana halloween costume.

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das it

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They look best in 3, since they're basically the same but with more detail. The really fucked up the elites in 4 and 5. They legitimately look retarded and unintimidating

>The few occasions where the game lets you remove Cortana yourself
>Using a scoped weapon to zoom in on all her details
I'm surprised they gave her toenails.

dude imagine 2001 model but with 4's feet that would be godly hoyl FUCKING shti FUCK.

Show full picture coward

I always preferred 2 to 3 because in 3 they looked so hunched over and less cool because of that.
CE's elites are underrated, they were really cool and in some ways I think the less detail they had allowed your imagination to wander.

That animation of Cortana being fucked by a dog while Liara from mass effect cucks her by sucking Chief's dick

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The animation of Elite males being bottoms for humans

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>That animation of Cortana flickering in and out of rampancy, the rampant Cortana switching between different lewd acts

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4 has the best body

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>Cortana being fucked by a dog
pls source

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>she has my mom's body

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she also unironically has the body (and hair) of my mom and sister

I miss being 14. Enjoy it while you can, kiddo.

You must be attractive AF user

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I'm not. I look like a background goon Batman would fight.

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Women love that kind of character...

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2 if we're talking actual serious character. 4 for fapbait potential.

go on
look up "noname55" and "cortana"

Here’s your Cortana bro

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are those her space anal beads on the right?

He was good in the Wire, good in American Gods too
Besides it’s going to be a dumpster fire regardless


By any chance are you guys looking for a new daddy?

Reminder Halo 5 killed the franchise so hard the newest game isn't numbered.

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My parents are still together.

Question still stands.


What they did to halo still pisses me off so much. Halo 4 was pretty bland other than the cortana x cheif stuff, but everything else about the game was just uninteresting, not to mention all of the things they just took out because fuck the fans. Halo 5 is just a big, fat, hunk of SHIT that 343 just smeared all over our faces.
Didn't the 343 faggots say some retarded shit like 'oh we didn't realize master fucking chief was the main character of halo' When the green nigger is literally the FACE of xbox?

I want 4's but with 2's hairstyle.
All I can do is dream; you know they'll make her black in any future iterations.

Anya Taylor-Joy
she have the right boob size

>I want 4's but with 2's hairstyle.
Halo 2 Anniversary is probably the closest you'll get.

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back to Yea Forums dumbass

Which was the perfect way Halo should be done. I bet they could pay Blur to make a season of Halo done in that same style and it would cost less than they're paying for this garbage.

Halo 4 and 5 are fucking atrocious
fuck 343
fuck retards who didn't understand
go reach

>the kids will love him!

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Hayley Atwell.

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Doesn't have the arse to be Cortana.

This image makes me wanna say Jennifer Lawrence could pull off the appearance.
Can't vouch for her acting, though, as I still haven't seen anything she's in.

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>He doesn't know

he doesn't know
ha ha ha ha

CE by far
the look is just sexy enough without over doing it and fits her personality better

Uh, how do you two know that?

Float and SPUTTER

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>body (and hair)
Are you saying body and hair or body hair

this is important

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No, I know.

where is dick?

I didn't start this thread
But i'm going to talk about halo now

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I understand hating 5, but personally I loved it. The two games I have played the most are CE and 5. Will buy Infinite on PC when it comes out.

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Olivia Wilde
She looks similar and Tron Legacy helps with the look.

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God I love Olivia

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>I understand hating 5, but personally I loved it.
Haha great bait

It's kind of a shame that she fell off the radar after House.


She just directed a movie that has a near 100% RT rating. She's doing okay.

Ibris Elba

Spartan hands made this post

That film didn't make that much money. If we assume a 40% take for the studio, it only made about $2 Million.

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Jade-Anh Ngo

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What if Chief turns Cortana into human with some dumb Forerunner tech, marry his waifu and live happily ever after?

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2 is my favorite.

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If anyone deserves a happy end, its our boy.

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Why not the girl that VA'd her

That pic reminded me of br2049.
>killing machine
>gf is a hologram
He's literally officer K.

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They look good in 3, but there's something about the color palette of 2 that I find really appealing. Although I love Reach, it really did start making them look needlessly ridiculous. I get that it was to differentiate the ranks and make them look more recognizable, but I just didn't like it as much. The modern ones I don't even know what to think of.

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Cleopatra was literally an inbred Macedonian (that is to say, Greek). Pretty sure she had 0 egyptian blood.

Because that woman is like 60

>The modern ones I don't even know what to think of.
They're literal toad aliens. They were far better when they weren't covered with unnecessary warts and shit with clunky bits of armor.

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Halo 5's campaign was embaressing, but the multiplayer was solid.

People need to differentiate these things when they say that the game was good or bad. I like Reach's campaign and I liked 4's too, but the multiplayer wasn't good at all. OTOH 5's story and campaign were dogshit.

5 is the only Halo game I haven't played on account of my not owning an Xbone, what's so bad about it anyway?

I don’t know, something about the female characters’ faces in H2:A was really unattractive. Not just nu-Cortana, Miranda Keyes too.

Like the other user said its campaign is easily the worst in any halo game. Imagine the first five episodes of halo 4’s spartan ops, but with a couple of guest appearances from master chief who doesn’t do anything and almost gets beaten up by a random spartan 4.

Primarily that they fucked up the story. You have this whole emotional finish with Cortana in 4, kill her off, then say "haha no, she's fine, and also, she's the villain now". Just a dumb place to go with the story.

DESU ever since they filled out the Forerunner backstory with all sorts of weird shit (Human-Forerunner war specifically) the story has been getting weird. We can't have some sort of logical story where the humans and various aliens have to come to terms with the new reality after the war is over and figure out a new relationship, and naturally have fights break out, no, we'll have some crazy AI revolution!

Star Wars has the same issue - can't just do the sensible story about the Imperial remnant and trying to pick up the pieces now that the Emperor is dead, no, we need to basically do a soft reboot.

She looks fine, just a lot older compared to the original game. She looks like admiral lady from std.

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>Chief is likely to "die" in the Infinite
I fucking hope 343 redeems themselves with this fucking game and actually make something worthwhile otherwise our boy will be left in the darkness that is the depths of shitty writing and storytelling. His exit from the franchise should be something for all to remember

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Since Cortana is based on Dr Halsey's brainpattern, the closest anyone have ever been to tapping that AI poon-tang is Based Captain Keyes, who did it by inseminating the original template.

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>bring back Cortana as the villain
That's all you needed to say, that sounds fucking awful. Say what you will about Halo 4's retcon of the existing canon when it comes to the Forerunners, I really did enjoy the emotional payoff between Cortana and the Chief at the end, and bringing her back afterwards seems to negate that entirely. What a retarded decision.


>Elites are always a huge threat in previous games
>halo 5 starts with donut steel team 7 blasting five hundred in a "epic downhill battle"
dropped it right there, last good halo game was Reach and they should have ended there


You gotta get someone to really be on point

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Found our Tartarus bro

Cast her

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2 but i wanna fuck and get a footie from 4

I thought that's who it was from the catalog thumbnail.

what one?

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I just realized halo 3 and halo 4 are only about 5 years apart, and halo 4 was 7 years ago.


at least he's white

halo 3 has nice perky titties


Idris Elba

CE because she's mean, but in a fun feisty way. The others were all too bland.

2's hair + 3's pattern and maybe 4's thicker body

if halo book anons are to be trusted there is alien forerunner/precursor or w/e they are called tech that can turn ai's into things with living bodies

I agree the story is irredeemable. The multi player is actually vastly underrated because of how shit the story is. It depends on what you want out of a halo game before you can judge it.

Although it sounds like you like the single player more so you should probably skip it.