Kino fights

lovely disneyland nigga fight

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>this is America starts playing

Niggers are wild feral beasts.

Is the taller nigger a transvestite? Also, neither of the negro "men" can fight at all. They're just randomly swinging their arms. Why are niggers such effeminate pussies?

Until they can be educated to the point of responsibility

why he attack his nigresse?

if only they had more resources

i think he said "you hit mah mama???????"

need mo programs


They were on their way to church and/or college.

Beautiful culture

How did they afford the tickets ? Does disney hand out gibs now ?

typical behaviour for black """""men"""""

has anyone stopped to ask how white people are responsible for this yet?

original video:

Attached: fight at the kinoplex.webm (408x720, 2.93M)

Why are they all so fat?

Why did white people force them to do this?

Post a more kino shot
I'll wait

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Why didn't Kylo Ren Force Freeze them??

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coupon day

soo what was the reason of the fight? like before the female gorilla spit him

One of the niggers lied and said that the female nigger hit the mother nigger and the male nigger who the female nigger had been helping the whole time went in and attacked the female nigger with his dirty nigger hands.


Make Ariel black and THIS is the customer base you'll get.

Toll paid.

In America, everything is made out of sugar.

>hol muh cart

I thought only blacks jumped people

kek the scooter bitch gets right up off the scooter like charlie's grandpa

the fat guy beating himself is kino af


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So many things happening in this webm

I dunno. Why don't you ask one on the streets and make sure you record it?


wtf? are they supposed to buy fruits and veggies with their food stamps or something? no, it’s free money. blow it all on donuts and Gatorade

this a job for Doctor Now

Disney: We want the black audience
Black people:

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Someone post the webm of the guy casually knocking the shit out of some mofos while smoking.

Honestly wondering why it took so long for security to show up or other men to put a stop to it

is the guy with the orange clothes from the park or he's just retarded?

That nigress in the beige tank top had some fine titties

>Baboons fighting
>All those White Ameritoids just spectating the Disney Land entertainment
>Cheerful music intensifies
Wish I was there desu

yes considering they don't let you wear costumes

That nigga in orange looks like Jonah Hill

I am really surprised it took security that long to show up. I thought Disney was on top of stuff like that

>whites just stand there doing nothing

and you honestly wonder why blacks steal your women? really?

i'm shocked and amazed a nigger stepped in to try and calm shit down. usually they either watch or simply join in stomping someone. probably didn't want to take any risks without his pack to back him up. also this everyone is every day life in America. when the niggers aren't killing each other they are killing whites and fucking white women

Would you try to fight a bunch of gorillas from pounding on one another? Gotta bring out the tranqs at that point.

This is possibly the most American thing I've ever seen.

the cute house in the back makes it truly surreal kino

>Wanting to help niggers

As long as they ain't messing with me why the fuck should I care if niggers start killing each other ?

It's an amusement park full of children. You're a coward

>Would you try to fight a bunch of gorillas from pounding on one another?
Nobody involved knew how to fight.

>Niggers fighting in a Jewish theme park Perfectly sums up America

My favorite part is when that giant white American security guard who looked like syrup poured into a trash bag with a wig on top stepped in to calm everybody.

Kill yourself and take your youtube comments with you, you worthless fucking inbred redditor nigger trash.
You don't belong here.

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shit, if that were black people, that kid wouldn't be conscious, and he would have come back with more than just 2 punches

>muh children
Shut up you retarded boomer.

>that fat bitch laying on the floor

Heem sleepy

Fuck you, pussy. Go virtue signal somewhere else.

because niggers are pussies and i'll get like 5 of them beating me, as you can see from this video

>other men to put a stop to it
are you fucking crazy? you NEVER get involved with the bull shit non whites get into. you step into that and every nigger around will jump you and it's your ass in jail and being paraded through the media hate machine

ay yo u fo'got dat phepsi

Bigger audience than wwe raw

But he didn't hurt anybody he only attacked some stupid niggers.

shut up you underage faggot

yeah jump into that and open up a shit storm of jail, media and racism. no fucking thanks. why should i risk my life for some non humans?

I didn't know Disney had the Pillsbury Doughboy character working there

>For licensing or usage, contact [email protected]
ahahaha, oh man jews sure love profiting off of the blacks

God bless America

This only happens because of white people inflicting structural violence and institutional racism on them. If whites weren't such racist assholes they wouldn't have to act this way.

Yikes, we made it reddit. Get the rope useless faggot

What's your favorite kino? For me, it's 'La Bagarre au Pays de Disney' (1920)

even if they are niggas, you gotta respect him for going to town on those fucking landwhales for hitting his mama. women, especially fatass ones, are ALWAYS in the wrong.

I's wanna b where da free pipo are
I's wanna c,, wanna c see 'em dancin'
Walkin' around wit no...
Whatchu call 'em? oh - chains.

Mup da doo didda
Po mo gub bidda
Bix nood cof bin dub ho muh nigga
Wanderin' free
Wish I's could b
Part of dat worldstarrr

>Draw me like one of your French drunks

Yeah, so let everyone else watch the coonshow and sneak an extra ride on space mountain

the only child in any harms way was that beast nigger woman who just pushed her kid off "HOL MUH CHILLLD!!" and eventually probably same niglet wandered into the fight a minute or two later.
everyone else is perfectly safe as long as they don't intervene.

The moment any security lays their hands on any of them that's grounds for a lawsuit

Best comment so far...

>This is the prequel to live action Little mermaid.

just call police so they can do their thing. media will bitch and moan and show the funerals on TV and that'll be the end of it

>We are in Toon Town

I can't stop laughing.

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I've honestly had my fill of negros and im pretty sure every other race has too

no thanks, im good. no more please.

Jesus I’ve never seen a more muttland-esque video

Kill yourself fucking redditor subhuman trash

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Hahaha you said that but in reality we both know that black dude would crack your skull with a single punch, you fucking pussy

security arrived late


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they season they meat

embrace the norf

found the nigger


Stop linking censortube, newbies. All these links are already cut. Imagine that. Learn about frontends and alternatives. FuIIchan allows direct uploading for this reason.

someone please photoshop this to say Coon Town

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das rite

It's on pol, lurk moar

>We in Toon Town*

Niggers gonna nigg


imagine white knighting the nigger race

with crisco

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>not a single knock embarrassing

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is this the teaser trailer for Black Panther 2?

Yeah, they'd be even worse

There werent any glass jawed whites around, unfortunately

he broke his foot?

wtf near the end the guy fighting two people somehow broke his ankle when stumbled backwards

Nevermind, found it

the place have no security?

this really encapsulates britain perfectly
>worthless police
>drunk bastard and slag gf
>drunk, fat bastard lying on the streets
>sneering, brown woman
>vibrant youths
>pussy white boy facing the other direction

Fuck off. The white people who saw this will never go back to that park.

>wh*tes just stand there doing nothing
because they're soulless bugmen

When I saw the video title I knew it would be niggers. Literally every single time.

Ahem fuck niggers.

black people cant fight tho

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>people filming and laughing while women and children are in danger

Americans should all be hanged.

Imagine thinking women would want to associate themselves with that absolute trash. Such a nigger dick retard.


Attached: blacks cant fight 2.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

There's another one where an aussie does the same thing

Does smoking give you fighting powers?

You don't understand the Negro species.

As soon as you tried to break it up, the whole gang would attack you.

So, it's not just a fair 1 on 1, it's you versus the family.

>>sneering, brown woman
It's just fake tan m8

just some apes monkeying around

Yeah it works out real well for us when we try to control the negroes.

haha cool user!

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