Watch Stranger Things 1-3

>Watch Stranger Things 1-3
>Realize I have missed out on young love, adventures with friends and good childhood memories.

What other films/shows evoke such feels?

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My whole life was and is a failure.

Stand by me

>there are people out there for whom school was mostly fun times with friends instead of being lonely or bullied almost every day
such a surreal thing to think about

There are people, my age, who are having sex and are in relationships right now. It’s still strange to think about.

It's a caricature of a childhood.

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If you experienced all these things instead you would keep thinking back and still be unhappy with your present self.

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>my bully was 6'3" chad and from a wealthy family at age 15 with 6 other cronies who tortured me
> "Your bullies will amount to nothing."
>Mfw local newspaper story about said bully:
'X is a local entrepreneur whose start-up made £8million last year and is projected to make a 50% increase to over £15million next year.
>mfw stuck in retail.

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Have you considered that fictional shows aren't real life? Very few people have had an enjoyable childhood. Stop trying to feel better by convincing yourself that you're the only one suffering.

and this, sometimes I feel like I'm not even from the same species as all these people

best post

>Very few people have had an enjoyable childhood
lmao keep saying that me and my homies had a blast

Odds are you'd mostly forget about all that stuff by adulthood anyway

>oh no now im le sad! :(
cringe and onions

You know what you have to do.

I always get depressed watching American Pie.
And I literally look like Finch.

>comparing real life to a TV show
Well theres your problem, champ

name of the start-up?

It's almost never like in the movies. I had some adventures with my friends as kids but it's nothing exciting. Just passing time and laughing farts. You missed nothing, if anything the childhood adventures still seem magical to you and that's great.

cringe and redditpilled

The female percentage was initially a lot lower but the guy who made the chart "fixed" it

'The guy who made this chat' is Washington Post and you can see the image in the article.

But I bet it was epic to waste your whole youth being an imbecile online. Epic for the win. I hope it was worth it, you retarded sack of shit

King of summer.

Dont watch it if you are easily triggered by youn summer love.

it beats lying in bed and staring at the ceiling

How do they even make a survey like this, what the fuck no one ever asks me.

>life is just like my TV shows/movies!

This why you are unhappy.

I don’t understand what the fuck a start-up is. Does it ever become more than a start-up or is it basically just saying “yea give us money and we’ll start-up a company then take the money and shut down the company”
How is it any different from a normal company

they always pick specific people for the survey to reflect what they want, press articles polls have no proper methodology

it's smaller, it's a new company and it's mainly centered around a single project until it moves on to something else (unlike a bakery or something like that)

so is life is supposed to be that boring? Wake up way to early so you're tired all day, working all day doing something you hate and go to sleep, clean your place and do grocery shopping on the weekends?

murder him

life should be living out in the middle of no where surrounded by nature in a small closely nit community. One where you and everyone around you depends on one another for survival. Every day is spent securing that livelyhood.

that's almost as delusional as wanting a "TV life"


ST is a series trying to remind us of movies. Neither ST nor the movies it references have any real basis in reality

I had nerdy friends in secondary school, we didn't have adventures but we played video games at someone's house each week. I wasn't cool but I had my core group and I had a good time.

a must see for you

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We live in a godless society. The end is nigh

I want Will to have a blond blue-eyed boyfriend.

you do realize there are millions of people living like that still to this day right?

Sneed’s Seed and Feed

yeah and they're barely scraping by, get bombed by drones or live in shitholes

what does God have to do with this? Americans are the most degenerates around and yet they're all puritans god-fearing retards

>there are people my age and younger who are married, have a job, have history and memories to tell their children in the future
fucking surreal bros

South Park.

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I hate my entire existence.

Hey just think of it like this. All of these kid actors in this show are probably completely messed up, Millie has probably been raped by tons of nice folks in pizzawood, and the rest of them too probably. As well as all of the kid actors in most other famous films and shows like stranger things.

>escaped my anti-social NEETdom at 22
>now have an unexplainable "dark period" on my work and social history

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he was born wealthy, user

>that scene when the kid gets butthurt because his friends are normalfags and dont wanna play autismal games anymore

this hit really close lads

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This is me rn, except I haven't escaped (building up to it)
I do wonder how I'm supposed to explain the abyss in-between like 17-22. No regular person will be able to understand

I was a huge stoner in high school and was basically the school dealer for weed and tabs
I made a point to hang out with the weird socially awkward kids sometimes and after we smoked they seemed to control their autism
I would sell to the Yu-Gi-Oh nerds in the auditorium then go smoke with the football players when they went off campus for lunch
If you didn't have ANY friends in high school idk what to tell you, even the Naruto nerds had friends

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>tfw gap in resume is from 17 to 29 now

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just say you were working from home whilst figuring out what you wanted to do

I never had any friends in school.
also never talked to a girl


If I saw you playing like Metroid on a D.S. I probably would've offered you a joint at some point in the back of the library

Why is sadboy culture so popular with reddit9k trannies?

That is because Zoomers are very autimisal because Obama and bush era education plus extreme helicopter parenting has made them huuuge pussies who fear being outed on social media as a bad kid. They don't even fuck around, screw, or drink. Sad.

I never took anything valuable to school like a phone or a gameboy, other kids would just break it or steal it.
also never went to the library

It's fiction, OP. Grow up.

>realise in your late 20s that if you fucked up your teens you literally ruined your life and it's impossible to fix
Trees lounge is my future

Move away from your hometown ASAP. You'll no longer have to face people who know exactly how much of a loser you are. I moved about 12 hours away from mine.


>tfw had young love, adventures with friends and good childhood memories
>still miserable
it ain't all that

If you actually say that to another adult they will know you're talking about being a helpless NEET

fuck off
i bet you're not even larping since you effortlessly got dubs

kinda adorable to imagine a finch lookalike sadly watching american pie

any good fics that wrote out this scenario in detail?

That's the main reason I won't watch it

Every time we have a NEET thread, they tell us how much better their lives are with all the free time they have. But when you ask them what they actually do with this time, the answer is always the same: they hide away in their bedrooms because they are incapable of dealing with other people. Sad! Many such cases!

Go on yelp.
Find recently closed restaurant.
You were a cashier.

>dealing with other people
NEET here, I see no reason why I should.
most "people" are NPCs anyway. socializing with them is a waste of time.

Right, so it's everyone else's fault and not yours? Delusional COPE bullshit. YOU are the defective one. It's legitimately hilarious that you think other people are NPCs when YOU'RE the one with so little personality that you're incapable of interacting with more complex life forms.

I have never enjoyed interacting with another person once in my entire life

That fucking video man

Memories don't matter. they'll all be lost like tears in the rain.

No offense user, but YOU'RE the NPC with very basic programming, incapable of interacting with the more complex, well-rounded characters. Probably not your fault since you likely have autism.

Subhuman meme for normalscum

they are not complex, they are boring and NPCs.

It wasn’t even my fault. My parents moved our family more than a dozen times when I was growing up. Making good friends then moving a couple months later. Even had a couple of proto-girlfriends at these schools. Eventually I just coped by escaping into books and movies.

To this day I don’t let anybody get too close, I guess for a subconscious fear of being ripped away again.

Thanks for reading my blog


No, YOU'RE the boring empty one with no personality. If you had any kind of character at all, you'd be able to interact with other people and you wouldn't be hiding away in your bedroom. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm trying to wake you up to the fact that your empty, frightened life is a CHOICE and you can chose a different path. It won't be easy but it will be worth it.

not him but you're wrong, most people are boring NPCs imagine forcing yourself to interact with them and pretend to care about their NPC thoughts just to fit in

>sabotaged all my friendships because I wanted more time to play video games
>don't even like most video games anymore

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Your whole life is based on fear and hiding away from "Normies". It doesn't have to be this way. Please, don't do this to yourself. Don't throw your life away.

>you'd be able to interact with other people
but I can interact with other people, the thing is I dont want to because they are retarded NPCs anyway.

hell yeah

I wouldn't know. I don't watch anything with child or teenage main characters to avoid thinking about that kind of thing.

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>Don't throw your life away.
its not so bad, I live on welfare and dont have to wagecuck

>fear and hiding away from "Normies"
normies always project this "fear", hilarious

Alright, you win. Continue hiding away autistically from other people. You've convinced yourselves that life is hopeless and I can't talk you out of it. Enjoy hiding away in your bedrooms, I've given up on you.

Is there at least some measure of nobility to that kind of pain? Like, if my peers had experienced our "suffering" (or lack of it, in a few cases), they surely would have an-heroed
Or is there no merit to it, and we're just damaged forever?

What video?

Scratch this, I'm drunk and sentimental
I know it'll get better if I actually try

Gravity falls made me realise i will never experience camping and adventuring with my friends.

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I had friends but not friendship. I had people that I called my friends, and they called me that too, but I never hanged out with them outside of school other than to do school related work. Even when I was in school I barely talked to them and if I was left alone with only one of them I wouldn't know what to talk about. Is this autism?

>just turned 32
>no life outside of work
>no friends
>slowly losing the will to live
>the darkness is closing in

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literally same exact situation as me minus the girlfriends. longest I had a friend was a year and a half, then i moved away and never saw him again

our childhoods, and consequently our lives were stolen from us by our failure of a parents.

you cant drink if noone invites you

it literally took me to the last 5 days of high school to achieve that

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>and they called me that too

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based and imageboardpilled

People like that burn out eventually. They reach their 40s/50s and life becomes a living hell for them as their Chad lifestyle fades away to monotony and they lash out against all the people that flocked to them over their life.

I should know because that's my dad

it's a movie user

would like to know this too

you have to be 21 to post here

I would jokingly say murder him but I don’t know your mental state so don’t do it.

no i mean as a teenager

But here's the catch, OP: When you watch Hackers you actually FEEL like you are inside the movie. It's THE best teen friendship simulator movie that exists. You won't feel like you missed out, you will feel like you are a teenage hacker in 90's New York with your cool hacker friends and you save the world.

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The best part about this post is, from his perspective, you're a literal nobody pleb on his meteoric rise to his rightful success as Gnon's ELECT.

There's literally nothing you can do to recover from such a cruel mogging

What's the best coomer film?

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the original stranger things

>mfw 3 years too late to have this be my only hope

Same but 28. My greatest hope is not to see 30.


Don't listen this faggot, do it. It's easy to get away with it.

Almost 10 years later and I'm still trying to hunt each one down and boil them alive

poorfag cope

So 99% of people?

>childhood memories
I barely even remember anything that happened before the age of 16 because I burned my brain out doing drugs and drinking in my 20s

This, at 32 I don't even worry about such trivial shit like this. it's the past and has literally no impact on your life now. Shit i see some of my childhood friends every now and then and just say hi and that's it. I've seen 1 or 2 people i hated when i was a kid but don't even speak or acknowledge them and they do the thing with me. Once you grow up other things are on your mind than childhood bullies and crushes.

The wanderers

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Kill him. Don't get caught. You'll feel better.

this blackpill hurts so much.

>bullies will grow up to be burnouts!
>they all peak in high school!
>all the nerds make it big after college!
>girls will line up for you after you get a degree
>the preppy kid will get what he deserves (karma)

>10 years later
>am NEET with 30 dollars in savings
>lost 6th job because i'm a fuck up
>have to pay rent next month or i'm out
>no sex for 8 years, completely dry

>meanwhile my bully just bought a new car and his beach house is paid off
>also has a trophy wife with a beautiful child

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Funny enough, the only memories I remember now are bad memories that constantly haunt me. When my family asks me if I recall a good memory from a year ago, I honestly can't. But my brain can instantly recall with perfect clarity all the stupid shit I done since I was 5 years old. It's like my brain wants me to kill myself.

it sucks a lot. try not to pay any attention to it. the world isn't fair and you can only focus on how to improve yourself. Apply for welfare, go to therapy, do your best to hold down a job, get /fit/. The little improvements add up over time

Stranger Things 3 really gave me that feel. I never spent a summer going on an adventure with my friends and finding teen love. feelsbadman

>mfw 24

I'm doing something right now, hopefully it will get me out of my NEET loser status soon. but even if it does, I don't know if I will ever shake the feeling that I wasted 5 years of my life that I'm never getting back since I started being a neet after finishing diploma at 20.

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>"Your bullies will amount to nothing."
The biggest lie ever told, right next to "women prefer nice guys". Goddamn, we need more male role models to teach boys reality and not some stupid kumbaya fantasy, especially in education.

i am already /fit/

costs way too much money

apply for medicaid

what's his name and where does he live?

who is this wojak?

i think i may have been a bully in middle/high school and feel a bit bad though i never went too far i think
>hit friends both close and not as close as way to joke around
>looking back i think i hit hard for like no reason
>one time actually did a whip hit with my belt on closer friend in locker room just for fun, somehow he didn't take it too personal and kept being my friend through high school
>think back to reactions of less close friends and how they weren't really laughing with me and kinda looked unironically pissed
i was technically booksmart but kind of also a fucking mongoloid now that i look back

pretty much everything if you are a wizard. It's even hard to enjoy sci-fi knowing you nor any of your progeny will see that future.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

The Wonder Years

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This and any other John Hughes teen flick

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be bully

Escapism shit like vidya/tv/music/books should only be allowed for boys from happy, loving families with good genetics. Male kids with shit lifes will otherwise just use it for escapism and ruin their chance for a decent life, however small it was.

can someone explain why closing the gate killed the mindflayer?
wasnt it established that he was stuck in their world because the gate was closed in the first place?

just accept you never had a chance but everyone will tell you that you did so the can make themselves feel good with their superiority
and forget about women, they're barely sentient and are more animal than human (takes mental illness for them to be somewhat human)

well on a fundamental level life is about eating, drinking, sleeping, finding shelter, and breeding. humans got to the point where most of this is considered a right to any citizen in a country worth living in.

so now you're living a fairly artificial life trying to weave the artificial basket of rent, education and responsibility. frankly it's a blessing and much better than the other option (dying miserably and slow fighting for food with sharp sticks) but at the end of the day what feels bad is what feels bad.

I'd say you should feel better but its not that easy. a lot of the modern world is up in your head and one retard on Yea Forums cant fix that. fortune tends to sway up and sway down and all you can do is enjoy the highs and brace for the lows.

for the modern man, a hobby is your escape. for many, it's spending time with friends, sports, cars, motorcycles, the gym, whatever kills the dullness of routine. just find something you enjoy doing and as long as you strive for those things that I mentioned in the beginning, enjoying yourself along the way makes it all so much more tolerable.


Stranger Things is purposefully made to look cheerful and make people feel insecure at the same time, starting from season 1

>hair receeding from the sides
shaved it all off to see what it would look like and it actually looks good
>not many friends but i like the ones i have
>learning how to cook right now after 18 years of not cooking a single thing
>learning how to do basic things
>can do nofap on will
>1.72m manlet
The worst things are insecurity and self-consciousness.I can't look at my own pictures more than 5 seconds even though other people compliment how I look.Hate it when there's more than 3 people in a group.If only I could just start doing push-ups.