This was fucking trash

this was fucking trash

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Yes it was.


some Prague scenes were shot in my hometown (not Prague), so I'm curious if I'll be able to recognize the places

Keep going lower user to describe this soulless money grab

Well its a superhero movie

So Sony's marketing team is cross posting on Yea Forums too?

Your reverse psychology tactics are just as trash as your Spider-man reboots.

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Zendaya a cute

/Our guy/ Lets us down

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i cant stand that twat holland, so annoying, ... tony should give him that gauntlet :D ,..zendaya is wooden but ..ok

it was a great movie, but it falls short on romantic chemistry

Nigga was perfect

>it was a great movie,


Zendaya a nigger but keep dreaming like it dont matter.

have sex

Nah the misterio scenes where pretty nice

solid 6/10. Standard action movie score

I liked it, wasn’t amazing but it was Far From trash

It was essentially the Iron Man 3 of Phase 3. Talk about wasting Mysterio and multiverse.

fuck you it was great!

>You just need to shoot lasers and wear a cape
>Only then people will listen to you
Basically a cheeky ''fuck you you gullible faggot'' by Disney

No one here saw it

I saw it as a desperate attempt to look self aware, they probably hooked Gyllenhaal by suggesting it was a deconstruction, or simply that he could say on screen how fucking stupid capeshit is. They know people are getting bored, and a lot of the success of the Marvel movies has been down to hand-waving quips to tell the audience to stop thinking about how kitsch and contrived it is.

They can do a multiverse when they really run out of ideas. This doesn't stop that.

How exactly did they waste Mysterio?

Shame he went out like a fucking bitch though... They should have kept him around instead of jobbing him so fucking hard...

Tom Holland and Harley Keener Ty Simpkins are so handsome.

But there is a multiverse. How do you think they time travelled?

wow, they really broke the 4th wall
the stupid people represent me!

>ruined spider-man's life forever

He had the last laugh for sure

>ruined his life
Oh no, now he really IS Tony Stark. Nah, people just know who he is like EVERY other fucking Avenger. It's not that bad, seriously. I WISH it was like how you say it is though.

Well I'd hope that him trying to live a normal life under constant threat will be the next film, but you're right, they'll just spirit him away to the avengers ivory tower to be safe and protected.

Mysterio won the story of the fight

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Coming from someone who hadn't gotten into Marvel movies until more recently with Ragnarok,Avg3/4 etc.
Homecoming was my favorite Marvel movie by far, because I love Spiderman, and it was infinitely better than boring ASM - Not quite Raimi level but really good.

Then this...just didn't quite cut it. It felt like such a "B" movie. Barely anything happened and it all just felt so...filler. Barely any jokes, any suspense, barely any May, any...anything at all.

It was just so...meh. Why? Why didn't they put more effort into it?

>makes joke about the dead Avengers and the snap in the first scene
Based Marvel Formula

Mysterio ended up just being yet another tech-based bad guy with no clear motivation for what he's doing except for the hell of it.

Lol b8

it hurts bros.....

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Why bother putting in any effort

That's what he is in the comics though

>Mysterio scenes were perfect
>went out trying to shoot a teenager in the brain
>revealed Spidermans identity and made him seem like a complete villain

He did us proud

they've really fucked spider-man
he's just iron mans bitch, getting bankrolled by him and using all his tech, relying on him for everything even after death
putting spidey in the mcu was a mistake
he isn't his own man anymore, and these films have no heart or soul


Raimi 2 > Far From Home > Homecoming >Raimi 1 > Spider-verse >>>>>>any other spidey film

It’s truly sad that zooomers will only ever recognize spider-man as Tony’s twink bitch


Doesn't surprise me, it's clearly aimed towards women.

I'm a zoomer. Tobey is still spider man to me

It was alright, nothing to write home about but definitely top 3 Spiderman flick

Spider-Man is probably the best comic book character besides Superman and Batman, but the films have just been mostly bad. Tbh I prefer the new ones over the previous three. But first two Raimi films are nice

watched it with friends under heavy protest
super fucking cringe, didn't make sense, written like an episode of a TV show rather than a film
why does marvel feel a need to put retarded unfunny jokes in their action films, why is mary jane such a dumb bitch, why is spider man such an annoying fuckboy
it's just cringe comedy with a billion dollar's worth of special effects and total bollocks writing
"eyy tony stark called me cringe so now i'm gonna bomb venice with my super laser piss"
why bother at that point, just go all the way and just have him show up and start bombing stuff with literally no explanation and no one even questioning it, "we need a bad guy so he's evil" nursery rhyme logic

you won't it's literally only the square, the hotel, the opera, like two streets and some skyline

this. that part where the tranny dilated made me cringe. it's amazing watching the cucks here cope with their seething

Spider-Man PS4 > Into the Spider-Verse > Far From Home > Homecoming

Spider verse sucked

spider man 2 for da psp>alle

Post Malone should play the next villian guys. Think about it

You can tell marvel drones didn’t like it because all they talk about is Mysterio. Literally have heard nothing about the actual hero of the movie

Imagine spider-man falling to the wayside in a movie with fucking Mysterio in it

cause spider-man had some kind of retard disease in the movie. He went from trying to prove himself and be an avenger to, "I just wanna kiss this girl that clearly has a crush on me, fuck being spider-man, here guy I just met, you take tony's last gift to me"

They only talk about Misterio and the post credits. Or they mention the word “fun”

I saw an article actually argue even though it’s not as good as the first two Raimi films and otherwise very plain that it doesn’t have to be the greatest movie ever to like it

People are literally trying to settle for mediocrity kek

>Spider-Man is Iron Boy
>MJ is "Michelle Jones"
>JJJ is Alex Jones
>Spider-Sense is now Peter Tingle for zoomers
>Now his suit is Superior Spider-Man for no other reason than to sell variant toys
>Happy Hogan is now a Spider-Man supporting character
>Flash Thompson is a pathetic pajeet that everybody actually makes fun of behind his back
>Fat fuck
>First movie barely felt like NYC, now it's immediatly gone off to europe
>Secret identity revealed without barely any exploration of it first
>Another villain tied directly to Tony, Spider-Man is basically coincidental to the story
>Peter Parker is not a poor fuck anymore, he's basically an heir of Tony
>Multiverse was just bait, could have made Mysterio a conman still coming from another Earth pretending to be a hero in this one, better than MISTAH STARK connection

I liked it. Why can’t you guys have any fun?

why settle for bland fun when I can have better fun?

4/5 movie. Holland is better high school Pete than Tobey, and I'm a oldfag who saw the first Raimi movie in theaters. It's okay if you don't like it, I get why you wouldn't

>you guys don’t want to eat this shit sandwich? Wow, you guys are boring!


you forgot Aunt May

What villain hasnt been in the movies yet? Kraven?

It was fun enough. Expecting anything other than "fun mindless flick" from Marvel is braindead retarded. Also it was better than Homecoming.

I would happily say that this is my 2nd favourite spiderman film after spiderman 2. The lack of quips (which were replaced with actual jokes), the way it actually explored Peter dealing with Starks death with some seriousness (a rarity for capeshit) and the cute involvement of supporting characters in a way that actually fits with the characters’ age groups all made it much much better than homecoming/tas. Only real flaws for me were mysterio and overly pacing Peter as starks successor. They built mysterio up well enough but I thought the reveal was awkwardly done (fucking flashbacks? Really?) and his death pathetic. They should have kept him alive/given him different origins (unconnected to Stark). Equating spiderman with the successor to iron man only dilutes both characters too, and spiderman hasn’t really had enough time to establish himself in this universe like iron man has. Overall though a solid 8/10


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this is what marriage is like, every day

>>Now his suit is Superior Spider-Man for no other reason than to sell variant toys

EVERY Marvel film with EVERY hero. These heroes spend more time designing new costumes and practicing quips in the mirror than they do fighting bad guys.

Only if your wife is a cunt.

At least they cut the scene where Peter and MJ have sex

Yeah, don't think so kid.

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>muh tomatoes!
Millennials were a mistake


What the fuck are you talking about? He beat the living piss out of Peter every time they fought. He only died due to happenstance with his drones and even then the character of Mysterio is probably going to outlive Beck through his team.

It was arguably the greatest Spider-Man movie ever made, virgins

Still better than Garfield's movies.

>t. never seen a Spider-Man movie before

Have sex

It doesn't rank in top 5. Homecoming itself was better. People get so amped up on that New Movie feeling they delude themselves into thinking this dull piece of shit was a good movie. Raimi's trilogy, Spiderverse and Homecoming eclipse this garbage. Everything that was integral to Spider-Man being an inspiring Everyman has been stripped away. Holland plays the role given to him well. No slights against the actor. But the character itself has nothing resembling Spider-Man. Fuck the MCU.

>we need to improve Peter and MJ's relationship
>Let's add a literal who for a CW level love triangle for no fucking reason

>>>Now his suit is Superior Spider-Man for no other reason than to sell variant toys
>>EVERY Marvel film with EVERY hero.
This is pretty much every superhero movie. It's why they never remain faithful to the comics and piss off fans. They know they're idiots who will buy the new movie versions.

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