Is it unfilmable?

Is it unfilmable?

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thankfully. the dog shit of literature.

>character is so smart from smoking weed and jacking off all day that when he speaks it sounds like the charlie brown teacher voice

>be notorious class clown in high school, one time diving across a teacher's desk like a slip-and-slide and knocking over everything on his desk.
>night classes, classmates single parents and former military who work during the day, razor thin tolerance for bullshit
>read Infinite Jest the summer before college. unironically believed it was the pinnacle of literature despite only reading high school literature prior to it.
>English Literature, The American Experience class
>female "instructor", AKA Ph.D student
>I bring up Infinite Jest in literally every single discussion, even if it has nothing to do with it
>instructor tells me how Infinite Jest is a contemporary work that might be forgotten in the next 10 years, not worthy of comparison to the classics, and beyond the scope of this class
>sometimes in the middle of discussion while she's talking, i'll take my copy of Infinite Jest out of my backpack and loudly smack it onto my desk, making the entire class jump and look at me. This caused the professor to KNOW I'm about to ask a question relating her monologue to Infinite Jest, and you can feel her shifting her monologue mid-sentence to steer away from as much possible Infinite Jest-related things as she could. That simple smack was a real mind fuck. The rest of the class was glaring at me.
>one day I did this and a former US Marine sitting next to me literally grabbed my copy of Infinite Jest and threw it out the window. We were on like the 4th floor and it was raining outside.
>the class applauded loudly
>then SMACK! i had another copy of Infinite Jest in my backpack. I was SO proud of this, and trying so hard to hold back my shit-eating grin but I couldn't contain it. I looked beyond autistic.
>"Get out!" the instructor yelled. Thinking everyone would laugh, I was scared at her response, and the Marine took my backpack and book and placed it in the hallway and held the door for me to leave
>i ended up dropping the class

It's unreadable

>infinite jets
>literally nothing to do about aviation

Think about this the next time one of you faggots tries writing a book.

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He's brain damaged from smoking DMZ and eating lawn fungus and teaumatized being forced to dig up his dad's head with a 40 year old junkie by canadian seperatists while the end of the world is imminent cut the kid some slack

Everyone in class should have given you a blanket party

I banged a female who read it one time.

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art is the craft of trying to imitate previous art and failing because your own experience and thought process prevents you from see that piece 100% exactly as the creator does


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super lit my guy

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anime could do it

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God I hope this is real.

That being said, 2666 is a more noteworthy novel than Infinite Jest

Could he play Hal? He'd have to put on muscle.

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That said, JR is the best novel of the last 100 years

honestly when I was reading Infinite Jest I pictured it as half-anime in my head, which never happens otherwise

Adam Driver or Goose.

Is it unfilmable?

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Sorry yes, as Orin. Keanu as The Stork. Gately should be Autista for keks.

what is jr?

JR by gaddis

- No but you don't get it Bast didn't you read all the literture I sent you boy here I am thinking we can help each other out and you didn't even read all the literture I sent you...No but that's the point see you don't even have to read the book like you just go on this here site called Yea Forums and on Yea Forums they have these neat things called boards and one of them is called lit and that's where you talk about the... No but that's the thing Bast you don't even have to read the book Bast that's the best part... No but holy why would you read the book when you can just pretend that you read it nobody can tell that's what's so... No but wait wait a second... No but Bast you don't even have to read it I told you! you go to this here board called lit and you do this thing called shitposting... No but holy shit Bast that's what it's called I'm not the one who invented it! what you do is like you say something about the book like whatever you want it doesn't even have to make sense and then what happens is other people read your post...No but they're nobody it doesn't matter who they are you never actually see them or anything they're just like us they're posting on this here Yea Forums site and they didn't read the book either see... That's just how it works nobody actually reads the books they just talk about them and write these here things called bait and what happens is if your bait is good then you get all these neat things called yous ...what? ...yeah yous like you but with an s... no not you like you Bast like you is what's written on the board it's this neat thing called a you that's just what it's called...and what you do is that the more yous you get the better you are...

>tolkien is unfilmable
>pynchon is unfilmable
>herbert is unfilmable

etc etc etc

I don't know what you do with all the yous you just want to get as many of them as possible that's what you do! and if you want even more yous you can add pictures like this here cartoon frog called Pepper or Peppy or something...Didn't you get the pictures I sent you? Holy shit Bast I have to do everything myself here I am trying to help you out so that you have time to work on your music I mean you're always talking about all the music you have to work on so I thought maybe we can help each other out but you don't even... no I know that but... what?... Holy shit Bast I don't know why there's a frog that's just how it is they're these things called memes you just post them over and over again... I don't know why holy shit Bast you just use these here memes to get as many yous as you can... Wait Bast... Fine you don't have to post the frog you can just post what you want but... what?...No but it doesn't matter if you don't know what to post you just look at whatever everyone else is posting and you just post the same thing that's what's so neat about the whole thing you just look at everyone else see Bast and then you just do what they're doing and when you get a you what you do is you give a you to the person who gave you a... Bast?... hey Bast?

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Inherent Vice was bullshit and Gravity's Rainbow would have to literally be an anime

They could easily do a movie of the Navidson Records, but Mark is autistic.

Ummm did we read a different book because Hal isn't the pot addict in mine?


>herbert is unfilmable
as far as we know, it still is

I think it could possibly work as a mini-series with thought bubbles.

Do annie hall subtitle thoughts

It would be really difficult to film all of the details that make up the end of the world and how it all actually happened without ruining the subtlety and fact of the book not being 100% coherent even if you do autistically catch/look up every background detail. I would love to see a kino introduction to the world after it seems like normie suburbia and then you see the attache get ENTERTAINED, the sponsored time and trump administration and the weird instagram suit phonecall world lore and shit unveiled all at once.

This book shits on IJ in terms of quality and in meta

This makes me want to read JR, is it really like that? I've seen that pasta before

Shaft adapting Gravity's Rainbow could work

I always imagined Hal as Miíchael Cera.

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That's insane Hal is a chad and described as preppy attractive.

I believe that Hollywood is realizing people are tired of the sequel/cinematic universe meta and are going to adapt every novel worth mentioning into low effort, high budget films akin to capeshit.

Yes. It's 700 pages of undesignated dialogue but it's easy to understand because Gaddis is a master of voices. One way or another he sets up every character and knows exactly how to give you enough information to know who is present in a scene and what's happening with virtually no narrative text whatsoever. JR Vansant is probably my favorite character in fiction desu. And it's very funny. Yes it's very impressive and whatever but its fucking FUNNY. That pasta is how JR talks. Be warned the titular character doesn't bother to show up until page 70 but the whole story and world are great

I'm not done with Infinite Jest but so far I like it more than 2666, which felt quite uneven desu.

Arguably THE most overrated book of all time, including religious texts

Imagine throwing this turd out there with no context or background to the masses

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crying of lot 39 could be filmed

That's slaughterhouse 5
>religious texts are overrated
You'll have to tell every canonized author and philosopher that, too bad they are dead hotshot if only you could have saved them

I have the muted horn tattooed on my arm lol. Yeah it could be. I have heard Under the Silver Lake is based on it but haven't seen it yet.

Hal is not Chad. John Wayne is Chad. Hal is actually kind of impotent due to his weak ankle. Hal's tennis game is purely intellectual, whereas John Wayne's game is much more direct and masculine.

Is it unfilmabl?

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It's stated in the book that every ETA player is in peak physical condition, naturally this would include their second ranked boys. Furthermore Hal is described as the sort of preppy guy that wouldn't give normal looking women the light of day when he shows up to the halfway house.

Hal is not Chad. He's a prettyboy who gets absolutely mogged by John Wayne.

Whatever Hal may not be a chad but he's still nowhere close to being compared to Michael Cera the posterboy of awkward adolescents.

With Warwick Davis as Mario

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I'm pretty sure mario would have to be mostly cgi.

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is slaughterhouse 5 bad? I bought it but haven't started

It's actually really really good. But its also extremely accessible so a lot of people who don't read much read it and exclaim that its the greatest thing since sliced bread, when really its just solid.

What should I read first, JR or The Recognitions?

JR. The Recognitions is a very high level novel and is very much concerned with the true nature of art. The first 100 pages is a fireworks show of prose and then the rest is a bunch of intentionally murky symbolic meditations on authenticity and imitation turned into a narrative. JR despite the dialogue gimmick is a fairly straight americana satire and hilarious.

Without a cam*ra, *diting, actr*ss*s or a d*rector? No.

You'll probably like it but I think it's really bad. The last 50 pages are some super fucking hamfisted bullshit the awful darwinistic le ebul man doctor who tells a plane crash survivor he's a pussy who should just die versus his nurses who just want everyone to live, a maternity ward doctor couple who chooses not to have kids walks through the ruins of Dresden and the author breaks the 4th wall to say you should consider the significance, author self insert was le cool man hero guy who talks to aliens and bands a pornstar with his huge cock LMAO (but dude it's all PTSD you don't understand!). Not a fan but I still recommend it to people.

Would they be willing to cast Halle Bailey as Wardine? She be cry...

>Hal’s attempts to hide his marijuana usage were so successful, even one reader didn’t notice

/unfilmable/ general?

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>tfw they managed to film it and it was kino

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