Society has collapsed

Society has collapsed

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Love that movie

great television & film related post we have here

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The Jewish pedophile cabal has gone too far this time.
The Jewish pedophile cabal has gone too far this time.
The Jewish pedophile cabal has gone too far this time.
The Jewish pedophile cabal has gone too far this time.
The Jewish pedophile cabal has gone too far this time.
The Jewish pedophile cabal has gone too far this time.

The airports were captured in vain?

Go shake your cane somewhere else old man

kids can handle a couple of cocks whats wrong with that, we're not talking about dozens of men running a train on these kids thats exactly what we dont want to happen

Western society
Now piss off faggot

And Sneedciety will be built in its place.


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Just seen a webm in another thread of a pride parade and some black guy started playing with a white dudes ass in cowboy chaps and straight up started putting his arm up

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And? You are homophobe or what? Get out right winger

I wonder how this will affect their behaviour as they grow up. Will they become super permissive of anything and everything? Or will they retreat from liberality due to their scars? Either way, there is a reason that kids were not exposed to this kind of thing for 10,000 years. But I suppose the modern liberal knows better than anyone else in human history

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have sex.

You won't do anything about it. If you do the cops will arrest and/or shoot you. Enjoy :)

>and straight up started putting his arm up
Does this series of words convey any information?

And the conservatards allow this to happen. Bunch of pussies LMAO!!!!

Hitler wasn't elected though.

refer back to playing with his ass

He casually inserted most of his arm up the mans asshole, with very little give or effort

>look sweety, little joey is watching those two homosexual men urinate on eachother, Im so happy

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He wasn't? Damn! Burn the history books! This post proves it.

Kids literally grew up during wars and were probably slaves n shieet a few thousand years ago

Society seems fine too me

Of course we don’t want gays in the military, that’s unacceptable. I mean, it’s okay if they serve in the military they just have to be keep it on the down-low. But really, it’s okay if they let it slip and everyone knows. Oh look we just gave your tax money to this guy so he can chop his dick off and get a pair of tits, don’t sneer you bigot.

And people said Russia was a bad thing

>super permissive of anything and everything
>retreat from liberality due to their scars

my dude its a fuckin rainbow

>Hitler wasn't elected though.

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But they weren't purposely and with intent exposed to horrible things, or sexual deviancy on a societal level. And those kids you are talking about grew up to be fucked up





It took three votes to give hitler absolute power

Society has collapsed

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It's exposure to deviant sexual kinks, don't be intellectually dishonest

What if instead of pride parades and donating to LGBT charities, we focus on sheltering the homeless and getting the sick medicine that could save their lives.

how do we stop this?

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This is about boys not being allowed to wear shorts in the summer and having to wear trousers. Happens nearly every year and different schools

why is the kid on the left holding his crotch?

How about we send them all to the gulag instead

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Hiding his throbbing boner probably

Read the comments, people are 100% against the article

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>asking conservatives to care about homeless & sick people

imagine being gay and all your m8s you secretly fancy put skirts on

>Society has collapsed
Yes, when they allowed people like you to be born, just imagine, searching the internet for gay shit, making a screencap and posting it on Yea Forums, hoping that all the right wing inbreds from the_donald, validate your retardation, yes indeed as collapsed.

You either eliminate the behavior or you eliminate the criticism of the behavior, one is much easier to do than the other

When did you realise slippery slope wasn't just a fallacy?

Epic Yea Forums related thread you dull culture warrior faggot.

What are you, a commie?

Giving preteen kids hormone blockers so they make hotter trannies

Fuck that

No one should flaunt their sexuality in public

The wrong side won the Cold War.

And World War II.

>What if instead of pride parades and donating to LGBT charities, we focus on sheltering the homeless and getting the sick medicine that could save their lives.
How is any of that going to enrich the megacorps?

Are off-topic threads only allowed when they're the kind you like, Yea Forums teen?

>not doing this

Since when did people's opinions matter? Pretty sure most people were against gays in the 60s and look what happened

>all these white kids

white ppl and their precious culture....fucking crackas be infesting media with their caucasian crap.

Hitler was never voted into power. The Nazi party won the majority in the reichstag only through coalition with other right wing parties. The NSADP only ever had a ~33% share of the popular vote. Hitler was appointed Chancellor by President Hindenburg, not elected by the people.

Most homeless people are sex offenders.

All off topic threads are cancer. Admittedly, political ones piss me off even more because culture warrior millenials and zoomers ruined the internet with this sort of obsessive horseshit and just won't stop. You autistic cunts need to give it a rest. Its why everyone hates you.

>having a problem with degenerating children and killing the homeless

Shut the fuck up commies. Adapt to the free market or fucking die.

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Please read the wiki properly.

Glad im not homeless

That's because it was a parliamentary democracy. Retard

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Communism can be badass if they get rid of the fags and goyboys. We'll need blacks for their ape strength but we can always starve them after the revolution when their gibs me dat becomes too draining.

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>Yea Forums starts turning into tran girls to get their loli fix

based loophole and trannypilled.

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>when you speed read to own the nazis

43.9% actually

Child prostitution wasn't outlawed until the early 20th century in most countries and child pornography used to be legal upon till 1980 and society functioned just fine. I'm sure kids can handle a couple of faggots walking down the street once a year. Delve into the history books once in a while and rid yourself of your sanitized view of history.

No thanks, the free market is full of jews.

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Because it was a parliamentary democracy, Hitler wasn't elected. How is this so hard to understand, retard?

>Doubling down on being retarded

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ask huawei about the free market

Are kinks still sexual fetishes, or does kink have a different meaning now?

>nazis never held referendums

Most of them are war veterans, show some respect libtard.

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So most veterans are sex offenders.

And where will the next step take us?

Liberals are going to literally mass execute or imprison the homeless in your lifetime.

So 44% didn't vote for the nazi's which put Hitler into a position to gain control of the parliament?

Stay triggered

He was.

The tranny to pedo pipeline is real

Seeing white genocide unfold is kind of like seeing the Trail of Tears.

faggotry was punishable by death in most places on earth hundreds of years ago and was illegal in all of america until the 2000's. children shouldn't be around faggots anyway

It means whichever one of these definitions is relevant to gay pride parades.

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Have the jews finally won?

The comments in the article are all against it. They only want you to think they won

PSA: most of the homeless stay that way because they're junkie degenerates who refuse to abide by the terms of social programs. If you abuse substances and act like a nuisance, you'll get evicted despite section HUD subsidized housing. If your substance abuse is deemed a major contributing factor to your inability to earn substantial gainful activity, you're precluded from programs like SSI. If you get caught selling your SNAP balance for cash because $50 of rum is worth more to you than $100 of groceries, it'll get suspended. Any or all of the above will make for a hell of a time ever getting any of them again. They have family and friends, that refuse to enable their sickness any longer. They stay on the streets because they refuse to lay off the booze and oxy. Fuck 'em, I'm tired of the pity party for zero willpower bums who are content laying around in a parking lot getting high and shitting themselves. It's the most based thing the government has ever done, explicitly telling them to go fuck themselves until they get their vices under control enough for it to be deemed "immaterial" to their debilitation.

What people think doesn’t matter. They determine what is true and what is not. The rest will fall in line eventually.

>implying theres anything wrong with exposing kids to sexual stuff at an early age
>not wanting pedosexuality

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Say, hypothetically, they went all out. They dropped all pretenses. There was literally a coordinated and blatant campaign by the entire media aparatus to normalize sex with children, with headlines like "Fucking children is actually good, and here's why".

Do you think there'd even be a blowback against it? Would people even care? I mean a few would. I'm talking about enough to matter

at least the pedophiles of ye olden days had the decency to not force faggot and tranny shit down their throats.

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Sneedciety has chucklapsed

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Just wait a decade homie


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liberals want you poor and pathetic and your family raped and murdered never forget that


>Do you think there'd even be a blowback against it?
Pedophilia is still the biggest taboo in the west. Simply saying that you're a pedophile or even that you like lolis is enough to destroy your entire life and get you ostracized. There would be a huge backslash if they tried something like what you say.

I mean Bill Maher publicly advocated statutory rape of minors on his show like 15 years ago and he seems to be doing fine.