Reboot this

Reboot this

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I wish there was a reboot/remake of that show. I could see a reboot of Sliders be the Stargate SG-1 of this generation. You can tell an infinite amount of stories with that setting.

just make a smart black female who loves STEM the main character and the Kromaggs an altright metaphore

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can you imagine how fucking woke and uncumfy it would be?
straight up

>new quinn
more like new queen am i right?

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>can you imagine how fucking woke and uncumfy it would be?
That's the risk, sadly.

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found the whites who got broken from the internet

found the retarded tranny

>slide into nazi america
>its paradise
>they stay there 3 seasons

No one likes identity politics. So sorry.
>Reboot this
Is there even one movie or television reboot that turned out well?

I would unironically watch a 2019 sliders just to see how many different universes they could make to demonize people until they had to actually write a good story.


What sort of worlds would a modern "writer" create for this show?

>Is there even one movie or television reboot that turned out well?

No, because they always force blacks or females into cherished roles via race swapping or gender bending. BUT, based Sliders already has a nig and a bitch, so unless they turn Arturo into a chink... a reboot would be successful.

the funny thing is the modern you right now. you just use Yea Forums

I’v watched bits and pieces when I was younger, what was the summary again? I only remember him walking to the gate and it wasnt squeaking and some mouth/chest alien things or whatever

they go to a different parallel world every episode

I remember it was kino for the first 2 seasons, then it went to Sci Fi Channel, the whole cast changed (but the nigger) and it became shit.

season 1 was the only true kino season. s2 still had a bare bones of greatness, but by season 3 the show was garbage

What if Mexico was part of USA?
what if Hillary became president?
what if all white male boys were forced into feminization since '90?

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I want my Space back

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>Is there even one movie or television reboot that turned out well?

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we don't get good spacekino anymore

a few years ago we almost got some kino set on a space station but alas it was not to be

>finally get back to home earth
>only have 1 minute until slide
>happen to be outside your childhood home
>"this gate has creaked my entire life since i was a little boy"
>open gate
>no creak
>decide this is not your home earth
>slide to the next one
>5 seconds after you leave, your mom comes around the corner holding a can of oil

Blew my mind, but I remember the show going to shit after that episode and thinking "well he already made it back home and left again, he's never making it back" and stopped watching.

yea, the main creator/writer only had power for the first 2 seasons (really just the first)

No need to reboot, just make a straight up sequel with Quinn now playing the professor role.