Imagine unironically believing that a multi-billion dollar corporation actually cares about "muh progressivism" or "muh...

Imagine unironically believing that a multi-billion dollar corporation actually cares about "muh progressivism" or "muh identity politics" or "SJW BAD REEE"

Attached: disney-logo.jpg (1000x563, 49K)

Other urls found in this thread:

disney just follows the trend.
If fags are trendy then they include them.

That's why I'm looking forward to the end of this SJW pandering trend we have since several years. Political trends change now and then, it's just a matter of time.

Attached: tfa_poster.jpg (780x438, 140K)

i don't know dude. It will be a while. This SJW BS is at it's peak.

>Imagine unironically believing that a multi-billion dollar corporation actually cares about "muh progressivism" or "muh identity politics" or "SJW BAD REEE"
Of course they don't. They're literal Communists. They only care about the money in the end while pushing virtue signaling to gain profit among certain groups.

>google walt disney company
>go to wikipedia page
>ctrl+f "key people"
>bob iger (ceo)
>scroll down to categories of that page
>"american jews"

>That's why I'm looking forward to the end of this SJW pandering trend we have since several years.
I hope so. I'm sick of the progressive shit that skyrocketed over this past decade. The 2010s will be remembered as the "SJW Era" of the 21st Century, and trend that hasn't been felt as much as the 1970s with the Carter Years. Hopefully, the 2020s will be a more red pilled era & the West will go back to being mostly normal again + Trump's reelection will cause the Left to fully self destruct.

>What is social currency?

Yes, of course. That's absolutely correct, goy. Don't punish these companies for their deceitful behavior. Simply allow them to continue to poison the minds of future generations with racism, hatred, and bigotry. Voting with your wallet is for Nazis.

>this SJW pandering trend we have since several years

As opposed to a century of white pandering?

>They're literal Communists. They only care about the money in the end
>care about money in the end

You're confusing capitalists for commies.

You are right OP but people here are too stupid to see what they are really doing.

Attached: but 4chan said Disney bought their own tickets.jpg (1349x633, 88K)

Do you know that mostly of SJW are self-hating white trying to score 'progressive points'?

In a matter of time america will be a shithole collapsing welfare state full of spics and china will be the major target audience

Actually it was more like a millennia. Not that it really matters. An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind. We should be striving for equality, not creating a new class of oppressed peoples.

>The actor who played Darth Vader still has not received residuals from the 1983 film "Return of the Jedi" because the movie, which ranks 15th in U.S. box office history, still has no technical profits to distribute.
>How can a movie that grossed $475 million on a $32 million budget not turn a profit?

If you think that refutes anything you still don't understand what they are doing.

They do seem to have hired that type of people at every level of the company.

Attached: lucasfilm_executives2.jpg (928x523, 138K)

Disney only cares about money and how to exploit idiots who will pay for their expensive diarrhea.
Enjoy your avengers, you stupid bastards, you dumb fucking assholes.

This 100%. It won’t stop, because this sort of thing appeals to the brown masses and to a significant portion of whites as well. There is no silent majority of sensible whites anymore (if there ever was), and the anti-sjw types need to realize that. If you think it’s bad now, well, strap the fuck in.

>if there ever was

exactly. It was all a fucking illusion to keep people subdued. Most of the things people cite as proper americana are products that were still made by (((((them)))). I'm not saying resisting the man is useless but you are never going to get there if you aren't hones with yourself on where you are right now.

Humans with political leanings run these corporations. Just awhile ago Disney was considering to stop filming in Georgia over abortion laws. Basically trying to bully Georgia to change their mind.

Disney like most big corporations are crony capitalist. They’re all commies. They’ll keep pushing the SJW agenda regardless. They are practically a monopoly on the entertainment industry

>CEO of one of the geediest companies in history

I think you mean affiliation

Disney like most big corporations are crony capitalist. They’re all commies. They’ll keep pushing the SJW agenda regardless. They are practically a monopoly on the entertainment industry

Like all these liberal commies. They don’t give a shit about niggers or the poor or anything. It’s power and money.

You're as bad as the SJWs, talk about self destruction, holy shit, red pilled, you're fucking retarded my dude, you fucking SJWs and redpilleds should all be killed, you're making normal peoples lives a fucking nightmare, kill yourself you infantile piece of shit.

>youre as bad as the sjws

Attached: 1562491516085.jpg (673x494, 42K)

Disney is right wing trash, they're like a parasite that will grow till it controls everything, they control all media and soon they will control the government.

Kill yourself, faggot.

>If you think that refutes anything you still don't understand what they are doing.
The point of the post was to illustrate that there's absolutely no way that anyone can trust Disney's financial reports, friend.

>Disney is right wing trash

This. Never forget. DIsney gained the lionshare of their money off the back of a "Christian friendly" reputation.

Which is what I figured you were mistakenly attempt to argue. I didn't post financial reports.

Attached: just_as_bad_02.jpg (1280x1109, 187K)

Disney believes young people (aka social media) believe in progressivism, and young people are current and future consumers of disney products

>white pandering
Looks like you misspelled normal, functioning society

Literally the only time I've seen that image used correctly lmao congrats user

Well, it sounds like you're mostly just looking to start a pointless argument, so good luck!

>anything that bores me is pointless

Ok kid. Have fun.

you have to be amazingly retard to think the opposed

That stopped being true after Walt Disney died and was replaced by Hebrews

No, no, you're right, I love all the drama that you people generate over fucking garbage movies that are ruining cinema, educate yourself you fucking mongoloid and get a fucking job.

You're literally in a thread about a garbage movie company, chimping out and causing drama.

Most corporations pander to women because women are extremely irresponsible with money which means easier profits for them. Plus, women are actually in control of most of America's wealth either directly or indirectly through their cucked boyfriends and male relatives. They pander to shitskins for similar reasons. They know shitskins will go into debit for Nike shoes and get stuck as debit slaves for the rest of their lives.

Another side effect of "progressive" policies is competitor sabotage. Everybody talks about supporting women or whatever, but not everyone puts them in critical roles. Corporation A might do some token progressive gesture for good publicity while also secretly hoping Corporation B tries to one up them and ends up fucking themselves over.

Sounds tinfoil but it's true. I once had a boss of mine admit to me that the women our company hired were chosen in large part because of their connections on LinkedIn and Facebook. They kept track of important industry people and their friend connections. They decided that spending a salary on some woman they didn't really want was worth it if she could end up attracting key men that were actually valuable

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lmao fedorafag

Womens suffrage was such a grave mistake

Nah they were replaced by hebrews long before the 90s and they carried that rep all the way up until the it gets better bullshit.

>cast nigger
>make him a comical relief
>make him sweaty and dumb and cowardly
>official occupation is janiitor
So progressive

Attached: starwarsboyega.jpg (1600x820, 155K)

All the commies i've seen only talked about money. None had jobs though

It ended with Igar.

it works though

aladdin will probably make one billion dollars
lion king too

black panther broke numerous box ofifce records, avengers too. disney dominates the market. it's over.

Did you just call Disney communists???? Are you genuinely retarded?

Breaking records and making money are irrelevant. What matters is if these movies will be REMEMBERED. They won't.

>Breaking records and making money are irrelevant

checked. based chinks.

>it's just a matter of time.

Silly user. This will takes decades to change. It will only change when the majority are hungry and the leftists have seen their dreams die, or worse, be realized.

I think it works more on the fact that those are recognizable brands and you can pretty much do anything with them and people will still go see it. Disney clearly had the same mentality going into Star Wars. It's not about how woke you are, but more about how many people recognize your product.

>black panther
>recognizable brand

you're getting replaced.

>because OP is clearly a faggot

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>jews don't care about tribal interests

You do know Black Panther has been a comic book for years and is attached to a recognizable brand called Marvel, right?

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Don't care
>cmon bro why do you even care about some movie LMAO race don't matter bro xD

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