Is Captain Marvel too overpowered?

Is Captain Marvel too overpowered?

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why does Dobson's strawmen neckbeard characters look like him irl?


That’s a criticism people levy at Superman, that he is too powerful. Dobson is terrible.

I know right it looks exactly like him

At least they have hair

What's Yea Forums's take on this?

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She’s too overpowered for the marvel universe, not the dc universe where the only time superman loses is because the narrative says so


thats why superman is boring

it's like he's TRYING to be a faggot

superman is only powerful on earth(due to our type of sun right?)
AND he has a weakness of different kryptonites

whats marvels weakness?

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Well firstly this cartoon implies that people don’t have the same criticism about Superman, and it also implies that’s the reason people don’t watch or didn’t like Captain Marvel. I think both those assumptions are mostly false

feet fungus

The third panel really is the cherry on top getting sure the hamfisted message is hammered into your brain in case you are dyslexic.

I couldn't believe someone can be this retarded

He would be powerful in our whole solar system because of the sun.

But more than half of those Superman movies were flops

Wow.. he based

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Superman movies are about a man, Clark Kent, who was raised in a flyover by rural christian family and the problems that brings being a god into his life. His strength is and always was secondary to the story.

If he goes to a different star system with a red sun, he'd instantly lose his powers. He has limitations, they're just cosmic ones.

Superman IV was the only one that flopped

>superman's message is if you have power you should hold back
>captain marvel message is captain marvel strong independant woMAN
Can't imagine not knowing the difference, you would need to be brain dead to not notice.

Thanks user I'd forgotten about this

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Does he just want people to hate him or something? How does he even make money? Who buys his shit?

Superman is dead in two of those movies he is comparing. Captain Marvel had no threat to her in her movie.

smallville was ok tho.
wow 20 captchas, wtf

Is this a dobson roast thread, if so bump it up.

>superman's message is if you have power you should hold back
Yeah in Snyder’s shitty DCEU it does, not in the good Superman movies

Based Sarah

Dobson huh

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>omg stop, I made fun of that, you can't do that
great argument

jesus christ this is cringe

Why he is acting like he wasn't white ?

this art is almost pleasing, what the fuck happened


yeah i hate that "message"
it's like im too good to kill my enemy but when they break out of jail or i hold back they cause more death and destruction when i could have just finished(killed) them right away

look at batman, they are always breaking out and causing more trouble when he could have just killed them and saved future people death and misery
i know it's fiction but still people in reality think that holding back is good due to this shit....pisses me off

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He’s weak to kryptonite, he’s weak to magic, and he can be deprived of his power by either exposure to red-sun radiation or deprived exposure to sunlight, depending on the version. In the films, he also is sensitive to extreme sound, but that is a less crippling weakness.

Meanwhile, Captain Marvel has only ever been stopped by two things ever: the power inhibitor the Kree put on her, which she simply overcame with raw power, and the Power Stone, which is one of the single most powerful objects in the entire universe, and also *is gone now*.

>he's weak to magic
as weak as an average person is to magic and as long as whatever is conjured is a normal thing it'll work normally.
IE throwing fireballs won't do shit to him but magic ghost flames or some shit will

Tbh, I've always found his art to be at least serviceable, sometimes even good. It's his personality and opinions that are cringey

A magic sword will cut him, though. He's not weak to magic per se, he simply has no innate defense against it.

This would be funny if I didnt know he was being incredibly serious

Too basef

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>I saved the movies, so why didn't I feel like a hero?
idk, because your boss reminded you he had insurance? because they're just fucking movies?
I honestly have no idea what the point of that comic was.

>browse the Yea Forums catalog
>there's a Dobson thread on one of the first pages

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Right; it’s a hole in his defenses, as opposed to a “weakness” the way Kryptonite is. Still, it’s a thing for him.

>Is Captain Marvel too overpowered?
Imagine if Captain Marvel was introduced before the first Avengers movie.

In every avengers movie, (aliens invading New York, Ultron's meteor, Thanos army on earth (infinity war), etc) you would just be waiting for Captain Marvel to show up and save the day like in infinity war.

No one would watch the movies, because every one would know that at any time Captain Marvel can show up and rekt any bad guy...

Now you tell me if she is overpowered.

I know, right? These are always comfy a fuck.

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how does he have any supporters?

I guess it's because no matter how much we may feel like losers sometimes, this Dobson guy is beyond pathetic.

Yeah and easy to exploit, too, given how pervasive magic is in the DC universe.

What was the thought process behind this?

>telling a woman to calm her tits
That's quite sexist.

>omg, stop
Is he a 16 year old girl?

99% of these people can be explained through self loathing

It was also after her Dad killed himself I believe.

>I've always found his art to be at least serviceable, sometimes even good
he's an absolute beginner at digital drawing and it shows

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Does he still get mad if you mention his inflation "art"?

folds faster than Superman on laundry day

Superman literally had an artificial weakness created to make stories about him interesting, if anything that is the biggest indicator ever that overpowered characters don't work.

>söyboy hating on superman and DC in general
More news at 11

It's easy to shine when you're competing with shit like this

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What's the context behind that comic? I see it posted here often. I can't tell which of the "edits" is the original one.

the artist’s girlfriend had a miscarriage and this was Buckley’s tasteful announcement to his fanbase

ok sure, but imagine a reality where batman kills people.
it's a little creepy.

That isn't Achewood

superman is overpowered and boring

this is the og, it's titled "Loss" iirc
as you can infer from the drawing the girlfriend had a miscarriage and it's tragic. from what i remember this was at the time wildly out of character for the artist who usually drew stupid shit and was basically his attempt to branch out into dramatic territory, kinda if michael bay were to make a b&w slow drama. needless to say it was parodised to hell and back

To think that guys like him can actually get laid and have girlfriends... Are American women just THAT easy?

he did in the early days

>as you can infer from the drawing the girlfriend had a miscarriage and it's tragic
I can't really tell, I thought maybe she got punched in the belly or hit by a car or something (assuming this wasn't the complete comic).

This ugly bald midget STILL makes the same smug blue fursona roasts representation of people I dislike?????

No idea. It's something that made sense only to him

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All of those were disliked except the campy 70's ones with a different tone

that's not even it, buckly had written himself into a corner by having a baby coming which would have completely kneecapped what he considered his "comedy" because the characters would have to deal with the reality of a newborn instead of just making "lol but what if the cake WASN'T a lie"-tier references disguised as jokes.
His elegant solution to this problem was to kill the baby, the famous comic is where the main character and we the audience find out, after it came out he tried to justify it by saying he had been with a girl who had miscarried (I don't believe it was his child though) and he actually made things worse by framing himself as the primary victim.

But I can't fucking stand Superman either for this very reason.

yes she is, and so is superman, superman is fucking gay and always has been.

I feel worse than how I feel about dobson almost all the time to be honest

Don’t they tell you at most workplaces to not engage with someone stealing shit?

>christopher reeves
>brie larson


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Yes and if you stop a criminal you lose your job. Honk honk.

i won't say the context is crystal-clear but you can infer it pretty easily from the "tragic" atmosphere and the fact that she's holding her belly. ofc you could interpret it as her being raped, but i think a miscarriage is inferrable

Do you really?

I think it makes sense. The place is insured so anything stolen isn’t really a loss, engaging could end with you injure or dead

Wasn't the screenwriter's inability to justify the existence of the other league members next to Superman considered a major problem in Justice League?

>white knighting a fictional character

Fuck Dobson

yes you're right user, our benevolent employers should be allowed to force us peons to put our health and safety on the line in pursuit of saving $7.99 of merchandise, taking it out of our paychecks if we fail to recover it.

>omg stop omg stop omg omg omg omg
>please can we talk about inflation instead of things outside my echo chamber

This. All places have a policy that if they've come to rob you, happily give them the Moon with the best customer service you can muster.

I get what you mean. Like he sucks but at least he's famous and has people that respect him. Besides he probably enjoys his stuff, can actually draw and thinks he's alright himself. I don't even have friends.

Well to be fair I still have some trouble believing that shitty indie comic artists have sex and get women pregnant, so that got in the way of me even thinking this was the case.

Self aggression

Are you just pretending to be retarded?

Superman is boring too.

There hasn't been a good Dobson thread on Yea Forums for months. I have a whole folder of Dobson content that has been waiting to be used again.

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Working retail is an almost completely prideless endeavor and then it's rendered completely pointless when you're not even allowed to try to protect your store's merchandise. I don't think that's the point Dobbo was trying to make but god damn I don't miss working retail.


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are you saying you actually give a flying fuck about the crackhead who just walked out of the store without paying for his chicken tendies? So your boss's boss's boss loses a tiny amount of money, who gives a shit?

But superman is lame and boring?

literally can't tell if this one is mocking dobson or if he made it himself

because a man needs purpose and it's degrading when people steal, because even though it's not your store you're still representing it. Have you ever felt accomplishment when working? It's like the opposite of that.

Dan jurgens run was pretty good

in all fairness, I hate Superman for that exact reason

Captain Marvel is an asshole

1) Superman has a defined weakness. CM doesn't.
2) Superman is from Earth, CM is from some unknown alien society nobody knows shit about (Skrull and Kree? wow so interesting)
3) Superman has nemesises who are known and popular on their own.

>lol why do you care
Because niggers need to pay for things you stupid nigger.


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Thanks guys. I was feeling like shit today but now you remind me I'm not as bad as Dobson.

>Have you ever felt accomplishment when working?
no, I work in retail.

Anyone have that picture of bear Dobson defending some cosplay girl in the toon, with the real life image of a girl modeling for a picture while IRL Dobson is creepin?

Some people have that effect

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I don't even know what her powers are because she looks boring

Imagine being upset you aren’t allowed to risk your lives so your Jewish overlords who find you completely expendable don’t lose a few bucks

I'll start tackling the crackheads as soon as management starts paying me to.

It's an edit of him making fun of a guy with a cartoon pony shirt who says that he can't relate to the cast of Black Panther. Here's one that has a good amount of Yea Forums content.
For those who don't know Metroid, just know that everyone, regardless of opinions on women, hated it.

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>why would fans boycott because ooga boyega when lando and windu existed
Because they were both periphery characters and/or Billy Dee and Jackson can actually fucking act?

>voyager and LOZ cartoon
shame everything else about him is dogshit that's pretty patrician

None of them can compete with Natty

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I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you mean metroid other M, not the entire franchise.

His ramblings about Netflix She-Ra are equally cringe

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How come Dobson hasn't transitioned yet?

I like how literally every board has a reason to loathe him. There mere fact you aren't him is the ultimate self esteem boster

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>everyone works for megacorporation franchises

chris is almost likeable compared to dobinson
chris is naive (no joke intended) retard, dobinson is an an unapologetic asshole

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Why can't you understand the difference between being asked to attack a crackhead and being fired for taking the initiative to knock over a thief?

>what's marvels weakness

A lot of people don't like Superman.

Imagine a world where the dominant cultural mindset is so utterly fucking retarded that Dobson is able to successfully assimilate into it.

god damnit I hate zoomers

>For those who don't know Metroid, just know that everyone, regardless of opinions on women, hated Fusion

Dobson's in his mid 30s

Yeah, sorry. I'm a Castlevania fanboy, and I hate how they butchered Samus in Other M. Of course, this is a man who thinks that Samus had green hair in the original games and hates her zero suit, despite Other M being the game where she was in it the most.

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Her movie sucked because she's invincible and can do anything, which means there are no stakes in what is ostensibly an action movie. As far as the audience is concerned she has no kryptonite, she can just fly at light speed and destroy entire fleets of spaceships if she wants to

Dobson has inhumanely bad taste.


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it's a photoshop you dumb nigger, a very obvious one at that

Dobson's a manchild rapidly approaching 40, user.

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the logic is that a store would rather loose 30 bucks in product than an employee getting stabbed on the clock (to which they might be liable)

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The man could make some decent material in the past.

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Doesn't he have an inflation fetish?

I would argue that a normal human is "weak to magic". So it would still be a weakness, just not one that is special to him.

because it's the same thing? just because you decided to take it personally doesn't mean you've done anything right.
I would like to take this opportunity to point out that you are literally arguing for dobson on this matter. Insurance exists, and I'm sure that mega corporations would love to hold their employees financially accountable for losses due to theft, but they currently can't and we shouldn't give them that opportunity.

Superman strongest weakness in his stories is not kryptonite or magic, but his overly pacifist and moderate personality. Some might say that it is the defining trait of the character, and it actually is, but is also the reason of 95% of beatdowns he took. That's why Superman is an interesting character, he may have everything, but he also holds himself to the most.

Captain Marvel doesn't have that. She is aggressive, controlling, authoritarian, and have no mental restraint whatsoever beyond the writers sense of morals. She isn't a clear character on her own, as her mental limits goes to the point of how deluded the writer is. We have already seen her spanking low tier bandits, and trying to impose an authoritarian regime using children as her soldiers, and in none of those moments you could say "she is not acting in character", because she is in itself a very vague one.

She feels like a self insert, and I'm not saying that she feels like a self insert of the viewer/reader, which is acceptable. She is a self insert of the writers, and that is what makes her so pathetic.

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>Who buys his shit.
No one. All he does is bitch on social media.

Based Alpha Nerds flexing on a low tier popsumer.

>Of course, this is a man who thinks that Samus had green hair in the original games and hates her zero suit, despite Other M being the game where she was in it the most.
>he never played Zero Mission

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>gets shit on all the time
>fucking dies

>captain marvel
>never has any trouble with anything

I do see a lot of hypocrisy in this comic, yes

this can’t be real

Is this sneed?

I've read many posts like that on here desu

Yup. Check out his magnum opus.

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Consider how many misrepresentations are in this pic alone. He probably never played Final Fantasy or DnD.

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so does dobinson think he's a """"nerd"""" or not?
he pretends to be a part of the culture to lecture us about how evil we all are and "need to do better" but then looks down at actual geeks and nerds making fun of their appearances (when he looks more than his stereotypes than most actual geeks or nerds)

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Imagine risking your life and potentially getting stabbed by a homeless guy over 4 DVDs, and doing it for whatever low rate being a rental store clerk gets you

Isn’t that Robin Williams daughter? Pretty recently after he died?

what does that comic mean
didn't all of that happen in the 90s? does D-man even play video games?

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yes and he's desperate to cover that fact up as well as some of his drawings depicted underage characters

>be a chink
>watches western shows and movies all the time
>still loves back to the future, star wars, etc
>never once bitched about the lack of chinese people in today's films
>modern day
>people say shit like that
>apparently it's not racist when they do it

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Yea Forums should be added to this pic, with the saying: "Yea Forums hates him because of his constant shilling for nu-Star Wars and Captain Marvel".

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>implying anyone watches the DCEU

not made by Dobson, why did you think that?

>does D-man even play video games?
I don't think anybody really knows what he does with his free time
I assume he spends all day googling his name to find people saying mean things about him to "shut them down"

Superman isn't even the strongest single being on the planet, much less DC universe. As in pure physical strength. Compared to how goddamn powerful other DC heroes are, Superman is like A- tier. There's also emotional weaknesses. Superman, when written well, has to balance his emotions with his staggering power. This is why he's iconic, because he has to balance responsibility with being a physical god. The biggest weakness he has is the inability to be in more than one place at a time. Superman is the utmost positive response to the Ring of Gyges, that a man's willpower can indeed overcome his desires.

Blue bear does know that no one wants to watch Superman movies either, right?

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Adding to this, someone once told me that he thinks the best Superman stories are the ones where the only suspension of disbelief you need are that superpowers shown exist. Everything just naturally falls into play once that's accepted. I agree. Superman is far more than just his powers and there's far more to him as a character than many give credit.

He's someone who played nintendo games and read a few comics when he was younger, got associated with the nerd crowd and then did everything he could to pretend he was superior to them while still milking it.

I saw what I know now to be a fake tweet of Dobson saying that he regreted his past art after someone sent him pic related.
Of course, the art still looks good, so it wouldn't be below Dobson to simutousaly take credit for good and and gain leftist brownie points.
I do know that this tweet is real, though.

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Based Natty would have chopped that strawman's head off

In the context of the MCU? Yes

There is only one lord of the natties, and he does not share power

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What is even the message here

dobinson pretends to be a nerd but hates when actual nerds know more about nerd stuff than he does

>Captain Marvel doesn't have that. She is aggressive, controlling, authoritarian, and have no mental restraint whatsoever beyond the writers sense of morals. She isn't a clear character on her own, as her mental limits goes to the point of how deluded the writer is. We have already seen her spanking low tier bandits, and trying to impose an authoritarian regime using children as her soldiers, and in none of those moments you could say "she is not acting in character", because she is in itself a very vague one.
So, poltards, who have a boner for any authoritarian figure, would have been all over her if only Captain Marvel was male. That's pretty sad t b h.

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Corporate I would imagine but little mom and pop shops are like the wild west, some kid tried to lift a bottle of goose at the liquor store I worked at years ago and my coworker manganed to cut him off through the side door and light him up like kam chancellor. The cops and owner wouldn’t stop telling him what a good hit it was watching the tape. I miss that job so much

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remember that now that DnD is "in" he's massively into it
God I hate normalfags

literally no one even mentioned /pol/tards. Yet they continue to live inside yor thoughts, rent free.
You need to go out more my friend

cope with what you retard

Once disney eats eveything maybe we'll get rogue giving her the succ and averaging her out.

Dobson's possibly a legitimate sociopath, or has some rather serious personality disorders like B/HPD.

He thinks he is a nerd. He's a nerd just like any nerd on Yea Forums, but he swallowed the "if I seem like I am progressive enough and openly advocate for the castration and degradation of the things that truly matter to me so that they will appeal to the people who dislike me and do not want anything to do with me or people like me, then I'll finally be popular with all the cool kids and women" pill.

Only if she used her powers against blacks and jews

>What is Kryptonite?

Stupid bear.

> hates women
> loves Daddy Trump
> calls others faggots
seems legit


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Only if she was an anime girl

>Ouch! She's right I'm wrong!

you’re delusional and live in a world of strawmen, you fucking faggot


Superman smiles tho

that angry blue bear always gets me

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>fusion Samus
>I will Allah Ackbar myself and blow up this station
>Samus, stop. You know that it won’t kill all the ones in the planet. Worst yet, you kill yourself. The one greatest threat to the X in the universe. The one threat which the X has tried to kill with numerous enemies, Main Boiler explosions, shutting off power, etc. In other words, literally anyone can see that you are doing exactly what they want for them. Don’t kill yourself you dumb bitch. Set the station to collide with the planet but give yourself enough time to escape.
>Oh okay adam, I do what you say. Would you like another sandwich with that?
The game made me think Samus was delusionally obsessed over Adam to the point where she can't even take Adam's self-criticisms. She decided to Allah Ackbar herself instead of trying to keep herself alive. She had the entire game to figure out that the X wanted exactly that and literally tried blowing everyone up just to kill her & it took Adam’s pimp hand to make the dumb bitch decide to prioritize her own life. Literally any plan that has a high chance of killing her should be vetoed by anyone sane yet she couldn't.


Is he a pedo too?

I don't get paid enough to stop drunken retards from stealing booze during the weekends.

We must cater to women to increase sales and anyone who might object should be mocked.

>sees an in to connect with a girl who shares similar interests
>gets shot down
Was this what he was going for? Or that he himself is not in touch with Marvel comics?

For eight long years I waited for Metroid to make its triumphant return, to see how they could possibly follow up a masterpiece like Super Metroid. And this is what I got:

Cramped space station missions instead of lush, expansive worlds. Dumb bosses. No exploration and extreme linearity due to story railroading and Nintendo not trusting players to be able to figure things out on their own. Extremely dumb additions to the character ("Half-human, Half-metroid hybrid" and some nobody involved in her past I'm supposed to give a shit about). Survival-horror segments utterly forced into an action game to really drive home the fact that you have absolutely no freedom. Poorly-written melodrama with intrusive unskippable dialogue to anger you should you ever even give a thought to wanting to replay the game. And finally, a complete removal of the exploration, the expansive environments, the fun puzzles; basically the exact things that defined Metroid for what it was. But even that wasn't enough; they had to dumb down the physics and control that they pulled off so stellarly in Super, this wouldn't really be a problem if Super Metroid hadn't come out first, but as a game that retains most of the core features and innovations of Super Metroid, they took a giant shit all over all the great freedom of movement and skill-based techniques it offered.
This is basically the one game that destroyed my naive belief in Nintendo as some infallible developer who can never, ever make a bad game. I was an obsessive Metroid fan before that, and you could say I even still am to an extent, but the franchise is just dead to me. The series' creator has demonstrated that he has no intention to ever make it again what it once was. It always strikes me how people talk about how they're still bitter over Other M. Well I haven't forgotten Fusion.

>that rose bit
The entire fucking thing was claimed by a literally who twitter account with no source whatsoever.

>another low wage retard doesn't understand the difference
You're right where you belong.

>I'm so tired
>the underlying issue
>So frankly
>as far as I'm concerned

It's so pathetic how muricans do a culture war using pop-culture and they take characters as some kind of enpowerment tool. Is that what braindead capitalists are meant to be? Also, proletarians are most opresed than anyone else but nobody cares because they are white. Fuck America. Fuck capitalism. Fuck feminism and progresive garbage. A mega corporation doesn't know ANYTHING about opresion. If something, they are the ones opresing the people.

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>About time the Jedi Knight boys club gets a girl!
what about just build your own girls club instead of destroying the club of others.

metroid fusion was my first metroid game and my first metroidvania game, I don't know if I would have the appreciation for the genre that I do now if fusion hadn't eased me in, playing it now it is obviously a clumsy betrayal of many of the genre's core concepts but it served its purpose as literally baby's first metroidvania.

brie is not cute


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He can also be destroyed by a supernova.

Based commie.

>what does that comic mean
It means that Dobson has an autistic obsession with the misguided impressions he got in the past (hair color being different due to tech limitations, his image of the characters coming from shitty third party cartoons and so on) and can't admit that he was wrong, thus there has to be some evil conspiracy that forced these changes and he only is still defending how the characters are TRULY SUPPOSED to be. Seriously, his obsession with brown haired Link is legit mental illness tier and so incredibly fucking petty.


Kida from Atlantis:The Lost Empire exists. They could have just done that.

5 billion revenue you retard

it might just be memeing nonsense but there was a somewhat compelling theory that he hates blonde link and blondes in general because one of his primary bullies in school was a blonde.

I can believe that. It sounds exactly as immature and petty Dobson would be.

Good fuck progressives

>boys club
How to instantly tell these fags have no idea about the source material whatsoever.

You are literally me. Dob will always be a hypocrite.

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Isn't mocking an effeminate male by implying that their apparent homosexuality is a bad thing very problematic?

Based and redpilled soviet user.

>this whole thread

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this was back when dobson was trying to get the "hardkore gamer" crowd on his side with all his "great" opinions on video games which he never played.

you are not cute

Marvel’s weaknesses is her unbending nature it leads to a lot of headaches and issues specifically causing the Civil War 2 arc in the comics. But in terms of movies nothing. Although I suppose the same thing could be said about Tony’s intelligence. He kinda just makes anything even if he doesn’t think he can look at endgame. I mean marvel worked for the plot in the logical way in terms of battle because you need some kind of force to kill the thanos army without having to lose half your cast or you risk losing any since of tension and by the time captain marvel shows up you don’t really need that tension aside from one off “he’s about to get stabbed” moments.

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People criticize superman for this also. However, this criticism shows a fundamental lack of understanding of his character. Superman is not interesting because hes all powerful, hes interesting because hes all powerful and yet he still can’t be everywhere at once. The same can be said for Captain Marvel. I haven’t seen the movie but I haven’t liked any of the modern iterations of Superman. I find them bland and pretentious.

Oh no no no

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To add to this, Dobson thinks the Dic animated versions of Nintendo characters should be the canon versions of them. So Link must have brown hair, Mario must be a wacky Italian from Brooklyn, etc.

mario being from Brooklyn is part of the official nintendo canon, him being italian is an anachronism, he's italian-american.

Is this what happened when Dobson met Natty?

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Being a woman

>Samus' jumpsuit covers her whole body
>is almost assuredly what you would wear under a powersuit irl
So her wearing attire appropriate to her occupation and being a finely shaped female make her character sexist? What is inherently wrong with the female form? It's almost like he's virtue signaling for feminists, instead of thinking critically.

Is Natty satire or not? I can’t even tell

Yes. She's superman without a vulnerability to kryptonite or magic. And he's already too powerful.
Only a tard like fat bear-man could think otherwise.

Superman has a Weaknes
Marvel doesn't

wtf I love Natty now

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Thank god we had that third panel at the bottom, otherwise I'd have absolutely no idea what he was insinuating

"Looks like a Looney Tunes version of Benjamin Franklin" fucking kills me every time

>What is inherently wrong with the female form?
Not being morbidly obese is an impossible standard.

What the fuck is wrong with that faggot?
If I had just found that picture I'd have assumed the """artist""" was joking

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>violently assaults or even murders every other male in the comic
>simply tells off the male feminist while he pisses himself
I mean, I don't know whether to hate or love this author. Natty seems like a post-modern masterpiece of some sort if it's self-aware.

>OMG How dare people not agree with me
The neckbeard edition.

Natty is based, its where Recacar Johnny, the most powerful comic character ever, comes from after all

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Superman faced enemies that actually challenged him, he had the threat of losing or dieing. Carol was not challenged by anything she faced

All I get from this is that you have some silly idealised version of Superman, and your characterisation of Captain Marvel is how everyone else actually sees Superman.

Why did I read this in Jerma's voice?

According to the author not.

>silly idealized version of Superman
That's what Superman is, you fucking dolt. That's the entire point of the character.

Natty is a parody of preachy webcomics, ya dinguses

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If audiences don't respond well to new characters, maybe there's something wrong with those characters? And if they make good movies with good characters, maybe audiences will respond positively to those movies? Pic highly related.

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Lmao he thinks that comment from that site was a compliment. They basically said in nice words when you’ve read one thing of his you’ve read them all. What an ugly dipshit.

She is, but it's not just that.

Thor for example is probably the strongest Avenger in combat. Given enough time to prepare, Tony Stark can do some absolute bullshit, but for an off-the-cuff throw-down Thor was the high end of power until they introduced someone who can casually solo battleship fleets.

It's basically impossible to challenge Captain Marvel without being Celestial-tier. Which means absolute bullshit power levels to the point of being able to conquer large parts of the galaxy. Which is fine, but eventually run into the Even Biggerer Death Star problem where you have to keep jumping that shark.

So usually you would challenge them on a personal level, but Marvel has no vulnerabilities. Self-doubt? Nope, never an issue. Struggles with morality? Nope, flawlessly virtuous. Connections with other people? Nope, she just fucks off to other planets instead of protecting Earth because she cares about people in general rather than specific individuals.

The movie was entertaining enough, but there's not really much you can do with her story-wise unless they're willing to walk back on her power level or characterisation.

Ok Kryptonian bootlicker

It's not a parody, the guy who makes it legitimately believes all this.

>I can't like a movie because they don't look like me!!

Is this a real thought shitskins have? Is this indicative of lower brain capacity?

Don’t try user. Some people refuse to believe deluded people like that actually exist.

It's an absurdist take on misogyny and toxic masculinity

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>Link is too girly

Someone should accuse him of promoting toxic masculinity.

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Based Racecar Johnny.

Surely this is satire


Batman lets his criminals repeatedly get placed in the same insecure holding facility, does everything in his power to save their lives, and has gone as far as breaking into Arkham to prevent the Joker's assassination.

Superman holds back when he can, throws people into an alternate universe when he can't, and is more than willing to let actual threats die (or kill them as needed). The message is to mete out appropriate punishments.

It's not

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This is far too stupid to be serious. Matty has to be a troll thing.

It'll be fine as long as they keep her doing crazy cosmic shit along with Avengers appearances.

Which seems to be what they are going with, so yeah it's fine.

Threadly reminder

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based Rob Lowe

Yes and he managed to be so autistic and unlikeable that even inflatefags hate him.

It's really not. If you want to know how self-loathing the white male author is, he's the trekkie in pic related

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kek may the better artist win

that's 123 dollars too much. Does he even do anything but whine?

According to the author it's not. He just treats it as some retarded way of blowing off steam, but he legit thinks like this.

What even is Captain Marvel's weakness? What is the actual conflict in her film once she gains her powers? I haven't seen it and probably never will
Is it like that part of Justice League where they build up the villain the entire movie and then Superman comes in and fixes everything in 5 minutes?

It looks like chapter 0 of a comic in which a sóybóy slowly learns how to not be a cúck any more. It has an anti-consumerist theme (a wage worker saving DVDs he doesn't even own) and a tantalising lead-in to his GF... I would read this. Unfortunately, reality does not match up with my vision.

The funny thing is that Sakimi is the absolute epitome of "soulless" yet compared to Dobson she has earned every single cent.

I never understood this "it's IMPORTANT for everyone to be represented" argument
I never dreamed of being any movie character as a kid, at most I'd play with my action figures or LEGOs without imagining it was me doing the fighting or whatever
Am I autismal or is it everyone else?


>The violence in Natty is inspired by two things: Bugs Bunny and professional wrestling. It’s over the top, it’s absurd, and it’s gleeful. It’s not meant to be taken seriously, but it is meant to empower people who have been put in uncomfortable, frightening, and dangerous real-world situations while vilifying the people who put them there.
Still think he was too hard on Fat Kevin tbqh

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If I had a tablet pen, I'd edit FUCKIN' FUCKERS to say FUCKIN' NIGGERS and then spread it around on twitter

>fun dude is fun regardless of his weight (or even more so cause he's fat probably)
>it doesn't matter if the fat bitch is fun becausei t's impossible to have lasting friendship between genders
it'd be the same with the genders reversed, I don't get it

>any superman movie
no hypocrisy
they're all garbage

It's funny how opposite of reality this is. In real life they'd be mocking "fat kevin" and trying to hook up with the chunky girl who'd gladly stop talking to the other nerds for a chance at chad cocks.

Fat Kevin is an adult and is responsible for greater things than breathing and getting drunk. By taking on that mantle, he too takes on eons of misogyny, with a smile on his face. Fat Kevin is no fool but wishes for others to think otherwise. He has not pulled the wool over my eyes.

Fat Kevin is based

>I never dreamed of being any movie character as a kid, at most I'd play with my action figures or LEGOs without imagining it was me doing the fighting or whatever
I self-insert because my life is so uneventful but the counter-argument would be that you're a white male (probably) so everything was already catered to you

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>risking a fight with a bum over 4 DVDS worth about $10

Truly the hero we deserve.

Rest in peace fat Kevin, sweet prince

Superman being boring because he's overpowered is a very very common criticism of him though.

Why weren't they just empty cases like in every other place? I can believe he shouted or something but there's no way Dobson was ever able to jump a counter or had the balls to tackle someone

>mfw bums had cars in 2005

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Not same dude but I'm hispanic, my grandma is black and I never thought about being represented. I found relatable characters based on beliefs, not skin color or gender.

Imagine feeling pride for working for a faceless corporation.


You self insert because you have a small brain.

>omg stop arguing shut up and just follow, don’t speak out
Zionist brainwashing almost complete.

Fat kevin did nothing wrong

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Imagine feeling pride at being a NEET without empathy.

>Stuffness..It happens!

What the fuck does that even mean

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Batman also needs his enemies to hold himself in a functioning sociopath state in every night. He is bat-shit crazy. Love him.


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Yessss this is what I open comic threads for
Post more comics that will make me mad at SJWs

so whats with the "white power" gesture at the end?

i want to smoke weed and eat Doritos with Fat Kevin and i don't even smoke

Shut the fuck up about that already, you failed at making that a meme
Now stop trying to distract us from that illuminati gesture being everywhere in the media, nu/pol/

I knew two homeless alcoholics who lived out of their cars in the mid-late 2000s and we have harsh winters here and this is nothing approaching a "big city". You are very naive.

cool story user, because homeless people can totally afford cars, and because someone who can afford to run a car totally can't afford to rent some shitty apartment

what did kevin do?

This guy needs to have sex. Some women like it when their man orders for them

I'm more suspicious on the part about him having a gf

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ok bud...

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phone numbers

Ahem. Have sex.

Be male.

Communist twitter would lynch you for saying that, and let's be honest: proper tankies like you aren't going to be the ones running things if the revolution did occur. The ones with the most social capital (them) will be.


I thought he was openly gay. When did he say he had a gf?

how is this sexist, my girlfriend always orders for me at restaurants

Captain Marvel took a head from Thanos and shrugged it off because it was nothing. Superman had to struggle to beat Zod and died fighting Doomsday.
Even compared to the poster boy for being OP Carol is even worse


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It's not a very fair one though when you look at his enemies. It's a joke to complain about Superman being OP when Flash is fighting a bunch of goons with guns

Even in the face of death Fat Kevin was based AF, I hope he live in the Valhalla

Chaplin was based AF

That's cute, but emasculating.

>Implying women didn't marry at 16 during that era, and usually to older men.
>"Not me, I wouldn't have done anything un-progressive! I would've been woke in 1920!"