>it's another episode of historical revisionism where white plantation owners of course are portrayed as evil merciless monsters who kill their own slaves because they are bored even though in real life slaves were treated well since they were pretty expensive
>protagonist is looking for his wife and his "friend" convinces him to try to con Calvin into selling them Django's wife
>"he won't talk to us if we just want to buy Hilde from him"
>turns out in the end Calvin would've been willing to sell Hilde for them but only for five times the price she is worth
>if Schultz wasn't such a miser everyone could've gone home in peace
>of course everything backfires and Schultz dies
>Django kills everyone on Calvin's property in """""""self defense""""""" then to rescue his wife
>half of those people actually didn't do anything
>I'm supposed to believe Django is a good guy
thank god I don't live in the United States of Americuck, your movies are borderline unwatchable with their shitty stories
It's another episode of historical revisionism where white plantation owners of course are portrayed as evil merciless...
Other urls found in this thread:
>where white plantation owners of course are portrayed as evil merciless monsters who kill their own slaves because they are bored
some of them were. probably a small minority. but that's what movies focus on for the sake of plot, I don't see how that's worth getting butthurt over.
your post is shit and your poor attempts at criticism are garbage. so are tarantino's movies, for what it's worth
>you are not right because I said so
nice argument there, pal
>racist pos plantation owners were a very small minority, it’s not a problem that they portray all of them like that in movies
>your post saying that Django Unchained is bad is shit, however Tarantino movies are bad
are you memes aside and unironically retarded?
>”Tarantino movie sucks” opinion is garbage
>Just like Tarantino movies
Classic Yea Forums autism
It's a fucking movie retard
>a movie with a shitty story gets a pass since it’s just a movie
the state of this autist
>i can imagine it in my fantasies so the revisionism is okay
Shut the fuck up racist
Oh fuck off uncle ruckus.
>While it makes some intuitive sense that a person would be rationally motivated to take care of his or her “property,” as the Economist’s reviewer suggested, historians have found that American slaveholders were apt to provide minimum levels of food and shelter for enslaved people. They considered black people’s palates to be less refined than white people’s, and this justified serving a monotonous diet of pork and cornmeal. Enslaved workers were expected to supplement their diets when they could, by tending their own vegetable gardens and hunting or trapping—more work to be added to their already heavy loads. Evidence shows that many enslaved people suffered from diseases associated with malnutrition, including pellagra, rickets, scurvy, and anemia.
>Even if an enslaved person in the United States landed in a relatively “good” position—owned by a slaveholder who was inclined to feed workers well and be lenient in punishment—he was always subject to sale, which could happen because of death, debt, arguments in the family, or whim. Since very few laws regulated slaveholders’ treatment of enslaved people, there would be no guarantee that the next place the enslaved person landed would be equally comfortable—and the enslaved had limited opportunity, short of running away or resisting, to control the situation.
>Bottom line: This is another case of the “two wrongs” fallacy. We could compare levels of mistreatment of Northern factory workers and Southern enslaved laborers and find that each group lived with hunger and injury; both findings are dismaying. But this is a distraction from the real issue: Slavery, as a system, legalized and codified the slaveholder’s control over the enslaved person’s body.
Now tell me what you think about original Django.
>white plantation owners of course are portrayed as evil merciless monsters who kill their own slaves
Slavery in the French colonies were ruled by the Code Noir and you would have been trialed for the comical behaviors shown in American movies.
I prefer Prepare a Coffin
Oh boy pol b8
>Slaves were treated badly, they were fed and sheltered but they had to work hard and had a lot of injuries and illnesses
>So it's okay to portray in movies they were killed for fun
So by this logic it's okay to frame your neighbour that he raped your sister because he stole your bike, right?
>le /pol/ boogeyman
>if Schultz wasn't such a miser everyone could've gone home in peace
This, nobody would've died if the fucking german manlet kept his cool, but 'le ebil wh*Toid is a slave owner and freely uses the word nigger so he must die!!11!!one1!!!'.
Which was funny, since Django and Schultz were the main perpetrators who breached upon a law-abiding plantation owner's private property to illegally steal from him... but since he's a white slave owner it's ok to infringe upon his rights, well at least according to normie standards anyways.
Gotta love hollywood, just a bunch of powerful jews using their movies to influence public opinion about 'wypipo bad', even though jews were the ones made up the majority of slave owners and were also the ones who bought and brought them into the west from Africa......
>historical revisionism where white plantation owners of course are portrayed as evil
>have slaves
>somehow not evil
>slaves were treated well
That’s an interesting sentence.
>it's another episode of Yea Forums trying to masquerade racism as movie criticism
>to illegally steal from him
They offered to buy her at far above market price. The worst you can say they did was misrepresent their business as they weren't actually interested in buying mandingos.
How hard do you try to be triggered by everything you sensitive little snowflake?
It was just the time man. We can’t expect them to have any morals, ethics, or humanity because it happened a long time ago
>thank god I don't live in the United States of Americuck, your movies are borderline unwatchable with their shitty stories
It's not like you're forced to watch movies if you're American. What's the logic underpinning this statement of yours?
Compared to miners in 20th century Europe they had it pretty good.
they were fed, sheltered, and overall looked over by their owners
like one user pointed out, if they became ill they didn't care too much, but the portrayal of slaves being beaten, tortured or killed for fun is just plain bullshit, since they were expensive so the owners wanted the slaves to live
but of course you'd know this if you read a history book or even a wikipedia article
There were plenty of people back then who thought it was abhorrent.
owning slaves was the norm for all of human history and arguably they were better off than staying in africa
>the main perpetrators who breached upon a law-abiding plantation owner's private property to illegally steal from him... but since he's a white slave owner it's ok to infringe upon his rights
If you do something to harm me e.g. hold my woman against her will, insult me, own other people from my group, I will literally kill everyone around you, and you last.
Fucking immoral cracker.
>Buh my rites...
The Uncle Ruckus version is probably more accurate than what we're taught in school. Shame we don't learn about the Arab slave trade, or the Ottoman slave trade, or the trading of slaves that occurred within Africa itself. Nope, slavery was the white man's sin and his sin alone and they must suffer to atone for it
who? Lincoln and his friends? they had slaves too
>If you do something to harm me e.g. hold my woman against her will, insult me, own other people from my group, I will literally kill everyone around you, and you last.
Be careful what you wish for
*ting ting*
Ever heard of the abolitionist? John Brown?
>they were better off than staying in africa
>black slaves were sold by African warlords
>mentioned warlords defeated rival tribes, killed the old and the children and sold the adults to Americans
I mean, which is worse? getting killed and your head pierced on a spear or working 15 years in labor before you die?
Why are alt-right racists so dumb? Is there something in the water or did their moms drop them on their heads when they were little?
>They offered to buy her at far above market price
>after Candy found out it was a scam and threatened to kill Hilde
A white man, you mean? Strange that a race would care about the enslavement of another race enough to go to war over it. Is there a parallel example in history?
>Sold the adults to Americans
Weird way of saying Arabs
I imagine a good many people in the blue states.
Those people were ignorant of what they were dealing with, they paid for it.
I’d make no such mistake.
Actual abolitionists you mongoloid /pol/tard
Ah yes in real life we all know that owning slaves is actually not bad. But don't you know that whites were slaves too and blacks owned slaves too? Which was bad.
pretending to be black on Yea Forums doesn't make you black, although it does make you a nigger, nigger
You mean to uphold the union? Abe was an avowed racist.
>historical revisionism
It's tarantino lol, he does whatever he wants for the sake of narrative
hitler died in a theater fire in inglorious basterds and something similar supposedly happens with charles manson in once upon a time in hollywood, could it not be more clear he doesn't give a shit about historicity?
>pic is a summer of '92 reference
here, have a dime
they don't even teach you that only ~5% of the slaves of the trans-atlantic trade went to the US. the rest got worked mostly to death by the wonderful latinx peoples and the french
>heh, was it middle school insult number one or middle school insult number two, gang?
Shut the fuck up you faggot nigger loving tourist.
Ah, of course. So as long as I treat you well you should have no problem being my slave.
>criticizing a movie for historical revisionism and overall shitty plot makes you are an alt-right nazi if the protagonist is black
why are libtards so dumb? Is there something in the water or did their moms consumed alcohol when they were pregnant with them?
Right because the half baked ramblings of some user asshole are a more reliable source.
They were murdered by their slave masters you stupid fucking asshole.
might as well be huffington post or motherjones
>and the french
France was the only country to give its slaves a legal status.
>posts how jewish owned all the slaves, therefore making this statement utterly irrelevant
>denies the holocaust ever happened, therefore making this statement utterly irrelevent
Yea Forums /pol/ = where white people are superior, expect when they are not
You two are not making the alt-right look bright.
>my only counter-argument is le /pol/ boogeyman
OP meanwhile doesn't need any source does he?
They're not any less reliable than FUCKING SLATE come on
France was at the forefront of abolition
Well its a known fact that pol has infested this site and is trying to imply that this website has always been racist and nazi supporting.
They literally post the links to peer reviewed historical sources in the fucking article you single digit mong.
Regardless, you all are the dumb fucks that are making stupid claims with no evidence. It's not my job to do a fucking google search for you.
Also, I think journalists will always be a better source then some random assholes on Yea Forums.
Saying Nigger does not make you cool and edgy. Hating black people doesnt make you less of a fucking loser
>a thing
Seems you took a wrong turn somewhere on the ol' information superhighway my friend
Are you implying pol does not exist?
Looking for good guys/bad guys in a Tarantino movie...
yeah that's why they had to be beaten into it by the british
They're just being ironically racist, except when they're not.
I kind of dig how the /pol/ bogeyman works people into being retarded
much like the lefty boogeyman riles /pol/ into doing the same. People enjoy dancing with shadows around here.
They lean liberal but there is no evidence that they are biased cuck.
What ?
>known fact
The horde of redditors that flooded here to "fight /pol/" during the election have been the more noticeable infestation over the past couple years
You quoted the wrong post there cuck
And that is a good thing. Racism should not be allowed to exist and grow.
>They literally post the links to peer reviewed historical sources in the fucking article you single digit mong
Means nothing when they play their game of chinese telephone with their sources like they always do pulling a completely baseless conclusion out of their ass in the article proper.
>The horde of redditors that flooded here to "fight /pol/"
r/the_donald migrants literally shit up /pol/ so bad oldfags fled the place.
I didn't even know there was an original Django.
Is it good?
Spoken like newfag fucking shit. This was a fun clubhouse to talk about video games, anime and being socially isolated. The racists were a part of it but they were a tiny amount that most people ignored. Then stormfront realized that this breeding ground for loser was ideal for recruiting so they astroturfed and /pol/ posted to the point that everyone left. alt-right fags are the real infestation and a smarter world would have fucking gassed them all.
If they are doing that then demonstrate it user.
You didn't say /pol/
You're not making yourself look like you're not a migrant here
God i wish that was me
How gullible r u lmao
I love Yojimbo and every single movie that retells that story even the shitty ones, Django is great though and actually does its own thing with the story which I find is a plus.
Mongolito, is that you ?
>Racism should not be allowed to exist and grow.
>Except when black and asian people do it, then don't bat an eye.
>the fucking delusion on display here
>I didn't even know there was an original Django.
Dude, please tell me you are just baiting
>samefagging this hard
>newfag can't handle the truth
Stormfags raided /pol/ back around 2012 or 2013, can't remember when they got exposed exactly, but you need to educate yourself.
>just read the wiki page
Jesus. White people can be scary.
Maybe Europe has some chance of retaking their land once they realize they're being invaded.
What are /polcels/ mad about this time?
The majority is not allowed to determine what is racism, only the minority is allowed to do that.
>samefagging this hard
that doesn't make any sense
actually it's libtards fighting the /pol/ boogeyman because someone said black slaves weren't actually killed for fun
jesus christ, go be new somewhere else
>nigger hate threads have been on Yea Forums since 2005
Looks like you're doing a little revisionist history here, user.
>Maybe Europe has some chance of retaking their land
you mean England, Germany, France and Sweden? the migrants horde is just a meme in Center and Eastern Europe
Seems more like /pol/fags in denial, raging that anyone questions retarded OP
sure thing, lefty cuck
>Eastern Europe
Hardly counts as Europe
>excuse me sir, can you tell me what is exactly the problem?
stay worked and boil more, you seething incel
And here we have another user raging at the lefty boogeyman. Many such cases.
It's a script. They obviously have some kind of briefing file and it's really pathetic.
>it's a Italian people aren't actually white episode but in the geography class
>doesn't understand the very concept of samefag
>pretends he's not new
At least have the decency to lurk before posting. You're embarrassing yourself lad.
user... I'm sorry ...
imagine getting upset over the historical accuracy of a Tarantino movie
SJW cucks like OP get mad about anything
>the lefty boogeyman. Many such cases
if it's the lefty bogeyman that actually exists, then could you please explain me why is that when I go to Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, or actually any other board there are always at least six completely off-topic black thread to trigger imaginary /pol/cels?
>whites in the same period faced routine abuse in factories and coal mines, worked ungodly hours for poverty pay
>children forced to work around running machines with no safety guards, losing fingers, limbs, or lives was a routine occurrence
>white coal miners were literally enslaved by companies running the mines, had extremely high mortality rate
>nutrition wasn't really understood, people across the entire planet often ate only staple foods with rare additions of things like meat and vegetables
>people in cities lived in slums and buildings built without a building code that were prone to massive fires and collapse, poor infastructure meant outbreaks of things like typhus and TB
oh but won't you please think exclusively of the plight of the poor innocent blacks that got the same shitty treatment!
seethe more, faggot
>off-topic black thread to trigger imaginary /pol/cels
Such as? The manchildren REEEing over little mermaid? /pol/ does it for free.
>strawmanning as well as samefagging
your cope will be one for the ages
>points out a movie is basically a "le ebil whytemen" meme
I might be wrong, but aren't sjws the people who would love this stuff?
my bad, I wanted to write 'blacked'
little mermaid isn't off-topic since it's Yea Forums related
Wasn't the majority of blacked threads from asian masculinity?
>your cope will be one for the ages
says the fuming cuck, kek
Prove it, of you can't stop being racist and go to school.
Do you have any idea what the fuck you are talking about. Shouldn't you be too embarrassed to spout this shit?
Which one of those is literally owned and treated like property?
That my retarded friend is the difference.
>blacks didn't lose limbs, their houses didn't collapse with them in it, didn't have to inhale toxic gas in mines
this level of autism is kind of scary
>slaves were taller than most whites despite being same height today, implying they weren't poorly fed
>slaves worked less hours than free white labourers doing the same work
>slaves work was relaxed enough that you can take a bunch of random university students today and have them pick cotton under the same conditions and they'll comfortably pick it just as fast
anyway, this is just a dumbshit article by an idiot who doesn't even understand the arguments he's responding to. yeah, slavery was bad compared to today's standards. compared to the standards of the day? they even had better life outcomes than many whites in a lot of ways. definitely had better life outcomes than their ancestors who remained in africa.
what people do have good cause cause to be mad at is literally every other slave-trading nation except the US, but somehow nobody cares about all of those. nations that constantly had to quell massive slave wars don't get to pretend they treated them well. looking at you, frenchies. yeah, 'cuz you just gave 'em those legal recognitions out of the goodness of your heart, right? they had to fight to the death for that shit, and you only gave it to them to stop that from happening, and even that you only did because the solders you kept sending over to suppress them kept dying from tropical diseases wiping out entire armies
Why arent the niggers who captured and sold Django shown in a bad light?
>every other slave-trading nation except the US, but somehow nobody cares about all of those
kinda like how more chinese soldiers were killed in japanese concentration camps than jews in german concentration camps
>being this historically ignorant
The compromise of 1850 was such a big deal because independent farmers couldn't compete with plantations, and so didn't want new states to allow slavery.
The Quakers were notorious abolitionists who saw slavery (any violence against others) as an affront to God.
It was pretty much tabled as a discussion in the continental congress because it was almost an even split and conducting the business of revolution was a more pressing issue.
A lot of people were against it for practical and moral reasons.
>A lot of people were against it for practical
>and moral reasons.
kek no, Lincoln was racist just like Lee, he didn't give a fuck about black people, he just wanted to get rid of the confederate
>Unironically believing Lincoln wanted to be the savior of black people
There were more Chinese in China than Jews in Europe though.
true, yet literally nobody talks about japanese concentration camps when it comes to ww2
>they had to fight to the death for that shit,
lol what ? It was made out of pure administrative autism. Slaves started to chimp out centuries later precisely because they were given "too much" freedom.
>literally nobody talks about japanese concentration camps when it comes to ww2
Clearly you've never been to /his/.
>but a board on a Belgian taxidermy forum talks about it
I meant in history classes in high schools
I admit tho I don't know about college history lessons
>in real life slaves were treated well since they were pretty expensive
Go fuck yourself.
>nigger triggered
Tarantino literally described it as a farce you absolute mongoloid
>gets worked into a shoot by a simple sentence
>reddit spacing
Fuck off.
Yeah bro. I learned about the rape of nanking in highschool.
We're going with the slaves were treated good narrative? Retard/10
Based user
It's awesome to witness /pol/ lose so much preference in what was once their shit posting hub.
open a history book, it won't bite you, I promise
>le /pol/ boogeyman for the 100th time
I was like you once.
>hey Quentin, you know this stuff you wrote isn't quite historically accurate, right?
>well, I didn't pay attention in history class ... call it a farce and we are good
based irl shitposter Tarantino
OP summed it up in a retarded way
slaves however were treated better than they portray it in movies
read further posts
Let's be honest, what can you expect from Hollywood which wants to pander to the black audience?
as opposed to the OP who is right because he says so? What's your point?
>The masters are obliged to feed and clothe their slaves and to give each week [...] two and a half jars of cassava flour (article 22) as well as two cloths a year (article 25).
>Masters who killed their slaves would be punished (art. 43)
>OP lists a lot of things why the movie sucks even though he puts it together in a retarded way
>user: "your opinion is garbage and that's the bottom line"
based retard
>it's a "well actually slaves weren't mistreated" episode
Next up: Lincoln was the REAL racist
Who cares if they were treated better than complete shit? They were still literal slaves with zero agency.
Read others' posts. Unless if it's tiresome for you to read past the OP.
I had yesterday with your mom tho
>it's a "well actually slaves weren't mistreated" episode
they were, but the way Hollywood exaggerates it is borderline historical revisionism
>Next up: Lincoln was the REAL racist
he was racist
It's bad cause those are the only portrayals of those people in film.
>defending slave owners
Faggot, Black people didn’t want to be slaves
>more work to be added to their already heavy loads
lazy cunts can't even be bothered to get themselves some extra food, it's all
>Massa, gib me moe food! Massa please!
but when "massa" says to go get it yourself they all go insane!
>Who cares if they were treated better than complete shit?
"Complete shit" being the random white peasant. I'm not saying that slaves lived the dream because being an object is weird as fuck, but they were certainly not at the bottom of the scale and were certainly not treated like in Hollywood movies.
Kek, OP is a retard but all the autists who didn't attend history lessons fuming itt is kino. Slaves weren't treated well, still the "ebilwhytemen" media's portrayal of plantation owners in these films is exaggerated as hell.
>hey considered black people’s palates to be less refined than white people’s
That's because they are.
If the niggers are just going to drown everything they eat in hot sauce and sugar, there's no point in giving them nice stuff.
>Hollywood exaggerates
Unsurprising. The real question is why is that suddenly a problem on this issue and not in general?
>he was racist
Pretty much everyone was but Confederate apologists always bring it up to try and move the argument away from the evils of slavery to the flaws of the abolitionists.
>You have imperfect motives so you're bad too
I'll stop being a racist right after the niggers do.
>works leftycucks into a seethe
>leftycucks work /pol/tards into a seethe
>endless headbutting over 160+ posts
based OP drawing the house
>my woman
She's jumping up and down on White cocks, negroid.
>you have to like niggers to think that whipping them is bad
only after you kys, champ :)
So you'd rather be a literal slave than a free poor white?
slavery had been outlawed in britain and it's colonies in 1833. America had been viewed as backwards as hell by most of the civilized world, so nothings really changed since then.
Both were a nightmare, I'm just saying that slaves weren't tortured 24/7.
So which is it?
>I'm just saying that slaves weren't tortured 24/7.
That isn't true, I saw a film yesterday directed by an American movie director which tells the story of black slaves, they were beaten and tortured and killed for no real reason, you absolute racist fuck.
>your life sucks, you have to work hard and still starve to death, but you have your freedom
>your life sucks, you have to work hard, doesn't starve to death, but you don't have your freedom
which one would you choose?
Yeah user, everyone that wasn't a slave starved to death.
Not him but the comparison is about the lowest peasant class. Some slaves were literally land owners, but it's not what we're talking about.
So we are arguing in the extremes here? My question remains, would you rather be your basic slave or your basic poor white?
Garbage for garbage, I prefer to be white for aesthetic reasons.
Conveniently the one where you're not a slave
Also the one where you can actually stave.
Is it me or is /pol/ starting to lose influence?
Seems like evryone has turned against them.
Fuck the white race desu.
>slaves weren't treated badly like....ever b-bro
>read a Wikipedia article
>However, the ill-treatment of the slaves being illegal, the company began to avoid Lalaurie after a neighbor had surprised this elegant woman chasing a slave girl with a whip. The girl jumped from the roof in a desperate effort to flee Lalaurie and killed herself. The neighbor warns the authorities.
>the ill-treatment of the slaves being illegal
>The neighbor warns the authorities
Imagine the same shit in Africa.
>one white person did a terrible thing boohoohoo
lunatic plantation owners existed, but were rare unlike in films where all plantation owners are serial killer maniacs
also, stop being a retard
>Is it me or is /pol/ starting to lose influencea after there are more and more redditors on Yea Forums?
>hey look, I read a wikipedia article about a woman who was a crazy fuck, don't tell me Hollywood exaggerates their shit
pol overstepped by a lot. It takes a retard to buy arguments like "jews are the worst on earth and subhuman, but also they control the entire economy and goverment and outbreed the white race with somalis as only 2% of the pop" or "slavery wasnt bad, back then standards were different and slave owners werent crazy evil, also every nigger and nigger lover should be executed today" You have to be a certain type of retarded to unironically believe this, so the louder they got, the more people of at least average intelligence got tired of it.
>films cant be exagurated
Would you rather that all films are just reskins of Tree of Wooden clogs? Also how is a single feature length film going to represent all the different aspects of slavery? Its an action movie for fucks sake. You are being intentionally retarded so you whine about muh sjws and anti white liberals.
I watched if for the pew pew blood explosions desu, it's not that deep
You saw that movie with the pol prism. It's highly unrecommended.
>It's a "Yea Forums" identifies and sympathizes with slave owners" episode
Get new material.
>"hey don't act like a jerk just because you watched a movie"
>says the person who called others dipshits after reading ONE (1) wikipedia article
oh the irony
Im not the same guy user.
This to be honest. I considered myself racist, visited /pol/ once, realized I wasn't racist and they were all a bunch of retards.
Whites did it to every race on a scale that no other race can dream of.
Saving this one for future reposting alongside the Clerks one
>slavery had been outlawed in britain and it's colonies in 1833.
Nigga have you ever read a history book?
yeah, we know, Shlomo
How the fuck do you think 2% of the population able to spend every hour of every day refuting your positions?
>Da joos. Whitey dindu nuffin we wuz good bois. Finna build a church and teach love and kindness to dem savages
You sound like a nigger.
/new/ was full of "stormfags" back in 2009, faggot newfag.
This is tour brain on college education nowadays
>why doesn't this us history class teach ottoman history
That's a tough one, user.
Based retards itt seething over opinions like a bunch of redditors
Why do so many white people on this website think that the US slave trade is justified by the existence of other slave trades?
Slavery wasn't even real.
Because it was? Slaves had it better than the niggers in Africa.