ITT: shows/movies that are impossible to discuss on Yea Forums
ITT: shows/movies that are impossible to discuss on Yea Forums
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daym sum thina nigga harum doot deet peeeeeel lmao shup niga lol
What is there to discuss, OP?
I have never watched the show but I will happily hear your view on why it's worth watching
Atlanta is unironically a pretty comfy kino.
/pol/ needs to stay in its containment box.
Yea Forums has had completely normal atlanta threads in the past, you just have to ignore the screeching redditors
It's good but it's a hit or a miss each episode
it's funny
>nobody checking these digits
what's the symbolic of having peaches stuffed into your mouth ?
the comedy is well-done and editing/shot-framing properly conveys the claustrophobic/tense atmosphere felt by the characters who are all trying to 'make' it
I remember seeing stuff about it here
based and checked
They're monkeys.
probably something to do with blacks having their voices silenced or some stupid excuse they give for the shit they do.
now those are aesthetic
Go home Kramer.
They eat pussy. Never heard the phrase Georgia peach? The show is called Atlanta. It isn't subtle at all.
i think i watched a few episodes of this and the only thing i remember is a incredibly corny scene where someone shoots targets of dogs at a firing range and the white guys there get upset.
it felt so forced.
easily the most based kino on tv and the haters are just pure cringe
Came here to post this fpbp
dubs wasted on pol faggot
dubs wasted on dubs wasted on pol faggot faggot
t. a faggot denied his dubs
did you not see me getting double 64's you bitch?
"Forced" is the only way to really describe the show. Everything is so laughably unnatural, you can tell the script didn't draw on experiences from actual atlanta hood niggers. It's just some weird egalitarian hipsters take on atlanta nigger experiences
These are the same people who will unironically turn around and claim to be smarter than the average American.
t. a faggot denied his trips
My white brother who's majorly into nig culture loves it, probably because his only idea of black culture is rap and movies.
it's a dark comedy show, it's not supposed to be feel natural. the surreal feeling you get is intentional. glover is generally too far up his own ass these days with his woke stuff but atlanta is still solid.
>that episode where the black kid identifies as a middle aged white guy who goes to farmers markets
Probably my favorite episode also this show reminds me a lot of the boondocks.
>two parents and a successful academic career
this nigger is whiter than 99% of /po/
Congrats on moving the goal post retard.
Never seen this show, but this scene is funny.