Best thing to watch while dabbed out?

best thing to watch while dabbed out?

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your mom's 500th porno video

dabs are for literal retards, all you're doing is making your tolerance sky high to the point where nothing but dude dabs lmao is even going to give you a buzz. Hope you burn yourself really badly like every other idiot dabber I've ever met

old DARE films about frying your brain with drugs

cringe. kys zoomer

you have to be an even bigger retard to burn weed if you ask me

My life crumbling away

"Dude weed lmao" series 2

its only $7 a gram for dabs at the dispensary I cant afford to smoke 5g of flower a day I can afford to smoke a gram of dabs though


ask you what, faggot

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me dabbing on you

Never felt like a bigger crackhead than the first couple of times I dabbed. I noped out of it real quick, hardly even smoke weed any more thank god. What a waste.

Literally had an internal panic attack because of how disgusting I felt using a blow torch to smoke weed, and realized how badly my friend's life had gone down the drain who was smoking me up. He's literally a paranoid schizo now... fucked up shit man.

what the fuck is dab (drug), is this a meme where you pretend a drug exists that does not exist

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Your eyelids, fucking degenerate.

daily reminder that if you can't get a good buzz from a small hit of flower, you're addicted

>tolerance so high he has to do 5g a day

It's also extremely antisocial to freebase some chemical rather than pass around a bong/joint

This. More than one small pipe hit has me too high to really enjoy any of the benefits THC/CBD offer.

cute and funny vids

Holy shit that is TRASH

Also dabs are shit, smoking is the patrician cannabis consumption method

This dude gets it

Concentrated thc oil you vaporize with red hot iron hooked up to a glass bong. My first was after only smoking a handful of times and it was the most terrifying shit I’d ever experienced, and I’m almost sure that and all the shit I smoked since triggered some sort of mental illness.

you can use a bong for dabs I've been places where people are passing around a piece of glassware and a torch

DUDE how will he enjoy WEED

Just smoke some hash joints a couple times a week
Dabs are retardedly strong, don't know how anyone could enjoy them except for retarded 16 year olds who think being as high as possible somehow makes you cooler