ITT movies and shows where the bad guys win

ITT movies and shows where the bad guys win

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Based movie

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Phone Booth is pure concentrated kino. I've watched it so many times I know it word for word, every time I watch I feel the movie is over before it even begins.

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ex machina
gone girl
kill list

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rewatched it last week for the first time since its release
certified cinéma, no doubt about it

WW2 movies.

no country

was ww2 just revenge porn? The only people who suffered enmass were fr*nch, j*ws, g*rmans, r*skis, j*ps and ch*nese but goodly anglos were allowed to go nuts and "avenge them" by playing with spitfires and tanks in calm theaters where there are few shortages of choccos and ciggies then cathartically nuke and firebomb everything

medusa looking motherfucker

usual suspects obvsly

Schindlers list

karate kid


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The bad guys won WWII user. The anglos won and now we have SJW and mass immigration.

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