Vidya movies

Why was this the only time it worked?

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because the others are bad?

because its that bad ass masculine male driven movie. anything that panders to teens and women fails. sweet soundtrack and cool lightning thunder

Pic related worked too.

Attached: Silent Hill.jpg (338x500, 16K)


Attached: Cara-Delevingne-Unique-Headpieces-From-All-Angles.jpg (550x550, 52K)


Silent Hill was actually a pretty decent movie

cause it tried to be faythfull

Because it was. I love that movie so much, it's so comfy and fun.

It's the only one I know of that litterally copied the source material.
The first hitman movie with olyphont was nearly good until the hack director has to shove in a love interest where it all wentto shit. Any other vidya flick just missed the point entirely.


Attached: Kano.jpg (850x478, 50K)

Would I be looked at as a bad person if I bought the sequel to this movie within the last five years?


Attached: liu-kang.jpg (640x360, 18K)

Because it wasn't based on the game at all outside of the characters being in it.


Attached: Raiden.jpg (620x350, 30K)




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That movie was pure concentrated kino.

Angry birds is unironically the best video game movie.

Mortal Kombat and Silent Hill, really the only two which have worked reasonably well.

Attached: silent hill.webm (1920x820, 466K)

How does this rate on the cringe scale?