Who's your obscure Yea Forums waifu?

Who's your obscure Yea Forums waifu?

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Mae Whitman.


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I never watched that show.

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Do you watch good girls?

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watching Dark right now and I lose focus every time she shows up

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Here's a pic of the only thing I ever saw her on.

for me it's kat

Attached: Kat.jpg (1920x1080, 619K)

Duh forgot pic

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look like the girl from that swedish lesbian movie

Obscure here or obscure irl?

Attached: Moner Banned Instagram Picture Too Hot for 4channel.jpg (1080x1350, 132K)

It is. Fucking Åmål

>that swedish lesbian movie

a-user but she is retarded and widely hated here in spain

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heres your waifu bro

Attached: Rebecka-Liljeberg-1320x694-lt[1].jpg (1280x671, 144K)

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Lexi Rabe, I like her lisp

That's really good for 38, demanding job, no makeup and 3 kids.


But why


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Oona from Masterchef Jr. season 2

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Attached: Elena.jpg (920x610, 62K)

she's french, you wouldn't have met her

Attached: mattymay.png (780x445, 214K)

Sarah Green from Penny Dreadful

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That mutt from expanse who is friends with Detective Miller

Attached: Hannah+Quinlivan+Skyscraper+New+York+Premiere+VcyM3KDeV-0l.jpg (399x600, 96K)

Attached: Olivia Thirlby.jpg (2592x3872, 1.26M)

gave me a good chuckle

drug addict and batshitcrazy SJW
>hazardous material

Anjelica Bette Fellini

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She used to be really popular on here years ago