Why did the Atlas Shrugged film trilogy flop?

Why did the Atlas Shrugged film trilogy flop?

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Its an impossible film to make. Also it had no budget so it already looked goofy as fuck then they had to adapt the more asinine parts of the story. I love Rands books but Atlas Shrugged is not movie material. The Fountainhead is more of a movie. Roark is a fairly straightforward protag. Also We the Living is a good one for a movie.

I guess people aren't that interested in ideologies that lead to global slavery and thermonuclear war

Cringe, cucked and bluepilled

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because Bioshock didn't

only sóyboys don't want that

Kill the poor worship the rich:the bitch
Read anthing else but this witches loonasy.

The free market decided.
On a more serious note Ayn Rand is generally considered a mediocre writer, hack philosopher, and as a person was a total jerk. These criticisms extend well beyond left wing circles. She had all kinds of autistic beefs with mainstream conservatives, religious people, and libertarians.

If you had ever read one of her books instead of believing your communist professors, you would know that most rich people in her books are incompetent buffoons.

because normal people don't sympathise with jewish psychopaths and their degenerate fantasies

This. Plus Raimi said if they don't cut it out he'd reenact the synagogue scene IRL

Starts a monologue of 2 pages why the rich are

She's not a communist though lol

I wasn't aware there was only one such ideology but thanks for enlighting me professor


Shut the fuck up cringe commie faggot

>uses a whataboutism, something the soviets were famous for

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truly the level of argumentation one can expect from an Ayn Rand cultist

>because normal people don't sympathise with jewish psychopaths and their degenerate fantasies
>what is capeshit

By far the most cringe post in this thread.

You sound old

Well said

can anyone shop this so she is really buff

Wasn't Zach "The Kino King" Snyder supposed to deliver Rand kino?

What is Batman v Superman?

she sounds pretty based

non-political answer:

Nobody even knows it existed. I only know about it because I researched Objectivism for a time. And even I didn't see it or care to.

Ideology aside, Atlas Shrugged is a poorly written romance novel.

the movies were pretty terrible
back in highschool I had to read Atlas Shrugged, I thought watching the movies might help me for the big fucking test we had on it, the last one had just come out

the first one was the only good one but still pretty bad, as they go on they get worse
they replace all the major actors every film, cheap CGI, the last one becomes like an shitty action film
the book was bad but the movies are another level of bad

what highschool makes you read a highly controversial 1200 page book?

She's the proto nupol fag. Insufferable, a cunt, hypocrite of the highest standing, high on her own farts, selfish, and ugly as a bag of assholes. The perfect example of a shitty person.


I agree with Ayn Rand, but her writing is not good. It just goes on and on and on, slamming you over the head with the same message over and over again.

Trips confirm.

Andy randy: BTFO

one that ends up being shot up to hell by an incel

Interesting how poltards seem to worship rand who is possibly the most Jewish person to ever exist. She turned being a jew into a full blown philosophy.

Really jogging the nogging.

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It was boring

How the fuck would you make a film about such a nonsensical, pseudopolitical story with hour long monologues that are literally just preaching the views of the writer? Its like a movie about "the Turner Diaries." Unless you support the ideology itself it has no actual artistic merit, and most people grow out of their Rand phase by their sophomore year of college.

nobody on pol likes her. Stop lying.

The poltard cries out as he strikes you

Absolutely based.

>/pol/ is one person

There's really not that many Libertarians, and even then, 85% of those who identify as such are pretty much the muh guns and muh no taxes kind who don't give a shit about Randian Philosophy.

I had to read it for an optional class called theory of knowledge
it was a class where we were suppose to have philosophical debates and stuff but spent most if the class fucking around, it was my senior year and I couldn't have cared less

Even outside of the debatable merit of the source material, the movies were vanity projects by a bunch of people who neither had the budget nor the talent to adapt the faithfully, much less in a way that would make them something greater than the sum of their parts that might appeal to people who have no previous interest in Rands philosophy. Doesn't help that the people behind the movies seemed to have been conservatives, which strangely enough seem to have embraced Rand, when she little but disdain for them when she was still alive.

Might as well be.

Gigabased boomer

It's unfilmable, and they tried to make it 5 hours long. The first movie is just random characters asking who John Galt is, the second movie has an entirely different cast, and the third movie is the last 15 pages of the book. What the fuck were they thinking.

>Why did the Atlas Shrugged film trilogy flop?
Lack of major distribution
Kept changing the actors.
No big studio to make it.
A subject matter that alienates a significant portion of the country.

>Interesting how poltards seem to worship rand who is possibly the most Jewish person to ever exist.
No they don't.

its 1200 pages of mostly interior monologues, laconic dialogues, and grandoise proclamations of self-woirth. imagine filming the john galt's speech on the radio. anthem i believe lends itself far better to the medium of motion picture, though as nothing but a quirky sci-fi.

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/pol/turds are collectivist losers who want the state to take over their personal responsibility, along with their freedom, what the fuck are you talking about. this isnt 2012, the boomer invasion is not a meme

because most of the book is internal monologues and people thinking. I'm pretty sure even people who enjoyed the book would agree that it can't make a good movie

Absolutely. I think even Rand herself would concur. It's a gloriefied philosophical manifesto complemented with just enough story to keep the the 95-120 IQ demographic turning pages wheres they'd fall asleep trying to read The virtue of selfishness.

>being a woman, the philosophy

Eww gross and written by a dirty welfare parasite.

fear not, boys. Kino is bad on menu

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>*destroys your ideology*

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I've literally never seen a Rand cultist. The most famous thing about her is the apparently rabid and obnoxious fanboys she's supposed to have, but there can't be nearly as many of them as obnoxious Rand-haters, since they're the ones popping in and giving their opinions every time there's a discussion on Rand

it is indeed bad

great game
shame a movie adaptation would be terrible

the market said: no