Rewatching S11
>It Takes you away
>Demons of the Punjab
Were actually really good
>The Witchfinders
Were watchable
The rest is below trash , except the NY special that one it's so bad it's good
Basically not an exceptional series but not as bad as S2
What are the rumors regarding S12?
Doctor Who
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>What are the rumors regarding S12?
tim shaw will come back as a cowboy
there will be an episode about noor inayat khan and we will see her be executed in a nazi concentration camp
the judoon are coming back
chibnall will resign
this is exactly why there wasn't much discussion or circlejerking once the season was released
it wasn't good enough for bloggerss to be able to say "HAHA, FUCK YOU HATERS" and it wasn't bad enough to warrant continued trolling
Nilso is gay
Punjab is the best of s11
fuck off judy
S11 was mostly fucking boring, give me pure schlock like S2 any day of the week.
I have no clue why Chibnall is even with this job, it's clear he has no story he wants to tell or anything he wants to do with the show.
RTD turned Doctor Who into teenage melodrama soap opera and made it sexy (was fucking KINO).
Moffat made a whimsical fairytale with time fuckery (K I N O) and then made it a full-fledged character drama with long-form character development (ABSOLUTE GOAT).
Chibnall's just... making Doctor Who? And that's it?
Hope he quits already and someone with actual passion can come in to do this shit.
Also nilsos gay
but muh Rosa
Chibnall's vision for the show is BAFTA bait
Has the "s11 as entry point for new fans" been accomplished?
>incel thinks people care about his opinion
ok sweaty, the reason why you hate s11 is because the doctor IS A WOMAN!
Doctor Who and The Stonewall Protests.
By Chris Chibnall.
In late January 1963, a huge crowd of students and young men and women gathered at the London University of Science and Technology to mark the birth of one of Britain's first black, gay and bisexual men: Winston Churchill (a British poet and activist), professor and chair of the SISQ group. This was the first of what would become a long series of events to celebrate and welcome the "baddie".[13] His name was William Wallace, and was born of a marriage of convenience between British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and the Australian-born (Irish-Australian) writer and poet Ernest Shackleton.[14] One day, when the new, black, gay and bisexual politician from the Caribbean was visiting London, the crowd broke into spontaneous cheers when he told them that he had been brought up a black male but was now in love with the woman of his choice: Winston's wife, Eleanor. They began having a sex life together, having several affairs. Then in 1969, Winston told his father, Lord Mountbatten, that he was gay but that he was not at all afraid of women or men. This was the last time he was ever openly gay - he left Britain in 1987 aged 40 and was born in South Africa to a wealthy family in the Indian state.
dr who is shit and nilso is gay
Doesn't seem like it since the ratings for this show have gone down.
Marzgurl loves s11
Who gives a shit about Marzgurl?
her patrons
>>Demons of the Punjab
I loved that episode, thought it made S11 worthwhile just by itself.
The only annoying thing was that show would have been outstanding in the context of any other series, but having followed half a dozen episodes of "Man is the real monster!" actually harmed it a bit.
>emons of the Punjab
>I loved that episode,
Kerblam ! was the only episode that felt like Doctor Who in season 11.
Doctor Who & Ann Frank.
-The Doctor finds Ann Frank, a woman from a nearby island, alive after years of travelling with a mysterious girl from another planet. When this young woman discovers the Doctor, she attempts to seduce him with her powers of persuasion. When he rejects her advances, she attempts to escape, by telekinetically throwing her husband onto a spaceship which lands in New London. At the crash site, he discovers an android on board who asks him to find another young woman with whom he can be intimate for a long time. However, the Doctor refuses to leave Ann and she becomes the object of desire for anyone who takes her into their home. Although the Doctor has other plans for her, it is quickly realised that her past is not an acceptable option at all. The Doctor makes a deal not to return to her home planet until he can cure the android (without which he will be unable to prevent it from killing her), but Ann is not impressed. The android is defeated but Ann remains trapped on her own planet, so the Doctor decides to go straight for the android's location. As he goes to the planet of the android's victims, he is attacked by the android itself, and so the Doctor is forced to travel back in time, destroying the Android while taking a number of objects from its spaceship.
this girl did things to my sexual (and romantical) preferences. i don't think i can go back to white girls, bros.
Has she run into any of her old companions she made moist back when she was a dude?
Chibbers made Broadchurch, which was popular at the time that they were choosing a new showrunner. Plus nobody else wanted the job
>Plus nobody else wanted the job
Wasn't there already a lot of crossover with DW and Broadchurch? Tennant and Arthur Darvill were both in it off the top of my head.
the pool of bbc actors is shallower than Nebraska's gene pool
It seems chibbers wants to turn the show into an educational cartoon except without funny jokes
Think live action the magic School bus
Plot: The Doctor's relationship with a time traveling companion, K9, and a time-displaced "pangender" servant dog, Mee, is explored in this story. K9 tells him: "I love you. I love you! I love you!" (You can find more clues on the site about all the clues we've featured this season here). Also, the Doctor sets up a "charm offensive" game for his companion in return for the dog's help in the game. The dog agrees but, after a while, Mee and Mee's master, Balthazar, arrive at the Doctor's house and "take her by herself!" (The word 'rabbits' is missing from the script!)
Broadchurch was on ITV
>it's another nazis are evil episode
>Broadchurch was on ITV
if i'm honest this made the entire season for me
when that frog popped up i almost pissed myself
kek the god of chaos
Isn't that every non 12 Dalek episode?
have sex
Doctor Who & Ann Frank.
Plot: Ann Frank was in Amsterdan when she was attacked by a madman that caused her to lose her memory but when she regained her memory she discovered she had become a time-traveling, female alien called Sarah Jane Smith. After Sarah Jane was abducted it caused a time-travel paradox in all her past lives to allow her to travel back in time and stop the evil time-traveler from destroying the future. This also allowed Sarah Jane to get back at Doctor Who for her attack.
bend over
It should be legal to rape 'have sex' posters.
>pure schlock like S2
at least Series 2 gave us The Girl in the Fireplace and The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit, a pure Moffkino ep and a stealth RTDkino two-parter (RTD had to rewrite the entire script for both parts uncredited)
Have sex big boy.
I'm okay with this.
>It takes you away
>Really good
He's perfected earkinos. It would be unfair to let him perfect eyekinos and bring the show to a peak it could never return to.
>we will never get the crazy mundane spin offs on tv.
All of series 11 was awful. Every second was bad. Also watch Horns of Nimon. It's better than the whole Moffatt era combined
>Rewatching S11
>Watching season 11 once let alone twice
>What are the rumors regarding S12?
It's going to suck even worse than S11.
>Moffat made a whimsical fairytale with time fuckery (K I N O) and then made it a full-fledged character drama with long-form character development (ABSOLUTE GOAT
Moffat fags need to fuck off back to Gallifrey Base with their fucking atrocious hivemind opinions
Why yes Martha jones was the best companion, how did you know?
Death to the Daleks is shit but there is 5 minutes of Sarah Jane in a swimsuit
Delta and the Bannermen is the funniest DW script, with City of Death coming second. Debate me
Not watched them in ages but all of Pertwee's Dalek stories were pretty guff I think.
I much prefer these occasional comfy Doctor Who threads to the tripfag cancer that is /who/
we are here
/who/ is without hyperbole one of the worst generals on Yea Forums. It's a tripfag infested hive mind with zero valuable discussion. Everyone who posts there should be perma-banned.
Neck yourself.
I quite like Day but Planet is the worst Pertwee story. Doctors should use it put patients into comas
Thank god they kicked that shit off here. Now they have to hang out on zoopornchan or discord or whatever.
u jealous?
Capaldi > Tennant
Fite me nerds
hello captain obvious
>Jodie is against violence but has no issue setting off bombs inside Tim Shaw or having space racist killed
>Pertwee has no issue using violence but tries to avoid genocide of the Sea Devils
Chib should be hanged
Capaldi is actually bad and is made worse by Moffatt's crap. Fite me
Tennant had much more competent writing behind him, though Capaldi is the better actor.
Shame half of Capaldi's episodes were shit.
The most hilarious thing is, Chibbers was on some nerd show when he was younger critiquing the writing of the show. His writing is much worse than any of the 5th/6th/7th Doctor stuff he was bashing.
I bet your favorite companion is Bill you disgusting homo
Is Day the one with the time travelling assassins? That was pretty good.
How did you get that from the fact that I dislike Capaldi's Doctor and Moffatt's era
Yeah that one. I love the scenes with Aubrey Woods and Pertwee.
and matt smith uses his screwdriver as a fucking lasergun. every doctor has a different view on violence
Yup. Storytelling talent besides, RTD had something to say with each of his outings. So did Moffat. I don't even know if Chibnall actually wants to say something about anything when he writes an episode. Or oversees one.
That combined with the fact that both RTD and Moffat were actually terrific TV writers and Chibnall isn't even half as talented as either of them just makes S11 an utter bore, if not a complete failure.
>watching S11
>not dropping it as soon as her heard her horrible accent
If half of Capaldi's episodes were shit, that ratio would be well over 67% for Tennant. Capaldi actually had some of the best episodes of the entire show.
lol imagine thinking this.
It's almost as if living for thousands of years through countless traumatic experiences would change people
Here's a pic of the farthest Doctor from the first ideals , literally a walking, talking genocide
>Implying I can differentiate British accents
1. I was talking about the hypocritically morality of Chib
2. They really don't have too differing a view.
imagine geing born a bong mutant and be forced by contract to appear on screen next to scottish chad david tennant
>Capaldi actually had some of the best episodes of the entire show.
Cannot find your argument
My argument is that all of Capaldi's episodes ranged from awful to boring to alright. S10 finale was alright, I think all of S8 was bad from what I remember, and the same for S9
He doesn't need an argument when it's self evident that you're wrong. You are the one making the extraordinary claim, the burden of proof is yours.
Isn’t Heaven Sent widely regarded as one of the best of nu-who? I only saw it once, was it actually bad or are we just being contrarian?
Capaldi evolves with time
Listen and Sherwood were overrated
He starts to warm up around KTM, Flatline, Forest
s8 finale is very good
s9 is a perfect season with Clara becoming the Doctor in disregard of her life because she lost Danny
s10 is very good, except for Bill, but the finale compensates
Well I've heard it's popular but I thought it was one drawn out Moffatt Doctor speech. Thought it was so obvious and I don't know why it's highly regarded.
It's an amazing episode taken out of context, but in context it's sandwiched between an average episode and an infamously bad episode, the Doctor pines after an awfully written character in it, and the big cliffhanger at the end turned out to be a massive disappointment and missed opportunity.
>S9 is a perfect season
It's by far among the worst, along with Series 2 and Series 6.
Season 9 was awful. Shit episode after shit episode. What are other opinions that you have?
Androzani is overrrated
We can all agree that series 1 was the best
Can we all agree 13 has the best Sonic design?
I agree it wouldn't go in my top 10 or even 20 really but it's best of a poor season (and era)
pure shitty
Of nuWho yes by a mile
Capal's top 22
Deep Breath
Time Heist
Kill the Moon
Mummy on the Orient Express
Dark Water
Death in Heaven
The Magician's Apprentice
The Witch's Familiar
Under the Lake
Before the Flood
Face the Raven
Heaven Sent
Hell Bent
The Pilot
Knock Knock
The Pyramid at the End of the World
The Lie of the Land
World Enough and Time
The Doctor Falls
It's not even a contest.
Why 22
the ones I would rewatch
Time Heist was kino why do people hate it
He was just scared
Do you find that so many 60s stories have great set ups and then collapse halfway through? Mind Robber episode one is amazing but then gets stuck in mediocrity after that
Time Heist > Listen > Sherwood
Because it's boring
I just want more Jenna
So was ur mum fag
Some more than others, I think it was having to drag most out to 6 parters.
Doctor Who is dead.
It is a fine filler
Better than Smile or Thin Ice or Empress
You'd have thought that the first female Doctor having a sonic that doesn't look like a vibrator would have been a pretty high priority but apparently not.
Imagine defending this
Zoomers have ruined Dr Who.
I miss Torchwood.
Why was Classic Who so based?
Same. I missed when Torchwood, SJA and Doctor Who all aligned. It made the Who universe feel huge.
not watching the MARCELO CAMARGO version
It made it feel stupid small
SJ and Torchwood I can get but DW having the EVERYTHING as a exploring ground somehow synchronizing with the plot of the other 2 felt dump
I know. Imagine liking Moffatt era shite
Moffat has plenty faults
but he is by far the most competent
Objectively false. JNT was better than Moffatt
Best Doctor!
Why would anyone watch this trash once, let alone twice?
S2 is pleb filter
yeah, because she's just a chick 10
Let's be fair here, half of Tennant's episodes were shit too.
I mean before S11 series 2 was the worst introductory season ever and it gave us based Tennant
All it took was the shitty companion (Rose) to "die" and a competent companion (Donna) to take her place and boom 10 is now best doctor
So if we take the senpaitachi out of the equation and give 13 someone with personality and that doesn't ask how high when she says jump, who knows maybe she'll become awesome
never thought i'd miss stephen "oh shit i have to write the script tonight whatever i'll just timeskip to my new idea" moffat
Reminder that the Slitheen canonically killed off Tony Blair. Absolutely based. Then we got Harriet "It is defended" Jones showing those Sycorax cunts who's in charge
>I don't know why it's highly regarded.
yeah that's because you're an idiot.
hell bent is controversial but there is a huge number of people who think it's even on par with heaven sent. the nuances of the episode flew over the head of the people who were stuck on 'muh gallifrey' probably.
you have the shittiest taste i've ever come across. it's possible that you were not loved as a child by your parents and grew into a contrarian who shits on succesful and beloved things to attract attention. here's your (You).
That’s not exclusive to Pertwee, it’s basically all old Doctors
Maybe you should get of you Moffatt rimlicking hugbox on Gallifrey Base once in a while. Not everyone loves the shit you fanboys lap up
is that the doctor's new assistant? she's kinda cute for an old lady.
lol there isn't a "huge number of people who think it's on par with heaven sent". Just a few contrarian idiots on /who/. Everyone thinks it's shit. There's no nuance to it unless you're a brainlet.
Spinoff Series that follows the Time agency fucking when ?
just because your only exposure to any doctor who discussion is limited to /who/ doesn't mean it's the only place where hell bent is receiving very high regard. to say it's received negative feedback is just being delusional. it's very controversial yes, perhaps the most controversial episode of the series but it wouldn't be so if everybody agreed on hating it.
lol faggot
intellectual capacity of all moffat-haters here.
Holy shit I hate this show so fucking much it literally gives me energy
that imortal man is, what, a decade older now?
i'm watching the classic who seasons with the 6th doctor and it's so much better than the most recent nuWho season because every fucking episode isn't a morality play for retards. a lot of it is ridiculous and the production value is crap, but at least they're genuine science fiction stories that deal with intelligent topics. there are no "racism is bad", or "american president is bad", or "sexism is bad", or "ableism is bad" episodes.
Exactly what I was thinking and I agree 100%. I'm sick of seeing everything I love being corrupted by POLITICS. I want to make it clear I hate /pol/ for this exact reason. I post a cute asian girl on any board and immediately I'll be bombarded by anti-asian /pol/ schizos with their same cherrpicked anti-asian pictures. KEEP POLITICS OUT OF MY MEDIA.
the problem with the latest season wasn't it being a morality play for retards. it was advocating for the wrong morals to begin with. kerblam! is abhorrent. i find the episode amusing in that it kinda proved doctor who and sci-fi can be right wing too if it wanted to but it still made me puke in my mouth by how repugnant the morality of the episode was.
remember when the Doctor said "guns are mad because they kill"
so she let a mother die in pain instead of ending her suffering
and she let some kids get suffocated in a room and die?
yeah this show is p based tbqhwyfam
>S1 is pure kino
>S2 is mostly trash with one or two good episodes
Why was Tennant so shit?
Imagine the alternate timeline where Eccleston didn't quit
s11 wasnt morality play for retards, it was morality play made by retards.
Which one was Kerblam? I definitely watched it and I remember being annoyed but that's literally it. I can't tell you what actually happened.
the episode were the amazon warehouse was evil but it wasn't. absolute shite episode
why can't we just have characters who are people and not parodies of their skin color or sexuality?maybe then i'd be interested in watching this show again one day
Yep exactly the same reason I watched it, was just cringe.
You know "critics" gave Series 11 glowing reviews as well. They're hardly a barometer for taste. Can't believe you take them seriously, fucking retard
Lol how good does Stevey boy's arsehole taste?
Anyone else want the Doctor to be wrathful and kinda violent again?
Will Chibnall actually remember to give Yaz stuff to do next series? She seemed to spend most episodes of Series 11 just sort of being there.
llike when tennant locked a bounty hunter inside of a star or whatever or whaddya mean?
God Leela is so perfect. Almost all her stories are good too (apart from Underworld and Invasion of Boredom) so it's a joy to watch her
No. It worked well with 9 because he was fresh out of the Time War, and his entire arc was getting over it.
Since then they keep dredging it up then burying it again with every new Doctor, teasing a 'dark side' then forgetting it next episode. Either go all in or don't bother but stop half-arsing it
Glad this plot line it's over with 13
Even the British must acknowledge it got boring when they used it the fifth time or so
thats a point but it's really a change with the audience. the public are more sensitive to detah in family shows.
I thought the same but no.
Same people don't think about this stuff
>Capaldi gives Davros some regeneration energy saying it might cost him down the line
>Regenerates into a woman
Ever see Me Before You?
For some reason RTD really shit the bed with S2 and the 10/Rose smug fest was unbearable.
S3 was so much better though.
the funny thign is that when moffat turned the doctor into a woman he immediately made a sex toy sonic joke.
>it's the "Gallifrey Base loves Moffat" user again
How about you stop being so obvious and repetitive.
Well, found your problem right there, user...
It could be worse
It could be S2 or S7
7 was mostly fine.
Clara becoming the doctor is what killed the show and it never recovered.
Are they lesbians in it?
it takes you away? more like SHIT takes you away haha
no but seriously that episode is grossly overrated, it only looks good because the rest of S11 is so devoid of ideas
Explain how this is possible when that event has near-zero influence on any of the subsequent episodes. Do you actually mean that it upset you so much that you became incapable of enjoying the show?
Tennant's doctor had better chemistry with Rose than he did with Martha IMO
That was the point.
>when people say that Moffat made it the Clara Oswald Show for 2 1/2 seasons when RTD was the Rose Tyler Show for 4 whole seasons, even when she wasn't on screen
It was especially bad in ones like Shakespeare Code where all Ten could say was "muh Rose, if Rose were here, she would know exactly what to do! You're just a dumb nigger, Martha, I'm sorry. An uneducated chav from the slums is smarter than you, a well-educated nursing student."
And then when you thought it was all over, Series 4 was about Rose RETURNING.
Contrast to when the Ponds got Angel'd, Eleven (then Twelve) only mentions them a total of three times.
Clara was erased from his memories so she gets no mentions.
>when people say that Moffat couldn't write characters as well as RTD despite Moffat having stronger character arcs for both 12 AND Clara across 2 series than RTD did for either Rose or 10 across his entire run
Plus the whole point of Clara is that she and the Doctor were never meant to be together because they brought out the worst elements in each other (which is why Missy introduced them, just for laughs) and that their relationship was too toxic to continue.
Compare with Rose, where not only does the show NOT lampshade that something might be a little off about her and the Doctor, but she even gets rewarded with her own 10 clone fucktoy. Clara gets her own TARDIS to have bisexual adventures with Arya Stark, but the payoff was that she could never see the Doctor again, but... she never wanted to fuck him anyway.
Army of Ghosts/Doomsay: Waah these reality-crossed lovers will never be with each other ever again despite being two extremely smug people who laugh at Mickey and act superior to everyone else, isn't that tragic? And we'll also have the Doctor mope about it for 2 more series.
Heaven Sent/Hell Bent: Hmm maybe they shouldn't be together because the Doctor is willing to kill or go to extreme measures just to have her by his side. This isn't healthy. It's time to end it.
I feel like a lot of the Moffat era, particularly series 9 were rebuttals against things RTD did.
>12/Clara to do the toxic Doctor/companion love story right
>The series 9 opening two parter to do the Doctor/Davros post-time war conversation right
>Missy to do The Master right
>Claras ending to do the fucked up notion of removing a companions memories right
>11s phonecall in Deep Breath to do transitioning from Doctors right
This is why 12 is a much better character than 10, because 12 freely admitted that he went too far and was too desperate to keep himself and Clara together, while 10 never admitted to being arrogant or selfish regarding him and Rose.
>Rewatching S11
As in watching it AGAIN after having watched it once before? Damn... why would you do that to yourself? do you hate yourself? are you a maso? seriously man, that´s fucked up.
>The episode were Cybermen and Daleks finally meet
>Waaaa Rose and the doctors tragic love confession
Man that episode is so bad
yeah, like I said, with 10/Rose you're supposed to feel bad that they'll never see each other again, but with 12/Clara you're supposed to feel bad that they can't let each other go
It's pretty kino and doesn't deserve a lot of the shit it gets.
>Missy do the master right
Not only that he actually let Simms play the master he wanted to play and it was much better
Frankly, until a year ago every other Doctor was a better character than 10.
What I think makes me dislike the era even more is that not only does 10 never admit to his arrogance but neither does the writing. The show fully indulges in 10s fucking whining as if it's some grand tragedy
The Stolen Earth was worse:
>Oi Dokah I broke down the walls off reality to be wiff you again
>Oh Rose you're so brrrrilliant and fantastic I love you so much
Compare to Hell Bent:
>Clara I just cheated your death, you can thank me now
>Fuck you, you had no right to change my fate that I accepted
oh I've just thought of another one
>when people say Moffat ruined the daleks when RTD had religious daleks in series 1, daleks in a comedy banter scene with cybermen in series 2, human daleks with pigmen slaves in series 3, and removed any idea of Davros as a threat by making him the daleks pet in series 4
and it's funny because Moffat only used the Daleks as primary antagonists what, two, three times? And the first time was Gatiss and he's shit anyway so
It's okay when you're shipping them or something.
I totally agree. People shit on Hell Bent because they didn't like Clara and her getting a happy ending infuriates them and because they think Moffat "wasted" Gallifrey returning on a Clara story.
Neither of which I really agree with. The Doctor repeatedly left Gallifrey because he hated it there. RTD wrote the Time War into the new series because the Time Lords were so fucking boring he didn't want to deal with that shit. The Doctor only saved them in Day of the Doctor to redeem himself, he had no inclination to immediately go home.
Yet it became some ridiculous fan idea that someday we'd have an epic badass return to Gallifrey story and Hell Bent ruined that for them. Ignoring the fact that the first half hour of that story is an epic badass return to Gallifrey.
uwu... 10xROSE!!! *o*!!
>Yet it became some ridiculous fan idea that someday we'd have an epic badass return to Gallifrey story and Hell Bent ruined that for them. Ignoring the fact that the first half hour of that story is an epic badass return to Gallifrey.
You should see them talk "I wanted to see bowships and time-abominations!!!" because the Doctor and Rassilon's showdown at the barn where he literally draws a line in the sand wasn't tense enough for them.
I don't hate Hell Bent, but I kind of see why a lot of people do. It was kind of a let down after Heaven Sent. It undid an actual companion death, which is already rare. And in general it was sort of sloppy.
A lot of people hate it for really retarded reasons, though. omg the doctah shot someone. This writing is terrible.
>It was kind of a let down after Heaven Sent.
But a big epic battle (with who?) would've been jarring after the personal story of Heaven Sent.
I get you. I disagree with the "undoing the companion death" thing though, I've seen that thrown around a lot. It reads to me as if there wasn't a plan and Face the Raven was written then someone wiped Moffats memory then he wrote Hell Bent out of nowhere. Face the Raven was never meant to be Claras death.
There's a reading that the story is about the ideal of The Doctor and Clara lived up to the "promise of the name" by sacrificing herself for Rigsy and accepting her death so she gets to regenerate and fly off in a tardis while The Doctor breaks all his rules, trying to wipe Claras memory, shooting the general, overthrowing the Gallifreyan government, installing himself as dictator, then fucking off and leaving a power vacuum, basically being cruel and cowardly so he has to be punished and lose his memories and I really like that. I agree that it was kind of sloppy though.
I fucking love the gun thing too. The whole thing from the ending of Face the Raven to the end of Hell Bent is 12 and Moffat doing the whole "time lord victorious" thing infinitely better than Waters of Mars
That's usually what most people can say is, "I wanted to see an epic battle". Between the Doctor and Rassilon? The outcome would've been the same. Rassilon would be defeated/exiled. They also never talk about the rest of the episode so I guess it would have still proceeded the exact same way as it aired, too. Would that have made it "better"?
>omg the doctah shot someone. This writing is terrible.
You should've seen the fan outrage when the Series 5 trailer showed 11 using a gun to shoot at someone (later revealed to be an object).
>OMG the Doctor used a gun!!! 10 said guns were bad!!! THE MAN WHO NEVA WOULD!!!
>You know that's just a NuWho thing right
>cue montage of times in the Classic series where the Doctor picked up and used weapons
>yeah well classic doesn't count anymore!!
Galifrey has been built up since nuwho began and to finally go in such a weird way was a waste.
I enjoyed the barn scenes, the clara stuff but the time lords should really have invigorated the series and especially with Capaldi he's a great actor and can really bring weight to it and not make the time lords boring.
If he didn't want to go back, why was he looking for it for so long? Just to check it exists?
(Formerly Chuck's)
Look at most Moffat complaints and you'll see that it has nothing to do with what he did just that he didn't do what RTD would have done
>he ruined the daleks
>he made it clara who
>it's too confusing now
If he had just done a simple story where David Tennant was charming and never wrong, someone (usually the daleks) tried to destroy/take over the earth in the finale, and the companion had no real story other than wanting to be with The Doctor then nobody would be complaining
>If he didn't want to go back, why was he looking for it for so long? Just to check it exists?
Basically, yeah. As long as it still exists, he can feel not guilty for having tried to kill them all.
But they tell us many times over the course of the series (going back to 1969, The War Games) that he hates sticking around too long around Time Lords, calling them boring old fucks.
I didn't watch the old guy. Should I pick it up at the female doctor?
>watching a transsexual time traveling "doctor"
I remember watching Series 5's finale The Big Bang when it first aired and being shocked that it didn't end with a cliffhanger like the TARDIS crashing into something or Daleks suddenly appearing.
RTD used that cliche so much that it became expected. When Moffat didn't, I was taken aback.
Watch the old guy
He is by far the best doctor
I think that's partially the issue, the time lords have never really had the focus and always been given the short end of the stick.
Many assumed that we would finally deal with them.
I miss him, bros.
But "deal with them" how though? What could they have done?
I'm not really thinking of any other scenario of the Doctor returning home other than seeing how corrupt they still were and telling them "fuckity bye".
>Ninth Regeneration is almost 15 years ago.
I remember reading The Writers Tale and discovering that RTD was planning on having Cybermen show up in the tardis at the end of Journeys End to do his typical cliffhanger thing and lead into The Next Doctor but Julie Gardner managed to talk him out of it because it would have ruined the emotion of the whole Wilf and 10 in the rain thing and that made me laugh so much. Love them or hate them, both RTD and Moffat had such specific grand ideas for exactly what they wanted to do with the show
The only way to redeem the series is by bringing back the Valeyard or making the Doctor go to the house of Lungbarrow
They even filmed it, it's in the deleted scenes section of the S4 DVD and they were absolutely right to cut it.
Oh I saw it. Actually montage guy made another video after his first one got so popular.
One of my favorite 11 moments is when he casually murders Solomon. Probably the only decent thing Chibnall has ever written.
series long galifrey arc.
Or time lord as quest givers.
RTDchad/Moffchad alliance against Chibcucks?
Oh jesus christ I'll have to find it some time.
Why are you fags still here? Didn't you get your own 4+Yea Forums board or something after getting kicked out the first time?
>Or time lord as quest givers.
This one has plot potential, but it'd been played out to death in Classic (Pertwee and Baker) that they probably weren't too keen on bringing it back.
That was pretty much the best reason for getting rid of them in the first place.
Thank god for Julie Gardner
Although an episode about the Time Lords forcing 13 to go on a mission for them might be interesting, Chibbo would rather write his BAFTA nomination pieces about the Holocaust and the LA riots or whatever's next.
That was 30 years ago.
and? russel and the moff grew up with classic who and hated the time lords always dicking around
not saying that they shouldn't use that in nuwho, but i can understand why they were hesitant not to fall back on that
>hesitant to fall back on that
The new problem is that you can't actually have the Time Lords do anything big because the daleks would find out and start up the time war again. So them getting The Doctor to be their errand boy while they hide at the end of the universe is quite an interesting idea.
I want Chibnall to keep his dirty hands far away from it though. He can waste his lack of writing ability on his baftabait bullshit and we can save potentially interesting ideas for someone else
About an hour later, when Franz Ferdinand was returning from a visit at the Sarajevo Hospital with those wounded in the assassination attempt, the convoy took a wrong turn - diverted by a tall wooden box, painted blue, with a flashing lantern on top, planted directly in the path of the convoy - into a street where, by coincidence, Princip stood. With a pistol, Princip shot and killed Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie.
The blue wooden box was later removed by unseen agents (some said it 'faded away with a loud, rhythmic groaning noise").
- Causes of the First World War
perhaps she could go back to where Doctor Four was agonizing over whether he has the right to blow up the Daleks before they escaped Davros' lab, and slap his shit for him.
"With this act of cowardice, YOU are DIRECTLY responsible for every death the Daleks will cause."
Oh, we're talking about the new series.
doctor four is not new series
So give it to people who want to write the time lords.
Great idea.