Watch Midsommar

>watch Midsommar
>look it up online
>it’s actually a real annual festival
Sweden explain

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>Watching boring movies because they are trending and the latest
Please kys

>amerilard recoils at the sight of cultural activities since his country doesn't have any culture of its own

lmaoing @ur life my niggy

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is this movie a slow burn gay atmospheric nothing really happens at all until the last 30 seconds masterpiece like hereditary?

>prancing around a totem pole in gay costumes

Swedes aren't even people, they are living cocksleeves.

what the fuck? why aren’t any of the women grotesquely fat?

how many of those girls have taken black cock

this shit again... what do you need to know
it's mostly just about getting drunk like every other holiday

Anyone with a pink dress has at least fantasized it

seek mental help

I currently live in Sweden and I’d say ahout 50% of the girls I’ve met (who have boyfriends) have black boyfriends. This is in Stockholm though, so I’m sure it’s probably different in more rural areas.

The girls also talk very openly amongst each other about how much more dominant darker men are and how white swedish men are all very soft and feminine.

Good memes, have an upvote!

Sorry we don't jump around humping each other, knocking women on the floor, setting their asses on fire and twerking like you retarded monkey niggers do in those webms.

you just aren't equipped to understand and appreciate a24 films

There probably aren't even remotely enough blacks in Stockholm for your claim to be true.

Why do you Indians smell so fucking bad? Do you get shit on yourselves when you curry diarrhea on the street or something?

because we care about our looks

let me guess, it's a movie about something happening in europe but all the actors are americans and speak perfect english. why do americans do this

this is just the girls I’ve met who have boyfriends. Most girls seem to be single and just use tinder/bumble/hinge to casually hookup with African guys

I’m a white girl

This movie really did a good job about exposing how sick and degenerate white people have been since time immemorial. Every time you turn on the news and see a story about some person who tortured dozens of children in their basement for decades, it’s almost always a white family, but then whites have the nerve to bring up crime stats or isolated incidents amongst minorities. Well, if minorities are violent who do you think they learned it from? Probably the people who’ve been torturing, murdering, genociding, raping and plundering the earth since they crawled out of the caves and hills of Europe. Anyways..
>ritual murder
>bodily fluid consumption

Sounds about WHITE to me.

Wash yourself and put on some deodorant prajesh, you fucking stink like cow shit.

what even is the point of having multiple dating apps? isn't one enough?

>why do americans do this
Because we fucking can

Nah, the actors are Swedish, and they speak perfect English. Which is seems unrealistic for a small northern village but idk how educated rural people in Sweden are


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Well you're gonna look pretty brown in a couple of generations there, buddy.

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Wicker Man > Midsommar

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when white people abuse their kids it’s newsworthy because it’s so rare

This is the dumbest shit I have ever read. Out of all the girls I knew in school only 1 had a black bf for a while.
t. actually lives in stockholm

>i am a child and need constant stimulation

You're why we should stop letting IPads raise children

>this is just the girls I’ve met who have boyfriends. Most girls seem to be single and just use tinder/bumble/hinge to casually hookup with African guys
You're full of shit.

Lmao yeah, and I suppose that argument works with niggers who get shot by police being newsworthy because it’s also so rare.

Dumb idiot, every race ever has been a dick to at least one other race at least once in history, don't single out Europeans.

Human beings are bastards. not just Whites.

Only smoothbrain NPCs don't need constant stimulation

Shut up whitey

very few niggers in sweden are integrated, they are mostly sub 70 IQ muslim retards like pic related
the few coal burners i've met or seen are 19 year old F! feminists who very quickly regret their virtue signaling when they learn what it means to be the woman in a muslim relationship

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I find it weird how the movie wants you to believe that the cult are such a close knit community, when in reality the stereotype is that all people Nordic countries are antisocial and distant.

Det var 100% en rasbesatt amerikan som hittade på det där.

Ari Aster is Jewish. He made a movie demonizing a European tradition. Whence, exactly, your confusion?

of course, this is true for all western countries

>muslamics are the real misogynists!

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Isn’t this movie pretty much a ripoff of The Wicker Man?

filthy disgusting swedes

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>it happens every year
makes you think

Meanwhile Africa and the Middle East are the world areas with most incest and inbreeding.
Also non whites are the kings of ritual murder, head reductions, killing albinos, eating each other, dumb tribal religions, blood drinking, constant wars, war lords, cartels.
Friendly reminder that the reason South and North America stopped with cannibalism and rituals and shit was the Spaniards and Anglos.

I don't know, would you have preferred if the guy was white? It would still be pretty obscene imo

filthy degenerate swedes

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filthy swedish racetraitor scum

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Actually, yes. Blacks don't get shot by the police as often as they'd like you to believe. They mostly shoot each other.

Nah. Seems about right.

Swedes don't actually talk perfect English though. You might notice if if you listen closely but most Swedes pronounce silent letters and apply their native phonetical consistency to inconsistent words in English.

I thought sweds were socialists?

Looks extremely comfy

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Yes. That is literally real culture you fucking moron. Not enough product placement for you?


Det finns bokstavligen inte tillräckligt med svarta i hela Sverige för att räcka till åt 50% utav Stockholms kvinnofolk.

Vi sitter harli venten och spelar lite dota.

Almost all Swedes speak English very well. Even rural people.

>amerimutts chimping out over a white country

every time

Half yes. Depending on what you mean by "nothing really happens" within the first few minutes you get a murdered family. About 30 minutes after that you get a wonderful psychedelics scene which perfectly captures and expresses the anxiety associated with said drugs.

Och även när jag ser rasblandade par så är det oftast araber med vita kvinnor, nästan aldrig svarta.

>norse are weird

Whats new. When they stopped raping and pillaging they became pure weirdos

Yeah but old white men are all retired and no longer bring in taxes to the state so we're letting them die so we can replace them with shitskins.

>watch Independence day
>Look it up online
>It's actually a real festival
Merimutts please explain

>muh redpilled movie
ari aster has stated the movie is a response to the rise of the far right in sweden
polcels should take note

It's a bait article. Pretty sure that picture is from an American homeless woman.

Well your culture is dumb and gay

I almost didnt believe this LARP but then i remembered northern european governments are literally pairing male refugees with underaged girls

Nobody gives a fuck you dumb cunt.

>Almost all Swedes speak English very well
Yet they can't speak swedish

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>and no longer bring in taxes to the state
and refugees do?

different apps have different strengths

Ok, well maybe once you graduate you’ll see what I’m seeing, sweetie...

I’m literally just telling you my personal experience... like, how can my own experience be full of shit?

>feminists who very quickly regret their virtue signaling when they learn what it means to be the woman in a muslim relationship
Hmmm, okay.... I guess I’ll just believe you, an incel who has never interacted with women, over myself, an actual woman who is close friends with other actual women who talk about our dreams, our dating experiences, etc.
Guys, I’m not saying everyone woman in Sweden is dating a black guy, okay? I’m just saying of the girls I personally know, about half of them are, and that most of the girls I know think African men are usually more dominant/masculine than your average Swedish guy. That’s it. The fact that you’ve gotten your panties so twisted over this kind of proves them right, don’t you think?

rent free

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>Far right
Boy the overton window sure shifted huh

>the commune are the only good people i the movie
Seriously if you werent actively rooting for the commune from minute 1, you are retarded

It's written and directed by a fucking kike, as per usual.


Who is learning Turkish?

Im an American in sweden. Ive seen like three black guys here, ever so they must be really fucking busy

Just a coincidence

A "cohencidence" as it were

is this what white heaven looks like?


Lol assblasted swede

Midsommar is a type of event that's not really that cultural anymore to us swedish people. Nowadays, the majority of swedish people gather their families and drink a lot and, that's about it really. We just chill and have fun.

There are hardcore midsommar people who you know, like in the movie, dress up weirdly and dance like frogs around that pole (which is a penis symbol btw) but generally, it's just a nice excuse to get smashed.

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Based pebblethrow

No, they're all going to hell for celebrating a pagan holiday.

this image is pretty disgusting, luckily it won't last the next century

Nah we found out they don't this year. There were a bunch of debates in the national newspapers after a report said something along the lines of that only 5-10% of the ones that were projected to become a stable part of the workforce actually did so and we're bleeding money and resources due to their continued existence. The consensus among economists on both right wing and left wing is that the immigration and the refugees indeed did fuck all for the economy and just served to burden it and that it was a shit idea in the first place.

It died down and it's pretty forgotten now though.

reply to this post in a swedish sentence without using google translate

now that's a mystery


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>Swedes have no need to use an app to learn English or Spanish because they're covered well enough in school
>so instead the top language becomes the one used by immigrants of various backgrounds to assimilate quicker into Swedish society
>this is somehow bad
If Swedes were all learning Arabic or something, like America is learning Spanish, then I'd see the problem.

du luktar bajs

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But midsummer isn't pagan.

It's not boring
Perhaps Spiderman: Far From Home is more your speed :)

>Namibia and the Balkan states

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Käften bögjävel

Midsommar is a Swedish celebration of the summer solstice where, basically, people meet with friends and family and eat traditional foods (mostly new potatoes and various kinds of fish) and drink booze. Sometimes we take the kids to a Maypole and let them dance around it. Statistically it's one of the top days of the year for public intoxication, fights and drunk driving.

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Om jag ska vara ärlig så kan jag inte se skillnad på jugoslaver från nittiotalets flyktingvåg och den tidigare arbetskraftsinvandringen och dem nya syriska gossarna. Bägge faller typ under kategorin korta bleka blattar.


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Under nordisk bronsålder förekom i Sverige soldyrkan.[4] Vissa av de danser och riter som tros ha ägnats åt att fira solen finns bevarade på hällristningar.[5]

Uppgifter om förekomsten av midsommarblot under järnåldern är ”sporadiska och tveksamma”[6] och ska – om det existerade – ha ägt rum i mitten eller slutet av juli månad enligt isländska källor och skandinaviska runstavar.

Det är okänt om midsommarfirande förekom under förkristen tid, varför alla förkristna kopplingar är spekulativa.[2]

TL;DR kristendomen kom efter. - det är hedniskt.

ikea volvo for helvete bork bork bork

Imagine not being a part of white culture.

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Why are eurofags so self hating, they're atheist libtards welcoming being ethnically replaced and abandoning their languages, you know central Europe, Ireland and the Nordic countries can speak English and Arabic better than their native languages, wtf is wrong with you eurofags it's disheartening and sad to see you fags abandon your festival, heritage, nation, history, race, culture, religion and dignity. Sad.

how can you not know Midsommar?
are you fucking American?

Shut the fuck up mutt.

god i hate americans so fucking much. you fat fucks can't loose your culture because you never had one to begin with

White people really are terrifying just by existing

Literal kyojin

t. Nip

>Swedish veteran
Så en man som snyltade på staten under hela sitt liv fick inte snylta mera på ålderns höst när han inte längre kunde låtsas vara en soldat.

America is 57% white, clock is ticking

Imagine being bandwagoned through lesser sources online to only be able to say words like "libtard", "ethnically replaced", and "muslimswede".

Halfway through your post no one is going to give a single shit about what you're saying because a thousand people before you have said the same thing. Please come up with something from your heart next time if you want anyone to respond seriously.

TL;DR - educate yourself.

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>implying they don't have multiple side bitches

>god i hate americans so fucking much
>spends his time on an American website
>board mainly about American cinema/shows
>majority of the posters are American
>complains about Americans
Why are europoors so fucking dense

and your culture is being brainwashed by rich people pretending to know what its like to be poor people while putting their foot on your neck and telling you to work harder for less pay

>Sometimes we take the kids to a Maypole
>tfw family's even more antisocial than your average swedes, so you always made your own shitty little maypole to run around with your siblings instead of joining the community at a proper one

>clock is ticking

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Daily reminder Chernobyl series was made by a majority of Swedish people.


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>American website
>board mainly about American cinema/shows
>majority of the posters are American

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>different apps have different strengths
>Ok, well maybe once you graduate you’ll see what I’m seeing, sweetie...
>I’m literally just telling you my personal experience... like, how can my own experience be full of shit?

How hard would it be as a dominant white 1m80 non-swede to get a girl in sweden?

Still whiter than you, fat.

Even in 2050 we will be whiter than the US of A

You know what’s more fun than your stinky old maypole? Getting wasted and riding roller coasters.
t. Big fat American

And with Christianity came midsummer.

You say that as if midsummer is some major religious or cultural holiday. It has more or less always just been an excuse to have a feast and be merry. Almost all "traditions" surrounding it are for the benefit of the young children. Like Santa.

good thread, that swede posted 20 ads he saw on his way home from work and they were all like that one

Islam is the second largest religion in the US :)


King of manlets but shouldn't be too hard.

Why americans dont now anything about European traditions?

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>Bjork a gork de bjork
Of course they are going to use English speakers.

>still whiter than current day America in 30 YEARS, based on a fear-mongering projection
Feels good.

yeah I know I'd be a manlet in sweden at my height.

I don't look anything like a swede though (dark hair & eyes) so should have an "exotic" advantage...

Idk dude, there’s just something off about northern people (no offense). The culture just seems so cold and lifeless. In Southern Europe, people feel more alive.

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God I fucking hate Germans. They had one job.

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>it's more fun to just mindlessly scream on a thrill ride, one among the faceless crowd, than to spend an evening drinking and playing games with friends and neighbours
And this is why your """culture""" is so shit.

Exotic looks is a meme, as long as you are handsome and not asian you will get pussy regardless of colour

More importantly, projected growth for a scenario where the migrant crisis of 2016 continued indefinitely.

Which haven't even been the case for years now.

Literally the jews

I havent seen midsommer but let me guess. Pagans are evil and sacrifice humans?

Glad you feel that way, whatever keeps you shitskin mutts out of our business. Chug more Coca Cola, fatso.

The browner the people the more based they are.

Is that kkk?

>Swedish war veteran
>Last war Sweden was involved in was in 1814

>I’m literally just telling you my personal experience... like, how can my own experience be full of shit?
Well, I'm in Switzerland (which people like to confuse with Sweden, hah!). I know a shitton of white and asian girls, none of which you'll ever catch with a black guy not even if they're black-out drunk. I also know a bunch of black guys, none of which i've ever seen talk to the same white girl for longer than 10 minutes before her patience ran out.

Are you perhaps a 4/10? Or maybe Swedes really are that cucked.

Its a reincarnation ritual. Dont you want to remember your ancestors?

its not as based though. just a bunch of swedes acting degenerate and screeching for open borders.

yeah, business as usual

laughing @ the incels replying to you lmao, you're speaking the truth. Embrace the bnwo, black power brother, black power!

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Only up until Portugal/Italy brown, aka white with a tan. Everything after that is literally shitting on the street

A bunch of pale stale and male white people? Ew, no Europe has too many of them today, never mind the past. I heard all people came out of Africa so if I could somehow only honour the prehistoric black ancestors that would be cool.

Completely baseless propoganda to make europeans forget their roots

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why do euros get so upset?


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Why oh why can't we ever get a realistic movie about modern pagans? Bigoted bastards refusing to just show us some cringy Asatrû faggots playing make believe while thinking they look like manly vikings.

Yeah it's really "based" to twerk your fat wrinkly gelatin nigger ass, beat each other and shit on the street lol fucking muttgroid

While I'm sure you can bang a couple of thots quite easily if you are decent looking, Sweden actually ranks as one of the loneliest countries in the world for expats, both in romance and friendship.

why did you write Åsatru like a retard?

Pagans did sacrifice humans though.

Native europeans didnt come from black africans. They are a mix between neanderthals and northern africans who, unlike today, were white.

The pagans are pretty nice, it’s more like “Americans don’t have community”

The biggest holiday of the year in Sweden.

Happens mid-late June and is usually more friends and party than family. You eat traditional Swedish holiday food, drink snaps (hard alcohol shots) like crazy and have a good time.

The traditional way of celebrating also includes making a pole like in your pic which you dance and sing around.

Calm down Salim al-assar

because dancing is mild exercise

Because he's a retard

Those reports come from conquering romans/ greeks who wanted to paint them as savages. There is no physical evidence to support this

Jews are unironically based and redpilled. Most Alpha of any ethno-nationalist group in the world. Jewish people divide and conquer and dominate every realm they are found. If they were nothern European Scandinavian people or Germanic people, you would admire them. But because you can't achieve their level of intelligence, dominance, ingenuity, and success, you are jealous and you embrace an irrational hatred of them.

It doesn't specify war veteran, for the same reason they most often don't specify it in American articles about veterans either. Because most "veterans" you're made to feel sorry for never actually saw combat, but you can't have the populace start thinking about whether or not all veterans deserve idolization, and so they all get treated as if they're worth more even though they were just paid by the military-industrial complex to sit behind a desk and count shit.

Most of the archeological evidence points to sacrifice of prisoners of war, at least among the Germanic tribes. The Romans wrote a lot of lurid stuff even about their own people that probably isn’t true, but Tacitus is considered pretty reliable. Human sacrifice definitely occurred in some tribes, though nothing on the scale of say, the Aztecs.

>based and redpilled
Upboated XD

Because I once saw a group of American larpers who wrote it like that, talking about how they were "getting back to their Nordic roots".

>The biggest holiday of the year in Sweden.
Pretty sure that's Christmas.

rent free

>not even a native letter to any of the Nordic languages
americans are dumbdumbs

Fair enough, both are the two big holidays.

It's a fake article anyway

All religious activity is larping to some degree. Still it’s weird seeing people with no connections to Scandinavia obsess over Nordic religion. Ironically they’re probably of Anglo descent, and Anglo-Saxon paganism was very similar to that of the nords, but the people you’re talking about haven’t bothered to learn about it.

>afghanistan was 215 years ago
time really does fly by

Jul, motherfucker.

Oh yeah. We drink, sing songs and dance around. It's pretty comfy.

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Honestly I don't know why you traditionalist wanks get so butthurt about gay cultures from 400 years ago

Call me a culture less mutt all you want but I would rather play overwatch with my gf instead

>Implying all culture isn't a product of rich people

Does anything make white women wetter than Michael B Jordan?

Because nobody cares about your funny squiggle letters or your LARP "religion" where you pray to Marvel superheroes.

>implying I practice paganism
i just like to make fun of dumb people, like (You)

I hear short hapas with micropenises get them really wet.

That is why it stuck with me and why I've been using it ever since.

>Still it’s weird seeing people with no connections to Scandinavia obsess over Nordic religion. Ironically they’re probably of Anglo descent
No these guys were from Minnesota or wherever it is that all the Scandinavians ended up settling, and most of them at least knew their family line back to the year their family emigrated. So you can probably trust their Scandi descent. But the fact that they knew nothing about "their homeland" and think their emigrating ancestors would like them playing pagans instead of being god-fearing Christians still makes them laughable larpers, even compared to most religions.

I'm pretty sure the only God they worshipped was Thor, because they'd only heard of him and Odin. It was a long time since I saw the video about them, though.

Guarantee I'm a standard deviation of IQ higher than you, shitskin muttoid.

No, you're just another one of those young people living in the city and doesn't partake in the traditions, that most swedes actually do celebrate by gather and dance and have a feast and celebrate. Don't extrapolate your own rootlessness and urban life of drinking to think they whole country does that, when basically the whole country stops for a day to celebrate it, making the roads dangerous and packed and whatnot. It's not too uncommon still for all the people in the villages to go to their local majstång to dance or atleast watch people dancing, usually mostly families participating though.

I fucking hate nonwhites brehs

i'm not a burger

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Considering the fact that your ancestors were illiterate and kept no written records, we're going with the Romans' accounts.

Blacks are under represented in being the subject of firearm usage by law enforcement even when adjusted for violent crime incidence. In other words even among violent perpetrators in which a perceived weapon is produced, a white subject is more likely to be shot and more likely to be killed (even though blacks make up a higher proportion of violent offenders)

>knew nothing about their homeland
How do you know that?
>their ancestors would be ashamed
Not the pagan ones. And quite honestly Scandis have never been a particularly devout people as far as Christianity goes, not nearly as much as Germans or English. Hell, most people who immigrated to America in the colonial era weren’t that devout. That happened later with the Second Great Awakening

>worshipping Jewish food storage instruction manuals for double digit IQ semites

*dabs on your statue*

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>Roman accounts
Except that historians have learned that many of them were inaccurate, or completely made up. Based on the sophistication of metallurgy from artifacts, it’s clear the Germanic tribes weren’t as barbaric as the Romans portrayed, and of course there was a lot of variation amongst them.

>400 years ago
Get a load of this ‘tard.

>And quite honestly Scandis have never been a particularly devout people as far as Christianity goes
Yeah, that's why all of our flags have the cross on them. Stop watching Varg and pretending you know shit, burgermutt.

>tfw memed by /pol/ that all you unironically see is black

I did not like this movie; but I did go in expecting to hate Dani and left loving her character

More like

>prancing around a totem pole in gay costumes


>lighting off improvised explosive devices and grilling meat while watching stealth bombers fly over your nation's capitol to celebrate the eternal buttblasting of Europe

Only 360 more days until the next 4th of July

>400 years ago

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That's just the same porn-addicted pajeet/hapa that spams the board with blacked and brings up interracial constantly. Wish you idiots would ignore him.

Isn’t this tradition blasphemy if you’re Christian? I’m surprised it wasn’t cancelled in the 1800’s

dat ass in dark denim

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"Barbaric" or "Savage" doesn't necessarily mean low IQ niggers, the Romans themselves essentially had entertainment which supposedly evolved from ritualised human sacrifice. Celts had much better metalwork than G*rmoids and DID practice some seemingly horrific human sacrifice and ritual mutilation and trophy taking. Celts had soap when Romans used oil and sticks to "wash"

Imagine if someone made a movie in the same vein as this but was about Passover.

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It was Christianized. You realize that Christmas was mostly taken from pagan northern European tradition as well right? And is now considered the quintessential Christian holiday. I mean you literally have a pine tree as the centerpiece. Did you think they grew in ancient Palestine? No it comes from yule.

>flag has cross
Imagine being this retarded.

take a look at the ass in those short shorts and tell me you wouldn't sail half way around the world risking storms and scurvy to kill and plunder and bring home a fortune so she doesn't have to be a serf and can live a good life

>How do you know that?
Do you really need more than them spelling it Asatrû, or them only asking Thor for help because they've never heard of an "obscure" God like Freyr.
>And quite honestly Scandis have never been a particularly devout people as far as Christianity goes
Yeah, it's not like villages had regular bible meetings where you'd get in trouble if you didn't attend or if your bible knowledge wasn't up to snuff, it's not like they spent years in wars about what type of Christianity is the right one, and it's not like the most famous Swedish soldiers could be sentenced to death if they weren't Christian enough. Nah, they were totally irreligious just like modern-way Sweden and would embrace their great grandchildren playing at being heathens without knowing any of the real customs!

>ancient Palestine
Nothing like that existed, only Israel.

>Nothing like that existed, only Israel.

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Technically, during Jesus' time it was called Judea, as the Romans had their dicks in the kikes' asses at the time. But it's the same area regardless, you know what I'm talking about heimey don't get cute.

>217 replies
>87 posters

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Imagine having a burgermutt education, 56% white genes and getting your ideas of other cultures from a murdering arsonist faggot on Youtube that isn't even allowed to live in the country he's from LMFAO. Fucking loser!!

That really is the right word for it. Stripped down, this type of tribe shit is virtually identical to a bunch of banjo-lipped Zulus dancing around the great fire.

Horror movies don't have to be scary and full of jumpscares you mouthbreathing brainlet chimp.

God forbid there's dozens of people discussing something in a thread instead of it being filled with one post shitposting.

>≈2.5 posts per IP
WTF people actually discussing something on an imageboard?!?!?!?! where are the black cocks and funny facebook frogs?!

>years fighting wars
I assume you mean the Thirty Years War? Yeah, mostly a project of ambition by Gustav, not really proof of religious zealotry for Scandis. And the Danes mostly had problems with Prussia over territory, not religion.
>Bible meetings
Too general, be specific
>famous soldiers
Be specific, and any fewer than five such instances doesn’t count as a clear trend. James Stewart declaring himself king of Israel didn’t mean most British thought they were Jews.

You seem triggered
Swing and a miss, try again. Though the Amis seem to be living rent free in your tiny brain, God save me, I’ll never understand why Euros are so obsessed with them.

That's pretty good.

>stripped down
You mean, viewed from your kindergarten-level burger education?

>implying eating hot dogs at a baseball match isn't cuulture

Slav version is superior.

Attached: ivana-kupala-5ce464b2d7cd8.jpg (1280x520, 39K)

>dancing around a maypole
Basic fertility shit. Fucking newfags

Please don't bully us

Attached: midsommarfirande.png (1360x840, 1.16M)

Explain the Austin powers joke

>Too general, be specific
I'm supposed to be specific about a thing that was practised around the country for hundreds of years to make sure people's faith was the right one? What am I supposed to do, give you a copy of my local church records?
>Be specific, and any fewer than five such instances doesn’t count as a clear trend.
Karoliner could be sentenced to death if they shit-talked God or The King. However many actually got sentenced doesn't matter, what matters is the law present in the historical record, because irreligious people would not have thought of such a law, just as anti-monarchist people would not.

>not really proof of religious zealotry for Scandis
Lol Swedish army was fanatic and zealous Christians, most Caroleans were told God made them immune to bullets and battle-priests went into battle together with the regiments.

Attached: Caroleans prayer.png (600x450, 167K)

>dancing around some ugly grass pole
once again swedes are proven to be gay. Learn how to make comfy traditions.

Attached: 546467.jpg (768x512, 148K)

We have this stupid fire thing as well it's just that we do it in May

Do you guys think swedish women like ethnics?

Why does Scandinavia still do it's Viking shit but the British isles and France don't do any of their celt/gaul shit nor does greece or Italy do their Zeus shit?

Only with brown or black skins. Swedish girls HATE white guys.

No. It's a taboo in Sweden. Most of us were farmers anyway and not vikings. Vikings raped poor European farmers and town folk. Why the fuck do you think we would be proud of that?

I pity the fool that’s never been to a 4th of July/New years Eve event at a major ‘merican city

Well they certainly don't like asian or Indian micropenises.

>It's a taboo in Sweden
Everyone celebrates Midsummer here so no, it's not but this is NOT Yea Forums related

Yes indeed we have mid summer holidays?

Huh, didn’t know that. Thanks for the info, user

basert og sankthanspillet

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Attached: pagan-kino.jpg (1000x667, 573K)

paganism in scandinavia existed far longer than paganism in british isles or mediterrenean

We have rape culture, sweaty.

Had my first mock funeral for Baldur this midsummer. Unfortunately the dog bumped into my brother just as he set the boat sail and it capsized.

Looks like Valborg

was that scene really necessary in midsommar?

Attached: 1554809745944.webm (540x960, 1.77M)

That ''midsommar stång'' is also supposed to be a dick with balls and when you raise it and put it in the ground you fertilize the earth

Attached: 1562586857413.png (1000x1000, 101K)

we have that too. called valborg

we call it Majkase

>Horrow movies don't have to be scary
I was having this argument with a friend. If I sat through the whole thing and didn't once feel fear, let alone uncomfortable, then is this really a horror movie? Sure it has elements of a horror film but I'd call it a suspense/thriller before I'd slap the lable of horror on it.

>4-5/10 girls
quelle surprise

swedes were extremely devout in the 18th century. something people liked to make fun of.

then sweden got money so fuck jesus

It's called being white, you should try it some time

>what is hip hop

You need to stop watching so much porn.

Woah, you fuckers are really delusional. What the hell is wrong with Europeans? They are on a sinking ship, and they're mocking the US for being more submerged then they are? Do you realize that the USA was once 90% European at its height? Did you know Canada was also 90% European as late as the 1980s?

Have you seen, your fucking birth rates lately? You're dying off just as fast as the Japanese, have you look at the racial demographics of newborns lately? Go ahead, look them up and try to pretend that's a good number.

Also, fear mongering? You do realize Africa is gonna balloon this coming century right? There is gonna be 2-3 billion Africans by 2100 and you think there will be LESS MIGRANTS?

Sweden has something wrong with them, not for OP though, screw that dumb movie.

>that pic
meanwhile some swedish girl

Attached: god.webm (540x960, 1.83M)


>because Africa didn't record it's history means it was peaceful and harmonious

unironically based and redpilled. the white race is sick to the core.

U jelly ?

Attached: main-qimg-a1c6de9a01fa9dddbe3c2ccf6f92f916.jpg (602x401, 81K)

by the time shit gets fucked i'll be long gone so i don't care. Clapland is already fucked and will keep getting worse

the fuck is this shit

>imagine that all aspect of your country, media politics, finance, foreign politcis are governed by jews leading you on a path od chaos and degeneracy and all you are worried about is africans.

They look shitskin girls

I went to my family's reunion recently and it was so refreshing to be around so many white people that actually shared a common culture. Stay mad, mutts.

>having this saved on your PC

Im not even white but all you mentally ill cuck fetishists need to die for real

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Based on projections that already have been proven false. Meme harder Tyrone.

>nothing really happens at all until the last 30 seconds masterpiece like hereditary?
Holy shit what a pleb. The last 30 seconds was the worst part.

How's the acid attacks?

Celebrating the summer solstice is something New World faggots won't understand.

Learn how to speak English before using this site, mudskin.

so is celebrating the ramadan

>Based on projections that already have been proven false
But they haven't

Attached: 1513448412412.jpg (647x708, 74K)

What's with all other Swedes in self-denial in this thread? Yes, there are already too many immigrants in Sweden. Yes, they did not integrate in the our politicians promised they would. Yes, there are even more coming right this very moment thanks to januariavtalet. No, I don't actully consider Rosengård an option when deciding where to buy an apartment.

The least you spineless fags can do is admit it instead of hiding behind your hilarious le 56% mutt memes.

Why do you stand with white supremacists instead of egalitarian?

fake and gay

Also, it's "midsommarstång" you absolute doubleretard.

>it's a /pol/ thread
why aren't you fags discussing this kino, it was such a masterfully crafted horror film

I visit the country side on a yearly basis. I can tell you that in 10 years all small villages changed in demographic. About 50 - 60 percent is somalian/syrian and you can see that males from these countries are very succesful at having coitus with Swedish women.

>americans invented new years eve

to be honest the government never pretended they would integrate, they have actively tried to disinherit swedes from a culture since the 70s.

Nothing in that picture looks actually Swedish tough... I'm not going to be culturally ignorant and pin those clothes and ethnic looks on some other country. But there isn't really anything Swedish about those coulour combinations and all that white. The headdresses doesn't really fit either.


how tf is it projection, pseud?

Of course they pretended, but that was all it was to them. The only people saying it outright are the multi cultural exremists that started popping up more and more in recent years.

because we'll let him live. You, well, that's another story. ;^)

>watch Jaws
>look it up online
>sharks are actually real animals

Sorry to break it to you, user, but that thing you saw in Jaws wasn't actually a shark. It was just a doll replica made to resemble a shark.

How are these even remotely related? Do you think that the refugees are shitting and pissing on this guys grave?

What's with the spooky skellington in that picture?

wickershit didn't have cool mushroom trips and beautiful scenery though

Bruh, even this little anime girl knows sharks are real.

4 u

no the refugee's are literally pissing and shitting everywhere except for their toilet

Yeesh, that's depressing but not surprising. I heard a podcast a few years ago by some American guys (called Atavistic Intelligentsia I think) who went to Sweden, and observed clubs that were nothing but white Swedish girls grinding on negroids. The lack of white men struck them as singularly bizarre, wondering where the fuck they were and what they're doing with themselves.

Attached: giv.png (778x512, 45K)

Did you even read it? He got evicted from his flat, which was then given to refugees

it doesnt take intellegence to cheat, buddy.

upperleft corner

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The book was actually inspired by this:

t. guy who's really shit at cheating and gets caught.

It's literally like if Swedish gentiles made a blood libel movie about child-eating Jews.
>dude, I looked it up on line, there really is an annual holiday called Passover! Knowledge, dude!

cuck spotted