Why is Hong Kong's film industry dying?

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they're busy jumping off of rooftops


The Chinese leave Hong Kong alone. They barricade the roads to control trade to the mainland, but they know how business is done.

Chinese censorship

It died when Hong Kong returned to the PRC. Mainlanders are paying big bucks to inflate their film industry at the expense of Hong Kong's.

Srs retard? We have freedom in Hong Kong

Chilling effect due to mainland chinks. Hong Kong film studios are self-censoring.

Ignore the other replies I responded the same thing to a Japanese post and everyone was seething reminder that they’re the exact same thing

This but there’s been a few good ones after China took back HK.

tfw no more category III films to enjoy

I don't quite get it. Because HK has to play by the mainland's rules, their creativity has been gutted?

Most likely a combination of brain drain + other film industries growing in Asia.

Seriously, Hong Kong has been bleeding talent from 1995, with the first handover scare leading to millions of people leaving over the years.

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I loved their old action films, like Johnnie To and similar movies.

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is because HK is dying itself

China flooding with money so they take their talents to make mainland films.

no, they are just a bugger market and they try to pander to them and their taste is worst
just like the latinization of USA correlates with capeshit

I know that guy from The Untold Story

Anthony Chau-Sang Wong is great, all HK crime flicks I've seen with him are worth a watch but I'm a sucker